Further Insight into Epstein’s Timely Death

L.A. lawyer, Mark Geragos, shares his thoughts with Adam Carolla.

P.S. It’s amusing to see so many people on social media not question the “suicide” claim. Probably the same folks who bought the Global Warming hoax hook, line, and sinker.

50 Replies to “Further Insight into Epstein’s Timely Death”

  1. Just what is it? People involved with the Clintons seem to commit suicide at an unusually high rate.

  2. “People close to Epstein fear he was murdered”. What? There are people close to a child rapist?

  3. He was pursued by Gloria Allred’s daughter…no wonder he checked out… the California Mafia

    1. And Global News. Never leave them out when talking about the Never Trump Media in Canada. Sad that they’ve taken over and poisoned the talk radio stations.

  4. I have no doubt that we can trust the FBI and DoJ to do an excellent investigation.

    After all, they have consistently shown themselves to be honest and candid.

  5. “It’s amusing to see so many people on social media not question the “suicide” claim. Probably the same folks who bought the Global Warming hoax hook, line, and sinker.”

    The perfect distillation of the nutter mentality. It’s not a hoax. There’s no reason to believe it was anything but suicide.

    1. For once I agree.

      Except the globalists and their friends in the press will try, based on no evidence whatever, to accuse Trump and the Jews (“Russian” is a dog whistle) of either murdering Epstein or spiriting him off to Israel with a new identity, never to be seen or heard from again.

      Sorry boys and girls, Jeff’s gone. It was all Trump’s and Bibi’s fault. Too bad so sad.

      1. “For once I agree.”

        Careful there, you two agreeing may lead to a big bang of stupid.

    2. no reason….
      Max security, conveniently not on watch, conveniently no one made their rounds and checked on him, ceiling is too low, sheets are purposely made to fall apart, impossible for him to have any other way to do it…..

      1. “sheets are purposely made to fall apart”

        How well does that work? They must have some strength, and if you wrap them around themselves you’ll probably get something strong enough to hang from. It doesn’t take that much time to die.

        1. in englich……the sheets are made so you can’t use them to hang yourself
          ,,,no matter how much fairy dust to try to put on it

    3. hay unDork, and the official line on JFK’s death is still HLO the lone shooter. The dozen confessions must all be fake rite?
      Again you show just how out of touch with reality you are. As many, including me, give equal billing to both possibilities.

      and seeing you are a goreBULLwarming believer, Finland just did a study, which is backed by Japan, that concludes CO2 is good for a 0.1 degree C temp rise, and humans can claim 0.01 degree of that rise.

  6. “Now, US prosecutors are asking for those who rode on his private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” to come forward with information about his conduct.”

    What a crock of bullshit we are being fed. The FAA apparently requires the pilots fill out a Log Book with the names of the passengers, pages allegedly from said log books have shown Bill Clinton’s name, and displayed on various websites. So,where are the rest of the log books with all the names of all the people who flew on the Lolita Express, which I’m sure can be subpoenaed by the A/G? And are the pilots all dead so they can’t testify?
    Probably every prominent politician in the USA who knew Epstein flew on that plane,for the purpose of research into naked fifteen year old girls. Add to that a lot of prominent businessmen ,Republican,Democrat,Unaffiliated, a few Royals,a couple dozen foreign politicians, maybe even (GASP!!) some from Innocent Little Canader!

    But now,thanks to the Good Lord Gaia,and various other influences, the alleged perp is deceased,and the media can obsess about this one until the next Trump tweet

  7. I guess we’re looking at different things, because I haven’t seen a single person in the world even attempt a “maybe it actually was just suicide” take.

    1. andy drew, if only you could git together with a head doctor and a proctologist at the same time………………………………….

      and just so, an X inmate of the same federal facility said that is almost impossible to commit suicide in that place, especially by hanging one self with a bed sheet that is paper thin and rips apart even easier than paper.

      1. Try reading my comment again, but slower. Maybe try sounding the words to yourself out loud. The meaning will come to you eventually.

        1. ah andy drew, try putting some context to yer BS. And maybe you’ll look at the “same” thing. You are good at vague statements with little to no context

          and I like pissing on stupid people

          1. I guess one man’s lack of context is another man’s lack of basic reading comprehension skills.

    2. That is correct, apart for two of the resident idiots (UnMe and A Canadian) everyone else regardless of political presumption refuses to drink the Kool-Aid. So yes, points for you, even a blind squirrel finds a broken clock on occasion.

    1. I think “the government” AKA FBI, took all these things to peevent them becoming public.

      1. Yup. The Clintons and the FBI have had a Mutually Assured Destruction pact(MAD) since the FBI can hold the Vince Foster murder over the Clinton’s head, while Clintons can hold the burned-82-men-women-children-at-Waco card over the FBI’s head.
        One hand washes the other in the American Swampland.

    2. Don’t forget Jeff’s accomplices—including many so-called victims who recruited fresh girls on their sugar daddy’s behalf.

      Even in their heyday killing them all and making it look like a coincidence would have been a considerable feat even for the Clintons.

      Now…the fact that the bad guys are having such a hard time escaping suspicion when a star witness against them dies before his time is proof of how much power they have lost after just two and a half years. And I type this convinced that Jeffrey Epstein really did die by his own hand.

  8. In the oblivious to irony category, stupider than a bag of nails power hungry statist politician division, the award goes to:

    Cory Booked and Beta Pajama Boy, for accusing Donald Trump of, get this – conspiracy theories and “dangerous words.”

    Of course, in questioning a very questionable suicide of a high profile federal prisoner, a skeleton in many progressive closets.

    But not in hoaxing the entire nation for over two years, constant incendiary language giving license to lunatics everywhere, in trying to overturn the POTUS election to “save democracy,” to accepting the will of the voters with a DeMarxist “Resistance.”

    It’s getting very easy to call BS on the left these days. Now when anyone insists Trump is a racist, I ask for an example.

    If I get any response at all, which is rare, it’s an insult, or I apparently should “know” to an easily refutable example.

    When they have no answer, I tell them they’re brainwashed about Trump because they can’t independently self-corroborate.

    As Scott Adams says, v.v the two Trump “movies” currently playing, the one that predicts correctly is the right one.

    That would be, not the Russia, Russia, Russia movie. I asked a friend why, after realizing he had been Ruskie hoodwinked by the DeMarxists, why he would believe anything they say about Trump? Like the example of racism, I got a blank stare.

    When you don’t know why or how you believe what you believe, you are watching the wrong movie.

    WRT Epstein, notwithstanding outright negligence, I think the Clinton conspiracy types are watching the wrong movie.

    Epstein wanted to die. He got his wish. The only question is, did he get “help” from negligent staff or something worse?

    I do admit to a bit of deja vu with how the establishment tried to get Smollet off the hook; but it’s just a feeling. I’ll await facts.

    Even though Joe Biden says “truth” is superior to facts; except for that 99.9999999999% of the time they’re exactly the same.

    1. “I asked a friend why, after realizing he had been Ruskie hoodwinked by the DeMarxists, why he would believe anything they say about Trump? Like the example of racism, I got a blank stare.”

      Probably because you’re friggin’ nuts.

      1. Front page headline in this week’s Guardian Weekly (no doubt a tabloid you subscribe to):

        The Rising Tide of White Nationalist Terror.

        Who, pray tell, is friggin’ nuts?

      2. Exactly my point. Only insults proving ignorance. Glad to see you’ve passed the TDS afflicted test. Well done.

    2. “Epstein wanted to die.”

      So you say, Sham. Base on what, though? Epstein claimed the first suicide was an attack. Why did they fail to kill him if it was an attack?
      Because it makes the second “suicide” seem more plausible after the “first try”.
      No, Epstein did not want to die. Guys like Epstein do not want to die. He didn’t care what his pleasure cost others, he lived for pleasure.

      1. Maybe somebody convinced him he wanted to die. Anyway, don’t claim unique knowledge of the subject.

        We’re all speculating at this point so lighten up and get over yourself.

      2. Epstein was already a convicted pedophile years ago. If you’re going to speculate at least be intelligent about it.
        Here he was in a position to get a light sentence by being first to rat out the others and he’s going to kill himself now why?

  9. At least he didn’t shoot himself 5 times in the back, like those surprised suicides in National Lampoon’s Loaded Weapon 1.
