42 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Mirrors”

    1. Oh come on this must be untrue. Traffic driving over solar panels only increase their efficiency /sarc

      Seriously, when I saw this plan announced those years ago I wondered at the stupidity of people.

    2. Lance … Solar pavement just hasn’t been done right. Yet. Just like Socialism. Just hasn’t been done right. Yet.

        1. You put a smile on my face OWG.

          And photovoltaic solar is what it is … a “chemical” reaction … an electron transfer. It is what it is. It cannot get any ‘better’. The only difference between today’s solar panels and Jimmy Carter’s FAILED solar panels on the White House roof? Today, the solar panels are manufactured CHEAPER and FASTER in China. It is what it is. Just like Socialism.

    1. Yeah, just like Elon “The Charlatan” Musk, he’s known to be just a GENIUS too.

  1. And they don’t even run snow plows over it, or put salt and sand on it in winter. Another subsidy harvest!

  2. Some other article heads from that site:
    This Kickstarter wants to turn your window blinds into solar power generators
    MIT startup creates camouflage solar panels
    UK researchers create solar generating glass bricks
    Elsewhere mobile solar panelling https://www.technologyreview.com/s/413696/roll-up-solar-panels/

    This is a bit like the variety of cars that were produced in the early years of development.
    [I recall seeing a car produced by Frigidaire that looked like a fridge.]
    Eventually, as mistakes were corrected & infrastrucure developed, the logic of capitalism led to an oligopoly of manufacturers and a new car centred culture.

    1. dizzle, when a fool tries to equate car development with solar stupidity………………………………………………………….

    2. “This is a bit like the variety of cars that were produced in the early years of development.”


      Dizzy is definitely the stupidest troll I have ever seen, anywhere. Photovoltaics have been around longer than the internal combustion engine. Theory been around since 1839.

      I guess “early years” means something entirely different to the Russian troll farms that produce people like “dizzy”. Whoever is paying for that troll, needs to demand a refund.

      Maybe “dizzy” thinks we are in the “early years” of sail power too? The “early years” of agriculture? The “early years” of speech and linguistics?

  3. Let’s be generous and say that it produces 500 kWh per day. At 10 cents per kWh that’s 50$ per day of revenues and thus 18,000$/yr.

    Assuming a 10% ror to be the breakeven and a ten year life span the max this installation can cost is 180000$/per km.

    No way that is even remotely possible.

    1. 409 kwh per day in its first year of operation on average.

      207 kwh per day on average since the start of the year.

      cost to build $5.2 million for that 1 km of 2 lane roadway (it’s a 4 lane road).

  4. LOL – doesn’t even serve as good asphalt. At least it’s not a visual blight like the bird blenders…

    1. Because people insist on reelecting sociopaths who have never delivered on a single promise as long as they have been in office.

      1. But they had nice hair and a charming smile. How could you resist?

        And the voters LOVE … progressive … thinkers like Elon Musk who is building an underground pneumatic tube to move humans really, really, fast in a tin can without windows! What could possibly go wrong? And the CA Voters LOVE (the idea of) High Speed (not really) Trains between Central Valley cities. The voters are willing to float $hundreds of Billions in government Bonds. After all, Dianne Feinstein’s grifter husband’s construction Co(s). will make it happen. The CA voters … dream … of a wonderful, happy, future, where everyone behaves like THEY demand, and everything is FREE for THEM … but everyone else (who’s white) has to PAY for it.

  5. Sorry to ask the obvious question but “why” would you make a solar power road anyway? It doesn’t seem to be connected to the cars but rather to dump electricity onto the grid. Are they short of space or just French?

    1. “It doesn’t seem to be connected to the cars but rather to dump electricity onto the grid.”
      A grid that is expected to supply power to a nation of electric cars in the rather near future.

      “Are they short of space or just French?”

  6. Hey, Kate.

    You should have opened up a consultation firm .

    You could’ve said that for half the money they spent that you would tell them the outcome in a report, before they even started.

    The report would have read…”This Won’t Work”.

    Problem solved.

  7. There’s only one solution: triple the staff, quadruple the money, and try, try again.

    1. Don’t give Horgan and Weaver any ideas! That’s a socialist wet dream! Renewables plus massive gubmint jobs, what could possibly go wrong?

  8. Quality doesn’t matter –
    what matters is that you bought it.

    In hippie talk: peace, burn, bummer, rip-off!
    Haha! Everyone knew this wasn’t going to work.

  9. This, along another several trillion dollars spent on climate change by governments worldwide explains why they haven’t been able to reduce the needle by a single percent from the 81% of all energy consumption being carbon-based. Hey, but the Spawn and Butts can do it. Look what they accomplished in Ontario!

  10. I’d make fun of stunts like this…but then I remember it’s my money the government is giving to these Nigerian princes.

  11. Solar power seems to be the equivalent of dirigible technology of the 1920s and 1930s. We await that Hindenburg tipping point.

  12. “Wars are not fought for territory, but for words. Man’s deadliest weapon is language. He is as susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans as he is to infectious diseases. And where there is an epidemic, the group-mind takes over.” ~ Arthur Koestler

    1. Sadly … the politician with the best … slogan … wins.

      I’ve read that Jordan Petersen’s Home is filled with Communist Posters. All of which must be covered in Communist slogans. You WILL read and obey. The slogans all … sound … good.

      Plato said … “The empty barrel sounds loudest.”

      Slogans … sound … good. They resonate within man’s emptiness

  13. “…damaged beyond repair…”
    “…panels … worn out by traffic …”
    “…did not produce the power the manufacturer … had promised…”

    It meets my expectations. I expect someone, somewhere, will try again. And I expect their efforts will also meet my expectations.

  14. Along the same lines as the geniuses who wrought the Regina By-Pass. Bragging about economic development for Saskatchewan while spending 2 billion $$ of our tax dollars by building a highway that diverts people away from the Queen city. Great for tourism, hotels, restaurants and shopping malls. But there is a light at the end of tunnel. You can get from Winnipeg to Saskatoon 20 minutes sooner. (And they mock the NDP.)

  15. Back in 2009 when Ontario Lib gov’t was handing out energy contracts, they were paying solar 80 cents/kw-h (about 20x the going rate). People were lining up to sign up and pay $120,000 for a solar tracker panel installed. Then the Libs cut the subsidy and same panels were being installed for $60,000. The Libs admit they did it wrong but (per comments above) they say they will get it right next time. Meanwhile we pay and industry is leaving cuz of electricity rates.

    After Ford was elected, he cancelled 750 renewable energy contracts that were in the pipeline.
    Meanwhile Scheer plans to achieve CO2 reduction per Paris accord he has committed to by “greening the grid” and “fostering renewable power technologies. The CPC are more LIB than Con.

    1. Yes. It appears fanatical devotion wins over simple logic.

      “The continuous disasters of man’s history are mainly due to his excessive capacity and urge to become identified with a tribe, nation, church or cause, and to espouse its credo uncritically and enthusiastically, even if its tenets are contrary to reason, devoid of self-interest and detrimental to the claims of self-preservation.We are thus driven to the unfashionable conclusion that the trouble with our species is not an excess of aggression, but an excess capacity for fanatical devotion.” ~ Arthur Koestler

      There are several astroturfers who post here who repeat, every single day, that “voting for Scheer is the only way to get rid of Trudeau”. They never point to any policy, never point to any policy difference; it appears that “not Trudeau” is all they think they need.

      All we have is majority fanaticism. Liberal fanatics. NDP fanatics. CPoC fanatics. Green fanatics. Anti-nuclear fanatics. Electric car fanatics. Temperance movement fanatics. Anti pipeline fanatics. Free stuff fanatics.

      In Canada, you can count the rational voter pool on the digits of one hand. Everyone else will vote for “whatever sounds good”, and start the process of becoming identified with that cause.

      All any political party wants, is a pool of fanatical devotees; they call this “the base”.

      Once they have “the base”, they treat said base with absolute and all consuming contempt, because the base has no place to go, and they want the other guy’s base too.

      1. You say “astroturfers”. I say Albertans.

        Notley was far more harmful than the intended rebuke of the PC and turncoat Wildrose voters ever would have dreamed. And now you’re saying to split the vote to support Max. Which will mean more Trudeau.

