22 Replies to “Don’t Forget The Toilet Paper”

    1. Thanks for the tip. I sometimes need a torch when looking under the bonnet of my SUV.

      However this entire article lost me at … “non hierarchal”. Is that some sort squishy genderless, leaderless, LIE? That everyone of your nut case friends are “equal” to you? Oh puhleeze!

      1. Thomas Paine is a dead, white male oppressor, so the anarchists of today do not pay attention to him when he notes that virtue is not hereditary.

        Of course even it were it would still require the extermination of all the non-virtuous for anarchy to work, not they’ve ever shown much reticence to give that a try.

  1. Actually, in this case, it could also easily mean a flaming stick dipped in pitch or wrapped in rags. Presumably, pitchforks will be handed oout on an “as needed” basis.

    1. Now THAT …. is messed up – big time.
      I’m sure they all live in caves.? Anything “manmade” and they’d be wailing about it for surely something would have had to “die”.

      We stopped building mental institutions why..??

      1. @steakman:
        Yup, ‘manmade’ has to go, taking a clue from Trudoo, with his transition from ‘mankind’ to ‘peoplekind’, it shall be “peoplemade’ henceforth. The other day, I saw ads looking for people for some trades, using the term ‘journeypersons’, Ahhh, so PC.

  2. On a positive note….gotta love David Thompson’s writing style!
    Andy, you could use a speech writer with the stones to treat the other side with the disrespect they have earned.

  3. Do you suppose they will be able to produce a garbage pile that “authorities” will have to search for bodies in only a week?

  4. Maybe letting these full time protesters chain themselves to whatever before putting up a wall around them like those put up around construction sites? That way they get their ‘right’ to protest, but the rest of us can go about our business unmolested by their pointless noise and stink.

  5. The anti-masculine stance is nothing new to these zealots. They are one of many eco-feminist-leftist cults that have been around for decades. The green NGOs are significantly run by or fronted by females, accurately described by the Georgia Straight during the war in the woods as “eco-feminist witches”. They must have a group to blame for all that prosperity, oops I mean destruction of “Mother Earth” and it’s obviously the Patriarchy. Having a female spokesperson allows all opposition, dissent, and disagreement, no mater how factual to be portrayed as male aggression against the female victim. That’s why they despise females being opposed to their hysteria campaigns. They must be caricatured as not real feminists but sell-outs to the Patriarchy. Remember that these groups are corporate in nature and therefore they are constantly aware of the spin, reflecting that many of their ranks come from the corporate communications field.

  6. These Eco-Wackos chaining themselves to logging machines or climbing up trees and end up falling out and getting killed or injured we once had some of those idiot tree sitters here in our area a few years ago they did’nt stay long we don’t care much of idiot Tree Sitters unlike they do in Southern California we here in Northern California see more trees then dose some Greenhorn from L.A. who has never been much outside the L.A. Area

  7. There have always been lunatics like on the fringes of all societies, but thanks to the destruction wrought by the replacement of the Judeo/Christian-Magna Carta liberal democratic society by the evil monstrosity of Marxism thee is now a vacuum in western society. This vacuum is increasingly being filled by what is no longer a lunatic fringe, but is becoming mainstream. We see it all around us in every discipline.

    A darkness is approaching.
