88 Replies to “Brazil Nuts”

  1. The above pictured individual has a mental disorder.
    Insisting that normal people interact with and play along with disordered individuals violates a Normal’s human rights.

    1. You should have written “”The above pictured individual IS a mental disorder.”

      However, I must kindly request that Kate refrain from ever again posting a shot like that again. It was offensive, disgusting, and abusive to see that smiling sh!tface of a troll just sitting there, ruining the otherwise perfectly good photons emitting from my screen.

      I want nothing to do with trannies, will not acknowledge them, and certainly won’t pretend to have any basic sort of respect for them! Pity them for sure, but not respect.

      1. Now I know what xim/xer/xit looks like. Someone hand me some eyewash, please.

        1. I just cupped my hands and used bleach.

          By the way, I still say that man is trolling the establishment big time.

      1. If ?
        Mr.JY Nutbar wins this then BC and Canada are doomed. If he loses, is he responsible for the legal costs of the defendant, who did NOTHING wrong?!?

        1. No, if he loses he is not responsible for the costs. As far as I can tell HRCs practically never are. By design the process is the punishment..

        2. we need to start asking who is going to have to die to stop us from speaking freely?

      2. Only because good quality baseball bats and good batsmen are in limited supply.

        1. The next chick who runs up against this fatass, put the tape around his nutz and yank with all your might!.. Fix this squirrel’s little red wagon… And please video it..

    2. Once voluntary interactions are regulated and you are not allowed to refuse service for whatever reason (skin color, religion etc) you inevitably get this.

    3. I don’t blame people who have mental disorders. Compassion is an appropriate response. My issue is with those who insist that we treat the ideas and behaviors of the insane as if they are normal. And unless we do we have are the ones with a mental disorder (ie. transphobic).

  2. What a ballsy choice of title, Kate!

    Best watch what you say though, because Justin may not ALLOW it.

    He just had this to say about either Trump or his supporters or both:

    “I want everyone in Canada to know that those comments are completely unacceptable and should not be allowed or encouraged in Canada.”


    1. A prime minister has no authority to state what comments should or should not be “allowed”.

      Our Dear Leader is entirely free to denounce and deplore them, but he cannot censor them. Or as Noam Chomsky once stated:

      “If we don’t believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”

      1. You have heard of the Human Right’s Tribunals, no? He can and he will. There is no absolute right to freedom of speech in Canada.

      2. Thanks for amazing me by pointing out a Chomsky comment I agree with!

        Sadly, Thomas is correct, but free speech is under attack in the US as well. Once you accept the premise of “hate speech,” the supreme right appears to be the right not to have hurt feelings.

        I happened to notice another Justin gaffe today. Somebody should write a book.

        He was quick enough to try to draw it back after the “parent” analogy spilled out of his mouth. Imagine the headlines if a Conservative made such condescending remarks about the need to be “patient.”

        VICTORIA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says non-Indigenous Canadians need to be patient and unconditional in their support of Indigenous communities on the road to reconciliation and allow them to make mistakes.

        “We have to be patient. We have to be present. We have to be unconditional in our support in a way a parent needs to be unconditional in their love — not that there is a parent-child dynamic here,” Trudeau said Thursday night at a Liberal fundraiser in Victoria.


      3. “A prime minister has no authority to state what comments should or should not be “allowed”. ”

        Actually he does.

        They took away your right to free speech along with your rights to freedom of movement, right to property, self defense and free association. Nobody complained, either.

        Welcome to Canada.

      4. Preaching to the choir, my friend, but if you think that about Canada, you’d be wrong. Dead wrong.

    2. Didn’t Justa Turd call that woman in Quebec a racist when she asked him about the $200+ million he owes it for his stupid refugee and migrant programs?

    1. What did we hear twenty years ago,…’we just want to be treated as equal’… Now they control our society, a sick society.

      1. And they don’t even realize they’re on borrowed time. Once Westerners become a minority in Canada none will pretend to care about such nonsense (same for natives btw). Phantom above says “Welcome to Canada” I say “Welcome to Balkans”.

  3. This is not funny anymore…this trans movement is costing people jobs and livelihoods. It is putting our children in danger. live and let live, but this is too much.

    However, in 50-100 years the Muslims will take over with all their births and who will they go after… gays, trans, feminists and lefties in general.

    1. Mooselimbs are not going to take over. Plenty of non mooselimb minorities breed at equal rates and they all hate mooselimbs. Westernrs will become a minority. And then the party will start. Without a neutered moderator … Think Balkans. It will be ugly but it no longer is avoidable.

      1. A distinct possibility. Except in the US, at this point, the move toward civil war seems to be the increasing leftist, almost anarchist, radicalism of a large portion of the public.

        1. True, but in US one side has all the guns and the military, the other side has bureaucrats, some police, and pimple faced screeching Antifa UnMes. If things got real in US they would be over very quickly. The mainstream left understands it, which is why their stream of successes came in gradually over decades (if only the right got it instead of demanding purity).

  4. Given that the women he is harassing have no training in waxing male genitalia, the fact this tribunal is dragging this out for more than an hour is disgusting and stupid.
    I think this proves trans are the top of the intersectional totem pole now. This dude trumps minority immigrant women of colour!

    1. This case is specially designed to show who’s in charge.

      I think it’s no accident that the aggressor here seems like a major league pervert yet the mainstream media is sympathetic, anyway.

      1. my belief is that this guy is sane, he just wants to have women fondle his genitals and since that ain’t gonna happen by their choice he is trying to remove that choice from them. OTOH he must be nuts to want his genitals waxed; just he have any idea how painful that is going to be when he wins his case and some poor woman has to perfrom the operation. I hope there’ll be video

  5. We hear how Facebook can ban you and not accept your business because they are a private company.
    Start your own if you don’t like it.
    Same with Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.
    But if you don’t want to wax some guy’s junk it means you’re a transphobe or racist or something.

  6. I am irritated that this comment contributes – even though in only an infinitesimal way – to the attention these pathetic drips so desperately seek.

  7. This is a comment wholly copied and pasted from yesterday’s The National Post Facebook posting…
    It’s not mine, I added the break halfway through for readability.

    “this person is biologically male, “he” is the correct pronoun by which to refer to him, and refusing to state something that is not true, is not “transphobic”. Gender dysphoria requires treatment, and compassion… not validation and celebration. This specific man who self-identifies as a woman, happens to have a peculiar interest in menstruation and feminine hygiene products, and is apparently hoping to encounter a young girl in the ladies room who is in need of his assistance with inserting a tampon. He lives in the same area as I do, and I don’t want him sharing a public washroom with my daughter. That’s not transphobic. A phobia is an unreasonable fear or aversion to something. It’s perfectly reasonable to not want my daughter to be approached by a man in the ladies room to ask her if he can help her out with that, or anything else for that matter. Calling him “she”, and validating his incorrect belief that he is a woman, is helping to make that scenario more and more likely with each passing day, and you need to stop. It’s not doing people like “Jessica” any good, and it’s certainly not doing the women he’s hauled before a human rights tribunal for refusing to touch his penis any good, and if he does encounter a young girl in a bathroom and is brazen enough to act on his interests, then it certainly won’t be doing her any good.

    I realize that gender identity is something that many people truly struggle with, and we should have compassion and empathy… but that has to be constrained by reality… biological sex does actually matter, and it’s better for everyone if we can do what we can to help them to get comfortable in their own skin, rather than trying to ignore reality. Trans women are not women. Trans men are not men. They are people who are struggling with a significant mental health issue, and helping them to self harm with cross-sex hormones, and “gender affirming” surgeries… isn’t helping them. Suicidality actually increases post-transition. Validating and celebrating that delusion is clearly not in their best interests any more than it would be to celebrate the weight loss of someone who’s living with anorexia or bulimia. Granting them access to spaces reserved for the opposite sex isn’t what they need, and it’s actually harmful to the people who rely on those spaces for their safety, privacy, and dignity. We have sex-segregated spaces for a legitimate reason, and that reason doesn’t just go away because someone those spaces were not intended for, has a sincere desire to access them. Please stop advocating for “trans-rights”, because in so-doing, you’re actually hurting the people you think you’re trying to help, and you’re putting everybody’s mother, daughter, sister, wife at risk. Women need their spaces for a reason, and nobody should be trying to take those spaces away. It’s just not right.”

    1. And yet, the Liberal Trudeau government is pressing Provinces to outlaw conversion therapy (for gays but also for trans). Conversion therapy is exactlybshat is available to treat the mental problems causing people to reject their biological sex and/or sexual orientation. Failing to offer mental health counselling for people who are seriously deranged in this way is shameful. Political correctness trumps compassion apparently among Liberal politicos. This particular incident is causing great harm to trens people, as people resent this sinister intrusion into normal human understanding of sexual issues.

  8. This nutbar (definitely Almond Joy, not Mounds) is probably loving every bit of attention its getting, even if that’s negative.

  9. Here’s what the regular folks think about this.
    And by regular I mean the folks that just want to get on with their lives
    They see this kind of crap and they ask “how is this beneficial in any way shape or form to me and mine?”
    The answer is not a bit.
    Now lately, actually its been for the last decade at least, we’ve witnessed a good portion of the elected and a majority of the media telling the regular folks how its evil incarnate if the irregulars are not accommodated even if it means being in a state of denial or giving up part of what makes regular folk well regular. Inevitably the regular folks start asking “so who is working for me and mine? Because it sure looks like the people that want my vote (government) and the people that are telling me what I should do (media) are not working for me”.

    This is currently the existential question.
    Not climate change.
    Not pay equity.
    Not women’s right to choose.
    Not social justice…what ever the hell that is.
    Not the latest permutation of alpha characters used as a substitute for perverse sexual gratification.
    Nope not one.
    I want to send a big FU to Ottawa by sending someone their to make their life difficult.
    There is a good chance there are a lot of similar single issue voters out there ready to cast their vote for someone like that.
    I like Scheer, but he isn’t the guy to come in to the temple and start throwing out the merchants.

  10. So he’s podiphile also. Four horse and four ropes would fix that. Everyone benifits from walking horses. On a side note i though that was the latest picture of our glorious leader.

  11. Another fabulous multi-entendres Title by our hostess (can I still use that term?). And the “details” of this case are simply hil-hair-ious.

    I can assure you I would consider it NUTZ to have my … uh … jewels waxed. It would be 1000x worse than that chest-waxing scene from 40yo virgin

  12. “And when society has reached such scrofulitic levels of intellectual dishonesty there is, finally, nothing to be done except await the end, but not with a sense of worry, sadness, or care-rather with a sense of relief that the madness may soon be brought to an end.”
    The Age of Nihilism, Curtis R. McManus

    “Brazil Nuts” caption is brilliant!!

  13. Let me get this straight: this fool believes that it’s a good idea to badger and coerce someone into waxing your genitals. I know what I would do if I found myself forced to perform this service on someone I intensely dislike.

  14. I’m almost at a loss for words.
    But after reading up on this twit, from a dark corner of my memory was resurrected “ugly goes right to the bone”.
    I don’t like to brag, but if half of what I found out about “it” is true, I think I could crap better genetic material after spending a month on a non-GMO vegan diet.

  15. There’s a whole lot of new disturbing info coming out about this guy.

    Seems to have a fetish for young girls and their periods. Some young girls are coming forward with screen shots of his grooming.

  16. I have known this individual and his family for about ten years now, not all that well but well enough and this sickens and saddens me. Jonathan (Jessica) is not well and is in need of help. I’m truly worried about his mental state and really appears to be a ticking time bomb. It’s a desperate situation really. Pray for him. It’s his only hope

    1. He’s in need of a left jab, followed by a right uppercut, followed by a left cross. He is a predatory POS.

    2. It is sad that this sickness is something that our betters are insisting that we all aspire to. Everything is being turned upside down and our governments are aiding and abetting this sickness, even imposing it on us.

    3. How are his family doing throughout this ordeal? I personally can’t imagine being able to survive it as we surmise this was their dearly loved baby son and now all hell has broken over their heads. God love them and give them the strength they require each day to deal with this monstrous situation. We know in the times leading to the end that Satan is working double-time, he and all his vicious demons. Bless and protect all our families, we pray in Jesus’ Blessed Name.

    4. His only hope is physical castration, which will relieve him of his perversion (along with his sex drive) for good.

      If a body part causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.

      Don’t pity his family. Ask what they might have done to stop it, and why they could not or would not do it. Not every man’s son turns out like this.

      1. God will be as judgmental with you as you have just been to his family. You didn’t say you knew anything at all about them, but He knows everything about you, and amazingly is still willing to forgive you. Don’t ask me why.

        1. Apparently, gellen, from what I’ve read the family is very supportive. His mother is reported to have accompanied him into a venue with young teens preparing for an event and snapped a lot of photos; at which point the organizer ordered them to leave at once at not return. As well, this person has well documented obsession with young girls and menstruation to the point of fantasizing about helping said young girls insert tampons or use pads.
          It is a sad case, but at this point I am very much more concerned that the mental problems will progress to the point where this person tries to act out his fantasies. He’s already victimized a fair few women with his demands and lawsuits; I hope authorities will act before he widens his victims to include young girls.

  17. Does your existance increase the amount of happiness on the planet? then you are a good fellow.
    Do you spend your time causing a net unhappiness because you think you have rights that are not being respected? Then your ballsack needs some chille powder

  18. Not to be cruel but there are enough over weight, unattractive women in the world and we don’t need poseurs.

  19. Seems pretty straight forward. Add several extra helpings of was, let dry, then rip it off. Marcia Da Silva would say “Oops, was that supposed to come off, sorry, as Jessica’s voice goes up a few octaves.

  20. This is what happens in a nation (civilization) when the legal community has no idea what rights are. Property rights are the essence of liberty as without the right to own a printing press or other means of communication, the right to free speech is non-existent. Similarly the right to use private property according to the wishes of the owner stems from property rights. Similarly, the right to choose who you allow to enter your property to do business with exists through property rights. The right to privately discriminate on what or who you purchase, sell, hire, fire, etc are all premised on private property rights. And, the most basic of all rights, the right to life is premised on the right to be able to acquire food clothing and shelter – all due to the presence and protection of property rights. This (creepy) individual’s attack on the property rights of the waxing business is another test case in Canada being dragged down the road to serfdom thanks to Trudeaupian (nihilist) culture and his non-constitution.

    1. Well said John Chittick.

      YES, the wellspring of liberty is property rights.
      When riding backroads stateside I was always thrilled by those signs in diners: We reserve the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. That would include blacks or whites or people with red hair if the proprietor had animus toward either of these.
      Your most important possession is you yourself.
      You yourself should be allowed to disassociate from anyone for any reason (excluding of course dependents who would become a burden to the state (taxpayers).

      And while hate is caustic, esp.long term to the hater, we should be perfectly free to hate as long as we don’t incite violence.

    2. John, there are NO property rights in kanada, PeeAir fixed that. You have a right to use only, not property rights as in ownership.

    3. Well said John! As we have never had them, Canadians do not realize how pervasive gov’t control over our lives has become. It took the fact that I was not allowed to trim a dangerous branch off a tree in my backyard without “permission” from the Kremlin (ooops, city hall) and of course a permit fee. I did it anyway, as we all should. Puts me in mind of the Oregon State republican who, when threatened with arrest when not showing up to vote on an egregious bill during a vote boycott was threatened with arrest. His response was “tell them to come well armed and send only bachelors”! Of course he can back it up, the big difference being his country created by patriots and force of arms while ours was created by beaurocrats having meetings.

  21. Somewhat more over at the post millennial about her.

    Seems like a long history of complaints to the human rights tribunal. I wonder if we will ever see the failings of these kangaroo courts when they routinely indulge those who really don’t have a complaint. I was saddened to read about the mediated settlements from those who feared or couldn’t afford the process.


  22. These things never seemed to grasp while growing up that Klinger was the butt of the joke, not a role model.

    1. And forget that the character Klinger was a sane man who chose wearing women’s clothing as a means to convince people that he was crazy because everyone knew that a man who tries to make out that he is a woman is mentally ill.

  23. Maybe that is why Groper is taking personal time in B.C. He wants to recruit that thing to run for the Liberal Party in B.C. Voters in La La Land would love that sort of thing.

      1. Gosh, so much common sense in a newspaper article. Rex called it like it is, a total farce.

  24. The sexual revolution is over. The winners: perverts like this, that a sane world would have locked in asylums or put down like rabid dogs.

    What, girls? You think your queer “allies” who goaded you into turning against your fathers and brothers did it because they loved women? On the contrary. Because they were impotent around you, they were able to focus on manipulating you to give them what they really wanted—free rein to act on their disgusting sexual fantasies.

    You know what? If women are forced to give Brazilian waxes to sissies against their will, I will not shed a tear. They and the sissies deserve each other—and they cackle like hens at the thought of their brothers being raped in prison. Sauce for the goose. If men don’t have the right to dignity, neither do women.

    Let the women and the sissies scratch each other’s eyes out until the artificial uterus is perfected and both the women and the sissies can finally be hauled off to the dogfood factory. In the meantime, just keep them far away from me, and don’t ask me to clean up any more of their messes.

    1. Despite flirting with a malignant case of misogyny … I don’t disagree with your main point that women tend to find gay men and transgenders somehow sympathetic creatures and fawn over their “unique” “differences”. Particularly the “suburban” women who are being identified as the first to jump off the Trump train. As far as I am concerned, they can JUMP OFF … if they wish to condone and protect this deviancy … as some twisted way to get back at their straight laced mother or father. These kind of women need therapy more than anything else.

  25. Twas me doing the wax job, I would give the client a welding glove, telling him to grab and cover his wanker as I lit up my tiger torch..
    This might burn a little..

    1. After xim/xer/xit wins the case (is there any doubt about that?), anybody want to be that xim/xer/xit will be courted by either the Liberals or NDP to run for political office? Xim/xer/xit would be their perfect candidate (persecuted minority, a member of I, Napoleon, professional SJW) and anybody not voting for xim/xer/xit would be a *phobe. Instant electoral win.

      If xim/xer/xit’s party forms the government, count on xim/xer/xit being in the cabinet. (“Becauthe itth 2019.”)

  26. I don’t have issues with people who have mental disorders. Compassion is an appropriate response. My issue is with those who insist that we treat the ideas and behaviors of the insane as if they are normal. And unless we do we have are the ones with a mental disorder (ie. transphobic).

  27. Apologies to the victims chewed up in the process, but, potential upside, maybe this case and the many many coming will draw more public attention and awareness to the absurdity of the human rights commissions. People who even care about national news at all (probably a smaller percentage than voter turnout) and rely on MSM TV/radio/print are barely aware of HRC existence.

  28. Two solutions:

    a) give xit a wax job. Let it harden and rip the hair off
    b) use a straight razor to remove hair. Oops it slipped.

  29. This case would make an interesting election ad. Team Trudeau defines a new human right, the right to crotch grooming.

  30. His eyebrows are all wrong, one is longer than the other. If he doesn’t notice that maybe they can get away with convincing him that he got his wax job already, and that he just didn’t notice yet.

  31. And this is why we need judges to stand for election. The core problem doesn’t lie with the mentally ill individual; he’s just trying to get away with whatever he can. The core problem lies with “activist judges” who are for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from political commissars. In a democracy the rulers have to answer to those over whom they rule. And since the judges want to invent “rights” and make constitutions “living documents” i.e. spin them any way they fancy at the moment, then they have to answer to the people upon whom they wish to inflict their whims the same as any other politician. Allow the sane majority to vote out the insane judges and sanity will return to the courts and tribunals. If the majority chooses to buy into the insanity, then you’re f#@$% anyway.

  32. Jessica is going to make everyone’s life hell until he dies and I don’t suppose even he has any idea just how low and depraved his mind will go. (Read sharing washrooms with young teenage girls.) He’s a very sick narcissist and one asks just how much coverage (publicity) he should be given. As Rex says “this farce should be terminated” but how can it be done without a few changes in some of our laws, or some new laws?
    The mess in Vancouver and Langley should be a warning to every city across Canada. And maybe every community.
    None of us want to live under Sharia Law but it’s the only one that could effectively bring this community to its knees.

  33. At least replace the picture with one of a real woman; like Caitlyn Jenner say.

    Someone who at least made a basic legitimate effort to look like an actual fake female.
