33 Replies to “The Sorrows Of “Social Justice””

    1. Hate the Hat, love the head.

      Hate the Sin, love the sinner.

      I guess all religions are pretty much the same.

  1. Someone who cries about a hat needs a little psychotherapy. In fact all the insane left who despise Trump need even more, their grasp of reality and facts are less than tenuous. That applies to a great many Canadians.

    1. It is the sheeople listening to Justin’s Sponsored Media of Canaduh, and actually BELIEVING the BULLSHIT coming out of the CBC. Trump Derangement Syndrome is on full display, non-stop on All of Juthtin’s Media Outlets (CBC, Globull, CTV, etc). It is sad what our illustrious edumacation system has wrought, or, should I say, INDOCTRINATION SYSTEM.

  2. At some point, a Zack devoid of a friend in the world is no doubt going to blame everyone except himself for being unpleasant and anti-social.

  3. A clear, consice & unequivocable response would have been appropriate, sorta along the lines of…

    “Go Fk YOUR hat….GOOPH.

  4. Grow up? If you don’t have to work for a living or accept any of the consequences of your actions, why should you?

    Your typical leftist has all the emotional maturity of a two-year-old, thanks to the absence, indifference or weakness of a father who could not or would not belt them soundly when they misbehaved, instilling in them a healthy fear of the consequences of throwing tantrums and angering their elders and betters.

  5. I consider myself a New Yorker having spent 19 years @ 30 Rock. I do understand that the rest of America dislike NEW York attitudes… Trump is extremely Arrogant & Selectively Ignorant just like every successful New Yorker….You don’t have to like the person for a results based process…

    The Hillary SJW remarks “Irredeemable basket of Deplorables” was not spoken by anyone with a religious belief… Redeemable is a shared concept of ALL religions… Only Devil Worship considers others Irredeemable…AKA the lizard people…..


  6. Baseball caps are for those playing baseball. Otherwise, ball caps are an unfortunate Leave it to Beaver look and inappropriate for adults. Further, no man or woman of dignity wears advertising, mercantile or political.

    1. So don’t wear one then. But if you think you’re going to shame me into conforming to your narrow viewpoint, you can eff right off.

    2. Baseball caps are for those playing baseball. Otherwise, ball caps are an unfortunate Leave it to Beaver look and inappropriate for adults.

      Then I guess every ham flea market I’ve been to was attended by a lot of immature adults. Many of my fellow radio amateurs who went to them wore their caps bearing their callsigns or the insignia of some amateur radio organization they were associated with.

      Then again, a lot of people consider hams to be in serious need of growing up, right?

    3. “Baseball caps are for those playing baseball.”

      Also useful for cutting the lawn, as the cap leaves room for the hearing protector headphones. Or for wearing whenever I feel like it, as I make my own sartorial choices thank you very much.

      Begone, jackass.

      1. And for those of us with receded hairlines, it also provides protection from the sun and low tree limbs.

      2. What? Baseball Caps?

        They have a nice hole in back to insert my pony tail through.
        Lost and miss a black NASA one!
        Boo- hoo!

    4. Just bought a new one. Has a target with bullet holes in it and its a shameless shill for a gun store. Love it.

  7. The question needs asking because I have a gay relative like that.
    Outwardly nice he’s a rock solid property owner and has worked at the same place his whole career but then my son shows me his FB page and I find out he holds similar opinions to Zack Ford; opinions that have no grounding in logic or reason. Why?

    1. Virtue signaling. He has to run up the right colored flag every week or he won’t be able to get a date.

      You can tell its all bullsh1t because the flags change so often.

  8. While I was teaching at a certain post-secondary institution, I encountered similar logic to the anti-MAGA hat whiner.

    I was scolded by certain administrators who thought it was inappropriate that I should display plaques of my degrees or, for that matter, have my students address me as “Dr. Rupertslander”. Why? Apparently it “intimidated” them, and did so to the point that they would be afraid to approach me to ask questions and, thereby, not learn anything.

    So, let’s see now…. proof of one’s education being on display is considered to be intimidating in an educational institution….. Yeah, right.

    And, by the way, utilizing that education, such as using the extensive vocabulary that was obtained as a result of it, was also considered to be intimidating.

    And people wonder why I quit that job.

    1. Dr. R: I find your comments eye-opening. But then again, not at all surprising, given the direction education…er… indoctrination has taken in the decades since I obtained my degree.

      1. One thing my experience as a grad student and as an educator was that the system had little to do with truth, knowledge, and wisdom but was more concerned about politics and image. In that respect, it’s no different than the rest of the world.

        1. Getting various degrees, designations, and qualifications can entail a lot of hard work. However, there’s always been those of us who regard them as B… S…; More S…, and Piled higher and Deeper. And we have some of those initials after our names.

    2. Degrees on the wall, tend to illustrate how much we know, we don’t know. A doctorate is just the beginning.

    3. I don’t think anyone here wonders why you quit that job. You explain it plainly and often.

      1. I often heard that teaching at that institution was a “good” job. It was good if one wanted to treat it as training for an idle retirement, which, unfortunately, many people there did.

        1. I’ve been through the school and university system and have schoolteachers in the family. It has changed a great deal since my parents were recruited from U.K. in the mid-1950s to staff a two-room village school in the south of this province, through the years of my schooling starting in 1968, and over the career of one of my siblings still employed in an urban elementary school in Alberta. Over time the teachers unions have successfully negotiated for a lot more money, much smaller class sizes, and more time out of the classroom and away from students for “professional development.” I don’t see or hear of much that is different from your experiences told to us here. It looks as though more people are in it for the job conditions (pay & benefits, more time off than in most employment, long-term security of employment and pension) than for teaching.

          1. I was amused when a Metis testified ( Indian School atrocities) that his ears were pulled by a teacher (racism) because my experience in the 1940’s was frustrated old maids that threw BB Chalk at the girls & the Block of wood used as BB erasers at boys… Their bad aim made everyone pay attention least you get hit with that block of wood. My brother had the sharp end of a pencil shoved into his arm.. It was not racism, IMHO just an ugly form of British discipline…

    4. B A:
      been kinda there, done kinda that.
      I made ONE last run @ an appreticeshit thru a local gubbamint funded trainins schkuul.

      the Q is posed re how much earnings is at stake.
      34 yrs times x per year.

      I do the friggin math in my head faster than they click the calculator.
      next day when I offer to explain the short cut, their injured feelings gang up on me and
      get me booted out of the course for (exact quote) “showing off”.

      THAT is when I gave myself a pristine clear conscience about applying for a getting a disability pension
      (which I had up my sleeve for a couple decades, just didnt know it).

      34 X 25,000
      lets do 32 X 25000.
      easier still, lets drop one by a factor of 4 and up the other by the same amount . . . .
      8 X 100,000 gee, getting real easy now, whuts eight times one?
      remember, ALL in my head.
      almost done, those last 2 I lopped of to get round numbers?
      whats 2 times 25,000?
      add THEM back in and voila!!!
      all in about 6 seconds.
      the look on their faces. heh heh heh !!
      I just didnt see the invisible resentment and jealousy. that’s part of ‘people skills’ which I dont have.

      1. This particular one is easy. Divide 34 by 4, and fix the right magnitude. I know tricks like that, but they are not fool proof, as other particular sets of numbers are much harder, especially if you have to give an exact answer.
        On the other hand, there are people who can multiply two six digit numbers and give an exact answer, just like that. They usually cannot do the easiest mental exercises otherwise, and are known as idiot savants. So it ain’t necessarily a good thing.

  9. aaaaaaand the sjw potificating abruptly ENDS when a gun is pulled on THEM.
    and *certainly* ends when a bullet comes out of the gun and lodges in their sjw fcukin brain.

  10. The idiot doesn’t even realize that he is the one who ended the long relationship over a hat.

  11. The English have a word for this lovely fellow..
    The old “Better to be thought a fool,than to open yer mouth and remove all doubt.”
    Sadly in todays Canada to Mock a “Zack” is too leave yourself open to trial by a Tribunal staffed by endless Zack’s.
