How Faking Mental Illness Ruined Dungeons and Dragons

“Now because it is “popular” (and I cannot emphasize that word enough, because it is the PRECISE word that describes people’s use of mental illness) POPULAR to have a mental illness, this means a larger percent of the population are people faking mental illness who don’t have it. And these people then permeate into society, ruining it for the rest of us mentally healthy people.”

And thus the blue haired SJW’s in the Twitterverse “screeeeed”

30 Replies to “How Faking Mental Illness Ruined Dungeons and Dragons”

  1. Off topic but germane to this conversation, Gender Dysphoria has been removed from the latest edition of the DSM.

    btw, how does one tell the difference between a fake and a real mentally ill person?

  2. I was diagnosed with aspergers in 2007.
    I diagnosed myself citing evidence I had accumulated over many years, including a newspaper article that rang and rang and rang in my mind THAT’S ME !!!
    and an episode of law & order where detective Goren catches the fraudster by observing a knack with numbers. it was one of the 1st times I heard the medical term.
    I got up to 60 digits of pi just for practice, and did not know ‘non verbal communication’ even *existed* until I was 25.
    I was excluded from clubs, parties, teams, class projects, on and on. in gr 4 I had to reverse engineer long division because the teacher hated me and refused to explain how it worked.
    the good news, because of the exclusionism I faced, I was forced by circumstances to think outside ye olde box and come up with brand new ways of doing things.
    1 example: being the grunt on the job, it is my duty to drill conduit holes in the newly built concrete block wall repleate with rebar.
    EVERY ONE ELSE would apply the brute force tactic of wearing down the drill bit when they encountered the rebar. me, mr aspergers correctly concluded the MUCH faster method was to pass a stud detector over the spot in question and shift the drill aside to avoid the metal.
    no one else thought of it, no one else suggested it, afaik, no one else adopted the trick.

    as far as D & D, Ive never even *seen* the game played. no interest ever. the only computer games I played was commodore 64 star trek (which I hacked for more fuel) and chessmaster.

    I resent ANYONE falsely glomming onto a mental illness diagnosis for some sort of advantage, and deeply resent the label ‘illness’. THAT is a ‘social construct’ if there ever was one.
    we are merely wired differently, our talent is with numbers and piecing things together
    to find out how things work.
    famous Aspies:

    I dont give a fcuk about the celebs.
    the list includes the likes of Tesla, Einstein, Mozart, Warhol, Bill Gates.
    ‘eccentric’ aint the word for it.
    we just see things differently and pay a price for not ‘fitting in’ the boring status quo. hard to ‘fit in’ the office jabbering when one has utterly NO INTEREST in the latest pro sports drama.

    1. hb you Moron 🙂 Detective Goren is on Law & Order: Criminal Intent not Law & Order!

      I’m the obese rules guy / pedant.

      1. ah. riffer. you need to get yourself checked out for OCD.
        but I actually get your posting. lol !!!
        (the smily face is the tip off, thats good)

    1. “You would need to be fairly mentally ill to want to fake being mentally ill.”

      Oh, I don’t know. I think the prospect of pensions can be a powerful motivator.

  3. Gotta say that post p1ssed me off. Aspies invented most of the sh1t that runs the modern world, including nuclear power. We’re not sick and most definitely not faking.

    I am the nail that sticks up. I was born sticking up, and I will die sticking up. Come and try to hammer me down. See what happens.

    1. I think you may have misread the complaint. The issue is people who fake issues to garner attention and control those around them. For instance, I had an employee who claimed synesthesia, mentioned it non-stop, and used it to excuse whatever dumb thing she did because she simply wasn’t paying attention. Meanwhile, the guy with an actual mental illness didn’t mention it to anyone until some customers found him hiding behind a Coke machine. He just worked through it and did his job. There’s a lot of accommodation for people with various oddities (not wrong, mind you – just different) that there didn’t used to be way back when. Some folks have discovered they can use that to get their way.

      Maybe I should start demanding accommodation for being left handed… sue WalMart for only selling right handed men’s underwear and retire to my own private island. (Seriously, the underwear thing is annoying. Particularly since us guys usually hang opposite our dominant hand. Lefties end up having to use both hands – one to haul out, one to aim; righties can get by with one.)

      1. As a Leftie, as in left handed and not politically, I hadn’t really noticed that one. Dead on though,

        Maybe a class action law suit? Then we can all retire away from the leftist BS we see on a regular basis.

      2. “I think you may have misread the complaint.”

        No, I read it just fine, start to finish. If it isn’t jumping out at you right away, just replace the word “Aspergers” with the word “black.” Or you could try “Jew.” Or Italian, Russian, Chinese, woman, you get the picture.

        Do that replacement, read it again, and see if I missed anything. Poor ol’ Aaron can’t have no fun no more because of those damn [replacement word] screwing everything up with their fake [replacement word] jive.

    2. I know where you’re coming from. The last time I wrote the GRE, my math score was much higher than the verbal, indicating that I’m strongly left-brained. I’ve also taken some on-line quizzes for that sort of thing and the results indicated that I might be somewhere on the spectrum.

      I’ve never been officially diagnosed as being an Aspie, but it would certainly explain a lot about what happened during my life. If I’m not, fine. If I am, great. I wouldn’t see it as a disability or a shortcoming as it’s allowed me to earn 4 university degrees and get involved with a lot of mentally-stimulating things.

      1. “I’ve never been officially diagnosed as being an Aspie, but it would certainly explain a lot about what happened during my life.”

        I have done the testing. It explains pretty much everything. Too bad I didn’t do it as a teen, it would have made things a lot easier.

        Look at it this way. Aspies like me voted for Harper because they understood his policies were better than the Liberals. Normal people voted for Trudeau because he has nice hair, then they turn around and call us stupid because we talk about boring policies all the time. That’s my life.

    3. give me a call when show up Phantom. Im actualy lOOking fwd to dishing out some payback.
      Monday I did 2 sets of 10 reps on the leg press >1,000 pounds.
      Im different *that* way too. 70 yr olds ARENT supposed to have that level of ‘muscle memory’.

      we all have or gifts, talents and skills. leftists think they should all be the same.

  4. Mentally Ill? Who decides?
    For if all around you are mad,by definition you are the nonconforming SOB,by modern rules it be you who is insane,with reference to the herd.
    Other side of faking mental illness…Best Victim ever.
    Involuntary victim so much better than “Choses to be a victim.”
    For their is no bottom in the competition;”Best Victimy of Moment”.
    Maybe it is time to remind yourself.
    There is no sanity.
    Just like civil society,it is a construct,a shared illusion we all play our parts in to maintain.

    1. “There is no sanity.”

      Sure there is. Normal human function is measurable on a variety of axis. Malfunction can be organic aka “hardware”, or psychological aka “software.” Sanity is being able to function in human society without suffering debilitating sickness.

      People with Aspergers are perfectly sane. They function just fine. They eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, have children, have families, all just fine. They just do it differently, and some people can’t stand that.

      Lefties love to pretend there is no sanity, that its all just a social construct. People who tell me stuff like that, I encourage them to try staying awake for three days straight, then get back to me and see how sane they are. Sanity, like gender, has a physical basis.

      1. I’ve mentioned that I belong to Mensa. I jokingly tell people that I’m really not that smart because I still put on my socks one at a time.

  5. I LOVE coming to this website! I have learned so much since doing so approx. 10 years ago. Also would love to meet Captain Capitalism – very intelligent man who can dance in intricate patterns. What is not to love?

    1. “What is not to love?”

      That he’s one more guy who feels moved to make my Aspy life hard. I’ve been dealing with That Guy at work and at school since I was five, and I’m about done with apologizing for being how I am.

      Yes, Aspy kids have fun wrong. No, they won’t stop doing it wrong just because Cappy don’t like it.

      1. Aww, your feelers are hurt…..

        If you want to “play Aspie games” go do it in a corner or locate other Aspies who want to play those games. If you show for D&D, play D&D and don’t disrupt the game so you can kidnap a room full of people as your “Aspie toys”. Ass Hat!

        Corporations, departments, organizations are full of “Ass Hats” who are about “playing Aspie Games” (power tripping, manipulation) instead of “playing the real game” (inventing, moving product, selling, providing a service, whatever). I also see different relationships for things and people. The “Man” was paying me, so I assembled his “pieces” in “useful” ways that got it done. If someone wants to just play “Aspie games”, stay in the basement at home with your friends (real or imagined).

        I don’t know squat about “Cappie” or D&D, but if you want it all your way, don’t ruin things for others. Start an Aspie League. Or just stay home. Get out of the way.

        Is there a AGTOW organization? [The internal contradictions are strong in this one.]

  6. Being a survivor, victim, sufferer, etc gives you status in the modern world. You aren’t mentally ill for wanting status, you are normal. To lie to get status, is also not mental illness, just amoral/immoral/possibly sociopathic. So maybe mentally ill …

    Hi, I’m Kevin. Flatulence survivor and millionaire chopper pilot. Now ladies get yer naughty bits out …

  7. Has Mr. Clarey considered that the real reason he no longer enjoys roleplaying games is that he’s outgrown them?

    Grown men can find far better things to do with their free time than sitting in a basement pretending to be hobbits.

    1. To determine whether or not one still enjoys the games, one would have to seek and find a compatible (to the seeker) group first. And then play. Because role playing games are fundamentally interactive storytelling, if one finds the other players so grating, the game itself gets lost in the friction. Note one thing though: If you show up at a group and think everybody else is a jerk, yet the group is having fun and functioning, then THEY aren’t the jerks. You probably are.

      Grown men can find far better things to do with their free time than sitting in a basement pretending to be hobbits.
      Really? Like what? Remember, this is FREE time.

  8. Having lived with persons with varying degrees of mental illness I would not wish that on anyone. It becomes a constant struggle to keep balance and it is freaking unpleasant to say the least.

    1. “mental illness…… it is freaking unpleasant to say the least ”
      Exactly, and yes the drugs developed in the last 40 years to try and combat an incurable debilitating affliction have come a long way but still have some way to go.

      1. Only if those afflicted are willing to take them, hence the freaking unpleasantness.
