Jordan Peterson With Milo Yiannopoulos

In the latter half of the interview, Milo offers a warning to Peterson: that pleasing your enemies will not turn them into friends.

8 Replies to “Jordan Peterson With Milo Yiannopoulos”

  1. Great discussion.

    I miss Milo’s non politically correct ‘entertainment’

  2. Although quite aware of Milo, I was not a real fan of his. After hearing this interview, I most certainly am now.

  3. Who’da ever thunk that a gay man like Milo would have so many conservative fans? It drives the rabid left absolutley bonkers trying to unpack that! He’s absolutely correct about his warning to Dr. Peterson. The SJW’s are trying their damndest to take him out. Thankfully he’s a happy warrior and has already risen to the challenge numerous times.

    1. Milo’s warning to Peterson was more serious than just a warning about the left, although he did warn about the SJW types. He was giving a warning about the establishment taking out anyone that undermined their power. He explained that it was the Republican establishment that provided the rope to hang him when they deliberately made an issue, misrepresented, some previously obscure flippant, self admitted naïve, thing he said. Note, I’m saying establishment, the same bunch that are trying to target Pres. Trump. Doesn’t matter if they sit with the Republicans or Democrats.
      Still, the effect was to sour his opinion of the conservatives that turned away from him.

  4. Milo drilled Jordan real good in this chat…and it was educational and revealing. Hoisted on a privileged petard and whatnot. Cambridge, eh, wot? Moreover, Milo drills and outs the depraved planet he landed on. Conversion! Therapy…puleeze! Etc. Peace.

  5. Brilliant! Thanks Kate. Two big intellects and egos in conversation. Great fun. My take? well Jordan seemed to want a therapy session and Milo played-along till he got bored. In pugilistic terms Milo took some heavy body-shots in the early rounds but began to dance and counter-punch in the later rounds. My decision? Milo on style points. 😉

  6. Dr. Peterson was correct, it’s better to fix and build things than to burn them down, he’s the better Christian of the two with regards to what Peterson has previously described as the true Christian faith… if a Christian acts in all matters in the manner prescribed by his God the world will become a better place. Peterson, with his credentials and large following, is in the position to perhaps accomplish something significant that will make the world a better place (we can hope) but, in the meantime, it would be great to have Milo running around burning things down. Milo’s spot on y’know, the people in politics are generally horrible ghastly people.

  7. Thing is, Milo somewhat misreads the situation – I don’t think Peterson is trying to participate in a “prestige economy”, he’s just gained statue through being very good at what he does, offering something millions have found of genuine value, and open to taking opportunities when he sees them. I’ve certainly never heard him try to ingratiate himself with anyone on the woke left. Because of this, and his knowledge and arguing skills, he won’t be as easy to take down as Milo. Milo relied too heavily on shock, constantly insulting people (including those on his own side, not least Peterson himself on many occasions) and just being obnoxious instead of actually funny too often. If he’d dialed that down, cut out the constant attacks on nonentities like Amy Schumer, and focused on his more serious arguments and writing, maybe he’d have more allies and weathered the storm better. Still, when he’s on he’s great, and I’ll be interested to see what he does next.
