18 Replies to “The Fruits Of An Expensive Education”

  1. Like a John Deere Manure spreader, put shit in get shit out. There needs to be some way for tax payers to exert control over tax dollars wasted on garbage public education from top to bottom.

    1. Stop sending your kids. Seriously. We cut the whole RESP thing, and said “kids, you want an education? You go organise the funding from the market. See what they’ll give you for your degree program. Hint: If a bank won’t lend you enough to major in your stupid “studies” program, that should tell you a ton!”

      Two of them said “sod that, the payoff isn’t there. I’m going into College tech programs”.

      Good times.

  2. “Fruits” heh.

    So lets imagine a Canada & US where whites have been demonized and gradually “replaced” for a few decades, the most common names are Mohammed and Pedro and they have been fueled to hate white people with every ounce of their existence by frothing self haters.

    Could never happen, no not ever.

    1. And the decades of built up hatred will still need an outlet. It will not stop until the last person on earth self loathingly kills themself.

  3. One must read carefully – Sairo Rao states that she “studied” law. No mention as to whether she was able to graduate or pass her bar exams – much like Barack Obama (technically he DID graduate, but failed 3 times to pass his bar exams – so was “let go” from the corporate law firm in Chicago).

    1. Studied, passed, makes no difference, not even what area of law you studied.
      We have a social justice lawyer in charge of Environment Canada, might have well just used the local dog catcher for the job.

    2. I am reminded that I “learned” everything I needed to know about Barrack Obama from reading Adjunct Law Professor Barrack Obama’s Final Exam questions given to his students.


      His exam reads like a primer of woke, intersectionality, social justice victimhood restoration. There! Did I plant enough Leftist gobbledegook words in that sentence. Still not as many as Barrack stuffed into a single one of his final exam questions.

      1. There’s no way Barack Obama wrote that exam. He’s too lazy to write that much.

  4. Morality and hard work would go a long way in improving some of these folks lives.

    1. They will call you a racist for saying that.
      Unfortunately I know a lot of white people that could use a dose of morality and hard work too.

  5. After living up north for quite a while, there is no greater hatred between peoples than that between Canadian natives and East Indian/Pakistani people.

  6. This is beginning to smell much like Stalin’s war against the kulak. Demonize, marginalize, and then eliminate.

    Ask Saul Alynski.

    Just imagine for a moment what will happen should enough of these people ever take power for a while.

    1. They might even attempt a coup to overturn an election result they didn’t like …

  7. Oh, I already know who is attracted by jabber about social justice. Women and “minorities” who don’t know when they’re well off—which is almost all of them.

    Women very much can be sexist, and black amd brown savages racist. In fact to find a non-sexist woman or a non-racist black is as rare as finding a hen’s tooth. To say white men are better than both is not racist. It’s a simple statement of fact.

    Rao falls into both categories.

    Her people were the mongrels the “untouchable” women of southern India had by Caucasoid warriors who invaded from the north, thinking (correctly) that they were doing the women a favour.

    British north America was as successful as it was because with few exceptions, the civilized settlers had the presence of mind to slaughter the savages instead of rutting with them.

  8. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in the leftist world, especially the SJW idiots. They specialize in hypocrisy!

  9. “Social justice, equity and inclusion” are words used by the institutional left to further post modern nihilism in terms of contrived victim-hood, racism, and moral equivocation that results in an inverted outcome where social injustice, state discrimination and civil strife abound. These terms, as used by the left, are keystones of pavement on the road to serfdom. That part of the institutional left masquerading as academia employ these expressions to lobotomize their young “customers” to better enable enslaving them.

  10. An Academic education does not exist… When parents buy & cheat to get their children into a prestige College for the accolades of attending that institution … They are “guaranteed” Graduation & that is proof that nothing of value is obtained except the social networking among other functional idiots….Fraud covering Fraud… Idiots clustered with idiots… In the front door, out the back door….

    Trump has keep his campaign promise to shakeup Foreign Student enrolment in academic College’s like Harvard..(Paid for by USA taxpayers). Those who graduate MUST be offered positions in the USA……..
    That will give the Global elitists something to work on… they send them back into the shit-hole dysfunctional Countries thinking they have done something for society… Obama’s father fell through the same worthless scheme… A cabal of Elitist discrimination of the worst form….
