The view from the big chairs – speculating on superpower strategies for the coming climate change vs. lifestyle clash of the titans

Climate change talk has swept the world, to the point where insane possibilities are now touted as the most likely outcomes. Activists demand action, and politicians act like they’re listening – who can oppose earnest, planet-loving Swedish schoolchildren? But be under no illusions that the world’s major powers will sacrifice their self-interest to climate change madness, particularly when citizens refuse to give up their lifestyles…Here’s a look at what the real focus is for the big players.

44 Replies to “The view from the big chairs – speculating on superpower strategies for the coming climate change vs. lifestyle clash of the titans”

  1. The text says China is resolute about electric vehicle adoption.

    Where does electricity in China come from? Coal. And China continues to build more coal plants.

    Meanwhile the Greens oppose Canadian LNG which will displace coal.

    Conclusion: it’s not about the climate, it’s about wealth redistribution.

  2. Stampede.
    Never Done Payers and Liberals first.
    The Cult of Calamitous Climate is Clutching their pearls and shrieking hysterically.
    See Climate Barbie’s latests performance.

    I guess reality is seeping into the bubble, extermination at the polling booth is too good for these fools.
    The modern visionaries,for they can SEE the “science of Climate Change and really admire their Emperors New Clothes, are aghast to discover the voting citizenry are not buying into their delusion.

    Panic has set in.
    Poor stupid Liberals,they sucked themselves into imposing a carbon tax(that is not a tax, in court) in an election year just as they get caught with their feet on the scales of Just Us.
    So far every election where the voter gets to chose,Climate Change Catastrophe came last.
    Did they not bother to consult Stephan Baby?

    However screw THE Cult members,they have also passed law,telling us what expression we will be permitted to use.
    Openly bought the Media.
    Exempted themselves from rule of law.
    And Taxed air.
    Almost too late to vote,still too soon to shoot.

    Am I the only one who sees the over reach and stupidity of our effete elites?

    1. Mmmmm!.. Not really.. They have been doing stupid shit like this for 3 1/2 years..

  3. Actually Canada does matter. WE ARE THE ENERGY EXPORT COMPETITION the U.S. does NOT WANT. So every dirty eco-scare mongering guilt ridding snake oil trick in the book is gonna be used to delay, obstruct and block any expansion of non-U.S. export infrastructure inside Canada. It’s potentially worth many hundreds of billions to Americans to crush Canada’s energy and so this war is being waged as well. Since the EU has no skin in the game and can easily import cheap ME & Russian hydrocarbons it doesn’t matter much to them but suits their purpose of restricting global energy access even if the dirty Americans are making a buck off of it.

    1. “Americans?” I think you mean the dupes and agents of the Chinese who hold US passports and have infiltrated US institutions. They aren’t Americans. They aren’t loyal to anything but their bank accounts.

      Real Americans, who value the continuation of western civilization in north America and a future as something other than the slaves of the Han Chinese, do not want us as competition. Canada is key to north American self-sufficiency in fossil fuels, a necessity for defeating China in the inevitable war for dominion of the planet, which will end with the destruction of either China or the west.

      Victory in this war will require destroying the Islamic petrotyrannies that fuel the Chinese war machine while maintaining American access to fossil fuels.

      1. You obviously haven’t dealt with many real Americans in oil and gas. They can be extremely greedy and possessive. Win at all costs types.

        1. Again, which Americans do you mean? Americans who actually have to drive to work in the morning? The ones who love their country, believe in God and support President Trump?

          The wealthy “Americans” who fund the eco-crankery industry are legally US citizens, yes. In reality, they are loyal only to themselves. Their US passports are passports of convenience, enabling them to swan across borders without applying for visas, forcing them to have a good reason to show their faces somewhere. They wouldn’t actually give America the steam off their piss, much less die for her.

          Globalism is in the interest of no one—least of all of any American worthy of the name.

    2. Is it possible that the US political leadership is in secret collusion with the various foundations. Ford, HP, Tides, etc, to keep Canadian oil and gas reserves as a long range reserve for US interests, and that some of our so-called Canadian ruling class are in league with this conspiracy?

      1. Ken, that is a bizarre conspiracy theory.

        You must not pay much attention to US politics on this issue because the same congressman that are anti-oil also favor excess profits tax on all oil companies, they want to restrict oil drilling, and want to levy huge carbon taxes. In other words they want to cripple the profitability of these companies. The tides foundation is in business to elect these anti-oil people to the US Congress. US executives are compensated on the profitability of their companies. So why the hell would they want to engage in this nebulous long-term conspiracy that you suggest, when they will suffer financially from the same people, immediately? Are they insane?

  4. “But no one should pretend ever that, when push comes to shove, economies – the mechanism by which people stay fed and alive – will ever take a back seat to climate change doomsday scenarios.”

    I would take issue with that statement that essentially common sense will naturally prevail if for no other reason that 3 of the 4 major federal parties in Canada are doing just that, sacrificing Canada’s prosperity on the alter of green theology. The other reason is that I know how the devious greens operate and have successfully weaseled their way into every government at every level. A recent example, Jason Kenney just appointed Mark Cameron, a former Carbon tax lobbyist / operative as a Deputy Minister in his Policy Office. The Rebel has started a petition to oust him.

    On this file, I would suggest that Canadians are going to have to be severely shocked in the economy department before there is any push-back and when you look at the extent of the rot, the entire institutional left (education, bureaucracies, media, labour, corporate rent seekers, public sector, cultural industry) will have to go silent or become environmental agnostics.

  5. We have begun a long and deep solar minimum. Last winter was cold. The next winters will be colder and summers shorter. Climate doomers cannot ignore this for much longer.

    1. They will ignore it. They will claim that global warming is to blame. If climate change has taught me anything, it is that people are as dumb as ever. We are as superstitious and irrational as was the case in the Middle Ages. Shocking, but true.

    2. May 19th. Snow in Duluth Minnesota and around the Lake Superior shores.

      Thank God for Global Warming, otherwise we would be under a half mile of ice AGAIN.

  6. “The world’s largest economies have one thing in common as bedrock for their actions – national security.”


    Economic progress is not a virtue because it allows the lazy and stupid to have nice things they don’t need or deserve.

    It is a virtue because it makes it easier for a nation’s fighting men to defeat their enemies in war and see to it that those enemies never again pose a meaningful military threat to the victors. It is now possible to annihilate a nation of savages whose extinction would be no loss to anybody in a matter of hours with the application of several atomic bombs.

    Economic and technological progress is what has kept the west from becoming a footnote in the supposedly glorious history of the Islamic or Chinese empires.

  7. Ah yes the Great Game. When Reagan brought down the Iron Curtain and freed millions of Communist Slaves. What were the consequences?
    Well 80% of production of goods, of very poor quality were pretty much contained behind the Iron Curtain, and consumed there. In the west socialist policies had been gradually adopted by the west to appease the unions and keep the engines and the people of the Cold War in check.
    A Communist behind every tree. MAD, global incineration at any moment.
    Well the wall gradually fell, and those millions, and millions of workers obtained western technology, and with globalism allowed to move forward, the great rationalization began.
    Companies fled the west and much of the west’s great wealth went with them. I should say middle class wealth. What you have now is a gradually leveling of the playing field on a global level.
    The citizens in the former communist countries are rising while the west is dropping. Look at the demand for meat for example.
    The UN basically is the HR Dept. for the Great Game. Homogenize Humanity through their programs like multicult, and destroy National Borders.
    Bring in Mass Migration and level the playing field more. All the while spread fear, propaganda and mass panic over natural cycles of the earth and our solar system.
    The dumbing down is close to closing the circle. Introduce control of speech and thought, Universities of Higher Learning that are just shadows of what Universities are supposed to be. Obsessed with 72 genders that don’t exist. A new Dark Age is falling.
    Dumb them down. Control speech, Control thought make the INMATES pliable to our will.
    The Cold War is gone and has been replaced with Climate Mania. Crisis because the earth is having weather. The Countries of the west have signed Pacts in our names to tax away 90T in wealth to be redistributed Globally. In the name of Climate Mania. What is the end game? Control absolute control.
    The earth is being turned into one great big prison without walls. Facial Recognition, monitoring through cell phones and computers everyone under constant surveillance, everywhere,
    Global sharing of all personal info, control of speech, climate mania and extremism.
    Canada is just one department to be managed and controlled. The generations recently born and all future generation will never know Liberty and Freedom. The Matrix is real. Keep pulling at the oars of the slave ship. Ah the Great Game.

    1. yep….and it will be a Global Islamic Kalipahte.

      Islam being the absolute pinnacle of complete Totalitarian Power with Zero escape…cept in a recycled carboard box with yer head held firmly by your cold dead hands.

      Climate change
      Mass in Migration
      Social Upheaval

      Your 3 entwined campaigns to destroy the west.

  8. I was watching the reaction of the chattering class to scheer’s idea of creating an energy corridor. The reactions ranged from “it can never be done” to outright mocking. Yet, these same naysayers think that the fossil fuel based economy can be completely transformed in 5 to 10 years.

    An energy corridor is basically a TransCanada highway or cross Canada national railway endeavor. It’s been done before. The federal government has lots of levers and tools to use – eminent domain, land purchases, equalization and transfer payment threats (carrots and sticks).

    OTOH, getting to zero fossil fuels (energy, manufacturing, plastics, fertilizers, etc.) in less than a decade is childlike magical thinking. Especially since they abhor nuclear power, the only credible substitute for baseload power besides hydro.

    You can’t take the chattering class seriously, they don’t seem particularly bright. Putting our electricity, fuel and agricultural system in their hands is like giving a loaded gun to an idiot child.

    1. Canadian History shows that in spades,every thing the bureaus control,turns to shit.
      Their number one brag,is healthcare.
      Reality plays no part in the parasites paradise.

      1. Here’s a Crazy idea let’s get Max into power so he can reduce the playground of the parasites paradise and their power over us all.

        Max is the only political leader that is willing to do it, all the others have been bought and paid for to work against us.

          1. Just like Scheer will always be the Globalist since he supports the Paris Accord and made all his party vote for it.

            Scheer Another Globalist dictator in the waiting.

            Max is Canada’s Tommy Tommy

            Conservative CPC Party is a centrists party…

            Max is the only true leader and the PPC is the only party on the right.

        1. Judging from the Con/Lib/NDP policy consensus, history and reality play no part in the world of the vast majority of Canadian voters, because they keep reelecting this crap to office.

    2. I don’t expect the media to be onside because they are so knee-jerk anti-Conservative, but I believe Canadians will like the idea of an energy corridor.

    3. I lik the idea…but reality will get in the way. Far too much baksheesh being spread from the Montreal Docks outwards througout the Quebec Political scene. And Scheer will have to bend the knee to those that Really run this country: Power Corp, Laurentien Elites etc.

      Aint EVER gonna happen – And why the WEST MUST leave.

      1. Watch what Andy Sche(m)er does, not what he says. What he does is force the Sche(m)er Conservatives to be pro Paris accord. The only pipeline he’s likely to build is one that brings graft into the Conservative Party coffers.All those people who are hopeful should just get ready to see the carbon tax replaced by something that costs nearly as much as Trudle’s tax, does very little to lift the burden on the oil industry, but does manage to bring a lot of graft into the Conservative party. Dairy supply management, forever, and equalization payments, forever, CBC, forever will be thrown in, gratis.

      2. Alberta secessionist threats may have to trump Quebec secessionist threats. If Alberta (and sask) leave, then economically it’s game over for Quebec (and Canada).

        TROC cannot afford to lose that big of a percentage of its GDP, tax revenue and exports. The Canadian dollar would drop like a stone and so would its credit rating which would dramatically increases debt payments. A viscous cycle of economic pain would be the instant result.

        Alberta just opting out of CPP would cause problems for TROC:

        “Using the standard methodology employed by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, which regulates and monitors the CPP’s finances, a recent analysis found that the basic CPP rate (9.9 per cent) would have to increase to 10.6 per cent if Alberta withdrew, resulting in up to $367 in additional contributions (in the form of payroll taxes) for workers outside of Alberta. Meanwhile, Albertans would pay just 5.85 per cent for a CPP-like program for the province.”

        1. TROC gets a great deal from Alberta. Billions of dollars (20 billion per year?) from Alberta while providing nothing extra in return to Albertans. All Alberta wanted was the ability to sell its products internationally encumbered by Ottawa and TROC. An incredibly good deal that most countries would love to have. Yet, Ottawa and TROC seen determined to wreck this enviable agreement.

  9. Typical thinking by most people.
    YOU give up your lifestyle, so I can keep mine.
    You don’t see the elite politicians or hollywood types who hate carbon based fuels slowing down their use of such, while preaching at us to do so.

  10. a BS article.
    where has the author been past 20 years?

    the governments are the ones who have been pushing the climate change agenda with Canaduh playing the lead role tks to Mo Strong who stole $900,00 earmarked for starving Iraqi kids and then ran off to China to help the commies scam more $$$$s out of the green scam. So now after years of indoctrination the plebs have bought into the hysteria and are running around crying the word is ending. What is the problem? Where is the conflict? it never was about saving the planet by cutting oil production. It’s been about scamming easy money by corporates and retooling industry to green to create jobs for Joe Six-pack cuz the globalists sent all the old industries to commie China. The governments will keep pumping all the oil they need to and say to people we aren’t meeting our targets so we have to spend ever more on green.

    Yes the globalists have been courting commie China for decades and sending jobs and techology over. They are OK with commie systems of social control. What have they got in store for us?????????????????????

  11. a BS article.
    where has the author been past 20 years?

    the governments are the ones who have been pushing the climate change agenda with Canaduh playing the lead role tks to Mo Strong who stole $900,00 earmarked for starving Iraqi kids and then ran off to China to help the commies scam more $$$$s out of the green scam. So now after years of indoctrination the plebs have bought into the hysteria and are running around crying the word is ending. What is the problem? Where is the conflict? it never was about saving the planet by cutting oil production. It’s been about scamming easy money by corporates and retooling industry to green to create jobs for Joe Six-pack cuz the globalists sent all the old industries to commie China. The governments will keep pumping all the oil they need to and say to people we aren’t meeting our targets so we have to spend ever more on green.

    Yes the globalists have been courting commie China for decades and sending jobs and technology over. They are OK with commie systems of social control. What have they got in store for us?????????????????????

  12. this is the first time I ever posted anyplace. as a MSA ( main stream American) I think most working Americans have no fight with Canadians, we are all in the same boat, losing our freedoms and being taxed at every turn. for almost 15 years from1981 to 1995 I and two friends owned a duck hunting cottage near sandy lake, Manitoba. we met many, many farmers and townspeople. never in all those years did we meet a nasty person. our main job was to get the ducks and geese moving south and to keep the 2nd. shift running at Molson’s.
    now as a old man 24 years later living in south Texas, I still see the ex-owner of the golf course here and the game warden at the time winters here too. I went to Vietnam and fought for my country, I would still to this day defend it and would gladly come to Canada to defend your county. never, never put us is the same boat as our politicians. we are with you.

    1. Thank you Sir from Alberta. The average Canadian outside of the city folk, actually like Americans. After all we are brothers. I have a fair bit of family in the US. In fact my family started out in the USA, and some landed at Plymouth Rock. Fought in the War of Independence,, the Indian Wars, the Civil War, that was one branch the other branch have been in Canada since 1680. And tho an old man now if America was ever invaded, I would pack my kit and fight for the USA as well. I have family there. Doing the family tree just found out one of my relatives, he was from Quebec was a fur trader in the Black Hills area and saved the buffalo in the USA. He was married to a Cheyenne Indian woman whose father was a Chief and was wounded fighting Custer at the Little Big Horn. Fredrick Dupuis.

  13. Instead of arguing about Klimate Change/Glowbull Warmening/Klimate Emergency/Weather Scaredy Cats…whatevs, I now ask those so bothered by CO2 levels (supposedly the cause of Climate Change…as if) what level they would like to see for World Wide CO2 concentration and how would they like to get there.

    Pick a number and I’ll fill you in on your ignorance on the subject. We are at (the horrors!!!) 400 ppm CO2 (any of you even have an idea what that number means?) recently raised to (gasp, choke, cough) 410 ppm CO2. We’re all gonna die. As if.

    400 ppm = 0.04 % (1% = 10,000 ppm). Atmospheric O2 is 21%, Nitrogen 78%, Argon 0.9% and the rest as “trace gases” of which CO2 is 0.04%, among others. Science in action. CO2 is NOT a pollutant, despite some folks believing otherwise, like Climate Barbie of the LPOC and her Department gurus.

    We need the stuff above a certain level to support photosynthesis in plants or a bunch of critters (us too) croak. That level is 250 ppm for certain types of plants, the fruit bearing types, fruits, seeds, nuts etc. that support more complex life on this planet. Below 200 ppm “life” will become difficult for these kinds of critters, including humans.

    So yeah, ask a greenie what level of CO2 turns their crank, while they wear Gortex and other synthetic materials, use plastics, ride their bicycles, or WALK to Vancouver from Tronna, or Florida in winter.

  14. this stuff crops up periodically in history; ’emporer’s new clothes syndrome’.
    except now somebody has their hamfist over the kid’s mouth.

    inquisition? yep
    salem witch trials? yep
    rise of naziism/italian fascism? yep
    stalin? yep
    mao? yep
    kim jong unhinged? yep
    macarthyism? yep
    social justice? yep

    nothing new, move along, move along
