When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Nixon, Marini, and the Russia Hoax

In a recent essay reflecting on John Marini’s excellent new book, Unmasking the Administrative State, Ken Masugi wrote that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report amounted to a rerun from the Nixon era. It is certainly a repeat performance of sorts, but it looks like it will not conclude in the same satisfying way for the Left. Now, the tables are being turned on them. For the first time since the 1970s, we have a president and an attorney general, William Barr, who will not cave to injustice.
Barr has made clear he will look at spying regardless of party affiliation. The Democrats naturally are howling at the prospect, for it well may wrap up their grand ruse that is a political scandal bigger than anything Nixon could ever have imagined.
What we have witnessed the last two plus years with the Russia hoax, is a variation of the Watergate scandal playbook replayed by the same Democrat party that once sacrificed the political health of the country in order to protect their self-interested pursuit of power. Marini and Masugi’s work has made this clear to me in ways that it was not until now.
Let’s begin with a little background.

21 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. The unmistakable aroma of Democrats wafts around the history of Watergate. The Democrat legend is that Nixon personally got caught ordering the break in. Nixon, in fact, did absolutely nothing. The only thing he was ever accused of was he did not rat on his team when he did find out who did it. That was not a crime. The real crime was that spineless Republicans in Congress did not tell the Democrats to shove off and instead pledge their loyalty to Nixon in any impeachment hearings. Cowardice has never served any politician well.

  2. Once again Professor Victor Davis Hanson quietly and effectively write an explanation of the future for the “Great Experiment” also know as the United States of America and Canada are the most desired Home land for at least 33 % of the People(s) in the World, which live elsewhere.

    One only has to view the photo Hanson displays on the American Greatness Column to recognize the encouraged People who are coming in__ Hundreds of Thousands __ each Month from the Spain & Portugal Colonial Heritage of __Central & South America__ Countries. The abused and deliberately uneducated & unemlightended_ Ordinary Average Hispanic and Latino Citizens essentially ignored by The inherited Elite Class and now after centuries the down trodden working and indigent poor.

    How is this differnt than the somewhat later colonies of the United Kingdom located in North America? Why has there been development in the Two countries of North America which have grown into a viable Social Contract under control by the expectations of the Ordinary Average Citizen? The progression and development of Human Rights of the Individual from Magna Carta – through the Grand Revolution – the Long Parliament – the American Revolution__ We The People__ the French Revelution __ & the slow but steady attempts for millions of other Nations/Countries to remove the limitations set upon ordinary people by self-satisfied Elites “We Know Better Than You”; & they don’t.

    At least the “Great Experiment” it has remained such a situation up until around the second decade of the Twenty First Century.

    Fortunately for the United States of America; the remnant Ordinary Average American Citizen which still understand the Social Contract must extend in Two Directions to remain viable. “WE THE PEOPLE” is deliberately demanded.

    The Bureaucracies, as Employees are hired to find solutions for the ‘bumps in the interaction of the Social Contract. They are left alone to Do-Their-Jobs” by an involved in a process of providing where – with all – for – all; which includes many, many times People(s) around the World facing Natural Disasters and Security of Body and Soul misuse.

    But as any person with a reasonable understanding of History, especially of the History identified as Western Culture, the POWER allocated to the Employees as a Bureaucracy historically becomes a motley crew of self-importance and constantly seeking out ways to grow an individual Or a Bureaucracy to advance the perceived Self-Esteem. This becomes especially tempting in a multi-cultural and diverse society such as the United States of America & Canada.

    Multi-culturalism in the Third North American Country of Mexico; has never really moved beyond the Heritage of Spain and although not quite as much a S*** H*** as the Central and South American countries is less multi-cultural and diverse, because who really wants to move into any level of a S*** H***Country.

    Remarkable is the only description for the success in the present Governance of the United State of America remaining intact after the most by-far; & greatest effort to date, since 1776, to bring the U.S.A. to the level of S*** H*** Country through a Bureaucracy Coup.

    Only the 2016 Election of POTUS #45; by the Sovereign Ordinary Average American Citizen surviving the COUP ATTEMPT by the move by the Bureaucracy towards an Aristocracy or even a Monarchy, by using: a crass – culpable – corrupt – Couple or Two; ___as the Bureaucracy’s Vehicle toward the Goal of a Courtier Class for upper echelons.

    The Aristocracy inevitably moving through the present and interminable nepotism of a Courtier Class into something simialr to the United Kingdoms __Parliamentary Monarchy; ___but without the Parliament Part.

    The White House becoming America’s Buckingham Palace and one of the Main Tourist Goals for America. Matching China’s ‘Forbidden City’ forimpr essing people(s) of the Hinterland to come and see. Returning home with wonderful stories about the glitter and glamour while after returning home waiting for the next largesse gift from The Courtier Class.

    The remaining Country of Canada is still in the vulnerable area; this because of a deliberately mislead and poorly informed Urban Citizenry. The success of the 2019 Canadian Federal Election will establish the concept of Sovereignty in the Canadian Anglo-Culture or possibly be the First step in the inevitable Changes in the National Boundaries of the former British North American remanent Colonies now called Dominion in the British Commonwealth of Nations and the International Organisation of La Francophonie.

    Although as much a multicultural and diverse Nation/Country as the U.S.A.; Canada is still only a semi-Sovereign Ordinary Average Citizen Country.

    The “Great Experiment” established in the U.S.A. by the Founders and devceloped through the declaration of Independence and The Constituation of the United State of America does not yet exist in Canada.

    The semi-Sovereignty understanding is actually an illusion and only partially aware by Canadaians through geographical osmosis by Anglo-Culture Canadians. The Franco Cultural Canadiens appear to not care about Sovereignty of Citizenery or even a semi-Sovereign characterization. Possibly they is due to the ever increasing control by the rarely acknowleged Francophone Bureaucracy of Ottawa.

    Ottawa only operates as Bi-Lingual Capital City, when English is required in literature or other communications imperatives. Any verbal and/or written communication is in both Official Languages, but Governing is in French. This is a resultant of the constant election of Prime Minsters as native to Quebec due to Political Party Prioritues.

    As a __ By-The-Way thought__ throughout the Political Class of Canada; ‘if you do not allow Quebecois to dominate; We/They will remove ourselves as a Nation of Canada and the opportunities will become limited for the Federal Bureaucracy.

    Quebec remains an uni-lingual entity in all matters of State and Governance. It is a confirmed Nation not a Province as presented to Anglo-Culture funders of Franco & Anglo areas within the existing boundaries.

    1. Whoa there buddy! Calm down, pour yourself a wee drap of good Scotch, set a spell in your favourite chair and just chill out for a time. You’ll feel much better if you do.

        1. Read the damn spiel! What was written is totally accurate. The Quebec gov’t was recently told that they had to hire some English-speaking civil servants. Guess what, the ads for any positions were in French.
          It is way past time that they were booted out.
          Better yet, it is way past time that the West leaves this ugly thing called Confederation. Alberta gets SFA for all of our efforts and contributions from the ROC.
          Elections mean nothing and haven’t for decades.

        2. Agreed. I got two paragraphs into it, realized it was a screed, and fast-forwarded.

          This looks like a full post from somewhere else that should have been linked to, not quoted in its entirety. Brevity in an intro would be appreciated, and a less bloviating writing style. There may be a gem or two in there, but I’m not going to spend 5 minutes reading on the off chance there’s something new to glean.

  3. To be fair, Mr. McCallion provides a rational opinion with good analysis but yes, I too only made it part way through…

    back to the subject of the post, truly, as some American blogs are saying, Watergate was a small thing compared to the current scandal, Clinton/Obama unleashed the Russian hoax the night of Trump’s victory, they and their goons in the intelligence/security complex had bet the farm Clinton would win, there’s a steady rumble on the US internet that a lot of criminal indictments are going to drop, insiders such as Lisa Page may be singing for their lives… sorry for the cliché but – get the popcorn ready…

    1. I really hope you’re right…Trump is making the right sounds in that direction, lets see if he follows thru…

      Utterly pathetic how the establishwampment rages when they meet real resistance. Particularly sad also when the Rinos and Cinos like Romney can’t help but sabotage Trump.

  4. The left are now tripling down on their on their Russian collusion lies. Stunning to witness.

    They are so arrogant, desperate and delusional that they are STILL trying to push the same old debunked and tired collusion lies and fantasies. They now claim that the exact same report on collusion that clears Trump and exposes their dishonesty somehow convicts Trump of obstruction. They are utterly, utterly shameless.

  5. It’s just completely and utterly outside my realm of understanding how someone can look through that report and think “yup, it’s acceptable that the leader of my country behaves this way.” I have nothing more to say.

    1. “I have nothing more to say. ”
      Wisest words in the comment.
      It is better to remain silent and perhaps be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

      FYI, I’m proud that my President behaved the way he did.
      Many other so called leaders of my country, not so much…

    2. andydrew, yep, steele dossier 02 is sooooooo believable. Wait till the bullschitt is debunked wood ja.

      You , you fool, are a prime example of why means tests for voters, and a scaled vote should be implemented. Smart is not yer forte!!!!

  6. Enough with the beer and popcorn routine, it is getting to the time in America and Canada to break out the Champagne and Caviar.

    1. “Enough with the beer and popcorn routine, it is getting to the time in America and Canada to break out the Champagne and Caviar.”

      Not until a certain drama teacher and his children’s crusade of a cabinet are unseated in Ottawa.

  7. Back when the Watergate affair was in the news (some time during the Jurassic Era, as I recall), I believed that Nixon had either done nothing wrong or that there was little, if any, evidence that he broke the law. Whatever had been presented was flimsy and circumstantial.

    People I told that to thought I was nuts. Some even mocked and derided me for believing it. Back then, it seemed that everybody thought he was guilty as sin and would gladly have seen him strung up.

    This article confirms that I might have been right, after all.

    1. BA, in all my research as to the Kennedy assassination I wound up reading a lot on Nixon, as Ford was on the warren commission, and part of the cover up “team”. With that in mind I feel that all the truth about things today may drag on for a long time. And yes, there are a lot of people like Andrew, too stupid to understand what is really going on.

  8. I sat at a Jets White Out party with an old buddy. I was wearing my MAGA hat and he asked about it. He then went on to expound that Trump is a sexist and racist SOB, he colluded with Russia, he embarrasses the USA all over the world and everyone, just everyone knows that. When I tried to contradict my friend with a few facts, he refused to listen. (All the beer he was consuming was no doubt contributory.) So I switched to how well the economy was doing in the USA. I was firmly informed that it takes ten years for policy change to effect the economy therefore none of this had anything to do with Trump and was all the doing of Obama and everyone knows this too. You can’t get people to stop believing what they want to believe. I recall well Nixon’s resignation and I was struck by how his reason was that facts be damned, he had lost the confidence of those around him, probably mostly people like my beer drinking buddy. My beer drinking buddy also thinks the Jets are the greatest team ever and can tell me more information about every player on the team than I could tell you about one of my own sons. The Jets lost in overtime.

    1. Hey Justin the saying in Rome centuries ago was something about ‘bread and circuses.”
      These days we have high priced bread and wayyyy overpriced circuses comprised of Jets, Oilers, Flames Canucks, etc. – Only a partial list to be sure.
      There is no need to take anything like politics seriously, I mean politics only affects your every movement or decision every moment of your day. I mean if the Jets win, nothing else matters does it? Really, does it?
