The Rockefellers vs. Albertans

How come American $$$ influence in Alberta’s election is okay?

Alberta is in the final days before an election and the backbone industry of its economy is practically broken because all pipeline projects out of the province have been stalled or ended. This didn’t happen for no reason. This was planned and is precisely what a Rockefeller Brothers Fund campaign was funded to bring about.

The Tar Sands Campaign has been running for more than a decade with financial help from the US$870-million Rockefeller family philanthropic foundation. The goal of the campaign, as CBC reported in January, is to sabotage all pipeline projects that would export crude oil from Western Canada to lucrative overseas markets.

h/t Ken Kulak

Related: Danielle Smith interviews Vivian Krause h/t Watcher

54 Replies to “The Rockefellers vs. Albertans”

  1. The Link ends up going to a “praise Wretched Knothead website”. The original seems to have been removed.

    Anyway, as long as it is the Left it isn’t wrong or immoral. The Canadian media is pretty much in the tank for the Dippers – being Unifor/Jerry Diaz disciples – and go to great lengths to cover up any wrong doing by the Left.

    1. Try this link directly to Calgary Sun. This same foreign money bought 29 seats for Trudeau in the last Federal Election. This needs to be made into an International Incident by Jason Kenney. This needs to be brought to Trump directly by Kenney. He needs to make sure he buys front page ads in all the US Major newspapers. Soros and Rockefellers interfering in Canadian Federal Elections Provincial Election in Alberta and Municipal Election in Vancouver. It is probably breaking International Law to Landlock Alberta’s Oil as Well. Maybe this will spur Trump to expedite the Rail Link To Anchorage and XL Pipeline. It makes the US look very bad internationally.

      1. In this follow up interview after Krause on April 11 with Cory Morgan. Cory lodged a complaint against the NDP with Elections Alberta. Seems the NDP Party Treasurer has been personally directing and controlling Funding from Foreign sources and Unions to steal the Election in Alberta. In Direct Control. Which is why UCP is gradually dropping in polls. The UCP does not have the funds to compete. Very crooked and illegal. Why do you think you have Trudeau, same people same money same methods cost CPC 29 seats. Do the math.

      2. Maybe if the Russians could somehow be implicated that might get there attention.Funny how the elephant in the room of foreign election interference is okay as long as the left benefits.

    2. I seem to recall someone making the argument that foreign resources should be drained first thus keeping national ones for much-needed future reserves.
      Of course, that was aimed at the US.
      The problem I have is if there is a “master plan” which faction is running it? By now TPTB must have fractured along various political fault lines. So are they acting in a group consensus, or is each section acting for its own self-interest?
      It would explain a lot if the right hand didn’t know what the left was doing.

      For an entirely new insight into power read Roberto Saviano’s Gomorrah. His facts are over a decade old now but the same principles still apply. The Camorra train their young men by shooting them while they wear bulletproof vests. Teach them not to fear getting shot. Their political reach is simply amazing.
      As is their ambition.

  2. Breathtaking hypocrisy from these 5, 6th generation Rockefellers; there trust fund based on Standard Oil seems forgotten? Reminds one of a certain Canadian PM whose grandfather profited from the very same business. People should keep this in mind when they whine about toxic fossil fuels.

    1. It is not so much if politicians are for sale, it is about how much does it cost. Years ago I was living in San Diego, CA and one of the city council members was busted for taking a $15K bribe. Most people were more upset that one of our council members could be bought so cheaply. Made all of us feel cheap.

        1. No kidding. Near 1940, a long serving but retired mayor of Chicago( Big Jim ? ) dropped dead in his mansion. Just in the house was over a million dollars.
          Now any decent hack makes sure he gets 3 pensions. Years of public service deserve at least 2-300K/yr in their golden years, exhausted and worn. Plus cost of living kiss every year.

  3. To paraphrase a line from 1984, our future here in Alberta is to imagine a Liberal boot stamping on our faces forever. It’s been that way for the last 51 years.

    Eastern Canada, the Hamilton-Quebec corridor in particular, wants Albertan to be its serfs and it doesn’t matter how that’s accomplished.

  4. Because freedom of speech. That’s how freedom of speech works: even voices you don’t like have a right to be heard expressed with dollars. What’s amusing that these green jerkwads are putting so many resources into Canada will they lose the fight in the US.

    The funding obsession is a huge pointless distraction. The problem is with the laws and probably with the SC. Address the real problem.

  5. Under rules introduced by the NDP, “third parties are prohibited from colluding with political parties”

    However, like Turdeau, Notley experiences ethics, integrity, and collusion differently.

    Siobhan Vipond is the Treasurer of the NDP, yet she is the contact person for a labour union PAC engaged in pro NDP advertising.

    1. The NDP Party is directly controlling Union Funds from across Canada as well as Funds from Foreign sources as well as NDP Funds to take down Kenney this is huge. Notley and the NDP are Criminals. This is why Trudeau wants control of the Internet. He controls the RCMP, the CBC, the so called Bought and paid for msm other than the CBC. Wake up folks.

  6. It’s really simple.

    A vote for NOTLEY is a vote AGAINST ALBERTA.

    She’s been suckered into supporting rich outside interests, and why wouldn’t she, since all of her advisors are NOT from Alberta. Plus her ham-fisted legislation to rehab us ’embarrassing cousins’ shows it.

    She’s also embarrassed most Albertans by turning this election into a despicable name calling campaign.
    Proud Albertans want work to support their families and she’s scolding them over trivial garbage.
    Her political headstone will state “Rachel Notley – Mud Slinger”

    1. In the absence of concrete economic plans, meaningful policies and an admirable track record throw crap in all directions and hope some of it sticks to your opponent. The media will assist you in this task. S.o.p. for the ndp in sask for decades.

      1. If it didn’t work for Trump, it probably won’t for Notley. Still nervous about her getting re-elected though.

  7. If you can be traitorous against your province then Notley is the poster twat for provincial traitors.

  8. Green zealotry and theocracy trumps nationalism. Their cause is more spiritual than rational and given the echo chamber of the media, even self righteous. Yank hysteria-purveying foundations fund organizations like Dogwood to pay their drones to “volunteer” for the BC NDP. This kind of sleaze is entirely “acceptable” given the extent of the green indoctrination and parroting from the culturally dominant institutional left. When the (non) debate boils down to the idiotically simplified and engineered “choice” of saving the planet or waving the flag, the planet wins every time. Once prosperity has been driven from the nation, the green theocracy will give way to something very aggressive and much less environmentally sensitive.

    The UPC will win on Tuesday, and then the media can reverse their guns once again inward toward the provincial government.

  9. I’m hoping the one thing this does accomplish is to help galvanize people into supporting a UDI. If there’s one thing old school Albertans don’t like, it’s outside interference in local issues.

    If, by some chance, the NDP actually pulls it off, on the other hand…enjoy the decline.

  10. Does anybody here really think this is about the money?

    On the whole, I would much rather the priority for sales of Alberta oil be given to our friends in the United States.

    Those “lucrative overseas markets” are mostly China. We have nothing to gain and much to lose by feeding the dragon the oil he can’t source in Saudi Arabia.

    Their man in Rideau Cottage nationalized the Kinder Morgan pipeline because he really does want the dirty money China will happily pay for Alberta oil—for the Libranos and their collaborationist Indian chiefs.

    The globalists (including the Rockefellers, who got out of the oil business decades ago, but not just them by a long shot) simply don’t want fossil fuel development to continue anywhere in the western world. Period. All the money on earth wouldn’t change their minds. This is all globalist ideology, which in the end is in the interest of nobody at all.

    This has little to do as well with the grudge of Bay Street against Alberta (which long predates Alberta’s oil industry—they never forgave Albertans for electing Social Credit). The globalists hate all the peoples of Christendom equally.

    (It’s the Jews they really, REALLY hate. But that’s another story.)

    1. Yeah there really are no lucrative overseas markets for this oil. Not any more. By the time that pipeline gets built, China will be long broke. That gunna be an expensive lesson.

  11. The economic destruction in the name of junk climate science is bad enough, but add to that a tax exemption to further the destruction is adding massive insult to injury. These outside activist groups have no business meddling in Canada’s affairs and it’s time to put a stop to it . The planet is just fine, but there are far too many people in dire need of serious brainwash intervention that are pushing us towards 3rd world status. There are laws against outside interference that impact a nation. Use them ,…… and vote accordingly.

  12. Like the Income trusts, CPC supported them….until they didn’t.

    Gotta ask why the CPC/UCP are so late on this file. Vivian has been pumping out all the info on the anti oil faction IN CANADA, never mind the USA, for quite a few years. Since before Harper. I’ve posted stuff here about it, sent it to the CPC. Basically silence from our “conservative” polly wolleys. Suddenly it’s an issue several days before this election?

    Screw the CPC. You couldn’t get me off the couch to piss on one, if they were on fire. Especially Scheer, who whipped his caucus to vote the Paris crap and owes his place to the Quebec milk lobby.

    1. What are they to do? Ban consenting adults from accepting money? This is a free-ish country.

  13. Trudeau’s CBC had a former provincial Conservative cabinet minister on today, explaining how wonderful Notley is. Nothing biased about our CBC at its downtown Toronto studios. Can’t wait for the unbiased stories as the CBC and CTV arrives tomorrow to cover the election.

    1. When Kenny wins, I’ll hoist the Rupert’s Land flag from my house. That’s the Hudson’s Bay flag, to those with no history knowledge. The original owners, including a large part of Quebec, draining into Hudson’s Bay. Then push for a UDI. You’ll never see that commie red, ersatz rag, we call a flag fly from here.

      1. When Kenny wins, I’ll hoist the Rupert’s Land flag from my house. That’s the Hudson’s Bay flag, to those with no history knowledge.

        That’s a good idea. I’ve got mine handy but I also have some other flags that I could use, such as a Jolly Roger.

  14. // How come American $$$ influence in Alberta’s election is okay? //
    For one or both? The Fraser Institute gets money from the Kochtopus.

    1. The Fraser Institute is a reasearch and policy group– and a top ranking one. They do careful research which can help people make informed decisions. Most of the leftist and environmental groups funded by the Rockefeller Foundation (like LeadNow and Dogwood) are activist political groups. They do not do research. Instead they organize protests and propagada campaigns. They are especially active at election time. Their stated goal is to influence elections.

        1. The Fraser Institute does not supply a small army of their paid employees to do “volunteer” campaigning for the Conservatives. The same cannot be said of Dogwood and the NDP.

      1. // The Fraser Institute is a reasearch and policy group– and a top ranking one. //

        I suppose that depends on who is doing the ranking:
        // as Nova Scotia Finance Minister Graham Steele put it: “The Fraser Institute produces junk. It is not a serious institution. It is a political organization.”
        Steele was two-thirds right. The Fraser Institute is serious all right, although its research is not serious in the normal sense of transparency and lack of bias, no matter what it claims. But it surely is political. Indeed, the Fraser Institute is all politics, all the time. //
        The Fraser Institute Wait Time Reports: Madness in the Method, but Method in the Madness

        1. dizzy

          I’ve been a supporter of the Fraser Institute since the early 80’s. They are a non partisan research institute. A political.

          Perhaps the NS Finance Minister didn’t like the findings of a FI report but they do serious research and the contention that they produce junk is bunk. They are interested in market solutions and I’ve never once seen them support bigger government. Maybe that’s why Minister Steele doesn’t like them.

          Posting a rabble column hardly cuts it here at SDA.

    2. dizzbag

      good phukking lord you are stupid. Financing a think tank is a world away from actually political financing.

      1. // Financing a think tank is a world away from actually political financing. //

        One can always predict the conclusion of Fraser Institute research.
        They come in handy at crucial times:
        Corbella: Hoping I don’t feel nauseous again on election night

        Why do they accept Koch money?
        Why does Koch give them money? [being libertarians, “goodness of their hearts” doesn’t compute.

        1. dizzbag

          and you still don’t address the issue. One directly tries to effect election( and policy) out come, the other is a think tank. You lefties never do “context” worth schitt.

          Hay unDork, try figuring out the discussion before posting

          1. Three lame insults
            and one tautology // One directly tries to effect election( and policy) out come, the other is a think tank. //

  15. This Confederation is just too corrupt to continue. I think it is past the proper time to get our sorry asses out from under our Masters. UDI or bust, I say.

  16. Kenney says he will run a binding referendum in 2020 via the Municipal elections to seek the consent of Albertans to renegotiate Equalization. He needs to seek consent to go UDI instead. He then has a mighty hammer to use in negotiations with Canada. Or the legal right to take Alberta to Nationhood instead.
    The population of Alberta and believe you me it is the Alberta citizens themselves who have paid out that 1Trillion since 1961 into Ottawa. That is criminal levels of taxation. That is from the work and sweat of less than 4m citizens.
    Ontario with a population of 15 plus million only paid in 700B. Do people, Canadians not understand this at all. It is criminal.
    And Alberta under the Trudeau Constitution can legally do nothing within the system because the whole vote. the Federal elections are not one man/woman one equal vote. It is armed robbery, legalized theft. The resources of Alberta belong to the Citizens of Alberta not Canada.
    How can Quebec claim that Hydro Power income this year 4B profit is not a resource, and get away with this, it is untouchable.
    No my friends and Alberta Patriots it is damn well long past time to leave this party. UDI all the way. No Indian Treaty’s No UN treatys, No Federal Court Jurisdiction, and kick Ottawa’s ass out of Alberta Parks. Even there Albertans got screwed. Roughly 10M acres of the most beautiful territory handed to Ottawa in trust, and yet Quebec hardly has 100,000 acres of National Park.
    Wake up Alberta get the parasites off our bodies. UDI get out now. Recent polls show around 50% of Patriotic Albertans want their own country, their own Nation. Canada is not a country it is a damn gangster state. And Alberta is treated like a Colony.
    1Trillion dollars siphoned off less than 4 m Albertans, let that sink in real good. If that money had stayed in Alberta, Alberta would have that 1 Trillion in its Heritage Fund just like Norway has now, Norway has about the same population as Alberta. UDI. Get the hell out.

    1. Watcher, I ‘d like Alberta to separate. However, in my opinion, an Alberta vote on UDI will fail.

      Have a vote on renegotiating equalization first. See what happens with the negotiations. At the same time do the following:
      – set up a provincial police force and set a date for the RCMP to leave.
      – start collecting provincial income tax independently from the feds
      – have Alberta pull out of Canada Pension Plan and make it provincial.
      – opt out of Employment Insurance and run it provincially
      – etc.

      Then if equalization renegotiations fail, then pull the separation vote. By that time you have prepared the Alberta voter.

      Heck I would love to be an Alberta citizen, yet keep my Canadian citizenship. That way I could vote Conservative in Alberta, and vote for socialists in Canada. 🙂

  17. I would suggest boycotting products made in Ontario or Quebec until they come to their senses but I can’t think of anything they make.

    1. fred

      It wouldn’t impact here, they are just to stupid. I hold unDork as an example of “just too stupid”

    2. Although Alberta is known to be a major exporter of goods and services to international and Canadian markets, Alberta’s imports are also quite substantial. In 2016, imports of goods and services from the other provinces and territories totaled $67 billion in 2016, actually exceeding Alberta’s inter-provincial exports of $63 billion in that year. Although inter-provincial imports into Alberta also declined during Alberta’s 2015/2016 recession, they were still 38% higher in 2016 than they were in 2016. [sic] The top Canadian suppliers of Alberta imports are Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec.

      Put that on your pancakes

      1. bizzbag

        yah gonna address my point, or just TruDeu it

        and dizzbag, try understanding “tautology”. Yer effing stupid is even surpassing the unDork’s

  18. If someone has already mentioned it, I apologize in advance. I wonder if Kenney forces Transmountain to ship ONLY non refined crude it would be a double win. The pipeline stays full and Albertans enjoy a bit of a glut of refined product. Meanwhile gas prices in the lower mainland skyrocket.

    1. BC could always build a big new refinery. Perhaps it could replace their coal export terminal. 🙂

  19. Worried about Tuesdays election… 4 more years of Notley and Alberta is over.

    John in Calgary
