29 Replies to “An Apology To Stefan Molyneux”

    1. I find it interesting that he was in china, for some time it seems, and his mind was changed. He didn’t say it but it seems clear to me that while in china he found out what real racism is. Prior to china, racism was just an abstract concept to him, he hadn’t really known it.

      Go to china as a black man, your eyes will be opened.

      1. Go to China as a White man and your eyes will be opened too.

        The Chinese are equal-opportunity racists. “Gwai lo” is not a term of endearment, know what I mean?

        1. Non-Han, just to be perfectly clear. But everyone in China is equal, until they’re not. Legislated equality is one thing, but actual equality is a different animal. The irony, though, is how much effort Chinese women put into looking pale/white, such that there’s an entire industry built around it.

          My wife is Han–her documents even say so–and she’s pretty open to me about her racism, but I’ve never seen her act overtly racist towards anyone. And she’s not racist towards all groups equally, or she wouldn’t have married me. 🙂 She’s also fairly westernised, but don’t let that give you a more-positive impression than it deserves, because it’s very relative.

          1. The Chinese are even racist towards each other. They are masters of self loathing. Yet at the same time they believe they are superior to everyone else on the planet, even other Chinese. It’s all very Zen…

        2. I noticed that racism while I was finishing my Ph. D. A large number of the grad students in the department were from China and they didn’t hesitate to let you know that they ruled the roost. A number of times, I got the impression that they saw me, a Canadian citizen (worse yet, white), as an intruder on what they seemed to have claimed as their territory.

          And that was 20 years ago. I can only imagine what it’s like now. Then again, we have a large number of Chinese university students living in our apartment complex. There are so many now that they may as well call the place Little Beijing.

      2. Sweden has volunteered to take China’s Muslim population. I bet China would be really disappointed to lose all their Muslims. I think they are doing backflips right now in disappointment.

  1. The problem isn’t Black intelligence. There are Blacks who have very high IQs. There are Asians who have very low IQs. And a whole lot of people in between. But people with low IQs can contribute significantly to civilization. And there are people with high IQs who are not capable of doing so. The problem is, instead, culture. Specifically, fourth world culture, and third world culture. And culture is a CHOICE. Unfortunately, the choice one makes can be rather predictable based on melanin content of one’s skin. Individually, some people with very high melanin choose first world culture. But as a group…

    1. And just as an aside, anyone who can use a “smart phone” is capable of contributing to civilization. If they WANT to.

    2. Culture is a byproduct of race, law is a byproduct of culture. So the sequence is: race (inbreeding for centuries) > culture (habits and patterns, language) > law (solidifying culture). Culture is not a choice; it is the wake behind the boat.

      1. Fourth world culture is chosen by MANY whites in hives across the US and Canada. And the same for third world culture.

        Culture is a choice.

  2. American Blacks need to read Jordan Peterson about changing your life by taking responsibility. Leftists need to read him too. Now he is banned by a large bookstore chain in New Zealand. The new Dark Age is here. Society is regressing into ignorance and barbarism. Very dangerous.

    1. Fat chance of that for EITHER. Some will. But the overwhelming majority? Yeah, right!

      If you see a crowd with high melanin walking towards you, don’t hang around. Nome sane?

  3. He mentioned a few times about “having the balls” to do… whatever.

    Wouldn’t that mean women can’t do what he can do based on their biology? It’s that misogynistic?

    Just sayin…

    1. You haven’t seen Michelle Obama, have you?

      Or the New Zealand PM, for that matter…

  4. Welcome home Michael. I am much older than you and it took me much longer to see. I did not do it by myself, however. You traveled and contemplated. I accidentally found Jordan Peterson.
    You and I are from and in different worlds but in a way we now live together.

    1. Stefan Molyneux… speaking English, name sounds French… I suspect Huguenot. Protestants that were ethnically cleansed from France.

      1. Actually I like this guy (Stefan)…hes no dummy and speaks l’Anglais quite well indeed. Conservative with common sense Veiwpoint…something so very sorely lacking in this Kuntry.

        Western SEPARATION Now

      2. Many of them went to Berlin because of the persecution. There are indications that some of them were my ancestors.

        On the other hand, don’t forget the influence of the Norman conquest of Britain. Many British have French surnames, probably because of that.

  5. Naturally I would have to discover who Michael Norton is or why give any credence to what he says. From this one video, I see in his immediate future a substantial increase in his followers and maybe he’ll become a younger Jordan Peterson. If that is what he wishes for himself.
    From his website (all quotes) There is no central mission for this website. No grand agenda.
    This is because Mike evolves as a person, daily.
    The mission in one chapter of his life is different than another. He sets his eyes on one prize until he attains a level of satisfaction.
    Then, he moves on to another.
    Something he said ten years ago may hold no meaning to him today.
    Who he is and how he thinks is forever in flux, for he’s open to experience. And many experiences, he has.
    He’s traveled the world, speaks several languages, and has changed career paths multiple times. Who he was yesterday is not who he is today; who he is today is not who he will be tomorrow.
    More about Michael Norton: The First Cultural Leader of Vannoken Culture
    To read about the foundational philosophy of the Vannoken tribe, visit https://www.vannokenculture.org

  6. I listened to this man’s entire … apology. And I kept waiting for the “story” … only to be disappointed. So a mixed-race-dreadlocked-Scandinavian-Schwartze suddenly discovered there is an actual differentiation of intelligence by race and geography? Not to mention education? So this Scandinavian-half black man has come to embrace whichever half of his DNA resulted in his own personal intellectual capacity? Sorry, I don’t get it. For all his rambling pseudo-intellectual-sounding narrative, I never gained one bit of insight or information about his “journey”. Something about China? What about China? He didn’t say. While I applaud self awareness and honest confrontation of reality … I have no clue (from this video) what changed this man’s outlook. As a result, it won’t be very helpful to other “black” men who remain in denial about the dominant black (anti white) culture.

  7. It is really very simple. They want you dead. Reasonable discussion will not and never has solved this problem. “The term pogrom has multiple meanings, ascribed most often to the deliberate persecution of an ethnic or religious group either approved or condoned by the local authorities. “
