30 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. The road to somewhere to is paved with good intentions.

    Screw this champagne socialist. So he killed about 20,000 eagles and condors with his religious nutbar-ism, and now he is sorry.


    The damage he helped cause will never be undone. Giving a speech, or writing on quillette will at this point, get people mad at him, but not a single policy he helped get through will get repealed, not a single mind will be changed.

    He is in the same boat as Patrick Moore. No matter what he says or does for the rest of his life, he will always and forever be called just some paid shill for oil, or coal, or nuclear.

    All he has done is Patrick Moored himself.

    1. I think that is unfair. He outlines the problem and addresses his remarks to ordinary people. Once enough ordinary people have the facts, politicians will respond (at least the honest ones who do not want to penalize us for heating our homes.) Those with a history of being concerned about the environment who ultimately see the folly in renewables are our strongest voices.

      1. Quite right, Linda. It’s grotesquely unfair. To take Kevin at his word no one can ever say “Well, the old way I once followed is wrong, and I’m now doing something that is truly worthwhile.” Worse, with Kevin’s philosophy of “never forgive and never forget” he’s left with the conundrum of what to do with all those who disagree with him. A Pol Pot solution is what he’s calling for? Worse still, by refusing any reconciliation with those who admit the errors of the past, he’s stuck with the impossibility of implementing how he thinks society should move. Kevin needs to be reminded that we live in a democracy based on the rule of law, not a tyranny ruled by the power of the gun.

        1. When people do not have an actual argument to make, they usually fall back to logical fallacies. Here, you see many examples of that. Study what cgh and Linda L say, so that you can avoid losing arguments in the future.

          1. I disagree with Kevin only if this schmuck goes on a speaking tour, buys full page ads, repeatedly posts to soc media, again and again and again and again for the next 15 friggin YEARS.

            otherwise the damage is too great to calculate. not even including the goddamm brainwashing of da skooow chilldwen’
            the horrendous grueling DEATH of so much wildlife. 100.000 migratory birds, endangered species,
            bats that had their lungs turned inside out. on and on. (and they KNEW it was happening).

            no, a single ‘oopsie’ doesn’t cut it with me.

        2. Two things I’ve reluctantly learned about the majority of people:

          1) anger is the easiest emotion to provoke, followed by fear.

          2) most people don’t think for themselves. They align themselves with the ideological position of others and stick to it like superglue. Changing your opinion is difficult and requires thought, introspection and humility. Typically when your ideology is challenged with facts most people revert to the easy emotions in point #1, anger and fear-mongering.

          A viscious cycle in deed that leads to bitterness and fanaticism.

          Lately, I’ve been favoring a no-regrets path for climate change – first replace coal baseload power with natgas baseload power and then replace natgas baseload power with nuclear baseload power. I think it’ll take people time to get used to the idea of nuclear power, too much fear-mongering for too long (point #1). Natgas is a good transition from coal to nuclear both as a cleaner fuel source and allowing time to warm up to nuclear.

          Replacing any baseload power system with variable, intermittent power like wind and solar only seems reasonable to people who do not understand the complexity of electricity systems and that renewables have a parasitic relationship with baseload power (point #2). Wind and solar absolutely require baseload backup but baseload power systems never, ever needs wind and solar to function efficiently.

    2. I largely agree Kevin.

      It is a good video and I will pass it around. But the damage these people have already done is immense and it continues.

      If they had had an open mind to begin with they would have seen the problems with renewables long ago.

      So his mea culpa rings very hollow. People who are closed minded to obvious facts usually stay that way. He is likely shifting his opinion more because he senses a change in the wind – pardon the pun! – than because he has done any soul searching.

      I am not sure it is quite the same as Moore. Greenpeace went nutty and so he left after seeing the writing on the wall.

      1. Let me add that long ago Kate posted a video of two sensible, well-educated engineers explaining how renewables would destabilize the grid. Long ago.

        So in my view these green fascists have done more than just damage the economy and the environment with their stupid ideas, they have damaged the reputation of science and engineering.

        After all, we were told repeatedly that we should accept renewables because the “experts” were right when in fact the fascists were selectively picking experts and running other experts who disagreed with them out of town.

        In fact as I write this the more annoyed I get with this fellow in the video.

    3. Nonsense, he is raising awareness to the public to the toxicity of environmentalism.
      It never had the answers.
      Their solutions to non problems have always been wrong, short sighted and cost many $B of dollars and inconvenienced millions.

      Google: The toxicity of environmentalism.
      It’s they who are toxic and need to be reigned in, they are a death cult. They see humans as the problem. Rational people have no issue with engineering our environment to enable us to live more comfortably and enjoy life. Eco nutters see this as a crime.
      The earth in reality is virtually deserted.
      We need to shut these people down.
      Agenda 2030 is being implemented by our public sector unions right down to the municipal level without one vote for it. No discussion, no info. They are colluding across the globe to end our way of life (but not theirs) without permission.
      It needs to stop.
      Whenever you see or hear the word “sustainable”, the policy is corrupt.

    4. Kevin~”The damage he helped cause will never be undone. Giving a speech, or writing on quillette will at this point, get people mad at him, but not a single policy he helped get through will get repealed, not a single mind will be changed.”

      WORSE. He’s pushing nuclear now but at just .55 into his spiel he talks about helping kill Yucca Mountain.

      He really did minimize his worst sin.

  2. The religious fanatics will never stop pushing Teslas and unreliables. The same way they won’t stop using jet travel. The same way they won’t stop producing mountains of garbage setting up camps to stop reliable energy.

    The goal is actually to kill people; to reduce the human population of the earth. They just won’t say it out loud.

    1. Amen – that is actually their goal, and you don’t have to look too deep to figger it out.

      I’ve wondered for some time whether all the limousine-liberals plugging socialism either a) imagine that because they (think they)’re smart, they’ll be the leaders when the dust settles so the long line-ups for the grave won’t include them ( – and if so, they REALLY need to study some history about what socialists do to the intellectuals that empower them), or b) are like cultists sacrificing victims to Cthulhu, so when Cthulhu returns he’ll kill the cultists first and make it quick and painless. The result’s going to be the same in either case and there’s no point trying to warn them, because they’re MUCH too smart to let it end like that! – just ask them.

      “We need to collapse society and eliminate 6 billion people, and then Mother Gaia will be a PARADISE!!!”

      ” – Right; you first.”

  3. Caption:
    Hey little dumb people, god grew up and changed his mind after a couple of decades, suck it up.

  4. Of course AOC would set this guy right.
    What does he mean to talk sense?
    That has no place in the building of sunny socialist and communist future.
    All the destruction of the natural world that solar and wind cause is just forgettable collateral damage. Nothing really to be concerned about.
    AOC said so, you can look it up.
    And the old men of the Democratic party of the US wholeheartedly agreed, you can look it up.

    It would seem parallel with the decline of the Roman Empire, the bizarre theatrics of the ruling class entertaining the ignorant masses about their favored subjects.
    The circus, the fests, entertainment, professional sports and other such things that makes the masses forget the real world and let the ruling class screw them tighter and tighter into poverty.

    Romans knew how to entertain, the ruling class has learned well from them. They learned from history.

    The masses have no clue.

  5. This is one of very rare cases where an environut has recognized a reality that was right in front of him the whole time, that we’ve been saying all along. While I’m glad to see some common sense in his remarks, he still hasn’t recognized the reality that there is no climate change/global warming problem.

    Oh well, I guess there’s hope his eyes might yet be fully opened. But I would expect that his fellow greenies, on hearing what he says will scream traitor, science denier, and fascist at him while accusing him of selling out to big oil. Greens have a real hard time acknowledging reality.

  6. For whatever this man has learned … when the fantasy world of his eco-upbringing crashed into the hard reality of the REAL WORLD … crumbled to dust after he made the statement: “California Water was becoming more scarce and unreliable as a result of Climate Change”.

    Sorry, but he is STILL drinking deeply from the Warmist KoolAid pitcher. California’s Climate is NOT CHANGING … unless you want to talk about the cancerous spread of homeless encampments. CA has ALWAYS had periods of drought followed by periods of wet. He should have LEARNED this from all his camping trips planned by his eco-hippie parents. I did. And let me add that I learned MORE about nature by walking out my own back door when my family lived in a remote suburb of Sacramento in the early 1960’s. I walked through fields of poppy’s (that were small in some years and huge in others), down to the creek (which flowed high in some years, low in others). I learned even more walking out my back door than I did from my family camping trips to places like Mt. Lassen (a volcanic wonderland second only to Yellowstone) and Paradise (long before the forest was incinerated by people who share the eco-values of this TED talker.

    I get the creepy feeling from this man that he is nothing but an eco-carpetbagger. He is simply seeking his next government rent check. He took Obama’s (and Jerry Brown’s) rent checks in 2007 when Obama promised to calm the seas with $T’s of taxpayer dollars. I want to know what this man does for a living now that all his “alternative energy” projects have FAILed to deliver the rainbows and unicorns as promised? I assume that his only skill set is being a fraudulent eco-shill, for eco-“saving”, anti-capitalist, projects.

    Ah, I see he is a Pro-Nuclear ”Ecomodernist” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Shellenberger. I, too, am Pro-nuclear … but until he drops the Climate Change charade, he’s nothing to me. You see … the Pro Nuclear forces are USING Climate Change to shill for their industry. That may be expedient, but it is … just … wrong. So Shellenberger is getting his RENT from the Nuclear industry. He sounds as “adaptable” as every organism on the planet. He’s reinvented himself now that Obama’s/Brown’s eco Dreams have proven to be nightmarish blights.

    Forgive me, Martin/Kate for being so cynical, but I had already read this speech on Quillette and found it somewhat insincere. He is one of the conspiratorial participants in forcing PG&E to bill the HIGHEST energy rates in the nation. And I suspect my rates will keep climbing as PG&E dismantles all his “renewable energy contraptions” … and rebuilds its decommissioned Nuclear Power Plants. Yeah … Nuclear ain’t EVER coming back to CA … so we’re stuck with his “renewable” garbage.

    1. Hey, Kenji. For the record, I am the Martin referred to on this thread and I emailed this link to Kate hoping to get the reactions of my fellow SDA’ers. Thank you for your usual candor. It is Kate who stated “Well explained and well argued, a good video to share into virgin territory.”, but that is almost exactly what I was thinking while watching it, myself.

      No doubt most of the info was old news to us experienced deniers, but imagine how shocking some of these revelations would be to the indoctrinated. Trying to talk common sense to anyone who has been ‘programmed’ to believe the opposite will NEVER EVER work. However, you approach that same person with someone they see as ‘one of their own’ who has at least half of one foot grounded in reality, and they will be swayed.

      Ha, I respect and even share your cynicism, Kenji, but don’t forget the entrenched mental state of those who we need to ‘deprogram’. I don’t care if this guy is the biggest flake out there, he made a video that probably could have more impact on warmists than anything from ‘our side’ in recent memory.

      I have forwarded this to two warmists I know who think I am the nutjob in our climate conversations and look forward to their replies. I worry they are going to soon discover my MO though, where I get them to acknowledge something they were oblivious of then challenge them why the media they so trust has never told them. Very effective. I’ve done the same thing with other videos also, my fave being the one debunking the claim Trump ridiculed a cripple.

      Have a great day, my friend.

      1. CO (and Kate) … of course the “message” (renewable energy is rubbish) being delivered is massively important … and coming from “one of their own” lends added legitimacy. However, as Kevin mentioned above, this man has already received the Patrick Moore treatment (I’m shocked that TED even allowed his talk). And since I also happen to agree with his new chosen eco-salvation – nuclear energy – then he can become a pivotal personality in the return to Energy sanity.

        I was just being cranky about his remnant belief in Global Warming … and the fake list of things gone bad as a result … such as the NEW “neverending CA drought”

    2. jeeze Kenji, lemme guess, you’ve never fallen for a ‘sure thing’ investment scheme eh?

      p.s. I see the correct spelling of the PM’s name is showing up more now.
      aka more fcukin subsidies driving the nation deeper and deeper and deeper into irrecoverable DEBT.

  7. There certainly are a lot of grumpy old men on this blog. I am not so young myself, but honestly, some of you people remind me of my dad — and not in a good way.

    1. Mea culpa … I am man, and I was being cranky. I shall endeavor to return to my more affable self. I believe we all cringe at the thought of … becoming our parents. Ouch!

  8. Damn.
    Who knew?
    Even components of Gang Green can grow up and learn new things.
    Well he is halfway there and there is hope.As with Lindsay Shepperd?
    Maybe it is true,the more passionate one is,in their willingness to argue and propagate their faith,the more open they might be to evidence that challenges them.
    Is aggressive preaching a cry for help?

    Got the NZ Prime Minister on TV,she is sure that Humpty Dumpty can be reconstructed by her bureaus.

  9. Better late than never. As folks have indicated above, that pesky thing called “reality” just never quite goes away. The real tragedy in all this is the billions of dollars squandered on the eco fantasies, money which could have done so much more good directed toward legitimate improvements in the quality of human life, including real environmental concerns rather than the global warming delusion.

  10. So I was trolling his website, https://environmentalprogress.org/climate-scientists-for-nuclear

    Conspicuous by their absence, are names like? Patrick Moore for one. Where is Judith Curry’s name? Seems like ONE of their missions may be to avoid anyone labelled “controversial” by the NYT…

    May not be able to get much done, if you avoid association with anyone the enemies of humanity don’t like…

    1. – Don’t imagine he mentions Lord Monckton, either.

      And up to a point, among those who’ve already started to doubt CAGW on their own, his talk could help swing their result; among the eco-committed he’s a sell-out, a shill for big oil, a traitor to the cause. Remember the Rules of Leftism:

      1) Leftists lie.
      2) Leftists project.
      3) Leftists double-down.
      3) Leftists have only fury for detractors, and reserve their most furious fury for now-detracting traitors whose praises they once sang.

      I read a wonderful dismissal of CAGW alarmists recently, on WUWT: “Our models all agree that the observations are wrong.”

  11. I just have to say, the tone of much of this thread reflects a philosophy I often expressed here in the past…

    For me, the ‘science’ of Global Warming will only be ‘settled’ when criminal charges are filed.
