14 Replies to “#Walkaway: Mark Levin With Brandon Straka”

  1. In less than two years, Brandon Straka has morphed from being a typical ignorant leftist bigot into an articulate spokesman and recruiter for Conservatism. That’s quite the journey and it speaks directly to the intensity of the leftist propaganda spell that so many are under.

    I have watched a couple dozen of these #walkaway testimonials and found them somewhat enlightening and even inspirational. It was a common thread through many stories that when they first expressed their ‘doubts’ to leftist friends, colleagues, etc, they were set upon by anger and hate. When you see the personal sacrifices some of these people have made to escape the leftist groupthink, it gives me hope that there are still some liberals with integrity.

    I have stated before that we are slowly moving beyond the point where winning liberals over with truth and reason is even possible anymore. The propaganda and brainwashing of the left has been so intense that many now need to be professionally DEPROGRAMMED.

    Thanks for this video, Kate. It is too good to miss.

  2. Yes, that was a good interview and a thoroughly enjoyable Sunday evening as a result.

    For me, Straka’s main takeaway with Levin was that, once he deciphered the misinformation and fake news code of the DeMarxist mediocracy, he could never go back to his former comfortable though fear tinged position that Donald Trump was the epiphany of racism, that only “bad” people voted for him.

    Once the curtain was drawn the false narrative of the left was exposed to him for all time with you chance of return.

    That is why he “walked away;” he had been played and now knew it. Many others now realize mediocracy duplicity.

    “This raises an important question – is the elite itself transcendently dumb, or does it imagine us Normal people are so unfathomably dense as to be unable to conceive that maybe Donald Trump’s flattery of a sketchy guy who has nuclear weapons hanging over the heads of 28,000 Americans (not to mention over the noggins of tens of millions of our South Korean and Japanese allies) might not have been totally sincere? Could it be that, perhaps – and I’m just speculating here – that maybe a successful New York real estate developer, who these very same geniuses have been screeching about being a liar for nearly four years, might not be totally honest about his true feelings toward the pudgy freak he is negotiating with?”

    This raises an important question – is the elite itself transcendently dumb, or does it imagine us Normal people are so unfathomably dense as to be unable to conceive that maybe Donald Trump’s flattery of a sketchy guy who has nuclear weapons hanging over the heads of 28,000 Americans (not to mention over the noggins of tens of millions of our South Korean and Japanese allies) might not have been totally sincere? Could it be that, perhaps – and I’m just speculating here – that maybe a successful New York real estate developer, who these very same geniuses have been screeching about being a liar for nearly four years, might not be totally honest about his true feelings toward the pudgy freak he is negotiating with?”


  3. I’ve seen comments with #walkaway beside the name and had no idea how it had developed. This is an amazing “testimony” and all I can say, as a Christian, is that God is doing big things lately. (Ignore NME666!)
    For a gay liberal, one who sobbed into a TV camera when Hillary lost the election, to become a conservative so quickly is a real Paul on the road to Damascus moment.
    Glad I didn’t miss this video. Thanks.

    1. Indeed, the scales fell from Straka’s eyes and he started to truly “listen” to what was being “spoken”.

      I was just listening to an old Simon and Garfunkel lp (Japanese original pressing) and was struck by the lyrics of their classic Sound of Silence …

      People talking without speaking
      People hearing without listening
      People writing songs, that voices never shared

      No one dared
      Disturb the sound, of silence
      “Fools,” said I, “You do not know

      Silence like a cancer grows”
      Hear my words that I might teach you
      Take my arms that I might reach you”
      But my words, like silent raindrops fell
      And echoed, in the wells, of silence
      And the people bowed and prayed

      To the neon god they made
      And the sign flashed out its warning
      In the words that it was forming
      And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,
      And tenement halls”
      And whispered in the sounds, of silence”

      Just as with the complete REVERSAL of leftists attitudes and beliefs about Free Speech, so too it is with the classic lyrics written about the VietNam War and societal malaise. These lyrics aimed at the “square” conservatives of yesteryear are now hitting the left between the eyes. They have become that which they hated. And their own words hang them like a ‘depressed’ Robin Williams.

      Leftists who begin to listen, not just hear … will follow Straka and #walkaway from the neon gods they’ve made

  4. The same thing can happen with the Climate debate….IF an alarmist is willing to listen to even 5 minutes of the skeptic argument.

  5. The #walkaway comments I had seen were from Blacks and now I know what the movement is, that’s a very good sign. May the scales be removed from their eyes, indeed. When we see uni professors joining it, we’ll know God is indeed at work!

  6. Excellent interview! Calm and reasoned from both participants. I’ll be sending this to some of my leftie friends who don’t understand why I “don’t understand” about Trump, the media, and the civil war in which we find ourselves.

  7. Great interview and great comments above. I have been wondering for some as to how this movement began.

    To Canadian Observer’s comment, “The propaganda and brainwashing of the left has been so intense that many now need to be professionally DEPROGRAMMED.” We were warned decades ago by Yuri Bezmenov that this was happening and what the end game was. Now we are there, and our civilization is fighting on two fronts, against Marxism masquerading as liberal progressives and militant Islam.

  8. Has he already done a Prager U video? Cause after watching that, seems like it has either already happened, or it is next.

  9. One of the largest underlying benefits of the walk away campaign is the strength shown by the members. They have faced the fire and prevailed. Sort of like ex smokers – they will be true advocates for the conservative movement.
