29 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. While I have never been a fan of or in favour of censorship, I would make an exception for twitter and censor it out existence.

  2. Q. How many journalists will Kamala blow to get into the white house?
    A. Not enough to catch up to Booker.

        1. True, POLLY has written more than his fair share of Beta Soy Boi fluff and catbox liner since before PM Groper was pronounced leader of the LIEBrawls.
          But he has been shockingly critical of Ponyboy in the SNCLavalin/Puglass affair. It very could be of the “I luv you ponyboy, how could you make a mistake” variety of column, rather than a Rex Murphy mortal thrust to the midsection.
          Nonetheless, POLLY wrote a very public, critical screed, of Juth-tin. (Yeah, I don’t trust the mediot wanker either)

          1. Agreed, Dan. He’s very much changed his tune since the mugging by Ponyboy of JWR. When you’v lost Paul Wells, well, you can finish the tagline. Today’s In Politics with Evan Solomon was just as revealing about how much the Ottawa chatterati are turning against the government on this whole issue.

  3. Actually, maybe twitter as another source of exposure should not be censored as these so-called reporters eventually out themselves as supporters of this or that ideology or a particular politician. As we already know, a certain Macleans writer has given ample evidence of being a Liberal fartcatcher for decades and twitter is just another way of these people showing their true colours.

  4. But, but but it is different in Canada – I just saw Wendy holding Lisa Riat and the Sheer’s feet to the fire as to what would they have done about Lavlin. Followed by 3 people who will still support Trudeau. Appropriately diverse of course. So who thinks it is a good idea to remain a part of this? You can never soar with the Eagles if you flock with turkeys!

  5. What is it with demoncrap women candidates and their atrocious taste in clothing. Kamacamelion looks like she is going for the Hellary look. EWWWWWW!!!

  6. Agree. For many agenda peddling journalists something about Twitter makes that anti-conservative snark burst out of the closet. It’s akin to administering an enema.

  7. Twitter/Facebook and whatever “look at me” mediums are great,the self centred twits out themselves every chance they get.
    This does make for comedy,such as the Canadian Media Guild,registering with Elections Canada to campaign against Harper,then pretending to be honest reporters during this same campaign.
    Or the Wikileaks revealed collusion between the DNC,Media&Clinton.
    The recent media attack on the school boys in MAGA hats,which the media’s own footage showed their lies.

    President Trump nailed that label ,”Fake News” and the media reacted… by proving he was correct..
    I wonder if they have ever considered trying old fashioned reporting as a way to stop their bleeding?
    As accurately as possible reporting the 5 Ws and letting their customers draw their own conclusions………Nah,I believe their contempt for those who buy their product rules their lives.

  8. “When the campaign trail takes you to a boutique and Maeve Reston spots a great sequined jacket for Kamala Harris to try on,” Huey-Burns tweeted, adding the hashtag “campaign fashion report.”

    The video shows the candidate as she puts it on and then poses in the mirror.
    The women all burst into laughter at the gaudy ensemble.
    L- The gaudy, sequined jacket made the perfect uniform for a member of the Delusional Democrat sect.
    Alexandra Occasional-Cortex, Sheik Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters should adopt it, too.

  9. … and the reporter called it a … “rainbow” jacket. How innnnnncluuuuusive.
    Huh? It looked to be a multicolored windowpane jacket. But I understand WHY this reporter sees “rainbows” in every multicolor object.

  10. “kinda forced”.
    really? no fcukin gumption to stand up to a clutch of reporters and she wants to assume office and start telling *everyone else*
    what the rules are??????

  11. Do NOT under any circumstance censor Twitter.
    Any prospective employee knows to watch what they put on public media – FBook or whatever.
    But these journalist wannabes are too stupid to realize that – they willingly expose their bias daily, and then wonder why we don’t take them seriously.
    Ummmmm…. maybe because they are so incredibly stupid that they flaunt their bias for all to see, although their job description as a political reporter depends on at least appearing to be bias resistant.
    Correction…. their job SHOULD depend on their ability to at least appear unbiased. Despite the weekly feast of fake news, false news, omitted news, and liberal bias, there have been no direct consequences for the perps in the media. Their management has done nothing. The public has often ceased to buy, so some have lost their jobs due to that, but unfortunately the mail room clerks, janitors, and so on have also lost their jobs due to the incompetence and unethical performances of the “reporters,” editors, and managers.
    So leave Twitter in place. As long as these morons are too stupid to realize that they are outing themselves, it is a handy tool to brand them with their own words.

    1. Twitter should be abandoned by conservatives beginning with the Prez. Retribution only occurs against us. The MAD are given a pass 99% of the time.

  12. Anybody who believes without verification or accepts any so-called “truth” from the media, not just social media but all of it, whether or not it conforms to their beliefs, assumptions or confirmation bias is stupider than a bag of nails. Insist on verification.

  13. The publishing of the Names of MSM Producers is long overdue… The talking heads just read the Teleprompter & heed production cues/Instructions in their ear, it is the Producer who sets the agenda… I will bet that CNN & MSNBC have Communist production connections…..Run Production Credits before Broadcasting the BS such that we have fingerprints

    The same with Print Media Editors & Journalists… The public has a right to know that Carl Bernstein was always a communist brat of a communist family… Hiding this type of information results in FAKE NEWS…

  14. Social media has deep sixed an lot of traditional media. More to come. I bought the National Post (even tho I subscribe to the e-paper) the other day, hell it hardly covered the bird cage. It’s over for a lot of these guys. Cable news is the same. Can the cbc be far behind?

    J school killed journalism. Once schools started to ‘study journalism’ the game was up. They started turning out teenage ‘journalists’ who never had an original thought in their life and most of them never will.

    These kids give us their opinions every night about topics the audience knows more about than they do. Hell these guys haven’t lived – how do they have valid opinions on anything other than social justice issues their profs have pounded into their heads.

    A lot of people get their news on the net these days, especially the younger generation. Once the boomers ride over the divide newspapers and television news will hardly exist. There will be no audience for it.

    1. One more thought.

      Kids prefer to watch YouTube over television. It’s the go to platform. That habit will continue into adulthood.

      Shits Creek for the cbc and the networks as their audience ages. Increasingly cbc is forced to deal with Netflix in order to reach an audience. There will come a day the network news and opinion programs have zero relevance .

    1. My thought too!!
      Looking forward to the United We Roll convoy to come thru my city today.
      I’l be there to wave and cheer.
      Apparently it’s not even really happening because lazy MSM is (deliberately) ignoring the truckers message.
