Diversity Was His Weakness

Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.

The treatment of Ms. Wilson-Raybould put a big, bold, strike-through line on the absolute core elements of the Trudeau brand. It crisscrossed so many cardinal Trudeau pretensions it was almost enough to tempt belief in trendy “intersectionality.” (Almost.)
It had been vowed that, in the sun-drenched days of a male-feminist Justin Trudeau administration, women would be treated better, more respectfully and above all fairer than in all the Neanderthal darkness that preceded it. Mr. Trudeau branded himself as the feminist-equity principle made flesh. Athena herself in pinstripes. […]
But of all the issues this prime minister has boasted of being closest to his heart, surpassing even feminist equity, the most “moral” of them all is Aboriginal relations. This, as he has said, is why he is in politics. On this file, most central to Canada’s moral integrity, he was going to be the leader.

That’s the genius of government by old white men. Nobody cares when you fire one.

59 Replies to “Diversity Was His Weakness”

  1. Junior may call himself a feminist, but he is no gentleman. His smug hypocrisy makes him the least attractive prime minister in memory, the nice hair notwithstanding.

    1. Feminism is for boors…men who are incapable of being gentlemen, and women who are incapable of being ladies.

  2. So why won’t smug Mr More Feminist Than You let her speak?
    Let her be free, Justin, let her be free!

    “If you love something let it go, if it comes back it’s yours.
    If it holds a press conference detailing the corruption involved in crafting the omnibus bill to include the plea agreement deal for SNC Lavalin and detailing the pressure that was applied on the Justice Minister by the PMO, and detailing the coverup of that pressure and the farce that that ensued, it never was…”

    1. You can bet your bottom dollar that the PMO is desperately working behind the scenes to make this come out right,for the Liberal party.
      The offers to Ms.Wilson-Raybould would be along the lines of offering her Queen of Canada, Chief Justice of the SCC, Ambassador to Denmark, a seat on the Boards of SNC, Power Corp., Bombardier, Irving, Manulife, McCain’s, and last but not least, a piece of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

      Should Ms.W-R refuse all those,perhaps the PM will find an obscure section of the BNA and give the Northwest Territories to the AFN, with Ms.W-R and Chief Chief of it all. (The NWT of olden times,starting at the Ontario/Manitoba Border, going North to the Arctic and West to the Pacific.) Then the LPC could run The East as it should be run.

      Once again,Rex Murphy has smacked one “outta the park!”

    1. Interesting that you used Chinese instead of Chink but couldn’t be bothered, at the very least, to use Indian instead of Squaw.

      1. It’s one thing to disagree with someone. Quite another to go on a racist tirade. Can’t really say that’s my kind of Canadian.

  3. The House: The damage done by the SNC-Lavalin scandal

    L- While the entire program coverage is of interest, scroll down to the fast forward the audio file to the 35 minute mark. for the interview w/Scott Reid. Reid was a communications advisor to Liberal P.M. Paul Martin, during the Sponsorship Scandal(Ad-Scam).

    Reid sees the most serious issue is Trudeau’s treatment of Jody Wilson-Raybould, “is leaving the impression that he and others around him are putting the boots to an indigenous woman!”

    Is that bully metaphor apt enough to become a meme, one following Justin into the October election, will it resonate nation-wide? Justin’s *”virtue signalling” claim of being the S.J.W. for women and indigenous women, in particular. Has it just lost all credibility.

    *(Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue”- Baron de la Rochefoucauld )

    1. Yeah, we’re trying to build a few pipelines out here, through Indian Territory. Think this azzwhole’s treatment of Native Issues is gonna help now? Friends like this LPOC government, we don’t need enemies.

      Or do we get hopeful that the Native Pipeline proposal, goes through now? Something tells me MS JWR isn’t a pipeline enthusiast, even if Native owned and operated. She ran for the LPOC.

    2. The most serious part of this issue is not that a woman of politically correct ethnicity is being mistreated,but that it has become obvious the office of the Attorney-General can be so easily manipulated by the whims of the PM.

      This is a serious flaw in the political/justice system of Canada and should be immediately rectified.

      The A-G should no longer be an elected position, but should be held by a provincial supreme court Judge for a fixed period and perhaps that person could be vetted by the SCC.
      With our knowledge of how the political system in Canada operates, to the favor of the Great Big Bosses in the East, the public should demand a disinterested third party hold the most important position in the government.
      Ms. Wilson-Raybould may be a rarity,an A-G that would NOT kowtow to her Master, we might not see that again for along time.

  4. Score thus far.
    First there was no pressure.
    Then there was a meeting but the PM didn’t tell her what to do.
    Now its, she was asked but it wasn’t the Sockmonkey that did the initial asking.
    This could get cleared up real fast if JWR was given the chance to tell her side, the fact that she isn’t says a lot.
    Who is the one person in all of this that remains nameless?

    Butts presumed to move things along because it was standard op to do so when the Sockmonkey left everything to him.

  5. Rex is such a refreshing read especially when it comes to all things truedope ..please keep it up ……

  6. This demonstrates the vacuity of the SJW. They hold their beliefs to be self-evident, but when tested they cannot defend their beliefs. They are found wanting.

    In bongo’s world JWR was more than perfect. She checked off every box he held dear. An Indigenous woman of accomplishment. It couldn’t be any better. He puffed up and appointed her to a sr cabinet post – and made himself look good in the process.

    Bongo is finding out that all the values he’s held don’t stand up. His feminism, equality, aboriginal loving promises are as empty as his thoughts.

  7. Trudeau the Pretender has his arse in a sling on this one. His claim to be a feminist and friend of the Natives have been squashed with the Liberal Cabal’s clumsy attempt at coverup. It’s a lesson in how to spot a liar, he keeps changing the story.

    There has to be a law somewhere that allows the Opposition in the HOC to call the police in matters such as this.
    This is the end of the Trudeau reign, we can’t possibly be that accepting of racketeering or any other corrupt practices. This is one that cannot be undone.

    1. Lizj, I hope you are right, but Liberal supporters are rallying around the PM and claiming that there IS no scandal, only the appearance of a scandal, and no one will know the truth until JWR speaks out. Until then, the only scandal in their opinion is the media piling on our beloved PM and creating a psuedo- scandal out of a single article in the G&M.

      The fact that JT changes his story daily is immaterial to these loyal Liberals. 30% of voters will support the LPC in October, the Opposition needs to convince 10% of the undecideds to vote for them.

      The new A-G is such a Liberal suckhole it’s embarrassing to listen to his weaselling on this case.

  8. Trudeau told us his compassionate collectivist cabal could keep a bunch of mutually exclusive balls in the air.

    Paralysis by analysis ensure pipelines are done right, Destroying resource extraction and other nanny state nonsense makes us more prosperous, big deficits are the answer to needless surpluses, and male feminists copping feels.

    The voter let him throw those balls up. He has dropped each and every one of them.

    Kudos to Rex for throwing in the Huawei extradition and Admiral Norman show trial to complete the theme.

    On SNC-Lavalin, I suspect a rear guard action on two fronts: First and most importantly, Ms. Wilson-Raybould will be shut up completely, that is their lynchpin. Secondly, they will try to rope in the Leader of the Opposition on consultations on the deferred prosecution legislation, arguing it is the “same” and their PMO involvement with their crony fraudsters.

    But, they will try. You can be sure the media is betting heavily they will get away with it. The fact they screamed for heads to roll in the PMO over the Duffy trial will be forgotten as “irrelevant,” because even though it’s the same it’s actually different.

    Will the voters play along with the bait and switch dog and pony political show again? My jury is out on that.

    BTW, and imho, the remarks above concerning the former Justice Minister by an alleged Canadian are disgusting, uncalled for, and certainly not funny at all. Perhaps they were trolling racist bite for non-existent stealth racists?

    1. Shamrock I agree entirely with all your comments. Btw I define Rex’s use of “Equipoise” as the moment when a set of inevitable circumstances come together that it becomes obvious to the vast majority that the gig is up and the lie exposed. It’s Wily Coyote’s sudden look of surprise while holding the anvil just after he roller skated off the cliff.

    2. shammy, ewe just waking up to strapon’s BS. He’s been like that forever and a day, and can, and does, quote bible to support his BS

    3. Don’t worry. SNC-Lavalin will be well taken care of.
      It’s a lock.

      What we should really be worried about is the hand that Junior Stupid has given the Indians.
      It will be used.
      It will be costly.
      Junior may just turn over Alberta to the Indians.
      A Liberal twofer.

      You just have to love Rex’s bonny mots.

      “What Mr. Trudeau most promised most to advance, he has most set back. It has been shown that how Mr. Trudeau speaks and poses on feminism and Aboriginal concerns when nothing’s at play, and how he acts on them when his own interests are at stake, are two banks of an Amazon-wide river. The torrent rushing between them are the waters of hypocrisy.”

      Waters of hypocrisy are home sweet home to liberals and a perfect description of Liberal life.

    1. I’m thinking the libranos will be glad if the Vice Admiral Norman case is declared a mistrial. Brison is buried up to his nut in that one.

      He took the high jump for a reason.

      His ‘family’ sure got old in a hurray. What was a full week before he went back to work? ha

  9. It would be the ultimate cosmic irony if Trudeau was brought down by women, aboriginals and shenanigans in Quebec. The three entities he claims are nearest and dearest to his woke heart.

    Joke of the day:
    As read on Twitter in reference to JWR and the Kokanee grope
    – In Trudeau’s cabinet women have to watch their backs and their backside.

    – In Trudeau’s cabinet, cover your ass takes on a whole different meaning.

    – Trudeau’s principal secretary isn’t the only Butts Justin likes.

    1. Not to forget an elbow to the boobs when Not So Shiny was showing off a huff and pushing Members in his path in the HOC.
      Of course it was an accident but he obviously was not caring where those elbows landed.

      1. Yep, at my workplace Trudeau was the type of guy we warned new female workers about — always made sure he stands and walks in front of you, don’t be alone with him, properly document all interactions. :-))

  10. Why hasn’t Gerald Butts been canned?
    He’s the guy behind all of this.
    That’s who’s head should roll.

    1. I suspect he knows where all the bodies are buried in both Ontario’s Liberal government and Canada’s Liberal government. I’d guess that buys you a lot of high level protection.

      By the increasing ridiculousness of the reasons given for firing JWR and the refusal to waive solicitor-client privledge to let JWR speak, there isn’t just smoke – there’s fire. Possibly a three alarm fire. Trudeau and his PMO tactics are backfiring spectacularly yet #HePersisted. Looks like they are hiding something very big. They might as well write GUILTY across their foreheads at this point.

      1. I read that if he becomes too much of a liability then he might get offered a plum position far, far away from Canada. The UN, a great ambassador post, or other coveted job. He wouldn’t be the first problem solved with a big promotion, it happens often in corporations.

        Does anyone think that somewhere in the world Harper is laughing his ass off…or at least a dignified economist giggle? This SNC thing could be bigger than the Duffy, wafergate and $16 orange juice scandals combined. Adscam level?

        1. Butts can be Canada’s ambassador to Syria. Hopefully he’ll invite Turdeau to a Pride event. They can virtue signal the Arabs.

      2. Absolutely right, LC. To which one can add the reeking scandal and basic perversion of the justice system over the Norman trial. It’s my suspicion that at least something of JRW’s exit from Justice has at least in part to do with the shenanigans PMO/PCO have been playing over defence access to evidence. Tooner has a point; Butts can’t be fired because he’s the one actually running PMO. The only question in my mind is who’s the designated victim to take the fall for this: Telford or the Clerk of the PCO.

        1. I’m too far away from Ottawa to follow palace intrigue and gossip but I think the fallout from this will take down a big player, maybe two. My bet is on Butts or Justin himself. Both may have outlived their usefulness to the real powers in the Liberal Party.

          If those two can’t get the SNC DPA deal done, the financial fallout in the Quebec pension plan and VIP shareholders from Quebec could be huge. Some organizations don’t take kindly to this type of failure. I always thought Trudeau was the candidate of last resort for the old, red boy’s club. They prefer a leader with the stature and gravitas of an Ignatieff or a Mark Carney.

          1. Or a Garneau, to complete your thought. I agree that Spawn was a last resort, but you can’t deny the appeal of political opportunism by the Liberals to end the Harper decade.

            As to the Ottawa intrigue, do not be terribly surprised if someone gets a diplomatic posting far, far away, aka McCallum. Do not be surprised if as many as half a dozen Liberals bolt from caucus when this thing blows up and reveals all (or as much of all as the government is forced to reveal). Also do not be surprised if there’s another defection from Cabinet. Brison’s already been booted, but I suspect LeBlanc is also sitting on a hot-seat over the Norman affair. What Ottawa denizens like me suspect is that what’s going on right now is a frantic game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey to see who will have to carry the can for this.

            It won’t work, of course. It was too late for Nixon after the 18-minute tape deletion, and it’s too late for these clods.

          2. To return to your analogy, LC, it’s a three-alarm fire now. What’s come out thus far blows to little tiny bits all of the favourite Liberal memes of the past election and the next one: aboriginal reconciliation; advancement of women, openness and transparency in government, and a few others you and I can think of.

            But a fundamental Justice scandal and political interference in the criminal justice system turns this into Krakatoa. It weakens fatally the argument with China over the Meung extradition with Canada claiming the moral high ground on the impartiality of criminal justice. It blows apart the notion of equal before the law; it blows apart the notion that the rich (SNC-Lavalin) can buy special exemptions into legislation. It blows apart the notion of transparency (the SNC exemption legislation was passed in last spring’s budget omnibus bill which after Harper, the Libs promised they would never do). There’s a few other things, but those are the big ones.

            So if the CBC occasionally sounds frantic about what’s going on, they have reason to be. The government that bribed them with a $600 million budget top-up in 2016 is now blowing apart before their eyes. And with it it’s smashing the Libs’ $600 million new pledge to support reliable (CBC) journalists. Whatever the incoming regime may be, it won’t be nearly as kind as the Libs have been to Ceeb. Make no mistake, over the next few months, Ceeb is going to make Pravda look good.

          3. CBC might run into a wall trying to defend Trudeau in this case. I think Canadian values are in direct opposition to two tier justice and white collar criminals buying and lobbying their way out of trouble. I also doubt Canadians sense of fair play likes the image of Trudeau metaphorically gagging and tying a woman’s hands behind her back while trashing her reputation for days and days. Trudeau and his PMO look like dirtbags. Who wants to vote for a dirtbag?

            If there’s even a plausible hint of bribery, Trudeau might as well step down before the next election. The Liberals just got out of political purgatory for their last kickback transgressions, they can’t have another Adscam scandal. It’s their Achilles heel.

          4. I agree entirely, LC. We can already see the CBC newsthingies visibly squirming as they attempt to cover this pile of shite.

          5. re LC at 5:33 pm and cgh at 6:04 pm

            Wouldn’t it be nice if Lavscam became the death of the CBC? 🙂

          6. Joe, it might if CBC goes too far in the tank to get the LIbs re-elected in October.
            How many times does it have to be demonstrated that the Ceeb is the mortal enemy of all things conservative in Canada?

      1. The main stream media columnists are finally figuring out that most everything Turdeau said during the election campaign was a lie.

        Gee what took them so long?

        Absolute power in the hands of the PMO corrupts absolutely.

      2. There’s also the fact that Libranos get away with whatever crimes they like… Butt and Telford know that they and their pet Dirk Turdhole will be get away with obstructing justice just like they got away with stealing 250,000 taxpayer dollars for “moving expenses” from TO to Ottawas… Whether Buttface Telford and Turdhole are controlling the Crown Prosecutors in the Norman witch hunt or whether they’re obstructing justice from the PMO in Lavscam doesn’t matter, they can do as they please and get away it, they know it and so does anyone who pays attention… that is how corrupt shitholes work… some are above the law.

    2. Puppets NEVER fire their masters because puppets can’t function on their own. And if Butts wasn’t there to do young Groper’s job, who else in the PMO would…?

  11. Why hasn’t Gerald Butts been canned?
    Although he’s a fool much like his boss they’re best buds forever.
    If Butts is ever fired we’ll know there’s trouble.

  12. I feel bad for saying this but I will anyway – Gord Downie must be rolling over in his grave and it couldn’t happen to a lamer dead lead singer.

  13. The central issue is the whole PMO concept. In my opinion it was Harper’s PMO that created the anti-PC environment; too much power in un-elected hands…it’s there for everyone to see.
    (Remember, it was Butts who allegedly had the corrosive conversation with the AG. The PM just made it worse, and official)
