28 Replies to “We Need A Famine”

  1. I made the mistake of visiting the Remai museum in Saskatoon. There was a lot of not art there also. I let them know it on their survey out the door.

    1. MM, my “scrap” trailer is quite often full of modern “art”, and so is the bullpen out in the barn

  2. I’ve never been able to understand why artsy types are invariably left wing. The hive mind, socialist, conformist society is the antithesis of art and inspiration. And now most of them agree freedom of expression and individuality is right wing nazi stuff.
    Few are real artists, i think, most are just faking a life style. And now they want a union to make it easier.

  3. Appears there’s art all around us,anything qualifies as art, my entry for the day is dog poop on snow.

  4. Take away with the subsidies and grants, let the grass roots of a culture, the people, decide what they wish to consume.
    Money talks, bullshit walks. Simple.

  5. If the museums paid a decent salary, what are the odds that these losers would be the ones working there?

  6. heh “Today’s ‘art’ is nothing more than a form of psychological warfare against civilization”

    1. I caught that too! So true. Such a well-written article. And these self-described intelligentsia say us “normals” are ignorant rubes. Their delusion is only exceeded by their arrogance.

  7. One of the commenters to the article, John, agrees with a number of comments here, “I know absolutely nothing about art, but I have been able to point out a pile of shit since I was old enough to walk. If you see any modern “art”, don’t step in it.”

    I agree with the above sentiment. Further, I also agree with the following sentence from the article, “It’s amazing such twaddle finds a foothold anywhere, let alone in the pricey environs of New York City. But the establishment’s ongoing efforts to subvert and destroy Western Civilization are very well subsidized.”

    The above could also well describe much of the content generally displayed in the Remai in Saskatoon and no doubt elswhere in this country.

  8. Hey guys Remai is having a free admission day on Monday, February 18. If nothing else you can warm-up in all the wasted space.

    1. I did a quick tour of the Remai website and the only thing of interest was a lady looking at a painting of a fox hunt that I clearly remember hanging in the Saskatoon Mendel Art Gallery, over fifty years ago. While not requiring deep thought, I appreciated the technical skill involved; the artist must have used a brush with a single hair for some of the facial detail. I will actually be in Stoon on Monday, maybe I will drop in and look at it again, for old time’s sake.

  9. I can only assume that a boutique museum such as this “cutting edge” hive of lock-step non-conformists is supported $ by well-heeled patrons of the arts. Why the UNIONISTA movement? Get paid the old fashioned way … BEG … from the wealthy uber-leftist, NYC, Patrons of the Arts. Appeal to their Finely tuned SJW reptile brains. Surely they will cut some larger checks from the largesse they’re paid by Morgan-Stanley?

  10. As an aside, at least the writer actually indicated what they were being paid and what they wanted.

    Has anyone else noticed how the media never really provides answers to the only two important questions about any strike?

    They are:

    1. How much are they making now?

    2. How much do they want?

    If I learn they’re making $16.00 an hour and want $17.00, I might well be sympathetic.

    If I learn they’re making $36.00 an hour and want $50.00, they can go pound salt.

  11. What’s that old joke?

    Oh yes.

    “Back ‘ome in gay Paree dey call me an arteest….but ‘ere in Canada dey call me a ____________ ________________!

  12. Been watching the start of the House Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the SNC Lavalin affair, as it starts at 1 pm today:
    1. There are two competing plans for the committee in its investigation, to be voted on, one Liberal and one Conservative;
    2. The Conservative plan was tabled yesterday, so that everyone had a chance to read it. The Liberal one was hsnded out just as the meeting got started, such that the opposition members had no chance to read it;
    3. The Liberal plan leaves out Ms. Jody Wright-Raybould, Gerald Butts, and Katie Telford. The opposition wants to include them.

    The Liberal committee members are creepy looking.

  13. Actually, art is important.
    Art today is mostly garbage, though you may find something interesting here and there.
    Preferred art here is Dali. There is a lot of genius in them those paintings.
    To paint a lake with trees on either side and a mountain in the background is just a picture, does not require one thought, just a little talent of painting.
    Picasso on the other hand is one painting (Guernica, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=EB92B3E43FDBF79770C2B1B6D149B4C36E13D630&thid=OIP.WziXRfxNzM7WYYRBD0_0KAHaCx&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftrajetslitteraires.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F08%2Fguernica1.jpg&exph=1200&expw=3200&q=guernica&selectedindex=0&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6), if you like the style. The rest is just a signature, if the guy was not a communist, nobody would know who he is,

    The one ear guy was a genius.
    Even the soviet, “socialist realism” although full of propaganda, is better than today’s stuff. Had a lot of exhibitions in the socialist country in the just past century.

  14. Take a look at any of Paul Joseph Watson’s comments about modern art. It’s totally unbelievable what people come up with and think it’s worthy of admiration and respect, passing it all off as the work of creative genius.

    Every time I watch one of his videos about that, I’m quite tempted to dump a handful of money into a cuss box after seeing that drivel.
