25 Replies to “What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?”

  1. Why is it that those who are the most eager to disrobe in public are those that you are the least eager to see?

    1. Agreed – I used to promote equality of the sexes, but sadly, most of my female compatriots make me cringe.

  2. When you pretend to be a stripper, you get about as much respect. No one goes to a stripper for advice about life, economics or anything else.

  3. Women’s bodies are one of the big battlegrounds we face today …

    It appears as though her large body has been the site of many a skirmish … apparently by a heavy pounding from the artillery of large vibrating objects

  4. Reminder that women control a good eighty percent of consumer spending in a typical advanced economy, and if you were serious about solving most of any country’s economic problems, you could do far worse than to stop women from squandering the fruits of their menfolk’s labour, and plowing the resources wasted on women’s self-indulgence into scientific research.

    (That resarch could include, but not be limited to, research into the artificial uterus, which would dispense of one of the last reasons men have to put up with women at all.)

    As it is, I take heart in the fact that there will be no women in heaven, just as (and for the same reason that) there will be no university professors (or universities), Remoaners, liberals, Muslims, perverts or journalists.

  5. Oh wow. Much under used nouns can be used here.
    Bearded clam, hair pie, beaver, bird, bush, mouse, pussy, fur burger
    Back in my day, that was the norm. No haircuts. A trim at best.
    But I date myself.

  6. Maybe she drew her inspiration from Quentin Crisp’s book The Naked Civil Servant.

    1. You may be onto something. This from the aforementioned book:

      “Exhibitionists have no friends, no friends at all.”
      -Quentin Crisp.

  7. “Women’s bodies are one of the big battlegrounds we face today, whether in terms of women’s access to birth control, sex workers’ rights or clothing, including burka bans…”

    What an ideological muddle of notions and nostrums.

    By the way, is she for or against “burka bans”?

    It’s not clear.

    1. @rob83
      Though we never got a good look at her butt, I can tell she needs to work on it and that means a lot of squats.
      How’s that for a visual treat?

  8. Today’s Economics lesson: If the majority chooses something you don’t agree with, show everyone that you’re a moron.

  9. Someone mentioned artificial wombs. They would not need more than sperm depositories. All their other attributes would not matter in the long run.

  10. Well,under current conditions,if you really understood economics and took your understanding seriously..You would go mad.
    The global games have made our units of exchange into garbage.
    How do you assign value to a unit which grows in supply at whim of politicians? Seriously the most innumeric people in the world.
    So I guess it is possible the exhibitionist was a serious economist once.
    That said,the poor professor brings to mind a great Country & Western song; “I don’t look good naked anymore”.
