29 Replies to “I Tuned In To Watch Hitler”

  1. This legit put a smile on my miserable face. It’s great to see some actual good news once in a while. Thanks Kate.

    1. Plus Jews apparently don’t believe in heaven. The fact checkers have misspoken. My first chuckle of the day.

      “New York Times White House Correspondent Annie Karni came in for criticism on Tuesday after tweeting that Jewish people didn’t believe in heaven as part of a critique of President Trump’s State of the Union address.”

      “Trump just ad-libbed ‘they came down from heaven’ when quoting a Holocaust survivor watching American soldiers liberate Dachau. Jews don’t believe in heaven,” Karni said.”

      Umm, Daniel 7:13: ” … there before was one like the son of man, coming with the clouds from heaven.”


      1. Many Jews abandoned the idea of god and heaven following what happened to them in Europe in the 20th century. Many became Zionists who’s ‘faith’ is now focused on the State of Israel.

        1. Many American Jews abandoned the idea of God and heaven and believe in socialism.

  2. I thought that was a great touch, as were the other personal moments that honoured individuals who are usually ignored.

  3. But American Jews will still vote 85% for the (D) on the ballot. Even a Jew-hating, er “Israel-hating” *wink-wink* Obama. A POTUS who gave immeasurable power and legitimacy to Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying, Iranian Theocrats. Yep … gotta vote for the (D). No wonder … from the people who walked into Adolph’s showers with nothing more than a whimper. They’ll walk into those same (D) showers … believing they’re getting FREE STUFF.

    1. Kenji, In my case as a politically conservative Jew, I am unhappy with many Jews’ tendency to vote Democratic, from what I can see, against their own, not to mention the entire country’s interests. However, your comment does injustice and disrespect both to the actual or attempted Holocaust victims who rebelled in various ghettos and concentration camps, as well as to the people who were killed in gas chambers, who for example, were extremely malnourished, which makes it much harder to physically resist. Also, I’m not clear if you’re insinuating that Jews tend to vote Democratic for “free stuff?” I hope that you’re not trying to evoke any stereotypes there? The American Jewish community tends to be affluent, and I doubt that they are particularly prone to collect government “free stuff.”

      1. RM … my apologies, for a crude and rude vent.
        1st: I am thrilled to hear from a conservative Jew. I count several as very good friends of mine … along with far more hardcore (D)-types. It can’t hurt to be friends with God’s chosen people.
        2nd: Yes it was a cheap shot of a meme to imply that all the European Jews went dociley into the gas chambers. I know that is factually untrue, and those victims had little option to their fate. I used an image crudely drawn as the first leg of my analogy.
        3rd: No, using the term FREE STUFF was not to imply Jews are “greedy money grubbers”. I prefer the words; wise, frugal, smart, educated, and financially savvy. I used the term as what I expect the liberal (now leftist) Jewish (D)-voters f-e-e-l they are doing for the “downtrodden” of a callous, capitalist economic system. Delivering FREE STUFF (taxpayer remittances) … to the less-fortunate.

        I was expressing my frustration that the vast majority of American Jews so HATE anyone and anything emanating from “the right” that they stubbornly ignore the FACTS of Trump’s support of Jewish people everywhere. Even IGNORE his own daughters Jewish HUSBAND! What MORE can a man do to show his admiration for the Jewish faith and people than to bless his own daughters marriage to a practicing Jew?! It boggles my mind … the cognitive dissonance of these left wing Jews. BTW, I am a fan of Jared Kushner, notwithstanding his youthful liberal-streak. By all reading, he is a smart, well-respected, expert negotiator. He has already PERSONALLY accomplished more than BHO did in 8-years.

        Thank you for gently reprimanding me … my caricature was crudely constructed.

        PS … like it or not, I am one of those “evangelical” (yecch) Christians who will defend my Jewish brothers and sisters to the death. We worship the same God. We share the same values.

        1. And this is why reading the “conservative” blogs is educational. Reasonable discussion, free exchange of ideas, clarification when needed, mutual respect and a longing for peace and all good. Thank you both for bringing a smile to my face.

        2. “…cheap shot to imply that all the European Jews went dociley into the gas chambers.”

          Not necessarily so. When the Bolsheviks/communists loaded families into the cattle cars between 1929 and late 1940s for “resettlement” to the steppe of Kazakhstan, or to the tundra, taiga, and steppe of Siberia, even during the depths of winter, the people meekly boarded the cars with their pitiful sacks full of a few belongings. No one physically fought back as they knew they would be shot on the spot.

          1. Well … I do know that Tevye Molochnik … just packed up his home and fled when the Bolsheviks told him to … Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.

      2. The weakening and demoralizing of the Jews in Europe is rote lesson for what the statists have in store for all of us.

        How tired are the Venezuelan people right now? Yes, they’re sick of it all, but they are so previously weakened.

        How much strength do they have to resist or remove Maduro and his henchmen? Are they, and we, too late?

        About the same chance as the Chinese peasants during the great leap forward into death. Or the citizens of Iran?

        Or many others beaten and abused before the final and eradicating ethnic cleansing. History reeks of these events.

        That fate awaits if we fail to check progressivism, which leads to statism, which always leads to collectivism.

        Then the full impact of totalitarianism can take effect without the inconvenience of plurality.

        After all the peasants are quite revolting.

        1. I’ve wondered if the US’s response to certain dictatorial regimes should be aircraft swamping their skies. Not bombers. Cargo planes dropping AK-47s, ammunition, and magazines, and a healthy dose of RPG-7s. Simultaneously, a diplomatic note is delivered announcing that we have, as a personal favor, made their people the best-armed (in terms of full-autos, anyway) people on earth. We ask nothing in return for this gift.

  4. Good one, Kate.

    Good thumbnail sketch too of the speech, vs the Democrats dark reaction to the good news in the speech.

    Trump was unifying, optimistic, and celebrating good things. 76% of Americans in a CBS poll approved of it. Democrats were there usual selves,, contemptuous of all the good news. Power is all for these weirdmobiles.

  5. Great comment Kate,
    I hope you don’t mind that I used it on a call in radio show this am.

    The liberal host ‘s head exploded

    I will add to your donation box

    1. Last night, Trump slags his detractors in the SOTU address. Today, an investigation into his finances is announced. Coincidence?

      That little Schiff sat during last night’s speech as stone-faced as Sanders.

  6. I voted for Trump so he would be a puppet of the Russians and help bring down the next Kristalnacht upon America’s Jews. And to destroy our environment. I’m so disappointed.

  7. The liberals at work were pretty quiet today. They’re usually whispering msnpc talking points at each other all day
