61 Replies to “January 27, 2019: Reader Tips”

      1. Vielen Dank.

        Ungezogen, indeed. From some accounts I heard, the portrayal of him in the play and, later, the movie Amadeus wasn’t far off the mark.

        He wrote dirty songs, like the one I referred to the other day. He wrote music which poked fun at his friends. He even used various colours of ink in his compositions, at times, just to confuse musicians.

        Yup, he was a wild one.

      1. I wouldn’t quite go so far as to compare “Wolfie” (as he’s referred to in the movie Amadeus) to Jones or Weird Al. Mozart was more a case of arrested maturity, never really growing up.

        His father, Leopold, had him performing in public from a very young age soon after his talent was discovered. But Wolfgang wasn’t the only child who showed promise. His sister, Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia (nicknamed Nannerl), was also an accomplished musician as a child, but, due to the custom of the time, never pursued it later in life.

        As for writing novelty pieces, Papa Mozart (a decent musician himself) composed a few of his own, such as his Toy Symphony as well as his Hunting Symphony (complete with pistol shots and exuberant cheers).

      2. https://youtu.be/RgvihRmyd5o
        … but these clowns are cute enough though, have a listen!

        I think Mozart was a genius and prophetic. When he felt playful he must’ve tried to invent rock and roll, or something like it. He was almost like a kid, banging away on a piano, only he was smart enough to actually write the notes down.

        Happy Birthday Mozart, you lovely naughty fellow!

          1. @11:23 nold
            It ‘s all good. I can’t imagine doing that, no notes, all by heart. How do they do it? With 2 hands doing different strokes?

            When I make soup I hold the celery, onion, carrots potato, rutabaga, separately with the left hand on the cutting board, then chop each separately, with the right hand. I even cut my finger most times! I pile it all into one pot and simmer a little and add tomato paste, some chicken stock, herbs de provence, a bay leaf or two and some salt and pepper. I hope not to burn myself, and usually succeed. Voilà, Frenncchhh Vegetable soup, Monsieur Pol Martin style.

            So, nold, tell me, how can they play piano with 10 fingers doing all those things… never mind the pedals with the feet going? It is beyond comprehension!

            I ‘ll stick to soup making! Ha!

          2. “how can they play piano with 10 fingers doing all those things”
            I know nothing about the piano but I’ve read that you have to switch off the right/left thing in your brain and imagine your 2 hands working as one.
            If you think that playing the notes is amazing, think about Mozart the 7 year old boy composing the piece.

          3. Reply to 10:38 nold
            Your thoughts on the method of piano playing are bang on. It’s a bit like learning anything else, it takes practice. I was just being funny, with soup making injuries!

            I read that young Mozart started composing as young as 3 years old. Imagine that. It’s genius, he was a genius.

  1. Not often that I stick up for a Liberal. John McCallum is an old man, he’s served his country for decades. He has a right to an opinion. Trust me when I tell you that firing a guy like Mr. McCallum will cost the Liberals dearly.

    I personally believe that it’s total BS that our Prime Minister or Justice Minister, or John McCallum can’t interfere with the arrest of an individual who has not broken Canadian law. I also believe that a politician is wrong to claim that the rule of law is being carried out here. Canadian law does not permit the arrest of a person (within Canada) if the individual is being arrested for an offence committed abroad that is not contrary to our laws here in Canada.

    An example would be where a Canadian is selling Cuban goods to the USA. On American soil, , that individual can be arrested because it’s illegal to import Cuban goods into that country. Once that individual is back in Canada, he or she can’t be extradited by the USA because no such laws exist here in Canada. That’s exactly what happened to Meng Wanzhou. She should not have been arrested to begin with, and Trudeau should have intervened in the arrest that was outside our laws. I also believe that John McCallum knew that when he commented on Meng Wanzhou.

    Last but not least, if a special forces unit from China were to come to Vancouver take Meng Wanzhou home, who would stop them?? The Canadian Navy with their three rubber rafts patched with duct tape that are tied in Vancouver harbour?? I truly believe that Trudeau and the Liberals broke Canadian law by arresting Wanzhou, and by firing McCallum.

    1. I truly believe that Justin Trudeau is blatantly a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. If he hands Meng over to face American justice, Beijing will remove him, promptly, from the Liberal leadership. (We might, for example, finally learn the truth about why he was fired from his teaching job.)

      McCallum was fired not for being a traitor but for exposing his boss’s own treachery.

    2. McCallum’s disservice to Canada is something I have watched ever since the fool first got involved in politics. Just one more socialist liberal fool.

    3. MaCallum the loyal Liberal, like all Liberals, serve the Liberal Party of Canada. Once you join that thing, you cannot serve the country or even the post nation as PM Dingbat calls it.
      As for the legality, if you (allegedly) deal with an evil Persian empire against UN, not American sanctions, then LPoC Globalists are going to toe the line even though PM Numpty loves Iran.

    4. There was nothing illegal about dealing with Iran. What was illegal was operating in the United States and committing fraud by lying about their dealings with Iran. Fraud is illegal in Canada and certainly an extraditable offense. It was not a political crime. All she had to do was choose between doing business with either country but not both.

    1. The Rockefellers’ anti-oil stance is merely for show. They’ve been busy scrubbing their image after John D. handed things over to John D., Jr. The family accumulated its wealth and, as an act of atonement, became involved with charitable work, largely because Ida Tarbell had exposed Standard Oil in her book.

      They’re an example of what Ann Landers defined as the upper crust: a bunch of crumbs held together by a lot of dough.

    2. ENGOs have been bragging about doing this since at least 2005. How do I know? I had meetings with some in 2005, and they openly told me they wanted to landlock Canadian oil. At the time they were also bragging about shutting off Canadian oil and influencing Canadian elections on their websites.

      Maybe now we are finally waking up! Or maybe CBC reporters have figured out that in a Buttsian new world they’ll all have to bicycle to work and no one, even the left, will watch the CBC ‘cause of the electricity brown outs.

  2. “A report by the World Economic Forum this month estimated that of the 1.37 million workers who are projected to be fully displaced by automation in the next decade [in the United States], only one in four can be profitably reskilled by private-sector programs. The rest, presumably, will need to fend for themselves or rely on government assistance.”

    Which they obviously will not get if the globalists have anything to do with it.

    The whole point of the AI revolution is ultimately to replace all human workers with robotic slaves, who will make far better socialists than humans ever did.

    Then what remains of the human proletariat can be safely exterminated, leaving a few thousand globalists as inheritors of the planet.

    Globalism is in nobody’s interest. It is a recipe for human extinction.


    1. That would certainly be in line with the Club of Rome’s doctrine of “the earth has a cancer and that cancer is man”.

      1. Oh, they don’t actually care about the earth. If the globalists succeed in killing off the rest of humanity, what remains of life on earth will not be far behind.

        Robots don’t need plant or animal food, so keeping the earth capable of supporting plant or animal life will no longer be necessary.

    2. Who repairs the robots?

      The same thing was said about cars. The invention of the car would be too disruptive to jobs. There would be no need for buggy whip manufacturers, etc.

      Matt Ridley’s book ‘The Rational Optimist’ is a really good read and clearly shows how we are very good at solving problems. Our lives are better now than at ANY time in the past.

      Globalism? I am much more concerned with socialism than I am with business using Artificial Intelligence. Turdeau
      and Ocasio were both rich enough as kids not to see the debilitating effects of socialism. Witness the Soviet Union and its ‘high’ standard of living and enormous industrial pollution.

      Unfortunately there is a whole new generation who believe in socialist utopia.

      The NY Times article and its protecting jobs theme reminds me of the Canadian Postal Workers Union when email first started to gain traction. Their leader (I think it was Jean Claude Parrot) wanted all emails to be sent electronically to the post office where unionized postal employees would print each one off, stick it in an envelope, and then deliver it in the regular mail!
      I often tell my nieces and nephews that story. They say “don’t be silly Uncle Joe, no one is that dumb”. To which I say “remember that story, cause those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

      1. Don’t forget that Canada Post attempted to hold back all of Canada by claiming trademark on email, because it had the word mail in it. It would have left Canada stuck well behind the rest of the connected world.

      2. Yup! The socialists (communists) rewrite history. That’s why pictures of Stalin standing with “comrades” were continually updated, eventually showing him alone as the others were purged.
        If PM AssGrabber could have purged the Creston Valley article and even the reporter herself, he and the LPoC certainly would have. Her reticence for revisiting the event says a lot. . . “no negative interactions”.

      3. To answer your question: robots will ultimately maintain each other.

        Your great-grandchildren will only be useful to the heirs and successors of the globalists as sex toys to be raped, tortured, murdered and even eaten for the sexual gratification of the elect.

    3. Hell yes! Better get good at…something, or you and your fellow know-nothings can starve in the hills.

      1. Nothing useful to say as usual. You must be a joy to be around.
        I can imagine what your social gatherings must be like! A group of NPC incels, showing off their turtleneck fashion statements, telling the latest dTrump jokes, listening to the latest offering from Portugal the Man.
        Me and my fellow “know nothings” all earn six figure salaries in recession proof industries. We hunt, we build things that last, and we laugh our a$$es off at.moronic C dumpsters like you and your “woke” set. You wouldn’t last five minutes in a non industrial world and the only reason you exist in this one, is because of the people you so hautily mock
        . You’re a loser, we know it and I think you know it as well.

  3. USA watchdog interviews Daniel Estulin. He’s in Russian Intelligence, speaking from Toronto. He sells multitudes of books and has a unique view on how geopolitical forces align now and in the future. He talks very fast.
    Examples: Trump (surrounded by traitors) necessary to fight Banking cartel. Putin besieged by same cartel. Russians are starving, depressed & alcoholic. China NOT friends w/ Russia, but may form Pacific economic regional alliances. Results uncertain. Buy gold. China has 30,00 tonnes, admits to only 4,000.


  4. To be clear, I don’t necessarily agree with Estulin on much of what he says. I do like that he rises above the Liberal vs Conservative and Democrat vs Republican divide and conquer propaganda media wars. Some statements are a jolt which is refreshing. Just because I post it doesn’t mean I believe it. “There’s a war on for your mind.”

  5. The Butts Liberals are not capable of handling this mess with China , it’s not going to end well. I fear for the safety of those Canadians who are being held in that Godless Commie state. This is a dire situation. Having to fire the ill chosen Ambassador is now another example of their incompetence.

    The Chinese regime is laughing at the bumble headed crew we have in charge of the affairs of this country.
    We need to be concerned who Butts and Cabal will finger for the post next. Any guesses?

    1. The one thing above all libranos value is loyalty. You are expected to toe the line and take one for the team when required. You will be rewarded for you loyalty.

      Jug McCallum became a liability even libranos couldn’t abide. He was embarrassing the prime minister and was jeopardizing the narrative. He had to go.

      Wheather he did this intentionally we will probably never know but the cunning libranos got him to resign thus avoiding a messy firing.

      Given Jugs personal circumstance he probably became too close to the chicoms even by librano standards. He is a chicom stooge apologist and sympathizer. Under normal librano times this would be perfectly acceptable but given the unusual tense situation of Canada’s arrest of a chicom royal things are no longer normal.

      Bongo is unwittingly destroying everything his old man accomplished with the communists. This cannot be allowed to happen.

      The libranos arr twisting in the wind. How could this have happened to them?
      This is a Crisis In their opinion. There are grave circumstances if things cant be resolved amicably. Billions are on the line…..think Power Corporation.

    1. Lol! Thanks a bunch.

      No, not two cows, but had a barn full of pigs, own a few hectares, and we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once.

  6. I think were the Sockmuppet and his handlers capable of critical analysis of the Meng Wanzhou problem they would be doing all they could to convince her make to the decision to go the US to face the music. In one brush stoke Canada could absolve itself of any conflict with either China or the US because it was Meng that decided on her own (nudge, nudge) to go to the US. I’m sure she is fully aware of what is in store for her back home, and I would think that the confines of a US prison for the rest of her life would be far more appealing than ending up looking like a target from the neighbourhood shooting range.

  7. More male-bashing from CBC. “Why incels are a real and present threat for Canadians”.


    My favorite paragraphs….

    “What we’ve seen is a long-term cycle of social change in which women, people of colour, LGBTQ people, immigrants and others have demanded recognition and rights,” he said. “There’s the sense on the part of the incels that those rights are coming at the expense of white, heterosexual men.”

    (translation: white heterosexual men are the problem).

    And while Perry said she’s tracked 120 instances of alt-right violence in the last 30 years in Canada, during the same period there were seven incidents of Islamist-inspired extremism. “I think that really puts in context what the risk is.”

    (translation: white right-leaning males are the problem to our violence and not Islamist-inspired extremism).

    Here is a different take on Alek Minnasian, a very troubled man who suffered from autism, and a family that struggled with his mental illness for many years.


    1. They are obviously trying to create a narrative. I think it is a false narrative. I would like to know more about the “alt-right” attacks. They provide zero examples. I would bet what they are labeling “alt-right” is simply gang related violence and not a manifestation of political views. 30 years ago “alt-right” did not exist. It is a recent term intended to demonize conservatives. I also believe that Minassian was recruited by Muslim terrorists, as his crime has their stamp all over it. His posts re incel are not persuasive.

    1. I love the line where the author talks about the wrong kind of people. British upper class snobbery now being replaced by silly socialist snobbery.

  8. I just learned that genius composer Michel LeGrand passed. He composed the score of over 250 films and wrote the most beautiful music.

    One of my favorites is ‘You Must Believe in Spring’. Tony Bennet with Bill Evans version will soften even the most calcified heart. Dark and brooding yet hopeful. Just the tune you want to hear when your drowning your sorrow in a jazz bar over the end of a torrid love affair….ok ok I’m not going to get all maudlin.

    Check it out – but first pour a drink.

    1. https://youtu.be/2UUwwtLAhw8

      I was sorry to hear of Legrand’s passing. His music from the movie “The Summer of ’42” has always been a favourite. It is hauntingly beautiful.

      The above link is the instrumental version of “You Must Believe in Spring” from the movie “Les Demoiselles de Rochefort” a ’67 movie with Catherine Deneuve, Gene Kelly and others. This is the score from that movie.

      I shall follow up with other versions because the words are beautiful. I understand that besides Bennett’s version there was one by Barbra Streisand.

      1. LeGrand also composed the music to Howard Hughes’s favourite movie: Ice Station Zebra.

        1. https://youtu.be/VFZb2kFmZ6I

          LeGrand did compose the music – the Cold War movie is based on Alistair Maclean’s follow up to the “Guns of Navarone.”

          The music is great– a bit of “Star Wars” and “James Bond” sound in it, IMHO.

          (Makes a girl want to put a sweater on believing to be in a real air conditioned cinéma, – with a movie title of “Ice Station Zebra!” Ha!)

          (Howard Hughes? Read his biography a few years ago- a real eccentric O. C. character with lots of family money)

        1. Thanks NR.

          I’d listened to it earlier but it’s so perfect.

          I saw Tony Bennet once years ago when Ralph Sharon was his piano player. He didn’t do, You Must Believe in Spring that nite and I doubt he could come close to pulling it off today. At least not like this version.

          He captures the emotion of the song perfectly and what more can be be said of the piano playing of the late Bill Evan’s….and Tony’s diction. Singers dont pay attention to diction much anymore.

        1. Read note below and see video afterwards, to get the message for this choice of Legrand’s music.


          The YouTubes are already up-to-date with RIP messages for Michel Legrande as shown herein, in this version of his song,
          “I Will Wait for You” , and, what a version it is! It is an old video but with good sound so I’d rather play this than any cover because it is THE MAN himself. What is so special about him is what someone wrote in the comments, how true he was as an artist, that is:
          “How amazing to write a wonderful standard and then perform it in perhaps 20 distinctive styles in 4:29 minutes.”

          It is a great body of work that he leaves behind. All hauntingly sublime and so beautifully composed.

          RIP Michel Legrand.

          1. That was an outstanding rendition. Jazz man…it’s about interpretation and improvisation. He gave it the full treatment. Loved the jazz waltz.

            I’m feed cows this week for a local rancher. Cows had to ‘wait for me’ this morning as I wanted to listen to ML.
