The Problematic Sex

It seems unwise to redefine masculinity in order to flatter the resentments and insecurities of the fringe and maladjusted – say, “social justice” enthusiasts who consider themselves “marginalised” by expectations of competence, competitiveness and emotional self-possession. Or those who describe themselves as transsexual, non-binary or “gender non-conforming.”

On attempts to pathologise masculinity.

9 Replies to “The Problematic Sex”

  1. The APA is not an organization that I would place much value on these days. Their desire to normalize insanity places them way outside normal and rational thought. You can call yourself whatever you want but that in no way actually changes what you are.

    1. Their desire to normalize insanity places them way outside normal and rational thought.

      What’s scary is that the desire by the APA to normalize insanity is now its standard.

      It’s like what I discovered many years ago at a seminary. “Liberation theology” wasn’t just a fringe ideology there but considered to be part of the standard doctrine.

  2. So basically, the pervs, weirdos, sexually bizarre, the gender confused, the meek and weak beta males and for good measure, fat lesbians, all are looking for some way to prevent getting harassed or beaten up by normals who see them for the sick pieces of excrement that they are.

    News flash … most of us don’t want to be near them for fear of disease or simply seeing things that we would wish to not have seen. We would simply like them to grow up and shut up.

    The western world is sick and dying due to the larger numbers of useless meek, pissing all over the useful and competent using powers that they extort from government (based of victimhood) who then, extort the rest of us for money and compliance to support the useless meek.

    We are going out with a whimper … shame on us.

    1. Our generous welfare benefits, and invisible borders have spawned a vast classless underclass who are undermining our culture and society from within. The “normals” have fled to lillywhite suburbs to escape the madness. Emphasis on “flee”. We are passively allowing our culture to rot and decay in the name of relativism. All is “relative” we delude ourselves. So if boys want to “become” girls, and girls “become” some as of yet unknown gender amalgam… we shrug and go about our business. We will eventually run out of hinterlands to find refuge from this devolution.

      God makes man – man destroys all acknowledgement of God – man becomes the animals they claim to be.

  3. using powers that they extort from government (based of victimhood) who then, extort the rest of us for money

    I remember when such extortion used to be called freeloading and being a bum. I guess I should have studied victimology instead of engineering. I might have made a comfortable living by claiming I’m perpetually oppressed.

    Oh, wait a minute–that wouldn’t work as I’m a white heterosexual male and white heterosexual males are incapable of being oppressed. (“Studies have shown….”) Darn, and here I thought I might have had a way of getting, to quote the title of that Dire Straits song, money for nothing. So, I guess it’s back to installing microwave ovens and custom kitchen delivery….

    1. No problem.
      White working male.
      Soon to be an endangered unprivileged subspecies of the victimhood league.
      Under the “Hate Speech Tribunals” it will be forbidden to mock those who host the parasitic overclass.
      Only if the effeet elites avoid their meeting with Madame Guillotine of course.

  4. The efforts include gender combination……… blurred lines.
    3 hour video, explains quite well.
    “Age of Deceit”
