17 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. I grow several different types of fruit in Northern Alberta. I spray with home chemicals that don’t work and I still toss out or dissect half the fruit because of bugs. As I have 159 more acres than I need, I don’t worry about fertilizer. One cannot commercially grow fruits and vegetables without fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. Those that say they can are liars. This is not a matter of interpretation or compromise.

  2. “Europe is sleepwalking into a food crisis and politicians are doing nothing to stop it. Instead of supporting new innovations which can help to feed an exploding world population, they are pandering to scientific illiteracy.”
    –Rémi Dumery French farmer

    What a great quote from the linked article. Scientific Illiteracy is at the heart of so many current dangerous and expensive fads, from catastrophic climate change to anti-vaccination, and on and on. In the west we are rapidly becoming a culture of morons, and in the process destroying our cultural, scientific, and economic heritage.

    Enjoy the decline indeed.

  3. Hey Scar, I do it. Want to talk about it, exchange ideas, possibly learn something, or just call me bad names?


    1. I could soap, hose off and pick off every bug and my fruit would be worth $100 a pound in my time. Perhaps I should rephrase that. Every SUCCESSFUL commercial fruit grower that says he does not use fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides is a liar.

      1. Scar, If you look, you will find successful fruit and vegetable growers, commercial ones like us, that don’t need gmo seed, don’t need TUA’s, don’t need purchased chemicals and fertilizers. So I ask again, do you want to learn how?


  4. Two words are the cause – democratic socialism. The uninformed or mal-indoctrinated vote for pimps who are endlessly allowed to grow unconstrained government to point guns at people to do as they are told. Two words are the solution – unfettered capitalism. Let the market decide how products are produced or grown and reduce state involvement to as few roles as possible. In the case of the EU, kill it all.

  5. I trust multi national agro chemical companies about as much as I trust government, unions and silicon valley companies.

    I do not believe that organically grown food is safe either. And the same regulators that “approve” organic crops are also approving GMO and pesticides.

    We are basically screwed unless you can grow/raise your own food.

  6. Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice,
    they ain’t sleepwalking.

  7. Links to articles like the above Euronews enforce my thinking that the only way out is to advocate for an acceleration of the new green way. Banning the agricultural methods that have fed the billions over the past 100 years (starting with the BASF process), especially the chemical dependancies since the “great leap forward” in agri business from 1970 onwards.

    Yes, I know it’ll starve millions, perhaps more than a billion, but if it snuffs out the Liberals in the process, well you need to break a few eggs to make an omelet. This will dovetail well with the agenda21 folks …

    I’m not certain if today’s accelerationist (“bro! bring it”!!) comment from me is sarcasm quite yet, the coffee is just starting to take hold..

  8. The left has its own anti-science factions and science deniers. From the left:

    -don’t understand the difference between gene editing and genetically modified…but fear and hate both. Genetics deniers

    -conflate gender a biological sex. With a straight face, they’ll tell you male and female are arbitrary constructs and therefore there’s no physical or athletic advantage for transwomen in sports. Of course, in the next breath they’ll insist that a male’s increased physical strength makes men a constant threat to all women. Biology deniers

    -think that variable intermittent wind and solar power are superior to and can replace 24/7 conventional baseload power, only climate denialism is preventing the immediate transition. Physics and Engineering deniers

    -that, unlike all other species, human evolution only happened from the neck down. They are blank slate creationists from the neck up. People’s brains are infinitely malleable and the creation of a New Woke Peoplekind are only stymied by lack of progressive policies. Evolution deniers

    -culture in western countries is permanently toxic and white people are born evil and can never overcome their ingrained culture of whiteness. But…foregn people raised in violent, racist, misogynist cultures can be converted to peaceful western values instantly by crossing a border. Psychology deniers

    -that computer models are just as accurate and precise as actual observations. That it’s stupid to question the (un)conscious bias and motivated reasoning of the computer programmers or that they might manipulate the data and coding. But…implicit, unconscious bias occurs in all other human interactions. Statistics, computer science and psychology deniers

    -that welfare and universal basic income can replace the psychological benefits of a job like a sense of achivement, worth and self-respect, despite all evidence to the contrary in areas of chronically high unemployment (urban and rural ghettos, aboriginal reserves).

    -that a scienctific hypothesis or theory can be validated through consensus and after that the science is permanently settled. Politics and scientific method deniers.

    -that the wage gap is due to sexism and the patriarchy so it cannot possibly be due to personal choice. But…they ignore the gender equality paradox and that the biggest wage gap is between mothers and all other workers (men and childless women). Economics deniers.

    I’m not sure why we take the political and chattering class serious at all given their superstitions and irrational ideology. They’re just well spoken with fashionable opinions, not truly intelligent. It’s why I don’t call such people “elite”.

    1. A good, and well thought out, list.

      How would one include “That males are not needed for the raising of children, that masculinity is always negative, and that the association of single motherhood to bulllying and criminal behavior must be ignored.” or that the presence of strong men is always a negative and that one must ignore the makeup of the military, police force, and fire fighting crews to maintain that belief?

  9. There is plenty of productive capacity in the rest of the world to feed the (shrinking population) continent of Europe. Note that the author uses the protectionist canard of food security.

    Thus the EU can make these luddite decisions without worry of starvation. It will take time and the citizens of Europe will pay far more to feed themselves and thus be poorer until they learn the folly of unscientific green hubris.

  10. Reading thru the comments to the article is quite depressing. The vast majority speaking of the ‘horrors’ of; GMO, pesticides, herbicides, DOW chemical, Bayer, et.al. But the MOST fantastical of the comments insisted that ‘rooftop vegetable gardens’ could supplant all the farm grown produce.

    I suspect their is a relationship between the ‘organic’ users of marijuana … and such nonsense.

    1. I agree. The Malthusian is strong in these people.

      All of this is part of the movement to get rid of 6 billion people one way or another.

  11. European governments don’t seem to mind that their citizens pay too much for energy and food, or that parts of European are becoming dangerous due to an influx of immigrants. And at the same time they seem bewildered by the rise of political populism.
