4 Replies to “You Don’t Say”

  1. You can’t reason with them. They need beatings. Every single one of them. Repeatedly. Its what they understand.

  2. As with ALL human biology, there has to be a positive, constructive … biological … evolutionary … reason for teenage anger and angst. I expect it is the human version of a colt standing on its own legs, or bird leaving the nest. Teenage rebellion in an agrarian world would spur human children to venture out on their own. To take risks. To become independent. To take a mate. To reproduce. To establish their own independent identity.

    However, in our industrialized, Information Age … where humans no longer struggle for basic survival … where humans (in Western societies) have eliminated all basic needs for; housing, food, and medicine … teenage angst and rebellion has become a self-destructive urge. The natural evolution of human ‘leaving and cleaving’ has devolved into acts of recrimination and blame for the discomfort of youth. Smart young people acknowledge and accept the NEW means of survival … education, career choice, hard work. They USE their own angst and frustration as was originally, biologically, designed … to foster independent survival. Antifa thugs, race whores, and feminazis? … they pathologically seek to blame and destroy. Society has provided for their basic needs … so they use their natural rebellion for BAD, not GOOD. Nothing could be more self-destructive and corrosive to society than such behavior. Perhaps it is time to remove all social safety nets erected under our children. Perhaps it is time we stop crippling our children by coddling them? Perhaps WE have fkcued with nature … and nature is responding … badly.

  3. “Abusers thrive in radical communities.”

    Yes they do. This is why it was such an amazingly bad idea for the DemocRats to go after Trump on the #MeToo front. All the freaks and perverts are on their team.

    I mean, that’s not even a slur against them. That’s an observed fact. We’re up to hundreds in the #MeToo files, all of them big cheeses in media, politics, Hollywood, publishing, art, and ALL on the Left. You can count the Republicans caught up in the net on your fingers.
