Justin, As Arrogant As His Daddy

There is a First Ministers Meeting in Montreal this week. Remember when Trudeau promised to have a more co-operative relationship with the provinces?

He is offering lectures to the premiers by Morneau, McKenna and Leblanc. And don’t believe the hype that oil is on the agenda. Details here…..

46 Replies to “Justin, As Arrogant As His Daddy”

  1. “As arrogant as his Daddy.”


    And as honest
    And as wise
    And as brave
    And as caring

    1. If Notley had any cajones, she would not accept any lectures she would throw down, and give Trudeau notice he has 6 months to get the oil flowing or Alberta will shut down all rail traffic east and west through Alberta in retaliation for no access for pipelines through the east or BC. And all trucking running east and west would be also stopped constantly for inspections. After 6 months and no pipeline approvals. Alberta to invoke its right to a vote for UDI. Canada is not working. Alberta has been held hostage for too long. She should also inform him that she will be withdrawing from all forms of Equalization scams, there is more than one. And that Alberta alone would collect all tax within Alberta not Ottawa. Also no more Federal Enviro jurisdiction in Alberta.

      1. May I suggest the following before shutting down rail or truck traffic:

        a) Shut down all exports of BC natural gas through Alberta

        b) apply a $100 per barrel tax to all oil and oil products going to BC (To help John Horgan switch to a carbon free economy)

        c) ban all BC and Quebec beer and wine until each winery/brewery complies with the provisions of Bill C-69. I mean each winery should have a full complete analysis of gender effects, full cycle analysis of CO2 effects of production and consumption. Oh and I forgot about the need to determine the effect of their products on first nations

        d) ban the shipping of seafood from BC through Alberta. Fish and shellfish that swim in sewage are clearly not safe.

  2. Like father….like son. Why should anyone of us thought differently. If he is re-elected next year I think you’ll find talk of western separation start to really heat up. If western Canada is meant to survive this will have to happen. We all know that the babies father hated western Canada and it’s obvious now that baby justin feels the same way.

    1. Yeah – SHOCKED, I tell ya!

      ‘Minds me of a comment Johnny Cretin made after his first election when the Maritime Provinces voted solidly PC: ” – Well! They shoulda’ known what to expect when they didn’t vote Liberal – I hope they aren’t expecting any federal money this term!” And this is so typically Ottawa-majority-PM attitude, seen it dozens of times; “It’s OUR money, why should we give any of it to YOU?”

      And the Provinces? When they started rejecting Shiny Potato’s vaunted (and needed – he’s broke again) carbon tax, they shoulda’ known what to expect. WHEN will they LEARN? *smh*

      1. Gonna be a short talk when Ford gets his 15 minutes.

        This is reminiscent of Paul Martin’s meeting when he was going to get his fix for a generation on health care.
        The provinces figured it out he needed them on board more than they needed him, and Martin figured it out a day late.
        Justin hasn’t clued in and apparently no one in his inner circle has either.
        The media is good for one thing, they like a good bun fight.
        Right now the two biggest provinces are not liberal, this will not go well for the Sockmonkey.

    2. Rob: Yes, TALK of Western separation will increase, but there it will end. Western Canadians are much too well off to ever do more than threaten, and as we are irrelevant to either Party winning a majority in parliament, we have no influence.

      We are led by politicians quite satisfied with their lot, and the next generation coming along has been SO inculcated with progressive beliefs from kindergarten to university, no serious person will EVER get another WCC off the ground.

      The post-war generation was bred to be too obedient to our masters, and with them has died the possibility of a credible leader for a separation movement. Much as we bitch about being left behind by the powers that are in charge in eastern Canada, we are stuck with our lot for the foreseeable future.

    3. Wish as we may re separation, the problem that B.C. has is Vancouver and its suburbs. The rest of the province would probably jump at the idea but doesn’t have the population to overcome the lower mainland.

  3. The premiers should bring garbage to throw. Or even better, as its traditional in Jihad land, bring shoes to throw. PM F’n Retard will understand.

  4. Well I sure hope he gets homosexual rights, gender equity, whiny indians, and his latest socks on the agenda, or it will be a waste of time for him.

  5. Doesn’t matter who says what.
    These fed prov meetings are all about the visual.
    If any of the premieres walk out or don’t show up, the unstated is that it’s not one big happy confederation = unity crisis.
    Justin needs all the premieres there long enough to get a group photo, no group photo and the media gets curious on why.
    You can be assured if Ford follows through on his no show threat the PMO will be calling in the media favours to present Ford as the problem.
    This will not end well for the Sockmonkey, the media cares naught for friendly meeting’s they want a fight and their reportage perspective will be slanted in that direction.
    Now the silver lining.
    That puts the PMO and the media (who the PMO sees as their lackies) at odds. So much so that there may be some random acts of journalism about to occur.

    1. I hope you are right, but the media also sees Justin as being Their Boy. So far they have had ample opportunity for JT bashing, or reporting on the views of those who are not On Board….. and they have chosen to bury the stories, or lightly brush over them and move on within a day or two, after explaining that a more “nuanced” interpretation of the facts exonerates JT.
      I see the media as being as compliant as ever, and eager to bash anyone not solidly lining up with JT.
      As I said, I hope you are right, but the media, who once may have loved a good fight, are now IN the fight, and solidly on JT’s side, whatever that may be this week.
      So any dissenters will be soundly denounced.
      Either way, we will know shortly…

  6. Despite all the obvious problems, LPC “popularity” stubbornly remains steady in that 35-40% range. On the one hand, its mind-boggling that despite all the mis-steps, gopher holes, bimbo eruptions and outright bad policies the LPC has, they remain the party of choice amongst the public. No doubt due to the ass covering and personsplaining performed by a compliant lapdog Canadian media.

    Was at a larger family gathering last night, with an assortment of ages there, including yutes (20-25) age group. One of them piped up about how they love e-cars, because ENVIRONMENT! This NPC gal (marrying in to the family next year) doesn’t own a thing, is playing house in the in-laws basement suite at very reduced rent, and works to spend all her money on annual expensive vacations, that are mandatory! The nephew is getting dragged along by his youknowwhat, first one, ya know?

    That is the demographic loyal to Trudope. Shallow, non-thinking, no planning, gimme gimme gimme, easily swayed by the propaganda media.

    The task to depose the LPC and PM Stupid is a tall order, when the media is fully in the tank for him, despite all the staggering economic problems mounting against him. The irony, is probably the one government most aligned with his own policies, the BC GreeNDP, is at war with him, at least outwardly. The rest of the premiers, all the important ones, are clearly not carrying his water, but that won’t stop the media from attacking them, after all, Moe and Ford are alt-right KKK knuckledraggers!

    1. “… On the one hand, its mind-boggling that despite all the mis-steps, gopher holes, bimbo eruptions and outright bad policies the LPC has, they remain the party of choice amongst the public. No doubt due to the ass covering and personsplaining performed by a compliant lapdog Canadian media.”

      And no doubt due to a completely useless leader of HM Loyal Opposition.

    2. Well said Dan. You neatly sum up who supports this empty vessel.

      We are becoming Venezuelans and will soon need bulldozers here.

    3. Look at the demographics of just Ontario on this. Two large civil service groups at the trough. Yeah, that’s a big chunk of T2’s “base”. The count in the usual suspects in private sector, commie unions, like UNIFOR et al is additional “support”. Remember a lot of those folks followed T2, once Ford wiped the floor with Wynne, to Ottawa.

      Sorry, separation with an angle to joining the US is about the only option left us out here.

      My 2 cents. We’re out numbered in Central Canada. You bet that downtown Tronna is out to oust Ford ASAP. Unfortunately, he’s providing them with the means to do so as I type this.

      As far as this westerner (originating in Central Kanada, no less) is concerned, Watcher has the right idea. Notley is just blowing smoke. If she was serious, that TM pipeline to Seattle would have been shut down long ago, as well as Vancouver’s bit. Trump would get involved and then things would happen. She’s just stalling until Junior get his election over. John Horgan is working with T2 on this in a concerted effort to destroy the western Prairie provinces economically. If Notley was anywhere near supportive of AB, we would not have Bill 6 imposed on farmers.

      Organized labor is running this province right now, into the ground with Notley’s blessing.

      1. John Horgan is working with T2 on this in a concerted effort to destroy the western Prairie provinces economically.

        Not just Horgan, and that sentiment isn’t recent. I started grad studies at UBC nearly 40 years ago when Bill “Mini-WAC” Bennett was premier. Just about Lotuslander I met while I was there hated and despised Alberta and felt that it should be taken down a few pegs.

        Organized labor is running this province right now, into the ground with Notley’s blessing.

        That was her objective all along. She failed, however, to turn us into Canada’s equivalent to the Soviet Union. The Dippers have inflicted enough damage to this province that it’ll take a generation to fix, if at all.

    4. Dan: It is not just the demographic you describe that is totally loyal to the LPC, it is almost every person who worked life long for the government, teachers, medical professions, all GEU’s, both current and retired, and too many people who are doing just fine under this government and see no reason to change from the charismatic Trudeau to a lesser being,( in their opinion.)

      I keep trying to tell my fellow conservatives that it’s only us politically obsessed who realize how bad Trudeau has been for this country, but they don’t seem to “get” the message. The LPC is polling as you say, 35-40% on any given day,and it doesn’t matter who is doing the polling, the PUBLIC sees those results every day on all the TV networks and all the Papers.

      The CPC needs an above average leader, one who can speechify like Obama, one who can inspire the masses to get mad as hell and vote accordingly, as Trump did, NOT Mr. Bland personified, Andrew Scheer.

      We are in deep $shit in this country.

  7. The Premiers should boycott the meeting, at least all but Horgan of the watermelon alliance , Quebec and a few of the Maritime Premiers. That would represent the Spawn’s 39% of the nation.

  8. It is going to be a horror show. I can’t wait. Of course, Doug Ford will be THE DEVIL in the flesh. Poor Rachel will be a deer in the headlights come the spring election in Alberta, so she will have to make some noise. Scott Moe will be GREEDY and unCanadian. Horgan will probably be the only one there holding some water for the Feds. It might be the best entertainment before Christmas.

  9. Whoregan had better be careful. there’s a By-election coming up that could topple his government.

    1. Ed, if only. That byelection is in true commie country, Nanaimo, my old stomping grounds from my mis-spent youth! It’s solid welfare ENDP.
      A better bet, would be the Recall of Plecas, the corrupt speaker. What’s taking so long for that campaign to get underway?

  10. Doug Ford has replaced Trump as Hitler at the Toronto Star. Yes the official newspaper of the Liberal Party is full of stories at its website how evil Ford is. Join the Unifor journalist resistance! Vote Groper!

    1. Sadly many people forget that Pierre protested Canada fighting the Nazis.

      And his son gropenfuhrer Justin is no better.

  11. Methinks we are witnessing the beginning of the dissolution of the Canadian federation. Much like the old Soviet Union.

  12. Meanwhile the Toronto Star is excited that whiny Indian Chiefs booed Conservative leader Scheer today.

  13. I see the feds are concerned Doug Ford will “derail” the talks.

    Doug Ford has far better things to do than be condescended to by the Tapette. Preparing to replace him after our homegrown Yellow Jackets drive the little swine from Rideau Cottage comes to mind.

  14. Prinz Dummkopf’s anthem (sung to the tune of Home on the Range):

    Don’t give me a home
    Where the hillbillies roam,
    And I’ll be among the unwashed.
    Their economy’s destroyed,
    Millions are unemployed,
    And their dreams of a country are squashed.

    Quebec is my land
    And the French are clearly the best.
    It’s economy’s up-buoyed,
    Lots of them are employed,
    And we p*** on those in the west.

    1. BA, run that tune by Rene Simard’s agent, the guy needs another hit after the long ago,”Welcome to Montreal”, my personal favorite.

  15. Hopefully the First Ministers Meeting collapses into open rebellion by some of the first ministers.

  16. Your right PO’ed.

    Redd has to pick a fight. She’s toast and has nothing to lose. A good fight with the feds wont hurt her any more than her policies already have.

    Bongo will benefit from a fight with Ford (the ON Trump) and Redd. The entire country suffers from penis envy when it comes to Alberta. The LPC know this and will hope to benefit from it in BC where bongo’s pipeline position have pissed off his base.

    By the time the election rolls around the Ontario voter will have had enough of the austerity measurers Ford will have dealt them. Encouraged by their unions they will have forgotten who Dalton and Wynne even were let alone what they did to the province.

    Da liddle thief won two elections when he swept Ontario. One time it was 99 outa a hundred seats and I think he ran the table the next one? so it’s entirely possible. That is what bongo is angling for.

    So the premiers will get lectured too by Barbie (climate not Klaus) freeloader and whoever might inflict maximum pain. Redd will get 15 minutes to make her case at the end of the day and the libranos will be hoping Ford walks out. It’ll play right into the game plan.

    I’m not a wobot
