28 Replies to ““And Who’s Going To Pay For It?””

  1. Be careful what you wish for. Large segments of the American and Canadian economies are dependent on trade with Mexico. Shut that off and we’ll have a financial crisis that will make 2008 look like a Sunday school picnic.

    1. I think they know that.

      Still it is nice to see somebody besides the president of Hungary sticking up for his own country. Somebody telling the Alinskyites to shove it is both refreshing and long overdue.

      Besides which, think of what would happen if they -don’t- close the border. In a year there’d be a South American beggar on every street corner in every podunk town in the USA. Millions upon millions of them.

      Until the winter came and killed them all, anyway.

      1. Wrecking the US economy =/= ‘sticking up for your country’

        Mexicans aren’t a threat to America. Trump is.

        1. Most Mexicans would rather live in Mexico if they could prosper. Its not Trumps fault its a shithole.

          1. Correction most Mexicans would rather live in Mexico if they received welfare cheques comparable to those they receive in US.

        2. Trump is a “danger to America” because he’s talking about closing the border to an invading column of 10,000 uninvited foreign civilians, until such time as they can all have their visas processed lawfully. Okay then.

          Yep, you juuuuust keep going with that, dewd. It looks good on you.

          BTW, the Caravan isn’t Mexicans. Thought you should know.

          1. He’s a threat because he wants to close the border to free movement of goods and people, which will cause far more pain than any ‘invading’ ‘column’ of migrants. Amongst many other reasons.

            Let us hope that the Dem that beats him in 2020 is a sane lame centrist.

        3. A neighboring country that is currently registering over 25,000 homicides a year, supplies 80% of the illegal drug trade, exports it’s violent gangs, and exemplifies everything a civilization abhors is no threat to it’s neighbors? Exactly, what color is the sun on your planet?

  2. It would be interesting to see how the people who complain about this would act if the same people were breaking down the door to their house to get in.

      1. What is not “private property” is Public Property owned by the citizens of the US.

        They voted Trump, and voted to not give it away to the worlds deadbeats, cry all you want.

        1. “What is not “private property” is Public Property owned by the citizens of the US.”

          Bzzt. It’s privately owned by the USG.

          “They voted for Trump”

          A minority of those that turned out did, and it doesn’t matter: the USC doesn’t authorize any federal limits on immigration whatsoever.

  3. Not only is this immoral and retarded for reasons obvious to anyone who isn’t retarded (including that it doesn’t make Mexico pay for anything), pretty sure it’s a violation of Posse Comitus. Trump should be tossed out just for that if it is.

    ““The whole border,” he continued. “I mean the whole border. And Mexico will not be able to sell their cars into the United States where they make so many cars at great benefit to them, not at great benefit to us.””


    Trump is so retarded that he thinks cheaper cars/more car options are of ‘no benefit to Americans’. That would in part explain why the businesses he directly managed tended to fail.

    1. Yea, you should be “retarded Trumps” financial advisor – maybe you can make him as rich as you are one day.

    2. I don’t know if you’re trolling or actually believe what you post. Either way, get help. Your logic can be used to invade and genocide any country in the world. Money is not everything, safety comes before bling.

    3. UnMe: Go Home Troll your mother is calling you. Trump is the best thing that has happened to America…..and you JUST can’t stand it.

  4. Not only is this immoral and retarded for reasons obvious to anyone who isn’t retarded (including that it doesn’t make Mexico pay for anything), pretty sure it’s a violation of Posse Comitus.

    Posse Comitatus, dewd. And no it’s not, because securing the -borders- of the USA is why they even have an army. Posse Comitatus is concerned with using the Armed Forces against American civilians. These are foreign civilians. Most of them, anyway. Some of them might not be civilians, if you catch my drift.

    But maybe you should post a big long list of all the reasons this is immoral and retarded, for all us people who are to dumb to get it. Be sure to include lots of links to supporting material for us to ignore.

    1. That’s not the only thing the PC act does.

      “securing the -borders- of the USA is why they even have an army.”

      There’s literally no imminent threat to secure these borders from.

      1. UnMe -“There’s literally no imminent threat to secure these borders from”. Are you serious? Where have you been lately? Most of the time you make SOME sense, now you’re making NONE. Go away, we’ve heard all we want to hear from you.

      2. Check the list of crimes committed by illegal aliens. Check the number of drugs imported from Mexico. Check the stats.

  5. unme let’s hope democrats win in 2020. I guess unme wants to go back to the dreary days of Obummer,40 million Americans on food stamps, black unemployment hovering around 20%. Ah the good old days as seen from the mind of a lefty.

  6. Ignore that poor, mindless puke. I suspect it’s a 15 year old sitting in Mom’s apartment in a disintegrating apartment block somewhere.

  7. this: “rush the border.”
    says it all. I can see that happening in the absence of some drastic and necessary response.
    the closure is NOT permanent btw there unmebot. your simplistic primary school level arguments.
