25 Replies to “When Will Leftists Look in the Mirror and Follow Their Own Advice?”

    1. Actually, socialists cannot look in a mirror anymore than medusa could, for the same reasons.

      Show some compassion, can’t us normal folk remotely understand how difficult it is to be socialist these days. Before you can even get up in the morning and take a sh^&, socialists must first check in and receive their daily programming. Don’t you know how stressful that is for these dear snowflakes, who freak out at the racism inherent in their white bread which must be quickly toasted black.

      It’s hard being a socialist!

  1. My conspiracy theory – The fake bomber was John Brennan. He’s nutty enough. Also the misspelled name and letter sent to the wrong network. So he sent himself a bomb with some obvious errors about himself. If you were an ex spy trying to divert attention from yourself, what would you do differently?

  2. “When Will Leftists Look in the Mirror and Follow Their Own Advice?”

    Right after they get mugged and become hawks.

    Usually it happens when a young person receives their first paycheck, and sees how much they keep for how hard they worked. That’s the first mugging we all go through. But some people are stupid, they have to -really- feel pain before it penetrates.

    Lefties are a particularly pernicious kind of stupid, some of them need to have several car-crash level near-death experiences before they understand.

  3. Putting aside speculation about whom, number of perps, and what was it that motivated the act, its becoming obvious that there was no intent to actually do physical harm and that the intent was to create a psychological impact.
    That then leaves open the questions what kind of psychological impact and to whose benefit?
    The caveat is that the perp(s) had to have the sophistication to understand this. If they didn’t, then this is the work of a moron. That speculation however would be in relation to how soon the authorities are able to make an arrest.
    If the perp is that dumb, the authorities should be able to track them down immediately, as they would lack the sophistication to adequately hide their tracks. If however the perp(s) is that sophisticated, they knew exactly what the effect this would have and they would know how to cover their tracks to keep from being found out.
    Now seeing as the authorities have yet to find a suspect, its now likely the perp(s) are professionals that know exactly what they are doing.
    So, who invests that much time and money in training someone to do this kind of psychological warfare? And to what possible benefit would be derived for that organisation or one of their operatives to participate in such an act?
    Or if you want to continue on this tin foil hattery, what if said actor did so from a perceived existential threat?
    So in conclusion, the perp is one or a multitude of actors, that are morons bent on disruption or sophisticated actors trained in psychological tactics designed to influence the public. If they are morons the motivation was emotional in nature, if the later the motives where monetary and they did so at the behest of someone who had something to gain from this.

    But this is all just speculation.

    1. My concern was that it was someone in the FBI, then we’ll never find out. It certainly was an attempt to create a “blue wave” with an October surprize.

      Wait for a pic of the suspect to emerge wearing MAGA hat. I feel certain the internet sluthery will quickly unwrap the story though.

      1. FBI investigates, this kind of theory puts that in the realm of espionage. The subject matter experts in that field are those employed at the CIA and other agencies that participate in black ops.
        If you want to go that path, keep in mind that the motivation for this if for money or power, requires someone that has those kind of things on offer with the caveat that the transaction cannot be discovered and that the actor puts themselves at risk if they rat out their employer. The other motivation is the perp sees/believes there is an existential threat to them personally or to those they are associated with. Those folks are not looking for a payoff, or worried about being caught as they see themselves doing gods work.
        The later is much more likely as the operatives within the deep state don’t do these things when its possible they would be the sacrifice.
        The more likely theory would be a combination, where the conspirators employed some useful idiot, much like the theory surrounding the Kennedy assassination.
        Again this is all speculation.

    2. exactly….plus the penalty of sending a fake bomb is the same as sending a real one…
      No one would waste their time doing that if it wasn’t a scam

      1. Or unless they believed that they where on the side of the angels, or that they would receive some kind of protection, or both.
        Its all in the tin foil hattery, but for reason of debate what kind of individual matches that profile?
        Then match that profile to any known figures/groups from recent events.

        Again this is just speculation.

  4. The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.

    We think we are wolves, living by the logic of the pack. The truth, we are sheep, living by the logic of the flock.

    A Nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. The NPC flock continue to graze.

  5. I Truly believe that this is a hoax perpetrated by the left and the FBI will catch whomever did it, after the midterms of course.

    1. Can you imagine how this would destroy the Democrats if it was discovered prior to the midterm vote?

  6. In general, the advice to leftists to the rest of us has been to cooperate in or acquiesce to our own destruction.

    The closest any leftist has come to taking his own advice is taking his own worthless life rather than allow justice to take it from him as compensation for his crimes.

  7. Watson is right about the left looking in the mirror. That will not happen as they are in full “resist” mode, have been for over two years and stuff like these bombings are part of the way the radical left operates to intimidate and create fear. Trump stands to gain nothing electorally and in fact the reverse could happen and that is the left’s hope.

  8. That is the thing about it though.

    To win a war, you have to break the will of your opponent.

    If there are tactics your opponent uses, that you are unwilling to use, YOU WILL LOSE.

    If both sides agreed to not use violence, then you can buy all the ads, make all the videos, call all the names in the local paper you want.

    If one side decides to unilaterally disarm, and refuses to reciprocate in kind to the opponent…

    If you want to win, you are going to have to climb down that ladder, and enter the cess pool; this is what Trump is willing to do (and has done), and that is why he wins.

    Or, you can be Mitt, Joe Who, McCain, … the list of losers continues down the block and around the corner to your left. If you are not willing to do what it takes to win, then you have already lost. They have shown the rules they are willing to live and die by. Force them to live (and die) by their own rules, or shut the hell up and get your handful of clutched pearls out of my face. I don’t care that “you are better than that”. It just makes you irrelevant.

  9. How much does a crate of Big League Chew cost? It is grey, you mould that into a couple of brick looking things, put whatever wire scraps you have lying around your house, maybe some flashing lights from McDonalds toys, some paper clips. You could make something that looked like a bomb from a movie. Then DJ Trump could hold a press conference where he personally disarmed it to save the lives of his family and staff.

    Maybe we can convince Baron to build it, get the secret service guys who have actually seen real bombs to help, give it to his dad, and Fox News can cover the story of an insider attempt at a putsch? Maybe Pence would be willing to be the fall guy, don’t know if he could keep a straight face though. You need someone who could really dead pan it. True straight man.

    Maybe add some blocks of tofu, if you actually want to scare people with it. You would call the tofu blocks some special “military grade” name in your press release. Spray paint some styrofoam peanuts with metal looking paint, that can be your shrapnel. Maybe some M&Ms (ballbearings) for extra realism. Popeye cigarettes (or “candy sticks” these days) cause they totally look like nails. Totally.

    That is if you actually wanted something that looked like a real bomb. At least from 10 feet away. It is like these guys wanted the bombs to be visibly fake. So fake you could see the fake from a mile away type of fake.

    Maybe stamp a picture of Putin on each block, to really drive the Russian narrative…

    1. Any bets that this tactic might be used in next year’s federal election? It’ll be attributed to someone protesting the carbon tax or some such thing.

  10. It is true. We have lost the narrative to the MSM and academia.

    Since the obvious beneficiary of the bomb scare are the Democrats, I am not sure of the persuasion at all. Just like all the reported racist/sexist harassment all turn out to be self inflicted. It sure looks like another October surprise to me. Especially considering none of the recipients of the mail bombs had the slightest chance of getting hurt. Regardless, one lone deranged person, whatever his persuasion, is still just one lone person. President Trump, and everyone who voted for him, and will again, are not responsible, whatever the MSM and Democrats say.

    On the other hand, Democratic politicians have openly endorsed violence by Antifa and BLM, have openly called for harassment of Republicans in public places, and the calls have been listened to and acted on, and they get off unscathed, because of First Amendment or something. And the same Democrats who call for these things have the audacity to denounce President Trump for calling for violence.

  11. “When Will Leftists Look in the Mirror …”

    Very clever PJW, very clever. So now you want leftists to shove mirrors and flashlights up their rectums .. and when the mirrors break and acid from batteries leaks you will be like “ugh I did not know that was going to happen, it is not my fault”.

  12. *
    this fake bomber is a filipino ex-felon male stripper
    who was pretending to be a seminole indian… he
    has a long history of steroid use and instability…
    he probably has trouble putting two lego blocks
    together. you think he has trump on speed dial?
    can felons in florida even vote?

    and what bombs?

    call me when something blows up.

