25 Replies to “October 16, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/muslim-cab-driver-shouting-allah-beats-62-year-old-jewish-man-in-brooklyn-street-video/

      Watch the video if it is still there. What is this world coming to?

      His name is Farrukh Afzal and he has been arrested before. The comments by Plowjogger 1776 are spot on. He says “deport them all or a great nation will die of complacency and politicalcorrectitis”.

      ” Liberal cities are already full of muzzoid hate crimes, FGM, honor killings, child brides and other Muslim barbarities. Soon they will demand Sharia courts, and have no-go zones like the UK, Germany, and Sweden.”

      I read somewhere some of ‘them’ don’t have driver’s licences. Be aware and be careful out there, folks.

      Just saying.

    1. Actually Stormy (though the author or her discontent): -1. Avenatti is broke.

      Got a good laugh on twitter when some genius retorted Trump wasn’t getting money back, his lawyers were.

      I know, you can neither legislate against or stop stupidity, though trying the former would be nice anyway.

    2. I saw a comment somewhere that Trump is the first known person to get a refund from a hooker.

  1. An Arab American provides the counter narrative to Jamal Khashoggi.
    Khashoggi was deep Muslim Brotherhood who fell out of favour with the new Saudi ruler. He also wrote much differently for his English readers (WaPo) than his Arabic base.

    1. Nancy, you did it now. You-know-who will soon be claiming that the bootprint picture was a result of re-touching by Stanley Kubrick in in Area 51 hangar.

  2. The Altering of the Deal

    Heh, Canada and Mexico are already in the TPP, effectively importing it into USMCA.
    Probably why two thirds of the language used in the North American version of central planning was straight out of the TPP agreement. The deal with China has already been made through the TPP, the tariffs are fake. Only for the consumption of the Trump base. The pipeline from China to the US is still open…

    Trump brought the TPP to the US through the backdoor…that was his reason for renegotiating NAFTA.

    It’s all about globalism…

    ā€œHey, Iā€™m a nationalist and a globalist,ā€ Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. ā€œIā€™m both.ā€

    ā€œAnd Iā€™m the only one who makes the decision, believe me,ā€ Trump said.

  3. The Altering of the Deal



    And much like the TPP Commission, the Free Trade Commission can make changes to the USMCA without the consent of Congress. In fact, the agreement completely undermines Congress’ Constitutional Article I, Section 8 power to regulate trade with foreign nations, such as Mexico and Canada, and to impose tariffs on them should the need arise, as in the case of national security.

    The Free Trade Commission would also have the power to consider or adopt any changes to a country’s scheduled tariff commitments by accelerating the elimination of tariffs or by making ā€œadjustments to the Tariff Preferential Levels established in Chapter 6 (Textile and Apparel Goods).ā€

    Among the most revealing and unsurprising aspects of these transnational committees, which underscores the value of the USMCA to the Deep State, is the stated objective of the North American Competitiveness Committee. In the USMCA’s Chapter 26 on competitiveness, all three countries agree to establish a Committee on Competitiveness, or a North American Competitiveness Committee, with ā€œa view to promoting further economic integration among the Parties and enhancing the competitiveness of North American exports.ā€ In other words, the committeeā€™s objective is not about making the United States, Mexico, and Canada more competitive with each other, but making the three of them as a bloc more competitive with the rest of the world, hence its function to promote ā€œfurther economic integrationā€ between the three countries.

    USMCA will not help the United States, Mexico, or Canada be more competitive individually or boost any one of three countries’ economies. The Deep State does not wish for the United States alone to be competitive with the rest of the world, or maintain global economic dominance; instead it must surrender its sovereignty ā€” along with that of its neighbors ā€” to a new supranational body that will supposedly protect ā€œNorth Americanā€ jobs, industry, and economy.

    Under this scheme, the United States will be required to surrender its sovereignty in order for a chance to be a member of the winning team. Americans have been lied to and duped by their government into believing that their elected leaders are working in their interest, only to subordinate America’s interests to those of North America. It’s only a matter of time before the same charade is pulled on North America in order to integrate it with the world’s other regional trade blocs (i.e. the European Union, African Union, Union of South America, Eurasian Economic Union, RCEP, TPP, T-TIP) into one world economic union and commission, under the auspices of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.


    Except it won’t happen until the Woe of the 5th Trump


    1. Remember, “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.” How soon will Prinz Dummkopf be personally welcoming him to this post-national country?

  4. This article re the Norman case suggests that high level bureaucrats were attempting to thwart the Harper’s government’s decision re the ship contract: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/john-ivison-the-more-we-learn-about-the-mark-norman-case-the-uglier-it-looks-for-the-liberals

    It will be interesting to see the eventual outcome of this case, but I think it is an important signal that many bureaucrats were attempting to sabotage the Harper government. I believe, for example that the “muzzling of scientists” was a modest attempt to curtain unwanted press attacks around mostly climate change policies. It was deliberately carried to extreme by bureaucrats charged with implementation to undermine the government. There were constant brush fires during Harper’s tenure (e.g. important documents dropped on the street), and bureaucrats were responsible for at least some.

    1. So Norman relayed widely available information to support existing government policy? Lock him up. Liberals are so stupid. I suspect when all is said and done Norman is going to end up with millions in severance pay. He looks like a future Conservative appointee for Chief of Defence.

  5. hey SDA, still time !!
    legalization in one more day !!!
    sign up here and be an unpaid lobbyist for prison guard unionboy seeking every avenue
    towards zhob security !!!
    (similar to the ‘3 strikes’ in Califartia, google ‘shoplifting 3 strikes 20 year prison sentence’)

    you remind me of the tobacco CEOs all lined up behind the defense table insisting ‘no ill health effects from tobacco’, with your babs bush clucking about ‘no medical benefits from pot’.

    and as far as pot being the primary ‘gateway drug’ to heroin addiction, I got news for ya; I figured it out. I did some ‘research’ and discovered the gateway drug for ALL addictions including behavioral addictions like porn and gambling, is:

    yep. *every* addict on the planet has consumed H2O at some point prior to their addiction, sooooo, following the anti-pot hysteria logic, WATER is the root cause of ALL addictions including pot !!!

    there, fixed it for ya !!!
