37 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. They should sell lottery tickets to be on the squad.
      It would prove to be very popular I am sure.
      Effen scumbags.

    1. Well, looks like POTUS’ comments on Wednesday ” Did you meet with PM Justin?” “No, in fact we’re done, we will be taxing cars from Canada anyways, Fuhgeddaboudit!” had an effect.

      Did little Juthtin and his JV team finally get the message, do the deal or say goodbye to your auto industry? The devil is in the details, so we will see. Why would Trump do a deal if it is less than what they wanted?

    2. There are no records that show Ford is a licensed psychologist. … According to records, Ford is not licensed in the state of California. A recent …
      Record show Dr. Ford is not a licensed psychologist anywhere.
      She swore under oath that she is.
      I wondered why she continued telling the world where her brain nerve endings, ended, and which part of the brain knew if you were telling the truth?
      She also said her friend couldn’t remember the assault because she had many health problems. Thank you Doctor Ford !!

      Someone has already scrubbed her faculty brochures so that psychologist has been removed.

      Creditable under oath?

  1. Yes, someone’s angry.

    Not the daughters, but yes the fascists. Spitting, red faced vein throbbing mad at being deprived access to the treasury of power.

    Check out the ridiculous article/cartoon I posted in another thread with lady justice held down by cuff-linked Republicans.

    Even though she’s blindfolded, Lady Justice is 100% sure it’s Republicans. She only had one beer. They are her witnesses.

    American is at Cold War with itself. Cold for now. Wait for the riots when he’s confirmed. He truly threatens globalist power.

    It wouldn’t matter if Dr Ford has another revelation about her groper or the FBI find the real one, or anything else, or any made up charge (they’re good at framing people, just ask the Donald) proved as such. Now they make fun of a child, who has exhibited more wisdom in one little prayer that the whole crew of DeMarxist angry jurists have mustered in three years (perhaps longer).

    Nope, Kavanagh is an angry drunk rapist because angry rich socialist fascists want to take over the country.

    Now they bleat “it’s not a trial,” missing the glaringly obvious point that this is about the Courts, which we don’t need if accusation equals guilt for certain people, but not others.

    Fascists in blue suits get to decide for us, no need for non sequiturs like liberty and justice.

    No it’s not a trial, it’s a Senate SCoUS Confirmation vote, so demented DeMarxist Senators can shut up, step up, and vote.

    That’s all that’s required of you. Otherwise STFU. The rest is partisan noise. Good luck in the midterms you fascist pigs.

      1. I thought I couldn’t become more disgusted with the present political pornography, but this fascist proved me wrong.

        If it were me, if I was an American, I would tell these morons to vote and shut up, go plan a riot or something.

        They shall reap what they have sown. The patience of Job shall win out.

        1. The odd thing about this cartoon is it portrays a Republican, presumably an old white man, holding down Lady Justice with his hand over her mouth while at THIS moment the leftist Dems and their cultist followers (represented well here in Canada) are screaming guilty till proven innocent. The party of Hollywood… Bill Clinton… Ted Kennedy!
          Saul Alinsky would be so proud. Projection at its finest.

          1. They always project what they are doing. And they’re always thinking in sexual terms. Their accusations are always sexual. We saw this exact theme with Bush II; raping the statue of liberty, raping justice. It’s not even original. This award winning cartoonist is actually quite common.

    1. Oh the cartoonist forgot to mention:

      “And forgive my GANG RAPIST father who is going to sell me into slavery; among all his many other abominations.”

      Vituperative libel and slander; the “new truth” and the calling card of the Democrat operative elite.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Matt Damon, like Tesla, just lost a lot of market value.
    Both are mistaken on why – and what market value is.

    1. The Democrats will still continue to love him, if it’s his S.N.L. appearance you are referring to. Putting politics aside, I saw his performance and he was genuinely funny. He almost LOST it a few times, he broke into a swift smile when he gagged and spilled water all over his face and suit. Don’t know whether that was in the script. It worked though.

      1. You have a crush on Matt Damon or what Nancy? One of Hollywood’s far left political activist goes on SNL and portrays Judge Kavanaugh as a fool and you get the teeny bopper giggles?

        1. At 11:50pm I said that I put politics aside for a minute. This does not eliminate me from Camp Kavanaugh because I like satire. I’ve been pro Kavanaugh here-in, perhaps you haven’t noticed. I saw his whole honest testimony, even shed a tear or two.

          Sorry if I’ve offended you though.

          1. Rather: I ‘am’ pro-Kavanaugh having seen his apparently ‘wholly’ honest testimony.

            Sorry if I’ve offended you though… again.

          2. Kinda hard to “put politics aside” when watching an always political SNL with an extremely political actor mocking the Judge during a highly political event. But each to their own. Glad you enjoyed it. I’m far from offended and no hard feelings.

          3. Right on Boots! Hey, we conservatives DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR OFFENDING ANYBODY so don’t feel bad Nancy. If some thin skinned low testosterone male is offended whether conservative or not then so much the better!

  3. I think the picture is MUCH bigger… The ME-TO movement needs a Liberal Court for a variation of the Constitution.. (Innocent until proven guilty).. Brett is unlikely to agree to fragmented due process… The Communist hordes are already claiming this is a “JOB Interview” & innocence is not assumed……(exception to common law)

    1. If a women makes an allegation she must be believed, and the accused is guilty unless he can prove he is innocent (not possible) This also has applications for Science.. An unprovable theory like AGW must become law, unless proven false.

    2. If a women, or a horde of them make allegations the accused must be fired without due process…..This is very important because civil lawsuits providing evidence of False allegations could bankrupt… Companies like CBS, FOX & NBC etc….They “will” work their way through the Courts & reach SCOTUS

    Good news The FBI will investigate ALL allegations by Dr Ford and her Friends etc…..That would likely include SEN Feinstein and her leaking Fords Name *(The WAPO had the letter but not the name) Funny how she didn’t inform the WH of the Letter (not the Name)

    The allegations made to the FBI are fully investigated, including collaborating evidence

  4. “The allegations made to the FBI are fully investigated, including collaborating evidence”

    Unlikely, as ‘collaborating evidence’ is captured perfectly by the ‘cartoon’ heading this thread.

    ‘Corroborating evidence’ is sadly lacking the personal damnations made against SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh.
    The candidate has been investigated by the FBI several times over the course of many years.
    The claimants will likely come to regret even the short FBI scrutiny of themselves triggered by Democrat Senator’s cri de guerre.

    This issue is huge.
    Feelings have become matter, and logic is rendered immaterial.

    1. This is no longer a simple background Check… Probable cause exists that several Crimes may have occurred…..

      Why did DR ford not recall if she had named Brett during some type of Hypnosis treatment (said her Husband made that claim as he was a Witness)… Research by renowned/infamous phycologist Dr Timothy Leary into LSD induced memory control must have new meaning, he used Grad Students in his experiments….


  5. Socialism and irrationality on the radical left is so deeply embedded in the American body politic that the solution will likely kill the patient.
    How do you rid the nation of evil and corrupted people who are working against everything America originally stood for? How do you wrench the body politic from the corrupted communist left and ensure it will stay rational and responsible even after there is a change in power?
    It’s a high wire act where every action suggests failure.
    President Trump has to surgically remove and destroy the communist enemy, while ensuring that responsible two party representative government survives, where everyone respects the Constitution as the law of the land.
    And he has to do this without becoming a dictator himself, and without the remnants of the communists rising up and killing him and his family when he walks away.
    If he does not succeed the country will morph into a fascist oligarchy with favoured businesses circling their wagons around the ruling class. That is, unless the military doesn’t intervene. A very real possibility should Trump fall from the high wire.
    The evidence suggests Trump is setting up the Communist leadership and gathering overwhelming evidence against them all, so when he drops the hammer, the blow will be complete, surgical and so overwhelming that ordinary Americans will be horrified and will drop all pretense of communism and into revert to Rule of Law governed by the existing Constitution.
    America will be a much different place if you are on the left. Leftist tropes will disappear, the divide between everyday Americans and the hard left will evaporate, with the hard left replaced by a JFK – style Democratic Party.
    President Trump is a rationalist above all, and has favoured policies of both sides in certain circumstances. He will make every effort to restore rationality to public policy. It would be a master stroke if Trump’s anointed successor ran as a member of this updated Democratic Party.
    We must all hope President Trump succeeds. If he doesn’t, it means years of purges, corruption, twisted laws and favoured elites running circles around the Rule of Law. The only way out would be a military coup or some level of civil war in America.

    1. It is always funny when obviously deluded, or just straight up liars, make a claim like “replaced by a JFK — style Democratic party”.

      Claims like this are always made without citing any evidence that JFK was any different than Bill Clinton. Without providing any evidence that JFK wanted anything different from what Sanders or Chavez wanted. Funny, that. Making an assertion of fact, without actually presenting ANY facts… where have I seen this sort of behaviour before?

  6. I read The Gulag Archipelago many years ago but still remember the part where Solzhenitsyn wrote that the torturers came in each morning, did their incredible beastly acts on the prisoners then went home, job done for the day. Wonder if they punched a time card. This is exactly what German Nazis did to their people with help from the German population, butchered people, including their fellow citizens, as we know by the millions. I can see this happening in America as the left calls for a physical attack on their fellow citizens. Bezmenov was so right in his interviews to show how easy it was to get the US to this stage.

  7. Seriously, has anyone, at any time, offered any proof that the Democratic party of today is any different than the one that fought a war to keep slavery?

    Any different from the one that founded the KKK?

    Any different than the people that declared Hitler was their man of the year?

    That the Clintons would not have been welcomed by JFK?

    Has anyone, at any time, every produced any evidence that the Democratic party wanted anything other than the end of the USA?

    1. Seriously Kevin, whining about generalizations of history is not addressing the issue. It’s not a discussion on the history of the Democratic Party, its a concern about how to weather the existential crisis. Comments are not comprehensive, nor are they supposed to be. If you want more background read a book.
      The Democrats have been co-opted by the hard left. If the hard left was excised what would remain? If the divide in US politics is to be healed something has to change – a return to a 1960s style Democratic Party is most likely as a uni-party system has inherent dangers. It is generally acknowledged that JFK himself would not be welcome in today’s Democratic Party as his positions on many things are significantly right of Republican thinking today.
      Like it or not, there are a significant number of people who identify with soft left wing positions. I am not one of them.
      However those people have to have a place to land should Trump succeed in destroying the hard left. Leaving them without a voice is not a solution.

      1. The question remains, and the answer is “no.” The Democrat party waged a war for slavery. Losing that, after one of them assassinated Abraham Lincoln, they founded the KKK. Etc. etc. etc.

  8. I have an adult son as well as a male cousin who were both put through the proverbial wringer by lying females. In the case of the cousin it was a false charge of sexual assult. The pain and emotional trauma inflicted on both of these young men is nothing short of criminal. The democrats and liberals in general will stop at nothing to crush good men. A means to justify an end.

  9. There is a special place in HELL for this “cartoonist” … and I sincerely hope he checks-in as soon as possible. Sincerely. And if he doesn’t, then I hope his hell begins … here on earth … ASAP.

  10. I’m guessing that the cartoon was resurrected from Chelsea Clinton’s childhood scrap book with tweaked names to fit the narrative. When engaged in the fine art of the political smear, the Dems can simply project from their own rather than use new material.

  11. This cartoon shouldn’t surprise us. It represents an opinion, a mood, even a worldview that promotes this: a womb is injected with acid, which may or may not kill the child within. The child is then dismembered alive and in extreme pain and pulled piece by piece from the womb. In other cases, the baby is born alive and left to die in a basin.

    If the Democrats honour, promote, and seek the continued legality of this kind of thing, smearing Kavanaugh and even his daughter is of no consequence. A pro-choice Democrat OR Republican have already proved themselves to be the most dangerous people on earth.

  12. well, the ‘cartoon’ is out there forever now.
    ooooonce in a while ‘it blows up in their face’.
    we shall see. that we can count on.
    Scott J is spot on. it can only be called a modern day holocaust. I decided THAT waaaaaaaay back in grade 13 (ya, Im that age!) when the biology teacher said fetuses have ALL they need, digits, organs, brain after only a few months.
    and fetuses can do what NO ONE ELSE can, they can breathe under water.

    there will be a day of reckoning on this.

  13. The all time worst liberal comic strips DOONSBURY,THE BOONDOCKS,,GET FUZZY, just to name a few i prefer Garfield<peanuts Classics and old The Far Side
