51 Replies to “The Slander Against Kavanaugh Continues”

  1. I am willing to hear Ms Ford out but it had better be under oath and she better be able to bring it.
    If it is the same vague, obfuscations that have been reported by the media, I’m out.

    BTW is it possible that Avanetti is a paid Trump tool?

      1. I’m sorry America but I can’t watch this shit show anymore…

        When will we the people stand up and say enough is enough and just have the vote.

        Someone should tell America if you want the vote to proceed wear fly and show your green ribbons and let the politics and media know shut the fuck up and vote.

        I would guarantee a green ribbon wave

  2. If this whole thing is not political, then why did Christine Ford run to the democrats instead of to the police?

    1. EXACTLY….Nothing but a pile of Steaming BULLSHIT… all to prevent a Conservative Judge heading to th Suprm Court…where to quote another source – said court will in all likelyhood be called upon to adjudicate whatever comes from the FBI/DOJ/Fisa Warrants Affair.

      One can se why the Marxists dont want him confirmed…
      Political Hit Job…Ya think.?

      And now Aventtii is coming in with a “rape gang”. OMG, that is beyond laughable …. I was in College in the ’80’s as well. That kind of Thought process, given the culture at the time, was simply NOT happening – Anywhere…TOTAL Fabrication..IMO.

      Seems to me CNN is runnign this show..

      1. …and they better pray to whatever God they pray to that Kavanaugh does not get appointed…
        After what they have done to him…..and all the other liberal attacks….he’s going to fry their sorry skanky asses

        1. No he will not fry them. He is a man of honor [libtards look that one up] and incredible integrity [this one too]. They should be severely punished but he will not lift a finger against them out of respect for the office.

    2. Someone posted a photo showing a casually dressed Hillary Clinton going out of the doorway to a home, followed immediately by Christine Blasey-Ford’s lawyer.

      The Democrats are bottom-feeders, who will do anything to snatch their power back. Avenatti’s rise coincides with more and more muck flung at the wall.

      1. Then they “fact checked” that claiming claims the slimy Dem lawyer has been “seen” with Bill Clinton & George Soros.

        No, her slimy lawyer was seen with Hillary, which is hardly a revelation given she is a Dem attack dog.

        She is also friends with predator Weinstein and has defended Dem gropers and rapists from Bubba to Ellison.

        I wonder, do feminists like being played for political gains. Do they really hate men that much. I think not.

  3. one has to wonder if the “#metoo” was a set up to use as we see now, or did they just hijack it and weaponize it to use as we see.

    1. NME666 – the Democrats will sacrifice some of their own, if they think it will lead to destroying Trump and his supporters. I think #metoo was set up by the left as a strategy. It also puts down men, which suits their purposes.

    2. Anything and everything is fodder for these fascists to hijack and politicize until only a single party and police state remain.

    1. For those that don’t know, it looks like creepypornlawyer got punked by a 4chan scam, over his insane allegations regarding Kav. Looks like he lacks a BS detector. He’s locked his Twit account too and gone dark.
      What’s the penalty for defamation by a lawyer of a Superior Court judge?


  4. The Dems are absolutely right about one thing. This confirmation is a win or lose all proposition for both sides that MUST be won.

    Glad to see Trump finally take the gloves off. We saw what happened when Republicans tried to appease the left last week. It was taken as the sign of weakness it was by the lying, obstructing Democrats who in turn used the opening to bury the process even further in lies and smears.

    No matter the outcome, I hope these false accusers and their Democrat coaches are somehow forced to face some kind of justice for their defamatory cabal. History tells me that is simply an unreal fantasy, though.

  5. I watched the Senate hearing (In Real Time) into allegations against Clarence Thomas by Anita Hill…. She did not have any supporting Witness, and Alan Specter (PA Senator) trapped her into committing perjury… The end came when a Black Lawyer witness from Texas testified that the Majority (Democrat) lawyers had threatened him & his Family ( a Federal Crime) The hearing was suspended & the Senate quickly Confirmed Thomas…… You won’t find that in the Record (scrubbed) because Anita Hill & the Democrat Lawyers should/Would be in Prison… The George H Bush Admin failed to clean up all the mess they created in Iraq & domestically.. He was one term for all those reasons…

    The good Doctor will commit perjury in the Senate & Trump better demand the DOJ indict her & her Lawyers… It is Strange how she is
    so worried about who “she” told (two witness’s who say she told them ) after her fake memory epiphany… Those people are in deep shit, the FBI have not been sleeping & records have hidden time stamps…DR Ford will learn that the Me-Too “probability algorithm” only works if everyone is a slut Liar… The FBI don’t have a crime until Dr Ford commits perjury , but that does not mean they don’t have in-depth Knowledge.

  6. It is entirely possible that there are people who in groups would suggest or even participate in this type of behaviour. It would be impossible to have done the alleged acts and not at this point having people acquainted with the accused with first hand knowledge not come forward with credible evidence.

    1. She’s claiming she has 4 new witnesses with swore testimony…
      …all 4 are people she told..30 years after the fact

      not real witnesses at all…and one of them is her husband

  7. the republicans were placed between a rock and a hard place by the democrats who chose “by any means necessary” because the accusation was the last choice available. in the democrat strategists’ minds, the stakes were high enough to warrant a desperate bid to block the confirmation; it has not worked out well. you cannot destroy judicial foundations and seek “social justice” at the same time in the name of politics.

    the republicans, with equally little choice, have provided the rope of accommodation with which the democrats hang themselves and they know it. the democrats will now attempt to walk it back from the tribal anti-american platform that brought them to this place (see the back to school video.) here, already, is an example of the re-branding of nuanced reasonable perspective (ha ha ha) from a new york times writer in yahoo news. not one mention of who created this sordid dog and pony show.

    1. “…….an example of the re-branding of nuanced reasonable perspective (ha ha ha) from a new york times writer in yahoo news. not one mention of who created this sordid dog and pony show.”

      Good find. It’s insidious the way the minds of the Progressive movement work. A moments pause for reflection revels just another way to create a negative spin story all under the guise of “balanced perspective”. Despicable. Just despicable.

  8. One thing about Kavanaugh. He was not on Trump’s list. He is a compromise to please the Republican mainstream. The Republicans better make sure he is appointed because Trump’s 2nd choice might be a few yards to the right and the pressure will be on to approve him before the election. Losing two nominees might be more than the Republicans can survive.

    1. So if Kavanaugh was not on Trump’s list of possible justices, how did Ford back in 2012 or whenever she was being confused by her husband and therapist fear that Kavanaugh would be on the supreme court, motivating her to tell a friend what had happened to her, according to Ford herself?

  9. we have a new witness now…..who claims she repeatedly went to parties where girls were druged and raped….she saw Kav at the parties…..accuses him of nothing more than waiting in line

    ….and has concocted a story that it will be almost impossible to charge her with lying under oath

    you know who she went to for her attorney

    1. Hey Lats, there’s so many pointy hatted green skinned wart nosed calderon stirring vacuum cleaner riding cacklers showing up to the party that it feels like Halloween’s come early. It’s hard to get their “come here, my pretty” black cat calls outta my head. Ick.

      There’s three now so it’s the “Revenge of the Sanderson Sisters: Hokum Poke’em Too”. Ford’s apparently up for playing Bette’s part. The Dems are pulling every rotten spell they can out of their Book of Shadows. I have a feeling that Thursday’s gonna be more trick than treat and tonight’s only two days past the full moon. It’s creepy…like a howling mad porn lawyer.

      1. Martin, it gets even better
        Avenatti’s new witness, Julie Swetnick, claims she went to well over 10 of those parties…between 1980 and 1983
        …yet she was raped in 1982

        She kept going back to the parties….

        1. And supposedly these were high school parties but she had always graduated and was an adult. Shouldn’t she have called the police about these parties? Not reporting them makes her an accessory to said “rapes”.

          1. Gang rape is a felony in Massachusetts…..not reporting it is also a felony in Massachusetts

            18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony…..is still on the books in Massachusetts

            Julie Swetnick was an adult when she witnessed these gang rapes…..and did not report them

            Julie Swetnick has a very bad attorney if he didn’t advise her of this…………………..

          2. I guess she belongs to a group that thinks nothing shouts out your credibility louder than having a creepy porn lawyer as your spokesperson.

            “Not reporting them makes her an accessory…”
            Uh-oh, the narrative is unravelling fast. Better Call Saul! She needs the right kind of ‘criminal’ lawyer.

          3. Is she guilty of statutory rape herself? Let all those high school victim boys come forward. Fight fire with fire.

        2. “She kept going back to the parties”

          Like Gomeshi’s or Cosby’s complainants – many years later they decided they were raped. In the meantime some of them stalked the perpetrator to maintain the relationship.

        3. Even better yet is that she’s reportedly has a lien on her home and a $63,000 debt. Wanna bet that goes “poof!” like magic? Many such things are likely possible for these progressive witches of greased-wick from their pacts with Lil Nicky. I think Swetnick’s opened a can of worms for a number of people. You can’t accuse Kavanaugh now without accusing EVERYONE at ALL 10 parties as being either a participant or accessory. The defamation suits later are gonna make Avenatti feel brutally buggered even without having gone to one such party.

  10. These fascists will never stop, now reduced to relying on a creepy porn lawyer for their smear du jour.

    When will people realize the DeMarxists are looking past Trump, whom they surely fear for his court nominees, but they must keep an originalist like Kavanagh off the Supreme Court, at all cost and unabashed and relentless use of specious slime.

    This never came up on security checks? Maybe because the victim is lying or hiding behind conjecture and her opinion.

    People are right to be skeptical with this accusation at this stage, the day before the DeMarxist star witness fails to appear?

    The fascists disapprove of the intolerance though. I fear these goons are going to win on intimidation. There are just enough useful RINO idiots in the Senate to block Kavanagh, who are content to hand their nation over to neo-Nazis fascist identity thugs.

    They should read Bill O’Reilly’s column today. The DeMonsters are using the same thug tactics as Hitler and his fellow psychopathic Goebbels, albeit not yet as vicious and murderous, but give them time. I fear they will win on this one.

    Then.We’re.Screwed. Not just Americans, but Canadians as this virulent totalitarianism becomes politically maintstream.

    1. Yeah, we passed the “we’ve never been boned this bad before” mile marker sometime around WW2.

      The USA actually ended decades ago, but it is only recently that people are actually noticing the details.

      How else do you think Hillary has been breaking rules and laws since the 70s, and has never suffered a single penalty? And the Clintons aren’t the only ones, or even the worst.

      1. I have come to understand that Hillary & the Clintons in general exemplify the complete lack of moral compass, regard for the truth, or empathy at lives destroyed, including the accusers, useful victims to be thrown away,as the DeMarxists.

        The hard left just recently, in the last ten years, has showed its ugly fascist face. But it was there all along.

        If I were Grassley, I would give all parties an opportunity to make their allegations, under oath, including admitting into evidence all letters, affidavits, notes and polygraph tests.

        If nothing new comes out, the vote proceeds, assuming Flaky RINOs don’t stop it. If they do, please each and every Republican in the USA, turn your back on them, make them persona non grata, not welcome at any party activity.

        Assure those useful idiots that the entire matter will be investigated by the FBI as a federal obstruction of justice case, or whatever they want to call it, to investigate ALL players in this affair: accusers, accused, politicians, lawyers, “journalists,” all of them. Get to the bottom of everything. But, Kavanagh goes to the Supreme Court in the meantime.

        If damning evidence, beyond copping a feel, comes up, then Kavanagh gets removed from the bench. If there is not strong evidence, it ends. If anybody has made a false statement, they face civil and criminal exposure.

        So, everybody’s invited to the Senate tomorrow to tell their story and God help anybody who’s lying.

    1. I worry about the Cosby conviction. They couldn’t find him guilty of a single charge so the crooked judge tried him for 6 additional statute barred offenses. He had two black jurors whereas Philadelphia demographics says a random jury should have 5 blacks. Just an old fashioned lynching – in 2018. The women shouldn’t have taken drugs to relax and had sex with Cosby, if they were concerned. Most men use booze. I have gone through life without once taken a random pill offered by someone.

  11. I just checked the date of the Swetnick affidavit, it was yesterday the 25th. Is that when she re-remembered it?

    Or was then when the creepy porn lawyer told her it was Kavanagh after days of haranguing, I mean questioning.

    Let her go to the police, which neither she nor anybody else did. BTW, why was this college girl trolling high school boys?

    An acquaintance of her just went on the record that she was a delusional nutbar with possible drug problems.

    “In the wake of the 3rd Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick’s identity becoming public through her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, The Kuhner Report received a call from a man who identified himself as “Thomas in Boston,” whose family knew the Swetnicks “Well” in Maryland, and discussed the known “Issues of Substance abuse,” and “Mental Issues from Julie.” He detailed a phone call from his sister this morning, who still lives in Maryland, where she said “Can you imagine a more delusional whack job is the one that came forward against Kavanaugh?”

    “Thomas” also went on to describe the are where they grew up in Montgomery Village, “Quite a distance from Bethesda” and that the “Social circles” would not have interacted. He refutes that during High School “No way that she would have encountered these same social circles, certainly not during High School.”

    Not corroborated btw. Fight fire with fire is all I’m saying. Time for an investigation into all parties to end the lying sliming.

  12. The girls accusing Kavanaugh of clumsy advances are beginning to look like a pretty sordid bunch of criminals, aren’t they?

  13. Just remember, the Political Media Complex would chew anyone of us up and spit us out, based on accusations that are nutty, unproveable, even contradictory. DiFi would smirk and pretend to be oh so troubled. It is the sneakiness, the piling on, the grandstanding, and the game playing that should signal you that something is wrong and give you pause.
    Given the witch hunt of the last weeks, it is fair to wonder if even Weinstein et al are guilty.

  14. We are witnessing the birth of the men’s pound me too movement.

    Story over at zerohedge: two men are stepping up to the plate saying it was them and not Kavanaugh who fondled her. I expect more men to step up and say – after they got their repressed memories back thru therapy- they didn’t see those two when they took their numbers and got inline.

  15. If this Ford woman was so troubled all these years why did she wait until this particular time?
    It reeks of blatant politics .

    “Me Too”my ass. I cringe when I hear mention of it. The legal profession is having a bonanza with the celebrities and politicians being accused by the purer than pure Me Too’s.
