81 Replies to “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”

  1. Ok, somebody has to explain to me, in elementary language, what is going on here. I only had one cup of coffee this morning, instead of my usual two cups.

    1. It’s a picture of a man, pretending to be a woman, wanting to vote for trudeau in order to get itself some free pot, to put back into its bong, in order to virtue signal that it’s OK to hump a tree and wear really horrible bling.

      Or it could be enviro barbie minister? Hard to tell either way……

    1. Not likely… One good huff and you’d be down for the count, and not likely to wake up until somebody else restarted your breathing.

      But liquid oxygen? Yeah, that would work, as long as there were no flammables and sources of ignition around.

  2. A friend of mine is a pot head…..he calls me and tells me the same stories…over and over and over

  3. So when I see the skinny young lad walking down my street in a cloud of vapour he’s likely doing wacky tabacky in public, even before it’s official?
    We think we have a problem with dementia and other mental problems now?

  4. It’s all good.

    Have you noticed that the worst of them don’t breed?

    Marijuana use – Evolution in Action.

  5. Exactly:
    “…governments are setting up legal regimes without sufficient public-health protection, with some even warning that the country is replacing one form of reefer madness with another, careening from treating cannabis as if it were as dangerous as heroin to treating it as if it were as benign as kombucha”

  6. So, where were all of these warnings regarding the dangers of pot when Harper was resisting legalization? Even the CMA refused to take a stand. I have little respect for their attempts to now raise red flags. The media in their enthusiasm for ousting Harper (the adult Prime Minister) has also been negligent on this issue. I am afraid the future of Canada as a stable, enlightened and prosperous country is looking grim.

  7. So, is someone going to get called Racist when they ask the question of the PM ” When are the provinces going to get increased funding to address the medical costs of his drug policies?”

  8. Here in the US, I think we have enough states that have legalized this crud. The other 40 states should wait for a while, like 25 years. I think that we will see long term issues with chronic use of marijuana in the next 10, 20, and 30 years. Just like cigarettes were called “harmless” for many years. And birth control pills.

    If you need marijuana so bad, move to a legal state like California or Colorado.

    Federalism was made for these issues.

    1. The criminalization of marijuana is a recent thing, first happening within the living memory of my own family members, so all of human history before those currently living serves as an example of what happens when it is not criminal.

      If it is a problem now, but was not then, it is not the marijuana that is the problem. Something else has gone wrong.

  9. With no DUI parameters in place the police will tell you we are in for some interesting situations.

  10. I love how in the article they on the one hand say pot use is way up in states where it’s now legal and on the other hand say that the drug war is futile. So is the drug war futile because people still do drugs? Because if that’s the bar then let’s stop the war on rape and murder too because it’s futile.

  11. So disappointed, but not at all surprised, to see such a one-sided story on weed on SDA. A site I regularly visit to find some truth, actively further brainwashing anti-pot zealots into believing pot is EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL!!! So utterly sad.

    I have tried to seriously debate people here on this topic before over the years, but I usually just get personally insulted and shut down for my views in a way that would make any PC Democrat or Liberal proud as hell. In such a hyper-partisan chamber as this, many just hate it because Liberals want it…. and there is no breaking through that kind of bias. So, I will just make a few important points, then let the bigoted haters hate.

    All citizens should be denied the right to drink alcohol, own a car or a firearm too then, since a few losers can’t handle those products responsibly, either. Do we believe in personal responsibility and freedom in this country, or don’t we?

    Illegality DOES NOT protect our children from it because it is here to stay, whether you like it or not. How is keeping this solely in the hands of drug dealers safer for our youth? Absolute Insanity!

    Weed is not physically addictive, although undoubtedly habit forming for the weak.

    I still have not found a credible example of anyone EVER dying from ingesting weed…. EVER. I found a headline once that claimed a baby died from it, but they later stated themselves in the same article that it was unproven as the cause. How many millions of deaths has alcohol DIRECTLY caused?

    Just to put things into perspective, consider this…

    Marijuana = Christianity
    Alcohol = Islam

    Yet I don’t see anyone running around here screaming that we must ban alcohol. Again, a level of hypocrisy that would make any leftard blush.

    1. Stop lying. Pot cultists never try to debate honestly on any subject.

      Marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, are all very powerful drugs.
      They all have legitimate medical uses, I am sure; just like nicotine.
      Self medicating for fun, is a bad idea.

      There, it is as simple as that. Now go off on your irrational tangent and tell me how MJ is not addictive, has no possible harmful effects on anybody, how MJ smoke is pure and harmless unlike tobacco smoke, …

      You know, tell me what your cult programming tells you to say. I promise to ignore you.

      Funny, how you always just happen to be on any site on the internet, within minutes, refuting anything anybody ever says that is negative about marihuana… Pure coincidence that, not religious fanaticism or anything…

    2. Did you miss the part in the article, where it described how people’s lives get messed up and screwed up due to drug use? Or did your lack of focus glaze over it? And by the way, you called pot users “losers”, so thank you…..
      The article was refreshing in its honesty, describing well the lack of REAL oversight by governments who are blinded by the anticipation of windfall revenues.
      It accurately describes what happens to users, my place in life that I left behind 30 years ago. No doubt my old pothead buddies are still lazy burnout losers, with menial jobs and busted relationships.
      You’re in denial. Typical of a drug user, and typical of this headlong rush into legalization.

      1. “Stop lying. Pot cultists never try to debate honestly on any subject.”

        “You know, tell me what your cult programming tells you to say. I promise to ignore you.”

        “Or did your lack of focus glaze over it?”

        “You’re in denial. Typical of a drug user…”

        Kevin, DanBC, I just wanted to thank you both for so promptly and clearly proving my main point.

        I mean, holy crap, that was just exceptional, I couldn’t have asked for much better examples. Again, thank you so very much.

          1. Ha. Well, nobody made them post those ignorant remarks, did they?

            BTW, I skipped over this one from Kevin…

            “Funny, how you always just happen to be on any site on the internet, within minutes, refuting anything anybody ever says that is negative about marihuana(sic)…”

            Kevin, that is an outright lie and you know it to be because you are the dishonest prick who made it up.

            I have never commented on the topic of weed on any other site but this one. NEVER! Prove Otherwise! Also, I passed on the last few chances here because of the toxic atmosphere liars like you create. I haven’t posted any kind of comment here on weed for probably over six months. Prove Otherwise! But, you can’t can you, because there is NO PROOF to support your LYING SAC’O SH*T ASS!

            C’mon, be a man and openly admit to the good readers of SDA that you LIED LIED LIED about my actions. Then they can decide for themselves if anything else in that post was true.

        1. Denial isn’t a river in Egypt, CO.

          You’re full of denial…….typical of potheads everywhere. There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind, been through it all, I see nothing but lies, denials and distortions from the druggie defenders.

          Seek help, get clean

          1. Do you have ANYTHING appropriate to say about the topic at hand, or is your quiver only full of personal insults?

            Call me names, try to shut me up, dismiss me as crazy, I don’t give a shit. Your sleazy tactics are no different than the type of intellectual dishonesty the left uses to shut out Conservative opinion. We’ve seen it plenty of times before, I suspect I’ll be tagged a ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ in your next volley of insults.

            Why are you so afraid to attack my opinion and instead attack me? Is it because you suspect I would wipe the floor with you in an open, honest debate? That’s what I am guessing.

            For example, please explain to me, if you are capable DanBC, how keeping this product illegal better protects our children. Please, show me exactly where I am mistaken on this one little point. I will be more than happy to politely explain my beliefs. Or, can you not even grant someone with a contrary opinion that level of civility?

          2. Stay stoned CO, ease your anger. By the way, I really don’t care, but hey, if you want to call yourself a nazi or anything else, go right ahead, I won’t, but nice ad hominem attempt. If doing drugs ease your pain, whatever, you mean nothing to me.
            Clearly, you don’t care about the damage drugs do, so, feel free to damage on!
            Your personal insults mean nothing, by the way, its typical of addicts to lash out when confronted, you just keep proving my point.

      2. So you’re saying we should also outlaw nicotine, alcohol, and firearms then? Because fully all the points you just made apply to those as well.

        1. Jump off bridges much? Again, typical pothead response.

          Seek help, get clean, but honestly, I just don’t care. If you want to stunt your life, career or relationships, go right ahead.
          Just don’t victimize yourself later, crying to government about how you lost everything due to your own actions.

          1. Not even going to try to defend your hypocricy, eh? Straight to personal attacks, the lowest form of argument. I guess we’re done then.

    3. “Weed is not physically addictive, although undoubtedly habit forming for the weak.”
      I take issue with this statement.
      if it is addictive in 1 of 1500 users, it is addictive. EVERYONE has a least a slightly different physiology and response to drugs, even something as benign as food gets a different response from the individual.
      I eat 2 – 3 times some in my age group but stay at the same weight for about 30 years now.

      but, just because it is harmful in some cases, addictive possibly, the object of a lot of outright criminal activity, it is STILL a NATURALLY occurring substance. in most cases? yep. it isnt ALL GM yet eh?

      ‘Cultural High’ was on again today. I clicked on it just in time to see Jayden’s papa’s emotional recounting how the lad was taking 1000s of pills for epilepsy, and how out of desperation he tried weed. BINGO !!!
      juxtapositioning that scene with babs bush clucking away about how it has NO MEDICAL BENEFITS.
      is she a medical professional? researcher? chemist? drug counselor? pharmacist? hmmmm? WHAT qualification does she sport to make such a sweeping claim? IGNORANCE.
      watch the friggin video if you DARE. watch the part where various committee members demand hard statistics on the number of fatalities directly attributed to pot as opposed to legal prescription meds.
      etc etc.
      Im glad I have a form of autism. it has in my 60+ years necessitated an approach of an unbiased observer to figure out wtf ‘the score’ is seeing as people with autism get ignored. not everyone has the innate ability to separate what the *want* with what they *expect*. what the *want* with what is *right* for EVERYBODY.

      as far as the call to make/keep it illegal, well, if THAT is the strategy, why the huge opposition from that SAME demographic to the call to ban handguns in Tranna? hmmmm? just more of “a level of hypocrisy that would make any leftard blush.”

    4. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Diabetic nephew diagnosed. Crippling or deadly for diabetics who have had previous/present kidney problems.

    5. I am indifferent. Pot legalization is not an issue that moves the needle for me. Unlike our liberal friends to the south, who have forgotten elections have consequences, most of us realized this was inevitable after Jr got elected.

      Someone could be for/against pot use, and still be for:
      * judges interpreting law as written
      * government minimizing size (including taxation)
      * individual freedom
      * equality of opportunity
      * border security

  12. A little tale of unintended consequences. A family friend’s dog became sick, couldn’t stand up, couldn’t walk, funny breathing, didn’t respond when called. So it was taken to the vet. Diagnosed as ingested MJ. Vet said that he was treating one or two cases a week. So veterinary bills will be part of the new costs of legalizing marijuana, who would have thought.

  13. Why do any of you want the government in charge of your health? Never accept anything the government tells you; it is generally lies all the way from start to finish.

    Butter bad.
    Butter good.
    Eggs bad.
    Eggs good.
    Tobacco evil.
    We love taxing tobacco, and it is not dangerous to “ban”.

  14. From the article:
    “This is not to say that prohibition is a more attractive policy, or that legalization has proven to be a public-health disaster. “The big-picture view is that the vast majority of people who use cannabis are not going to be problematic users,” said Jolene Forman, an attorney at the Drug Policy Alliance. “They’re not going to have a cannabis-use disorder. They’re going to have a healthy relationship with it. And criminalization actually increases the harms related to cannabis”

    A certain percentage of the population have persistent, life-long addiction issues – alcohol, drugs, gambling, food, shopping/spending – and they’ll always harm themselves and their relationships. Designing prohibition policies to prevent addictive personalities from self harm is futile. It makes more sense to treat the addicts than to try to prohibit all possible vices.
    Research is mixed but leans strongly towards the benefits of pot legalization and a safer supply vs. prohibition and the unknown ingredients from the black market. Which is why the article relies heavily on anecdotal stories and speculation rather than data. In short, using alcohol as the standard, pot is safer than booze.

    1. And there is another common claim from the marijuana cult: “pot is safer than booze”.

      Presented without evidence, of course. Simply made as an assertion; as if it were the Pope, or God himself speaking.

      I have often wondered just how important alcohol has been to human development. Before chlorine, the only chemical humans had for eliminating water borne vectors, was alcohol. Ancient Rome mixed water with wine; how much of a factor was this, the fact that alcohol can prevent water borne illness, in the Roman Empire? How far would Alexander have gotten, without alcohol? Anyone know of any such research? All the armies of the world used to have a daily rum/whiskey/rye ration; clearly this was originally to deal with random water sources in random wartime locations. US army MREs are package such that you can pee on them to rehydrate and eat, as safe water is never guaranteed on the battlefield.

      The fact is, alcohol is a far weaker chemical than THC in the effect on a human body. Most humans can drink a single beer with zero effects; the same cannot be said of a single joint. Not even a single puff.

      1. Kevin, the last line nails it, but pot advocates glaze over it. How true, with today’s chronic, one or two hits, and the user is fcked up! One can enjoy a beer, slowly, enjoying the drink slowly, not intoxicated. There’s no middle ground with dope, one is either sober, or fcked up. Keep in mind, that’s what the advocates promote isn’t it, a fcked up population is their goal.
        I hear the language and the denial, but am resigned to the fact this must play out with the consequences, smirking at the stupidity of the dopester crowd.
        Pot is every bit as bad as any mind altering substance for screwing up people’s lives, and government can’t wait to be the dealer

    2. Pot is safer. One example : there’s is no pot equivalent of acute, deadly alcohol poisoning. Even with extreme substance abuse the long term negative physical effects of pot addiction are milder than the long term effects of alcohol addiction. All that reasearch is out there.

      Today’s pot is very strong. Too strong in my opinion. Like the production of high alcohol percentage moonshine, that is likely an effect of prohibition. I’d wager that most casual users of pot will prefer a beer or glass of wine version of pot with lower THC and the legal, consumer pleasing growers will deliver that lower THC product. I also suspect edibles will grow in popularity due to health concerns of smoking and the rank smell of smoked pot. That’s how the free market works.

      1. You’ve hinted at an interesting analogy between dope and liquor regarding intensity. While a beer is quite benign … white lightning can make you go blind. Today’s dope is ALL white lightning. Why? Why have the growers used GMO techniques to INTENSIFY dope to where it is today? No, this is not even CLOSE to the dope of our youth. It seems to verify the suggestion that dope is a “gateway” drug. That the dope users have been DEMANDING an ever more druggy drug. A “better” high. A more “intense” high.

        I was always quite agnostic about dope (hey, I live in N.CA where dope’s been ‘decriminalized’ for generations) … until … I watched as today’s dope scrambled the brain of my middle son. Scrambled. His. Brain. As in schizophrenic. He went from straight-A middle schooler to a schitzoid, mentally-ill, high school kid. What changed in his environment? After-school dope smoking at the home of a latch-key friend. No supervision … lots of dope. By the time we discovered the problem, it was too late.

        What could possibly go wrong? You could lose a child’s entire lifetime. My son will NEVER be a fully functional adult (like his two near-perfect siblings). I’ve seen multiple stories about Heroin addicts who are “fully functional” Silicon Valley employees who earn enough money to remain constantly drugged, and who claim they are perfectly functional members of society. OK … so 0.002 of all heroin addicts are functional … and the rest are basket cases. I see the current marijuana legalization headed toward that future. Where a uuuge percentage of our citizens sit in an opium-den-like smoky fog. We forget WHY prohibition happened … it was WOMEN … the wives of DRUNK, useless, shiftless, men who DEMANDED the end to alcohol. Yes, prohibition “failed” … but did it? I argue that it succeeded … as a wake-up call to a drunkard nation. Frankly, I see us headed toward another prohibition … a dope prohibition … on the heels of dope legalization.

        So WHY does the Canadian government control ALL alcohol sales? For the tax revenue? Hardly. It is for the “morality” of controlling “evil” alcohol. Why do blue-laws still exist in New England? To STOP husbands from buying booze on Sundays. To give wives at least ONE day a week when their husband isn’t stoned-drunk. Mankind is an addict. We ALL have the addiction-gene. We have acknowledged that in our Laws. Laws which restrict addictive, non-productive, self-destructive behaviour. As “old-fashioned” as that seems … it is tied to a simple empirical observation of mankind’s weakness … to remain in a doped-up altered consciousness whenever possible. Such laws are less “Puritanical” as they are “practical”. We all benefit from a clear-headed society. Consider The Netherlands, where drug users are not only tolerated … but accommodated. Islam was able to seize an early foothold in Holland … that only now the stoned nation is awaking to. A stoned society, is a society ripe for sacking.

        1. The most unhealthy part of cannabis is the actual smoking of it. No one wants to have to smoke 5 joints to get high, because that’s how you get cancer. So instead they just smoke an equivalently smaller amount of stronger stuff. It’s really not rocket science.

          I’m sorry to say this but your son probably would’ve still been a fuckup without cannabis. Thankfully though, legalization will make it harder for children to obtain marijuana like your son did.

          1. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/report-marijuana-users-risk-schizophrenia-drug-helps-pain-n706196

            Yes, perhaps my son was genetically destined to be bi-Polar and schizophrenic? But there is little doubt that dope smoking made every underlying symptom worse. Including; bi-Polar, schizophrenia … and threatened suicide (multiple times).

            But I find it instructional that dope proponents NEVER assign ANY psycho-reactive danger of dope use. None. Ever. Nope… Dope is alllllll good. A miracle “medicine”. A “natural” medicine … with -0- bad side effects.

            Yours is a humorous argument about the GMO concentration of cannabis … I assume you were kidding. Since we are ALWAYS reminded that dope doesn’t JUST need to be ingested via smoking … but via edibles, pills, etc. Hence … dope use is NEVER a danger to the users lungs.

            When one argues for dope … yet never concedes a single possible deleterious effect … LOSES the argument.

        2. Andrew provided one reason why pot became stronger. I think there may be others. 1. The age skew: younger people tend to overdo things so the desire for high THC pot is similar to the desire to binge drink. 2. The temperament skew : people wiliing to risk fines and jail to smoke pot also enjoy extreme highs. 3. In the black market pot was competing with other illegal drugs that produce an intense high. 4. Drug smugglers preferred to sell fewer but higher potency pot because lower volumes are easier to hide and transport.

          In the legal market, these variables all change so the product will also change. More variety, milder, more edibles, different flavors. Similar to wine and other alcohol.

          Sorry to hear about your son. I’d like to see more R&D into schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. OTOH, none of my pot smoking friends from highschool or pot smoking tradesmen coworkers ended up with those problems, that I’m aware of. There’s too many confounding variables to single out pot as the sole cause for mental health issues.

          1. Plenty of my friends, and my own brother were also NOT significantly damaged or compromised by dope smoking (although my brother did DIE from a rare, virulent, lymphatic cancer). But I continue to find it quite instructional that pro-dope-proponents NEVER allow the slightest chance that dope may have ANY bad effect on the human body. None. That goes against all logic, reason, and science. Kind of a reverse-global-warming argument. The Warmists say that ANY and EVERY bad thing on earth is caused by Co2 generation … whereas the Dopists say that NOTHING bad is caused by dope. There is ZERO science in either arguments.

          2. Kenji, you typed…

            “But I continue to find it quite instructional that pro-dope-proponents NEVER allow the slightest chance that dope may have ANY bad effect on the human body. None.”

            I am going to blame that comment on bad memory, not dishonesty. You will remember in one of our discussions many moons ago here that you made the point, I think you actually thanked me, for specifically NOT being that type of person. So, your comment as written is in err and simply unfair.

            Good Gosh, Kenji, you are one of the few here I don’t worry about receiving bitter animosity from. Please do not make incorrect and arrogant statements like that. BTW, if you replaced words like ‘NEVER’ and ‘None’ even with ‘MOSTLY’ and ‘Many’, I would be agreeing with your POV. There is no shortage of brain-washed, close-minded zealots on every side of this topic. Please, please, do not be one of them.

          3. CO
            I DO recall … however, because you are such an (intellectually honest) EXCEPTION … I continued my tirade. Well, not exactly a tirade … just an observation and argument. I try to never “argue” unpleasantly, and you’re the LAST one I would want to offend. Seriously. I quite like your opinions. I did not intend to target you, specifically, with my comment. As I mentioned somewhere here, I’ve been indifferent (agnostic) about pot use. Meh. The Libertarian in me says live and let live. However, I then come to my senses and recognize there may be a horrible societal cost to doping everyone up … legally … and hence more frequently. If an acknowledged INTENSIFIED dope is legalized … then why not MDA? Why not every other drug? That’s why I referenced the Heroin addicts who are “functional” members of society. Normalizing and legalizing such behavior is NOT a good thing. a-Tall. So many deviant and destructive behaviors are being “normalized”, that my head is spinning. Yeah, I sound like my crotchety old Grandmother … but we seem to be pushing new frontiers in stupidity and insanity. I see “normalization” of deviant behavior as a culture bent on self-destruction. Is legalized dope the end of the world? I believe the jury is OUT on that … we shall see, shant we? I suppose I’d have preferred “decriminalization” as an appropriate starting point … prior to legalization.

  15. ….the jewelry gives it away…a middle age. middle class hippie, trying to recapture youth!

    1. Ha! Definitely a liberal woman’s jewelry. My wife and I use this as a predictor of leftists at social gatherings. The bigger the beads … the bigger the medallions … the longer and danglier the earrings … the further LEFT the wearer. It’s a repellant for us.

  16. I am going to make the prediction right now; the next big thing in the “all drugs except tobacco and alcohol are perfectly safe” church, will be ergot. You know, that fungal infection in rye that caused whole villages to go insane in ancient times (St Anthony’s fire)? In is a powerful hallucinogen or psychotropic or both or something.

    1. Woah! You made me go look-up a term I’ve never heard of … and … discovered the perfection of your comment in the definition … in bold

      [ˈərɡət, ˈərˌɡät]
      1. a fungal disease of rye and other cereals in which black elongated fruiting bodies grow in the ears of the cereal. Eating contaminated food can result in ergotism.
      2. the fruiting bodies of ergot, used as a source of certain medicinal alkaloids, especially for inducing uterine contractions or controlling postpartum bleeding.

      Yep … the evil fungus has “medicinal” value … just like dope …

    2. Ergot, the original source for lysergic acid.
      The most potent form, LSD-25 experimented with for medical/psychotic treatments. Then went viral.
      Not much research going on these days, apart from recreational users.

      1. @ 10:36 KEVIN @ 12:24 KENJI @ 1:38 EASTERN PAUL

        Re:Ergot … This LSD junk caused the people who ingested the rye to suffer from convulsive ergotism. This led to the famous Salem Witch Trials in 1692-1693. The colony eventually admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted.

    3. St. Anthony’s fire was a new one to me. I wondered if you means St. Elmo’s fire? St. Vitus dance?

      St. Anthony’s dance was a new one to me – when I looked it up the definition brought up a form of chorea, also known as Saint Vitus dance or Saint John dance. But I’m with you with ergot being the “traditional” cause of multiple people being stricken at the same time.

  17. Hey, what’s not to like.

    Once the masses get en masse, massively high, heh, the ruling class can do what ever they want to them and nobody gets upset.
    They can become obedient slaves to the rulers.
    Every one of them will just love it without a whimper of resistance.

    Yeah, things will be real cool.

    1. SOMA………….willing participants to their own ignorance. It’s the perfect Canadian thing, where the only things that matter, are the price of a Timmy’s, last nights hockey scores, the price of gas, and when is wing night?
      Taxes? Other people pay that, and the limit on my credit card just got raised. Let’s party!

      Canadian values, FFS!

    2. To bring Aesop into it, why on earth would a government want a society of grasshoppers instead of ants when they know that winter comes every year?

  18. Anyone know of any such research?

    Yes. It is simply part of the common corpus of knowledge in the study of the European Medieval period that “small beer” (very weak ale, 1-2% alcohol) was both the only safe drink and an important source of calories for the 90-95% of the population that wasn’t nobility.

    The fact is, alcohol is a far weaker chemical than THC in the effect on a human body. Most humans can drink a single beer with zero effects; the same cannot be said of a single joint. Not even a single puff.

    Nice motte and bailey strategy there (since we’re discussing the medieval period anyway). Now run the comparison again with a shot of tequila vs. a single puff. Alcohol comes in various concentrations. Comparing a beer to an entire joint is disingenuous as hell and you know it.

    1. “small beer” was the only safe drink… Thanks.

      I have long suspected that alcohol was very important long term for the development of civilization, but never had any empirical evidence. It seems logical to assume, that at some threshold population level, say 100 in a square kilometer, that latrines and such become a true hazard and all water in the area becomes unsafe to drink. Without alcohol, it probably would not have been possible to form the first city, as the local water would have immediately been contaminated.

      1. @ 5:00 pm I read they had small beer with ‘breakfast’ during European medieval times. For kids too. Sure beats some of the overly sweet breakfast cereals of today.

  19. I have another objection, the stuff is becoming legal on my birthday. I may need to wear a mask when out and about to avoid getting high…or low on second hand blow outs.

    1. You know … I’ve made an interesting social observation. As an ardent concert goer (classic rockers, and new wave music of the 60’s thru 80’s) … I have noticed an interesting change in my inevitable “contact high”. Back in the day … a Friday night concert at Winterland (S.F.) … would give me a dope high that would last all weekend. Whereas my last concert (Jethro Tull, Berkeley Greek Theatre) … I barely got a whiff of the ganja. And yes, the demographic Tull concert goers were decidedly Olllllld like me. So … are we all just too damn old to get high anymore? Did the hardcore dope smokers all DIE an early death? Has Berkeley cracked-down on public dope smoking? (just kidding). Do we all just grow-out of the need to alter our consciousness?

      I suspect the last question is the answer. I personally believe that universal dope legalization will be extremely harmful to our youth, extremely harmful to our society (as IF we need more of THAT). I see an inevitable prohibition … or multiple laws enacted to control dope use. I read recently that a reliable test has been developed that can detect dope in the systems of drivers. I see a new crackdown on doped-up driving … as a START to the law enforcement reaction to dope legalization. So how “much” dope in ones system does it take to impair Driving? I suggest ANY … is the right answer.

      1. What is does Kenji, is send the wrong message to youth now. Hey, we tell them to obey the laws of the land, so what do they see and understand?
        That government says dope is legal, come on down, get fcked up!
        Yeah, that’s just smart like truck! For those of us with young adult children, it’s a real battle to draw the lines of what is not acceptable.
        You want to smoke dope? Ok, find your own place to live where we don’t have to smell that crap, decide what’s better in life, getting high and living like a useless appendage on society, or, live in a decent home, build your career and make something of yourself.
        You can’t be a dumbass stoner and get ahead in life……..despite the protests of the stoner defenders, I’ve yet to see a CEO stand up and say “I’ve been chronic for years, from the the time I get up to going to bed” Ain’t gonna happen.
        And no, Marc Emery is not a success story, he’s the poster boy for dumbass stoner

  20. I’m on your Side with this subject…Cdn Observer.
    The Article above is to me ….“REEFER Madness 2.0”

    Likely non of the above commentors have ever used…that much is patently obvious with the “Screeching”. Your FACTS are bang on as to Physical addiction, lack of ANY Deaths etc.

    I will note however that the pot today with THC content upwards of 18-20% is not the same stuff I smoked back in the Late 60’s early 70’s….not even close. Thanx to the introduction of S. East Asian “Indica” strains and significant selective breeding.

    Back in the day, a rolled joint could be enjoyed (by oneself), and one would retain a very good sense of awareness…do that with todays stuff..? and you’re likely comatose. Those that partake with said result in mind, have only themselves to blame.

    However, losing jobs, marriages and other stuff noted, has likely squat to do with smoking pot IMO. Typical scare tactic BS…and if, unsaid was that said user may also be snorting blow or some other “lovely” crap to facilitate his/her lossses.

    I’m not aware of any medical Studies that show modern strains have any different physiological effects than earlier Sativa types. But if someone does, I’d be interested in reading it.

    As for legalization by TinkerBell, it has squat to do with altruism, and everything to do with control, more regulation and in yer face government. Typical Trudeau style “Liberalism”.

    As for me, am occasional user…and never pot..prefer hash.
    and I am politically, Conservative-Libertarian…so Y’all can chew on that.

    1. Steakman, the time you smoke pot, water back when, was the same time I smoked it. In my case, I had to work my way through university, so I had little money to spend on weed. I only could smoke it for free at parties, and after a while I went to different parties.

    2. Can you read Steakman? Re-read my post.


      Pot is not a miracle drug, it has little value medicinally, most of that talk is absolute horsepucks. Cure for cancer? Headaches? “Painkiller”? Good gawd.

      Sorry, been there, done that, kinda wish I had those 10 stoner years back to do over, without the dope. It does hold you back, destroys ambition, for almost everything. It certainly derailed relationships, I called pot my girlfriend, as, once stoned, I just didn’t care about anything, pot was more comforting than any woman.

      So yeah, Ive got the cred to call out the BS being dealt out about dope. For that reason, there’s nothing anyone can say about pot that will change my mind. I hear the denial, the lies, the distortions of those trying to pretend there is no harm, no bad effects. It’s just noise.

      Those still in the dope world don’t see the problem, it numbs and hides the effects of being stoned on a near constant basis, until one is sober.

      I just hope, on this one thing, that governments tax the bejeezus out of it. Don’t believe what they say now, they will turn up the sin taxes on it, guaranteed.

      1. Taxing the bejeebers out of it, while making it legal will only encourage organized crime to supply weed that has no quality control as to the concentration of the intoxicants, nor the presence of adulterants or contaminants (like pesticides). Weed is here to stay, whether legal or illegal, and we need to figure out how to deal with it.

        Like alcohol, some people simply should not partake of weed. But when someone discovers that weed is their personal demon, the fact that it is highly illegal makes it all that much harder for them to get the help they need.

        A good test to determine actual intoxication vs residual presence in a user’s system would be a good thing, as I have absolutely no problem with an employee being abruptly terminated for being high on the job, but have serious issues with an employee being terminated for something they did perhaps weeks ago, and which did not affect their job performance.

        As far as those users who are constantly stoned are concerned, they need to get help to have a better life. The much larger population of users don’t do that, and are not significantly impaired in their daily lives.

        1. If I run a trucking Co. I won’t tolerate even a TRACE of THC in ANY employee drug test. None. I don’t care if they “accidentally” ate a pot brownie at their children’s schools open house 3 weeks ago. None. Zip. Nada.

    3. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Diabetic nephew diagnosed. Kidney problems on top of kidney problems……just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it does not exist.

  21. On a continuum of dangerous, irrational , and risky behavior, smoking MJ is right in there with public education, watching the CBC, booze, hanging around NDP, Green, or Liberals, and ingesting other complex organic compounds for non nutritional purposes. I know of a producer of documentary medical content for a provincial system who recently made a documentary interviewing an expert who unsurprisingly claimed that there were negative impacts from MJ ingestion. The content was rejected by the provincial authorities suggesting that politicization has permeated the bureaucracy and now governments are switching to a more Pollyanna stance from the old refer madness one. Reality doesn’t seem to be an option. BTW, the state has no place telling me what I can or can not ingest despite the implied ownership of my person by the nature of socialized “health care”.

  22. Oh Christ of course Kate and the other dead enders just can’t help themselves from fighting the last lost battle-and linking it to socialism, which is a total non-sequitor. Do you also want to re-litigate gay marriage? You’ll really dominate the over 70 section of society.

    You best chill out because we’re not going to stop. MJ is just a gateway drug after all. Ecstasy, LSD, heroin-no reason not to get all of these legalized. It will take decades but so did MJ.

    Also: still no mention of Manafort and Cohen.

  23. All the comments so far have been very interesting and passionate indeed. Not going to reply to anyone in particular. Just a general thought or two.

    If everyone uses anything that’s good in moderation, no harm is done.
    So why not just enjoy yourselves and have fun. There really is no argument.

    P.S. DanBC: On the other hand, you didn’t mention emphysema issues which you so eloquently put, in former blogs. (Reading your stuff today I kept saying come on Dan…but that’s okay, people know.

    Life is what you make of it. Live free or die.

  24. Kenji. Sorry to hear about your son’s problems. Did you ever read the book The Eden Express by Mark Vonnegut?
    Mark suffered with bipolar and schizophrenia and was unable to use pot when he was a youth.

  25. I’ve notices that here at SDA and most other conservatives sites, the anti-marijuana faction always fail to differentiate between the casual mj smoker, and there are millions of ’em, and the “stoner”, some of the comments are hilarious.
    The person who has a joint after work is no different than the person who has a couple of drinks after work,they are both still productive members of society,paying their taxes, relaxing with their drug of choice, doing no harm to themselves or anyone else. Many regular dope smokers I am acquainted with are quite conservative,and are hard working productive people who like a smoke and a beer after a hard day on the job. More power to them.

    Yes, there are people who give up their life to dope or booze or gambling or whatever addiction seems to be their demon, but most of us just carry on with our productive lives. Now a casual dope smoker’s life won’t be ruined because he gets caught with a joint, and that’s as it should be.
    The excessive hysteria over marijuana is the one item that scares me going into the next election,as I can see Trudeau and Butts turning this into a “sunny ways Liberals versus grumpy old Conservative Fascists” campaign slogan,and winning another majority.
    There is as much hysteria on the conservative side over marijuana legalization as there is from the Left on gun control, and the arguments from either side aren’t very sensibly presented. I usually don’t bother to enter these discussions as the polarization is so extreme it’s like farting into a hurricane, but the forest fire smoke woke me up early this AM, so there’s my opinion, fwiw.

    1. Is it hysterical to wonder about the affects ‘normalization’ of another drug will have on young people, especially a drug that has been shown to have a negative affect on the developing brain of a youngster. See Kenjii’s story or read Mark Vonnegut’s book.
