Well…of course, and Harper is correct again.

Trudeau starts a trade war for political points. We’re the casualties

Solomon writes a lot of self-evident truths here that will make a lot of people in Canada clench teeth and turn red…not the least the CNN and NYT copy-readers working in Canadian media.

Canadians who think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is standing up for Canadians against U.S. President Donald Trump over dairy tariffs have it wrong. Trudeau is standing up for Quebec against the Rest of Canada. It is Trump who is standing up for Canadians.

87 Replies to “Well…of course, and Harper is correct again.”

  1. Can I sue Moe for false advertising?

    I always hear politicians say “all options are in the table”, but none of them ever talk separation.

    If all options are on the table, then separation, extrajudicial drone strikes, developing a nuclear arsenal, sabotage, polonium-210, hostage taking, etc. etc., should all be, being discussed.

    If all options are NOT on the table, then I want a complete listing of everything that is considered an option.

    1. “I always hear politicians say ‘all options are in the table’, but none of them ever talk separation.”

      Because that’s not an option.

      1. Separation is an Option to me; and in Fact if the abuse of Basic Food Costs such as Dairy Products once again is added to cost of Living; then Separation is a Necessity.

  2. Lol what a stretch. Saw Trump repeat the blatant lie that “Canada charges us 275% on dairy!” On the tweeter thing again today.

    It’s just lie after lie.

    1. Allan S: So it is 270% on dairy Trump is’t a liar. It is Just in Trugrope he is the biggest Liar. VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!! VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!!

    2. If you are wrong, does that make you a liar?

      “For imports exceeding the allowed limits, there is a 299-per-cent tariff on butter, a 246-per-cent tariff on cheese, and a 241-per-cent tariff on milk. All are plainly prohibitive.”

      Plainly prohibitive. Which part of that don’t you understand, acknowledge or wish to lie about?


      1. The US has smaller quotas on imports than Canada. The US also has prohibitive tariffs on imports exceeding quotas. Canada’s tariffs are brutally high and are an over-quota penalty that no-one pays because no-one exceeds quotas. The US tariffs are much smaller but equally prohibitive. Trade is controlled by quotas – the tariffs are irrelevant because they are never paid because no-one exceeds quotas.

          1. I guess you didn’t get the memo Trump wants all tariffs gone, including US.

            Keep trying though, one day you might actually make sense. Then again maybe not.

          2. alla ass, you must drive an automatic, as the truck would have to do your thinking. You ain’t equipped to think!!!

        1. Pause for a second and attempt to understand how retarded this explanation is. You’re not even trying to argue you’re just restarting the argument pretending it means something else.
          Both sides have prohibitive tariffs. They are not irrelevant. Quotas would be exceeded if it was not for the tariffs. Nobody pays the tariffs because tariffs are prohibitive. Whether quota is set at zero or at some arbitrary level it makes little difference.

          1. “Quotas would be exceeded if it was not for the tariffs. Nobody pays the tariffs because tariffs are prohibitive. ”

            Sounds like something I might say. Oh — yes — I did say it. Apparently it was retarded when I said it. The controlling factor on dairy trade is quotas, not tariffs. And Canada’s quotas are significantly more generous than the US.

          2. You’re stuck on stupid. Quotas and Tarrifs are two sides of the same coin. You cannot pretend that one is separate from the other and that one matters when other does not.

            And who says there should be a parity on quotas? If they have much greater production capacity the restriction they face is actually much more severe than the restriction faced by the farmers of the fifth column cancer province.

        2. Scar is wrong, trade is controlled by the quota AND tariff combination that Canada has chosen for dairy products. The tariffs make it uneconomic for US dairy producers to export to Canada beyond the small amounts allowed by the quota. If the tariffs were low enough that American dairy could profitably be exported to Canada in large quantities, there would be a price war between Canadian and American dairy products, ultimately forcing down the prices the Canadian consumers pay for all dairy goods. The tariffs are absolutely essential to maintaining the huge prices Canadians pay for dairy because they sharply discourage the quantity that is exported by the United States and to say they are irrelevant is completely cynical, and a fraud on the readers of this blog.

          Of course Trudles , Aan S and all others who are effectively shills for the so-called Liberal party will still blame Americans. After all, the tariffs don’t affect charitable donations of cheese to Canada from America. They could send it for free, without penalty.

          The Liberal Party’s dairy policy, Which they prefer to call “ Canada’s dairy policy” , is the height of Liberal Party policy cynicism, and prime example of their contemptible and utterly insincere “ Maple Leaf boosterism”, Spoken for no other reason then to deceive the Canadian Public ( hat tip to mark steyn )

          1. “Scar is wrong, trade is controlled by the quota AND tariff combination that Canada has chosen for dairy products. ”

            Precisely, AND, any attempt to separate one from the other is either stupidity or demagogy.

      2. Yes, he is a liar. Half a lie is till a lie.
        To compare properly I wonder what the US tariffs on over the limit are?

    3. Claims about Trump always lying are very, very misleading. Most of the claims are about very trivial things (not lying, but misremembering or similar (Trump references something and thinks it happened on a Saturday — when he read about it on the Saturday — so there is an example of one of his lies. Another, Trump makes a claim about something that he may well know about — like being spied on — the media will state it is unproven, so that’s another lie. I could give many, many more examples.) The media nevertheless has bought into this and repeats it over and over again. It’s pathetic. No other President has been treated this way.

      1. The CBC OMITS reporting facts that show Trump or Harper in a good light. Heaven forbid they should be non-partisan. I gave up on the CBC after I noticed that tendency.

      2. Now remember when it became clear Trump and his team were surveilled, CNN, ABC, NBC and the collectivist broadcasting corporation all lined up with their apologies and admissions they were the ones “lying.” No?

      1. Latitude: It’d just lie after lie with the DEMORATS especially people like the Clintons, Obummer, Comey and I don’t think I need to continue as I’m pretty sure you know the rest of the NAMES all liars….please keep beating that drum!!!

        1. lyn…exactly……the left beating that drum just reminds everyone……makes the left look like loons
          …and everyone is sick and tired of it…..the left never seems to know when they have overplayed their hand

  3. It’s well past time for Andrew Scheer to call Trudeau out on this and bring Maxime Bernier back to his inner circle. Get on it!

      1. I am sorry; but bringing a Quebeker Political Person into the argument, even the self expressed Max will only bring the “Usual Ring Around the Posy” — Quebec must have special consideration —. Nope and Nope.
        The only way is for the Derogatory and Self Effacing meme the Self-Serving Bureaucarcy to be made aware Quebec is the PRESENT second largest Population Province in the Country of Canada. Without this awareness and motivation there will not be any change in Regulations and certainly not in process change.

    1. He’s a loser who loves losing. He’ll do it with honour I’m sure. Such a nice guy which is not what we need.

  4. For a provincial premier, willingness to separate means the province is more important than the country.

    Unwillingness to separate, means “Yet Another Canada” party. Not Saskatchewan party, not Alberta party…

    Only Quebec has an actual provincial political party.

    1. Sure you do. And when he was the PM you were missing Martin unloading the same manure.

  5. Me too. Greatly! We had an economist and a real adult – look what we have now!!!!

    1. It is beyond belief that Canadians tossed Harper aside for the simple-minded Trudeau. Surely some are starting to recognize their mistake.

      1. Anyone who voted for Trudeau is far too stupid to recognize a mistake. Recognizing a mistake takes a certain amount of intelligence and I’m afraid that those who cast a ballot for the Liberals with such an obviously useless tit as leader are completely incapable of making a rational decision about anything.

        1. biff…any one I talked to about Harper only mentioned emotional issues, not policy issues. And most of those were moderate cons. I mentioned to one that the Turd effectively raised taxes on the middle class when he reduced the dollar amount one could place in a tax shelter savings account. The reaction was on of indifference. The voting was an emotionally based charge against Harper.

    2. Thistle: look what we have now JUST IN TRUGROPER. VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!….VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!

  6. As I said at the tme, Trudeau is planning to run an anti-Trump, anti-American campaign. May the turd lose badly This is a dispicable.

    1. Robert of Ottawa: That is just like PM Just in Trugroper…he is the one that threw out NAFTA with the baby water…but IS blaming Pres. Trump. Doug Ford in Ontario is his next target…people are starting to hate what PM Just in Trugroper is doing…blaming everyone else for his inadequacies of being stupid He is just plain incompetent!!!! VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS N 2019…VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!

  7. The REAL question to be asking is which province(s) will the Trudeau Liberals throw under the bus to protect the dairy industry which is largely in Quebec and Ontario.

    1. No, largely Quebec. 50% of Canadian dairy is Quebec. The rest of Canada together makes up the other half.

      This goes back to my original point; if all options are on the table, then all a premier needs to do is unilaterally leave the supply management system, close the borders to dairy from the rest of Canada, and give Trump a call asking for a one way deal.

      But, that must be a “not an option”.

      1. “all a premier needs to do is unilaterally leave the supply management system, close the borders to dairy from the rest of Canada”

        If you can prohibit Quebec beer from New Brunswick, who not prohibit or limit Quebec cheese from Alberta?

        1. Are we even a cuntry? You can’t bring things accross provincial borders. It’s outrageous. I vote we split the thing up.

      2. Take Saskatchewan. We would likely require an immediate milk pipeline from Wisconsin, as we do not have enough for domestic supply.

        We stick a shiv in Quebec, in Trudeau, in everyone’s eye, and we get a sweet one way trade deal with the US in return. Evraz steel… pulp and paper… oil, all get some immediate US market access.

        1. My brother lived next to a dairy farmer just northwest of Regina
          I saw a lot of milk dumped down the drain
          IMHO It wouldn’ take a lot to be self suficient in dairy.

          1. Interesting. I never saw anyone burning grain, other than stuff that got badly heated and turned to compost before they found it…

          2. “I saw a lot of milk dumped down the drain”

            I call BS. Excess production is dehydrated and turned into industrial milk products or exported, mostly to shitholes. One reason I can think of for dumping milk would be if the cow was treated with antibiotics. There may be other reasons.

      3. Quebec AND Ontario. Quebec has 5,368 farms and 346,600 cows. Ontario has 3,613 farms and 309,300 cows. There are a total of 10,951 farms in Canada with 945,000 dairy cows. Quebec and Ontario together have 8.981 farms or 82% of the farms in the country. Quebec and Ontario together have 655.900 dairy cows or 79% of the dairy cows in the country. It’s Quebec and Ontario.

      4. There used to be approximately 100,000 dairy producing farms in Canada, there are now 1/10, or 11,280(Aug 2016).
        When you cut out 90% of your competition, it is much easier to control the market that way.

        Our products do not have adequate exposure to enough foreign markets, which again is controlled by somebody in the industry.

        Closed shops like this make it more like Mafia operations than free market. To assume otherwise is just complaining, whining and wishful thinking.

  8. I suspect Justin just screwed up and is using the happy accident of knee-jerk anti-Americanism to hide his idiocy.

    Either way, it won’t work for long. When Canadians can’t shove American-produced food into their bulging tummies or rely on the few non-Chinese-made items in the Canadian market, they will get mean.

  9. Quebec farmers? Solomon couldn’t be more wrong. Preserving supply management is just an excuse.

    Trudeau is doing the bidding of his paymasters in communist China who want to destroy the US steel industry and America’s ability to win the war against China for dominion of the planet, that will come sooner rather than later.

    Justin doesn’t give a whistle even for Quebec farmers. In the end, if he has his way, they will be robbed of their land too, to make way for huge collective farms that will ship everything worth eating to the Middle Kingdom, while Canadians are left to beg for food in their own country.

    Pence knew Trudeau was never going to negotiate in good faith, and was glad to be given the excuse he and Trump needed to walk away and prepare for war. Not a trade war—a real war.

  10. Daily reminder that Scheer shares Trudeau’s position on this issue. He’s a loser and will always be a loser. I don’t like losers and I don’t like losing.

  11. Canadians hate Trump more than they think Trudeau is incompetent. Trudeau knows this and in a way it’s all he’s got.

    1. Steve, yup, that is all he has, and it shine a negative light on those who voted for him.

    2. So true. I only know 3 people who are Trump supporters. Me, my wife and my former business partner. Only 3.
      YES, Canadians hate Trump more than they think Trudeau is incompetent. That will be his central plank.

      1. Do you tell people? Because I don’t. For very good reason too. It’s practically illegal to be a conservative in Canada.

        1. No I don’t tell people. I pretend to not follow politics and let them rant out their received “wisdom”. I know people who simply intuit that I’m a Trump supporter and they’ve become very cool and wary of me. Thankfully I’m a contented loner.

  12. Not a doubt about it, PM Harper has pegged it right, the quick reaction/denial from the Liberal camp through their front man Trudeau says it all. They would never play politics, no siree.

    We all know they’re crapping their drawers since Ford won in Ontario, that’s a setback for their hopes of keeping seats in Toronto and environs. We can expect to hear the names Ford and Trump ad nauseum through the election campaign.

    It’s go to be a relief for Shiny the feminist the media have let up on his alleged groping incident….he doesn’t remember it but apologized for it….it was a different experience or the gropee than for the groper of course. Case closed.

    1. Judging by the hysterics from the mainstream print media this morning, you have a good point.
      Harpers amiable competence contrasting Trudeau’s schoolboy style, with solutions set to make the problem worse.
      The mediocracy is running scared.
      Now remember Sheer is either a fascist or a real conservative, or, you guessed it, both and therefore racist.
      That approach failed miserably in the 905 belt, decisive for 2019, but oh well.
      But Harper really scares them, and their Grit masters. They gave a tell this morning.
      They’re flinching and I hope our illustrious and distinguished former PM is having a good laugh at their expense.
      BTW Justin, thanking Mr Harper for helping smooth things over would have been a classy move.
      No, better to divide for diversity and watch our auto industry take a hit with Captain Canada trying to be Trump’s nemesis.
      Meanwhile, Trump says well I was most concerned about China and the EU.
      But, but if you want to pick a fight, here’s a shot for you. “What’s your problem, Justin?”
      No problem says Justin, check out the polls. Mission accomplished. He’ll have “more flexibility” after the next election.
      It’s clear we need an experienced adult on the file, not a deer in the headlights or a spoiled child having a tantrum.
      Mr Harper fills the bill nicely and once again he is driving them crazy.
      He looks mighty good compared to the current PM. All but the most virulent HDS types and nice hair lovers see that imho.
      Justin in in it deep with ON, PEI, Nfld and soon AB out of his carbon tax scheme.
      What if Harper comments on that? The blind being blindsided.

  13. One guy wants lower food prices for Canadian families and one guy wants Canadian families to pay higher prices for food so the Quebec dairy cartel will get richer.
    Which guy do most Canadians think is the bad guy?

  14. Wow !— if Dairy tariffs is all that is keeping Quebec within Canada; then it certainly is Screen Door — Slamming — Assets for Quebec.

    If Dairy Tariffs is all that keeps Canada almost always requiring a Quebec Born & Raised Prime Minister; then it is absolutely TIME to Not Vote Liberal anywhere in Canada. Including Quebec.

    It is time to have a National Economy where there are no restrictions applied to any Goods or Services across Canada. It is time to set aside the Sinecure Seeking Politicians and Cronies & the Sinecure Protecting Bureaucracy and Nepotism Seeking Mandrins.

    Pull up your Big Boy & Girl Pants and make Canada “All It Can Be” other than just in thinking another promotion for someone to once again be a Talker and not a Doer.

  15. Both Soloman and Harper are correct. Most Canadians are dumb enough politically with the enthusiastic aid of the media to accept an election platform which has as a main plank being anti-Trump.

    1. “with the enthusiastic aid of the media”…. Absolutely! Just as the media preened unthinking Canadians to hand the Spawn a victory over the eeeevilll Harper (a narrative they pounded away at for almost a decade) they are going to do all they can to hand the Spawn a second term by having him pose as the hero defending us against the eeevill Trump. The facts of exactly WHO Trudeau’s tariffs are hurting are obvious, but the media will not let that story out of a box in the back room, any more than they will bring up Omar, pissing off the largest democracy in the world (India) by lying about them in Parliament, groping, Kinder Morgan, Justin’s one tweet overriding our border laws, etc. etc.

  16. Conservatives need to get smart and stay smart, they have reams of material to slay Shiny /Sock Boy at the polls. He’s even helping them out every time he speaks.

  17. The blame for these tariffs lies right at the feet of Prime Minister Butts and his sock puppet, the Kokanee Groper. Who in their right mind would send a cub reporter to negotiate one of the largest free trade agreement in the world.

  18. I really don’t like the Provincial TAX on my Jackie D…. .a 1.75 liter of Bacardi Rum imported to the USA is <$20…. In Canada it is $58.00….One of the scams of NAFTA is that Provencal TAX is not considered a federal tariff….
    It should not be ignored that Mexico's new Socialist Government wants to negotiate with Trump (and he seems to agree) to distribute the Trade benefits obtained at Border area's into mainland Mexico, such that poor Mexicans benefit…That kind of Socialism is not Marxism…..

    Japan had Tokyo Rose to spread misinformation & fear… We have the MSM… Why was the CBC established if not for Propaganda?

  19. No, Trudeau did not start this trade war. It’s not Trudeau’s fault that the US is levying insane tariffs against everybody. This is all Trump. And he’s every bit the protectionist that Trudeau is. His offer of ‘no tariffs’ is laughable.

    1. Trudo did not start this trade war? Which party, Trudo or Trump has been completely inflexible in there demands and unwilling to make absolutely any concessions? That of course would be Trudo. And he is sacrificing all Canadians interest for a small number of people who support his agenda

      What’s not laughable, but tragic, is how Canadians are falling for Trudle’s sudden, transparent, and completely cynical call to rally round the flag. The Canadian people will bitterly regret another Trudeau term, because it will bring Canada to her knees, economically. But I’m sure the Liberals find the success of there little deception on decent Canadians who simply want the best for their country hilarious.

      Shame on you for being a willful stooge in this scam.

      1. “Trudo did not start this trade war? Which party, Trudo or Trump has been completely inflexible in there demands and unwilling to make absolutely any concessions? ”

        Non-sequitor. That doesn’t have anything to do with ‘who started it’. And there has been no flexibility from Trump either.

        Not that there’s any need for any policy other than unilateral free trade.

        1. (sigh)

          UnMe, first of all, a non-sequitur is something that does not follow from previous utterances or statements.

          The argument was that Justin, not Trump, started this trade war. You even argued that in your initial post:

          “No, Trudeau did not start this trade war. It’s not Trudeau’s fault that the US is levying insane tariffs against everybody. This is all Trump. And he’s every bit the protectionist that Trudeau is. His offer of ‘no tariffs’ is laughable.”

          If the argument WASN’T about who started a trade war, why did you act on that premise and even imply that Trump was to blame (which he isn’t)?

          1. The non-sequitor is the issue of ‘flexibility’ ie it pertains to ending, not the initiation, of the trade war.

            Trump started this, period. It wasn’t the rest of the world that forced him to take this idiotic course of action.

    2. Oh well Trudeau did stand firm on the sunshine clause. That’s what pissed off Trump. So Trudeau didn’t do that?
      Yes, Trump seems to be protectionist, by the old standard, now dead with his election.
      But protectionist don’t want to dismantle tariffs.
      If Trump reneges on reciprocity then you will be right.
      But, that’s what needs to be discussed, not grandstanding for the dairy lobby.
      You do recall the softwood lumber dispute? Poking Trump is a really dumb thing to do.
      Unless you’re falling in polling, then by all means wag that dog eh?
      But for trade and the economy, that dog won’t hunt.

      1. “Oh well Trudeau did stand firm on the sunshine clause. That’s what pissed off Trump.”

        Good. The sunset clause is asinine.

        “Trump seems to be protectionist, by the old standard”

        He is protectionist by any standard. Elections don’t change reality.

        1. Again, UnMe, you are wrong.

          First of all (RE: non-sequitur – which you spelled wrong), the issue – which you argued against – was who started the trade war. You can’t say that was never the issue and then blame Trump.

          Secondly, as you are quick to point out, governments change and so do circumstances. A clause can allow a trade deal to be re-worked or remain the same.

          Justin just doesn’t know how to be an adult but he does know how to turn Mummy and Daddy against one another. Enfant terribles do that.

  20. The libranos are lining up their election targets. Trump Harper Ford.

    They wont even mention Scheer unless he starts to become a factori

    1. That strategy failed miserably in the last ON election. Pushing his federal carbon tax will be political suicide for Trudeau.
      IOW, Butts he won’t do it. He’ll retreat to the courts so for the second election it won’t be debated.
      One more election ought to do it though, along with a 50 cent $C.
