“Why the hell are we standing down?”

That was the question that the White House’s cybersecurity coordinator was asked after Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, issued a stand down order on Russia.  […]


There was no reason to interfere with the Russian interference. Obama and his people did not believe that the Russians would significantly affect the election. But if his efforts to eavesdrop on Trump officials came to light, the Russians had provided him with an alibi. Susan Rice, as national security adviser, was at the center of the eavesdropping effort and had every reason to protect the Russian operation.


Protecting the Russians also protected the Obamas.

h’/t Adrian

7 Replies to ““Why the hell are we standing down?””

  1. The Art of deception by the Obama Administration, leave the barn door open to obtain evidence the Fox entered.. This is a John Brennan CIA operation.. The CREW that never sings….Poor Susan Rice will hang all alone….Maybe Hillary too…Brennan will disappear like Jimmy Hoffa…
    Let the real investigation begin.. The Mueller Investigation passed off the Investigation of Trumps lawyer to the NY FBI, DOJ office, but now the NYT is reporting that Mueller is expecting said Lawyer to sing to him.. Something wrong here that could end a few Judges career’s & ROD in cuffs

    1. Disbarment for a number of Dem lawyers is the more likely outcome of the breach of POTUS privilege.

      They better have a damn good reason and it seems they don’t. If so, there will be hell to pay. Count on it.

      Midterms are heading towards a perfect storm for Dems who seem intent on alienating any American with any moderate views, with Mueller’s “report” a likely dud, with all kinds of dirty Dem tricks coming to light.

      Then after the GOP solidifies their hold on both Houses of Congress, the way will be clear, with the help of various IG reports and police investigations, to complete the purge of the deep state.

      The radicalist Dems don’t understand everybody knows what’s in their hand, but they’re bluffing and all in.

      Imho, with revelations of CIA coordination with the Bubba/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting now coming to light, a whole bunch more bad news awaits, death by a thousand political cuts.

      1. Shamrock,
        You are making a mistake if you frame this within political consequences. The Republicans will lose the House if they fail to Act on Immigration. Absolutely no doubt & with reason.. American sensibilities ignore political labels & good Democrat patriots are better than slim-ball Republicans.. Trump & the Country are better served with real Americans…. period

        The swamp includes McCain & McConnel.. If you think Commey & Brennan did not have Congressional support, you would be dead wrong. Peeling back the rotten will continue.

  2. …after the GOP solidifies their hold on both Houses of Congress, the way will be clear… to take all the fun out of being a lefty radical.

  3. Didn’t we just have Senate Intelligence Hearings? Did or will Rosenstein get indicted?

    Obama’s ‘fundamental change’ Deep State is too deeply embedded in the government infrastructure for anything to come of this. The most that will happen is that a few flunkies will get thrown to the wolves, maybe, and the undermining of the Trump administration will continue. Even the Republican Party few operatives in the government and their attempt to sabotage is not strong enough to combat the strength and depth of the Democrat (Obama) Deep State.

    The problem is worse for the American people than during the Hoover years because this time it was radical leftist ideologically driven.

    Repair? When is h*ll scheduled to freeze over?

    1. I’m probably an outlier on this one, but I’m not convinced that Rosenstein is a bad guy in this matter. Neither am I convinced that Mueller will turn out to have been a bad guy when all is said and done. I’m hoping that President Trump, as Rosenstein’s boss, has a firm grip on the situation and is simply ensuring that this will play out with perfect timing for the mid-term election. Just like everything else President Trump has done since he undertook the task of saving the USA.

      1. I’ll dispel your outlier claim by similar fascination with the way that one American has caused the exposure of so much corruption associated with the American Democratic Party, which for 8 years guided the world’s most powerful country.

        One has only to listen to friends mention the latest outrage against President Trump to know that Canadian main stream media is among those corrupted.
