Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The data shows that trust in the media is heavily influenced by partisan politics, with Republicans more skeptical of mainstream media than their Democratic and Independent counterparts. Other studies from Gallup and Pew Research Center have drawn similar conclusions.

They’re not skeptics. They’re lie detectors.

11 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Had an interesting time last weekend amongst old friends. In our discussion politics came up and you could immediately tell the person’s source of information by the lies/truth being told. The pictures of kids in cages was a common theme and the ones who got their news from the Canadian MSM were gobsmacked to learn that those pictures were from the Obama era. It took a lot of informed people a long time to convince them otherwise. They simply couldn’t believe that their source of ‘news’ didn’t include that bit of information in the reporting. I doubt that they will change their source of news though. Old habits die hard.

    1. During the Obama era, forced separation was a seldom used policy. Trump’s idiotic zero tolerance directive made it much more common.

      1. During the Obama era, apprehending illegal immigrants was a seldom used policy so there were few opportunities to remove minors from the custody of criminals accompanying them.

  2. The survey date merely confirms my own views on the leftist partisan biased lies we have been fed for decades. In one area we can see confirmation of the effect of this constant barrage of brainwashing is the recent nomination or election of radical leftists such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders. In Canada, we have seen the rise of supporters of the communist LEAP Manifesto.

  3. Even the majority of Dems do too…..

    Left is scaring me right now……what’s their campaign anyway?… borders, higher taxes…..and violence if you don’t
    …and no they are not getting more violent….Ferguson, Baltimore, knock out game, assassinating cops, rioting and destroying, ANTIFA, on and on, but they are getting more in your face with it

  4. If you click on the link in the article to dig deeper you are informed that democrats are more likely to use google or Snopes to fact check news. I’m sure they think that makes them less gullible. In reality Snopes and google are so biased it is worse than the original source.

  5. I’m pretty confident that Fox News or Brietbart is “fake” news to the libs just as MSNBC or CNN is “fake” news to the cons. The question is open to personal bias as to what is fake news. Thus I am not surprised to see the results.

  6. Oh piss off. You’re not lie detectors, you just like being told the lies that reinforce your tribal worldview.
