17 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Why, I’m old enough to remember when Roy Moore supporters were laughed at for suggesting that people with names reminiscent of New York’s Hellenist mafia were paying women top dollar to tell lies about Roy Moore.

    Who’s laughing now?

  2. Deep state and the swamp are information and bed sharing buddies? Who knew?

    1. Oh hefty bribery…err ‘inducements’ to leak to the ‘correct’ media outlets.
      More than bed sharing, they are drinking each other’s bath water.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  3. Two months…in one year……and they have profound concerns about the volume and extent…..in only two months!

  4. I served for nearly 20 years as a local Commissioner in my little CA City. In EACH of those years I had to complete a FORM 700 … http://www.fppc.ca.gov/Form700.html
    I had to report EACH and EVERY “gift” “comp” … anything … valued at more than $50.00. And our local city attorney advised (in yearly training seminars) to NEVER accept so much as a beer from anyone in the community.

    How in THE hell can officials in the FBI … about 5,000 places higher than my little Voluntary, unpaid, Commissioner gig … be collecting such FAVORS with impunity? Where is the Internal oversight? Are you telling me that my little city of 50,000 residents is run with more discipline than the FBI? Good Gawwwwwd!!

    All this points out is that 90% of the American people are just sleepwalking through life, with no regard to how their OWN government is SELLING them out to the highest bidder. And … the media is clearly the … OPPOSITION … media. Opposed to the values and culture embraced by MOST Americans.

    1. U.S. Code (5 U.S. Code 7353 – Gifts)

      (a) Except as permitted by subsection (b), no Member of Congress or officer or employee of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch shall solicit or accept anything of value from a person—

      (1) seeking official action from, doing business with, or (in the case of executive branch officers and employees) conducting activities regulated by, the individual’s employing entity; or

      (2) whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the individual’s official duties.

      However, things are less clear in the cases of the FBI agents accepting gifts from reporters (unless the reporter or their employer is under investigation). I think this is an “ethics” situation. There are policies and rules for that as well.

      P.S. Accepting “a beer” or a cup of coffee or similar would not be considered anything of value…. or rather considered a thing of nominal value. It would not have to be reported anywhere.

      1. Nice how you wink at the corruption. Gifts were made, and accepted, information was then exchanged. That is bribery.

  5. Hey, they all knew that Wolfe was gettin’ some on the side. When the Media bimbos are willing to spread their legs to get a “story”, what else do you expect from FedPigs’ “finest”???

  6. This is bribery. The OIG report hints that there will be recommendations for prosecution in my opinion, after their investigation of these incidents is concluded.
    If that happens journalists also will be indicted as the bribers.

  7. well, we all know how deep it is. only those with air filled boots will rise above it.

  8. Four days after interviewing Clinton, the agent sent an instant message saying he was “done interviewing the President,” in reference to Clinton.

    No political motive here, no sire, no way. Nuffin to see here. Just move along.

    She wasn’t supposed to lose!!!

    1. I had the same thought today. No doubt the Intelligence Committee will obtain the unredacted version, which is their right and the IG won’t stonewall them, like the evidences of a guilty mind like Rosenstein et al.

      This is something like the IPCC reports that are juiced up to point of contradiction as the “Summary for Policymakers.” This is just the beginning. Horowitz’s 18 June appearance before Congress will be interesting.

      The cherry picking and bobbing weaving between macro and micro by the Dems is laughable. Nobody is concerned about criminal charges; it’s something like the Mueller investigation, useful as political fodder.

      Having said that, Strozk is gone and could face liability and there will be some criminal charges, starting with McCabe.

      Who will the voter believe in November? Meanwhile the NY AG runs interference for Dems bringing up a civil case against the Trump Foundation for “illegality.”

      More crimes in search of evidence. This act is getting old and the voters are getting wise to this bunch who have no goodies to offer, just pursuit of power.
