83 Replies to “Dairy Lobby Targets Mad Max”

  1. The federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses. About 39 percent of the nation’s 2.1 million farms receive subsidies, with the lion’s share of the handouts going to the largest producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.1

    The government protects farmers against fluctuations in prices, revenues, and yields. It subsidizes their conservation efforts, insurance coverage, marketing, export sales, research, and other activities. Federal aid for crop farmers is deep and comprehensive.

    However, agriculture is no riskier than many other industries, and it does not need an array of federal subsidies. Farm subsidies are costly to taxpayers, but they also harm the economy and the environment. Subsidies discourage farmers from innovating, cutting costs, diversifying their land use, and taking other actions needed to prosper in the competitive economy.

    President Donald Trump has proposed modest reforms to farm programs, but the longer-term goal should be to repeal all farm subsidies.

    1. anyone think the US congress will agree to reduce agriculture subsidies?

    2. Check the level of agricultural subsides in Australia in comparison!!

      And the Canadian dairy money showing up here and NZ

    3. Yup. Sure glad Canada has nothing like that: https://farmgrants.ca/

      And before the last federal election, our “Conservative” MP, Pierre Lemieux, went around this riding with a shopping cart handing out millions to millionaires who owned cheese factories and goat farms.

      1. “Farm Grants and Farm Loans may be available for many farms in Canada. Some of the types of projects that are often eligible for government funding include:
        Equipment purchase or leasing, Purchasing a new farm or farm land”
        There are no grants for Sask. farmers. Farm Credit Canada, is a lender in the Ag sector and will back equipment leases but that’s it. The Sask. Crop Insurance Program receives Federal funds, an indirect grant.
        By the way, Sask. has 160 dairy farms; only Nfld has fewer. Scheer’s backing for supply management doesn’t earn many votes in Sask.

  2. Why not bring back the Crow rate & the CWB, you cuckservatives. Full circle. Then cross the floor & be all you can be, as Liberals.

    1. Exactly! Getting rid of the Canadian Wheat Board was a happy day in my life and I had just retired from farming.

  3. When a small piece of paper called a quota allowing a farmer to sell milk is worth more than the farm, the land and the cows , you can rest assured that competition for the consumer is never a problem. It also explains why the Canadian consumer pays far more for dairy products than their American counterpart, as well as why Trump has some issues with what free trade should be all about. Our politicians are circling the wagons and vowing to maintain these protectionist policies , knowing full well that Canadians are getting screwed with every purchase. I may be proud Canadian but in this little dispute I’m cheering for Trump all the way.

    1. That’s what’s missing here. Mad Max could have won by going on tv and showing people what supply management means to them when they buy food. Scheer is an idiot. I just hope Bernier is still around next year when Scheer quits in defeat.

  4. Queebekers… “This country it belongs to us”… Justard (fake eyebrows) Turdo… it sure does, just as Daddy Peeair intended.

  5. Still, thank goodness we don’t have to pay just small, reasonable amounts for milk or hydro for that matter, and that we can change the weather by getting on our bikes. Always a glass half full in the Magic Unicorn Kingdom.

  6. $100,000,000.00+ Canadian dollars per year for dairy lobbying?

    That is $10,000.00 Canadian dollars from every farm, every year, year in and year out.

    Wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier if they just divided them up and had 300 dairy farmers agree to subsidize each Canadian Member of Parliament directly? It would be cheaper in the long run.

  7. Currently in Ontario the price for quota for a cow is $24,500. That amount must be financed on top of the cost of the farm and cows. This is the cost of supply management to the farmers. Then we get to the other costs to our economy as a whole. How much more cheese could we sell (including export) if the price of raw milk was not inflated and the supply curtailed by the marketing boards. Macaroni and cheese (not KD) used to be considered a cheap supplement to a meal, now with the cost of cheese it is an expensive dish to make, so people are eating crap and getting fat with poor nutrition.

    Too much of Canadian politics is about the whole country making sacrifices for the sake of the status quo for a few.

  8. I said Sheer was a liberal and he has proven me right by dumping the only freaking conservative sitting in Ottawa. Sheer will not win.

        1. sheep sheer???:-)))

          I already sent a message to one cuckservative politician to dump Cheers

      1. Michelle Rempel is who should run for Prime Minister of Canada.

        She has more balls than Scheer

    1. Exactly. Also, remember, he forced his MPs to sign on to the Paris Accord socialist climate fraud.

  9. Honestly? I have no problem with farm subsidies. Ensuring the nation can feed itself is a key part of a plan to fight a defensive war, and win it. There are good national security reasons for farm subsidies. If Trudeau had had the presence of mind to point those out to Trump, they might have agreed to disagree on the subject.

    More to the point, I disagree. A few dairy farmers in rural Quebec can’t possibly be that important. The Third Worlders of every province are another matter.

    Maxime was pushed out for hinting too strongly that Third Worlders who should never been admitted to Canada in the first place, never mind allowed sit in Parliament, think they’re better than the people who built Canada because they (the newcomers) aren’t white.

    Scheer is well aware that Doug Ford owes his majority in part to (non-Muslim) Third Worlders being repulsed by the Libranos’ plan to let perverts recruit in Ontario schools. Scheer wants Third Worlder votes, so those who prefer Canada be a place where people are judged by their actions, and just another “multicultural” basket case where globalists divide and rule, have no place in his cabinet.

    1. “Honestly? I have no problem with farm subsidies. Ensuring the nation can feed itself is a key part of a plan to fight a defensive war, and win it. ”

      Then, with that logic, virtually every industry that could conceivably contribute to a “defensive” war effort should be subsidized….in the interest of national security,, of course.

      1. Not quite. I don’t see why one should subsidize the luxuries enjoyed by globalists—sports cars, fine wines—that don’t actually merit jail time.

        More generally it should be imported luxuries which should be heavily taxed, not necessities made at home.

        In a more sensible era, tariffs comprised the lion’s share of national governments’ income. The rich and spoiled who insist on buying foreign luxuries they don’t need are buying bullets and bombs for use in murdering Canadians. Make them pay for the nation’s defense.

        1. I don’t see why one should subsidize the luxuries enjoyed by globalists—sports cars, fine wines…”

          But that’s not what I said. I said “every industry that could conceivably contribute to a “defensive” war. Your aforementioned luxuries don’t fall into that category. However, steel, petroleum, heavy industries, pharmaceuticals, munitions, and a long, long list of other items certainly would. Because these items -like food – would certainly be “a key part of a plan to fight a defensive war, and win it”.

          Should these things be subsidized too?

    2. You will never see a PM more temperamentally un-PC, than Stephen Harper, but on Fox the other day, even he bent his knee to the politics of supply management. It was revolting. It will be interesting to see how this craven pandering works at getting the PCs base out to the polls at the next general election. Predicting it depresses turn out enough to turn it into a huge catastrophe for the PCs.

      1. This one will be parked on a folding chair, munching popcorn, watching them vote. Where were all these flag waving, rah, rah, Canadah folks defending “their” Canadian oil industry from foreign influence & US Foundations buying politicians in this country with their “keep it in the ground” campaigns? Out supporting anti pipeline, anti oil CANADIAN politicians & Parties, to put AB in it’s place. Judging from the reactions of pointing that out lately online to these flag wavers, the message I’m getting is “shaaaadaaaap, ya whiner”. Cool, I’m not waving your f/n flag then. Might mount a Republic of Alberta flag, instead.

    3. There is a cheaper way to do that than by subsidizing production, and worse, diverting politicians away from their true job of serving the nation, to serving less than 1% of the population, while screwing the other 99%+.

    4. If the US invades we are done in 15 minutes. Nobody else is even thinking of invading.

      Please do some cost benefit analysis. You seem to want to pay an extremely high cost for the benefit of defence of an invasion with a probability of 1 in 200 billion.

    5. This argument is cool.

      Who does the commenter above think, pays the tariffs?
      Who does the commenter above think, should decide who is rich and who is spoiled?
      Who does…………………………………..………, should decide what should other people buy or avoid buying to please?
      A socialist/communist dictator comes to mind.

      Envy ruined empires. It’s working on ruining democracies.
      There is no single bigger ammunition that socialist/communist have than envy. Envy is it.

    6. Feel free to fund your fantasies of war autarky with your own money and leave me out of it.

      “Maxime was pushed out for hinting too strongly that Third Worlders who should never been admitted to Canada in the first place, never mind allowed sit in Parliament, think they’re better than the people who built Canada because they (the newcomers) aren’t white.”

      You’re wildly distorting what he said. Thankfully, peons like you hold less and less influence as more and more immigrants arrive to Canada.

      1. And as more and more turd worlds dump in Canada the more the country turns to the left. But that of course is why you want them here in the first place.

  10. Max seems less concerned about the next election than the systemic problems that Big Government propagate to ensure Big Government. Subsidies, rebates, incentives. It’s all bullsh!t. Scheer thinks the average Canadian needs Big Government to take, shuffle and redistribute their hard-earned money after it takes an ever increasing share for Itself. He’s right. Canadians are mental defectives, financial morons and debt slaves.
    Max can’t beat the neo-Marxists alone. He’s in the wrong party.

    1. ” Max can’t beat the neo-Marxists alone. He’s in the wrong party.”

      What do you mean? Perhaps Scheer is in the wrong party rather, not Max.
      Although Max is a Libertarian, more so. No such party in Canada …yet.

      1. There is a Libertarian Party of Canada. They have a convention in Ottawa in July. They have a website and it shows where they stand.

        1. Yes, but they have even less chance at government than the Greens or Marxist-Leninists.

          1. That’s because true conservatives still vote for the big C cons who are barely better than the filthy, vile Lieberals. They’re fools and should be caned.

          1. “BIG C ”

            RRRIGHT RRRED TORRRIES, argh they?
            Thee ones wt thee big rrred bawbag who perrrforrrm mirrracles…

    1. Great analogy. It took a disastrous famine in Ireland and a resolute Queen Victoria who actually cared about the welfare of the people to have the Corn Laws repealed.

  11. But don’t we love paying $6.00 a gallon for milk and $5 for butter? Cheese? I believe it must be for rich people only.

  12. Scheer. It was bound to happen. Sooner or later a guy had to come along who would make Joe Clark look like Rambo.

  13. Imagine a free trade Canada where you could,

    1. Have complete unfettered access to the richest, largest market in the world
    2. Be able to tune out the CRTC and other government minders to watch any American television you wanted
    3. Be able to dump your awful and expensive cell phone service for Verizon ATT etc
    4. Be able to purchase American alcohol and tobacco at American prices
    5. Be able to travel to the USA and buy a new or used car without the socialist Canadian premium
    6. Get a real doctor who speaks English as fast and as often as you needed without the commie grifters monitoring your every move and dictating terms
    7. Buy all of your groceries in the USA and save a TON of money,
    8. Set up an American mailing address and buy your auto insurance and tags from the USA.
    9. Bypass Canadian censorship in the media
    10. Buy a MAGA hat without the GST!

    1. That’s why I now live in NE Florida, outside of a small town on 7 Oak infested acres of land which I call my personal wildlife sanctuary. I live in a 10 year old 3500 sq ft house with 10 ft ceilings, 4 br, 3 full ba, 80 sq ft of granite kitchen countertop, 18 x 18 mbr, double walk in shower, Jacuzzi and much much more. That’s the shot, the kicker is that I paid just over half of what I sold my home in CBS NL which was on 1/4 acre and 50 years old and 2100 sq ft and needed TLC. I moved here in 2013.

  14. If Scheer is defeated in the next election, Max will have another opportunity to go after the leadership. Scheer seems to be working towards that happening. I have not been too down on Scheer, even though he is low key, but now I think he is missing a big opportunity to criticize Trudeau’s handling of the economy and Trump. Trudeau is such a screw up and the leader of the Opposition needs to make that point day in and day out.

  15. The whole episode is a good demonstration of the west vs east dynamic thats been at play since Westminster passed the Quebec act so the local government rent seekers in the newly conquered colony could be used to keep any kind of republican sentiment from bleeding in from those poxy types in the 13 colonies….. that and keep land allocation firmly in the control of the crown.
    Since then we can’t seem to break the persistent flaw that once the individual has become a government dependant its a very hard addiction to break.
    Those dairy farmers either bought into the supply management deal (with its necessity to incur debt to finance the purchase of quota and increase in herd size) or they left the dairy market completely. These farmer’s are opposed to ending supply management as long as they see ending it meaning they are still stuck with the mortgage they incurred to enter the market due to having to obtain the permission from government.
    Odd isn’t it that a convicted terrorist can get 10.5 million with the threat of a law suit but farmers get no offer to buy back their quota in return to resolve the trade impass with the US.

  16. every industry and business is modernizing and running more “efficiently”, who not farms. Get rid of Joe six cows and lets get food on the table the modern way. And yes, I do know how a a farm operation works. I could hand milk cows at age six. I also help a friend, who farms, out regularly.

  17. I compare what Scheer has NOT done these last 10-14 days, to like NOT picking up a set keys laying on the sidewalk, to a free Porsche.
    Scheer and his team, have not been able to envision and develop a nuanced difference, in political position than what the Liberals are doing. Just like Gormely, Scheer is lining straight behind Trudeau with their support, and it sickens me. They’re both afraid of being viewed as supporting Trump, by the media, and in Gormely’s case, he may even be attacked by his radio stations own News Dept., they’re so effing Trump deranged at CJME!
    Trudeau’s popularity slide was accelerating when he bought out the pipeline, a little more than a year to the next general election,,,,and now our Conservative leaders and radio talkers are lined up behind Trudeau. And the sprinkles on top, is that liberal media are pleased to use the term “Trudeau government”, instead of “Canadian government”.

    Another thing I haven’t heard anyone talk about is, What are the Trade Implications for Canada, when your government starts owning and building pipelines to export oil. Talk about a government subsidy, or market place interference by Trudeau. Just wait till Trump finds out about this, he might shut down all exports of Canadian crude to the U.S.A. More Trudeau government interference with trade, won’t end well for us. Surprised B.C. leftist haven’t emailed Trump about this already. Even though they hate Trump, they could use him to shut down more Canadian exports of oil to the U.S.

    Lisa Raitt sure seems to be showing herself as a leader, not seeing the bravado or gravitas from MIA Scheer. Now this with Bernier. Bernier knows you have to find to tip of the wedge, some difference from the Liberals in a years time, and this was the opportunity, Scheer just passed it by. Scheer needs to get the party out from behind Trudeau, otherwise Trudeau is his Leader.

  18. I was just reading a post that indicated that what Trump wants is no tariffs and no subsidies. That would be truly free trade. He even indicated that he is prepared to drop all his tariffs if others drop theirs. I wonder how many in Canada are aware of this. I agree that Scheer is screwing up and if Trudeau gets re-elected, it will be a painful lesson for Canadians. Please, please someone start pointing out the serious flaws in the current government. That should most definitely be Scheer. He simply needs to make the case for truly free trade. Canadians will understand that and see the long term advantage. Anti-Trump sentiment should not be the guiding force in our political decisions.

    1. The only way farm subsidies are going in the US is up. Don’t think for a minute that Congress would allow regional payoffs to go away. Canada has regional payoffs – to Quebec – every industry – all the time. Bernier is among the few in the Conservative party who isn’t a moron. A serious question has to be asked. Did Scheer steal the nomination? I can’t think of any other way he could have won. Someone should call the RCMP.

    2. Yes tariffs and subsidies are a big issue, but the elephant in the room is non-tariff barriers that governments of all levels erect to affect preferences. Look at Canada with its plethora of rules and regs that prevent anything approaching free trade between the provinces. It’s all one big excuse to service constituencies, rule over and plunder us.

      For free trade to work, big government, labour and business must be pushed out of the way.

      That is why the left is so shrill, because they view everything through the prism of power instead of policy.

      Free trade and limited government are clear and present dangers to their influence, income and wealth.

    3. He even indicated that he is prepared to drop all his tariffs if others drop theirs.

      What people don’t seem to understand about Trump is that he understands behaviour modification. It’s the Prisoner’s Dilemma; the best way to get to consistent, mutually beneficial cooperation is to always reward compliance and always punish defiance. You have tariffs? We raise ours higher. You drop your tariffs? We’ll drop ours. It’s why I was initially concerned about Trump’s rhetoric on trade, but it’s since become clear to everyone except the deranged NeverTrumpers that he doesn’t believe in tariffs as anything but a negotiation lever.

  19. How is it that 10,951 dairy farmers can have Canadian politicians of all political stripe shaking in their boots, hold the Canadian public up to ransom through their communist inspired supply management fraud and maintain this system for generations but more than 1.2 million small businesses, employing 11.6 million (70% of the work force) were bent over, called tax cheats and worse because two trust fund babies are too stupid to understand the real importance of this sector? Those two initiated tax changes that will harm all Canadians economically for generations and hardly a whimper from politicians of all stripe. Andrew, tell the dairy farmers to pound sand. Stand up and be a man.

  20. It is all just Scheer coincidence. Bernier has obviously been some kind of loose cannon. He has been in the papers every day, doing bad stuff, right? Just yesterday, I was reading in all the papers about how Bernier did… Can’t recall right now, but 50,000,000,000,000,000 socialist propagandists can’t be wrong. Right?

  21. I tried voting Conservative for all those elections. Took out a membership, donated to the party, blah blah. It got Harper into power, and then he went soft. And now Scheer may as well in full public view rip open his shirt to reveal a big red “L” underneath and embrace Trudeau. It’s what he really wants to do anyway. He thinks he can just manage Big Government better than Trudeau can. Stupid red tory can’t see past the Ottawa bubble.

    So fark them all. No vote from me, Scheer. You’re a loser and you always will be and this country will not be one bit better off if you’re PM rather than the poofy-hair simpleton we’ve got now.

    Let it burn.

    1. I’m voting for the Marijuana Party because I heard they were high in the polls.

      IOW, in effect, like you, I’m voting for Trudeau by staying home or not supporting the Conservatives.

      1. No you’re not. That’s not how numbers work. Not voting for the CPC does not give a vote for Trudeau anymore than it does for the CPC.

  22. “Two prospective leadership candidates, one Liberal and one Conservative have challenged this status quo. Bernier for the Conservatives and Martha Hall Findlay for the Liberals.”

    If God had been paying attention, these two would be the leaders of their respective Parties,not the two currently in that position.

    1. Agreed.

      I guess I will be sitting on my wallet for quite some time. First the Paris Accord, now this.

  23. Here’s more food for thought: NZ & AUS hate us for our agricultural protectionism, too – it’s not just mean ol’ Donald. They both had the same or very similar supply mgt systems until about a decade or more ago, then gave them up, both very successfully. In the case of NZ, they are now the largest net exporter of dairy products in the world. All from a tiny country w 4 million population.

    1. Canada could learn a lot from how other countries run things, if we could only get over our immature inability to see anything but the USA. For instance, there’s no bloody reason at all our health care system has to suck as much as it does; there’s lots we could learn from the likes of France about blending public & private systems. But a mere whisper of the word ‘private’ sets this country into apoplectic fits about ‘BUT THAT’S HOW AMERICANS DO IT AND WE DON’T WANT THAT!!!’

      But Australia & New Zealand don’t have a Quebec tail wagging the dog, either, so there’s that.

  24. Scheer did indeed make a mistake.

    I am becoming more discouraged by him every day.

    Isn’t it interesting that when Conservatives speak like conservatives, they win. Reagan, Thatcher, Harris, Wall, Harper, Ford, and Kenny (will win).

    When they don’t speak as conservatives they lose. Hudac, Tory, McCain, Romney, Dole, what’s her name in Alberta and Scheer (will lose).

    1. An excellent observation.
      The curious part is, how is it that the cabal that runs these people don’t seem to notice.
      On the other hand one understand that they are superior in their own mind.

    2. It has occurred to me that the globalist Cons didn’t want to win the last election and that they essentially stood down so as to let the Media freely campaign for the other globalist, Justurd. Never have I seen such a lackluster campaign with no fight back, truly pathetic… It looks like the globalists are calling all the shots in the Post National State these days and the Cons are listening to their globalist masters too. Oh well, this is how one party states do operate. I will be voting in my riding for whichever party is not globalist in the next election, if there is one, if not then I won’t be voting at all. Looks like Justard will be the daft ruler of the Post National State forever, or at least for one more election, before it all falls apart.

  25. So, the CPC plan is to get votes from Quebec by any means necessary? Even if that means tossing out basic conservative and libertarian economic principles and a commitment to free speech and diversity of ideas?

    If that’s what the CPC is prepared to do just in the hopes of getting a few Quebec votes, then what would they do to keep those votes if they won? Perhaps go down the disastrous Mulroney path of the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords. Appeasing Quebec at the expense of the rest of Canadians inevitability leads to electoral disaster for conservatives.

    Who is advising the Conservative party? Be wary of taking advice from “experts” who think the path to victory must include selling out to Quebec’s interests. They may have ulterior motives.

    Max, IMO, is the most interesting politician in the Conservative party right now. Punishing him for wrongthink because he sticks by his libertarian principles, which many CPC voters share, is crazy. That wing of the party needs to feel welcome and be represented by MPs like Max.

    1. It’s stupid on so many levels. For one thing, I bet the power of these dairy f*ckers is overrated. I believe they are a paper tiger. For another, Quebec is not a hivemind. You can alienate some parts and win others.

  26. The real and vibrant conservatism will come to Canada in 3-5 years. We are backcountry of the world, change comes tardy. Sheer is the epitome of political class, currently described as ‘elite’ or ‘deepstate’ and for which the clock is ticking.

  27. When it comes to socialists, Liberals and Progressives/Conservatives Sheerer is a veritable sweetheart.

    As for conservatives, he has to destroy them, after all he thinks that will help him to be a prime minister one day.

    Yeah, as one of mottos of Miss Kates SDA’s notes, paraphrasing, sucking up to your enemies will not make them your friends.

    People don`t realize how much truth is in it.

  28. This thread underscores the idea that conservatives are fatally compromised libertarians. Conservatives are a coalition of a continuum from slightly to the right of flaming socialists to a few libertarians who prefer the tribe to the abject loneliness, unpopularity, and walking oddities of the Libertarian Party. Libertarianism though, is the only principled entity in the political realm worth pursuing. The alternative, in all its iterations is the road to serfdom. All political energy involves the rate of speed at which the nation reaches that destination.

  29. For decades, taxi cartels were unbeatable. There were some gypsy cabs and other black marketers but they only made a scratch. Couldn’t take on the taxi cartels. Then everyone got smartphones and Uber destroyed that monopoly overnight.

    That’s how technology is better than politics. Look up ‘metapolitics’. Then look up Perfect Day: http://www.perfectdayfoods.com

    Spoiler alert: they’re going to make dairy from yeast. LACTOSE-FREE DAIRY THAT KEEPS FOR WEEKS (because no bacteria). If the dairy f*ckers had any brains, they would have swamped the CPC vote so they could vote *for* Bernier and take his deal. Technology will NOT have the same mercy. Same goes for poultry farmers when we grow meat in vats.

  30. Alright you BIg Cs – when are you going to DO SOMETHING about it? Commenting is good; but, how about some ACTION. Start local – meetings, money etc. I think there is support out there (read the comments in National Post – Globe&Mail is too chicken to listen to readers). If you are already organized – how about some publicity.

  31. Sheer has just made his most serious mistake as leader of the conservatives and by doing so he has assured the re-election of the drama queen in 2019. Conservatives better dump him while there is still time.
