20 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. Used to eat their cereal as a kid in Vancouver during the oat bran fad but honestly the easiest company to boycott in the world. A literally who?

  2. I wonder how Natures Path “feels” now. I’ve never seen a virtue signal turn into a complete shitkicking so wonderfully. I wonder if they ship to the east coast so I can avoid it in the store.

  3. Meanwhile Victoria continues to dump its sewage into the ocean. But hey, its all organic!

  4. We don’t buy their phony organic non-GMO garbage anyhow. The thread header is right.

  5. Given that the US has increased its oil production from approximately 5.5 million bbls per day in 2008 to 10.5 million bbls per day in 2018, I assume Nature’s Path Foods is boycotting all US produced food.
    After all surely Nature’s Path and all its US NGO friends actively oppose all those US pipelines, fracking, new oil export terminals, etc.

  6. as I have said many times to many people, stop using all fossil fuels, NOW. you will be naked and freezing and starving in a field. end of story and the end of your life.

    1. try living in the southwest in the summer without air conditioning…panels and windmills can’t cut it.

  7. My daughter tells me that they’re getting hammered on FB! (I refuse to participate in FB.)

    What goes around, inevitably comes around, eh?

  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_product

    Just as a starting point, oil is used in over 6000 products, and some articles claim over 10,000 products. Enviroweenies are fixated on evil autos when it’s only a tiny portion of the market for oil byproducts.


    This would be a good site for green zealots to visit and actually do the exercise.

    Didn’t know Nature’s Path was still in business, now that I do, they can expect me to boycott their business and tell everyone I know about their stance on pipelines.

  9. Even better, now it’s gonna be a socialist pipeline…of course, it was before, corporations are just a commune. No soul and no conscience because a thing can never be held accountable.

    Hegelian Dialectic, one socialist wing of the bird battling the other socialist wing to get to the same end.

  10. Grandpa gave up using a horse to grow oats almost 100 years ago. Where do these guys buy their oats from?

  11. Kate, your former tagline inspired me. The European “organic” farm that killed 30+ people reminded
    me that chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides have NEVER resulted in a death. The same
    cannot be said about “organic” farming methods. Here in California, we live in fear of some diseased
    illegal immigrant shitting on the tomatoes I use to make spaghetti sauce!

  12. That is why I no longer buy their products. I have stopped buying anything made or grown in BC until the pipeline is built and is in service. I used to vacation and spend money in BC, no longer, it will be spent in Alberta on vacation now. Once my current obligations are done, I will no longer deal with BC suppliers either.

  13. Oil, is organic.
    Oil, is natural.
    Stick a pipe in the ground, get fresh, spring fed( sometimes pumped,)natural organic, non GMO oil.

    1. someone saying something that I have been saying for years. yep, oil is organic.

  14. Enviromentalism at least New Age Enviromentalisms a type of insanity caused by way too many Earth Day Specials and watching Captain Planet and the Planeteers and Avatar with your brain not working

  15. ‘nature’s’ path.
    ummm, uhhh, isn’t it NATURE gave us those trillions of barrels of oil in the first place?
    such a myopic self serving view. ultimate ‘virtue signalling’; such, what, ‘hypocrisy’ doesn’t cover it, *they just dont and will not ever ‘GET’ it* !!!
    p.s. I’m convinced that oil is BOTH organic but for the most part *geological* in origin. hydrocarbons? methane hydrocarbons from rotted plant material and dinosaur guts? whalll shucksamighty !!! we done found evidence of life on Neptune with all that METHANE in that planet’s atmosphere !! wow. life at -200 C . . . . whodathunkit . . . .

    p.s. tq gaia for such an incredible std of living compared to the pre-industrial age.
