The Tolerant Left

How does one define acceptable boundaries on the Left? When does the ideology become dangerous? Is it AntiFa’s lock hurling goons? Is it Black Lives Matters activists shooting cops? Is it a gay couple ruining a family business or else forcing them to violate their conscience? Is it the enforced “correct-think” that pervades Hollywood, academia, and the media, and now, increasingly, commerce?


The Left has never been called to account for the atrocities done in the extreme of their name: Marxism. As Peterson points out, professors can, with impunity, profess their love for Marxism. Why are Nazis (rightly) labeled anathema but communists march proudly, teach in state schools, and are never called to account for the evil done in their name? When the “oppressed” become the oppressors, why do the “compassionate” look the other way and why are they allowed to?

h/t nold

17 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. There are no limits for the left, as marxism is more religious than any other religion on earth. Marxism is infallible, much more so than any pope was every declared.
    Marxism itself declares the ‘common good’ to be a god, the real god. Nothing can be wrong with the real god, so nothing can be wrong with marxism.
    It broaches no dissent, tolerates no dis-respect, and allows no competition.

    To admit even the slightest fault or limit with a leftist/marxist dogma is the same as stating it is all bullshit.

    To any sane person, marxism is the purest, most concentrated form of evil that man has ever devised.

    1. I see it a bit differently: it’s not the left/right axis it’s authoritarian/liberty axis that matters, and Marxism (fundamentalism) is one subset of the progressive religion.

      So the questions is how were authoritarians and religions toppled from the top of the political hierarchy in the Western world? Once authoritarians gained too much power they become corrupt, greedy and brutal. W.E.I.R.D people seek to regain their liberty. First by voting, then by relocating, next by separating/secession, finally by force.

      I think we’re still in the voting and relocating phase.

      1. Authoritarians’ sole quest was for power.

        Once they had it, the question was how to hold on to it.

        Like every regime, the dictators will realise too late that they had bitten off more than they could chew.

    2. “It broaches no dissent, tolerates no dis-respect, and allows no competition.”

      That definition of Marxism reminds me of a ‘religion’ I have heard of.

    3. A great many words have been used to describe totalitarianism. It will always be as simple as control over others. Use what ever ism you like it is all freaking evil.

  2. This is a great article by Melissa Mackenzie. With the number of people attending that meeting maybe, just maybe, there is an awakening beginning to happen. However a push back will be tough as the Frankfurt School operatives are entrenched and mostly in control in all major institutions.

    I maintain that these Marxists thought that with Hillary as Potus they could solidify their control. Hence the radical hatred of Trump. Trump upset their agenda.

    Be sure to also read the first comment by Vasile Andrei.

    1. Vasile Andrei does have a pertinent comment.
      When Stalin was informed about the starving people in Ukraine, probably some of your relatives Ken, he allegedly said:
      “One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic”

    1. about 75 million by stalin and the USSR, 15-20 million plus another 50-60 million WW2, and another 75 million by mao Za Dung, that sonny boy, is about 225 million dead in the last century.

  3. There is no limit.
    They grant themselves social license, they know they have the best of intentions, there fore any means possible.
    For all who doubt their divine brilliance are, of course,mentally ill unpersons.
    Just attempt to follow the ravings of unthing here.
    The very same incoherence and self delusion.

    Fools march in where angels fear to tread.
    And our progressive comrades have no fear.
    No introspection.
    And no experience building anything….useful.

    Most of us know we can be mistaken, especially when it “feels so right”.
    Thats what makes a conservator.

  4. Marxists have never answered for their crimes, because that would involve exposing and indicting their co-conspirators—the globalists and financiers who bankrolled the overthrow of the ancient institutions of proud nations and turned those nations into social engineering experiments, the goal of which was to develop ways to enslave mankind and still maintain a living standard above that of savages. Nobody who bankrolled the rise of Stalin and Hitler ever answered for it in this world.

    The only communist leader to pay in full for his crimes was Nicolae Ceaușescu—except he was not overthrown for starving his people, but for ending Romania’s debt-peonage to western banks.

    1. Marxists and their statist totalitarian-lite cousins have no regard for opportunity or social cost.

      They “create jobs” by destroying wealth everywhere. Spread the cost, magnify the benefit.

      They employ identity politics to divide and conquer while calling conservatives tribal, so obvious fascists.

      Unconscious incompetence and blind arrogance fuels their ludicrous belief they can run businesses.

      When that inevitably fails, they double down on their failure.

      They control our speech and actions, indeed our thoughts if they could, and declare us free.

      They destroy careers and lives of people with the temerity to take issue with their worldview and call themselves compassionate. Since power is the end, duplicity, contradiction, mendacity, malevolence and hypocrisy are necessary tools of the trade.

      And.we.let.them. But I do sense that’s changing, albeit very slowly and without much momentum right now.

  5. My view of the left’s limits…
    The limits in the past (the +225 millions that were killed in the recent 100 years) weren’t enough to stave off a boom in population growth over the past 100 years, to a current 7.5 billion.

    The friends of Maurice Strong had advocated for depopulating the planet to about the 500 million range.

    7.5 – 0.5 = 7 billion. There’s their limit.

    It’s somewhat more than their past limits. Oh sure it’s a large number. But tell them it’s too large of a number. They’ll tell you you’re a “planet hater” or some nonsense, tell you to “do your part”.


  6. So the anti-capitalist NAZI party is once again branded as right wing with no supporting evidence. The big lie works again.

    1. NAZI = the National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party
      There is no limit to the left. Every time I see the so-called antifa members all dressed in black it reminds me of storm troopers

  7. Bottom line here. If you are too young to have lived during Jim Crow long enough to remember it, let this old man tell you that you are living in the current version of Jim Crow. There is nothing new under the sun, when it comes to human nature. Humans can’t change their nature. The One who can, though, is rejected.

  8. “What are the limits of the left?” That question presupposes a fallacy that the “Left” and “Right” are morally reliable concepts. On a matrix where one axis represents economic liberty and the other, civil liberties, Communism inhabits one extreme while Libertarianism the opposite. The others inhabit a zone in the middle and look like overlapping amorphous blobs depending on specific policy issues and areas where one party lives with enacted policy legacies of others. Virtually all political energy is a confrontation model expended in differentiating these subtle differences. The “left”, by definition, is represented by Parties more sympathetic to state coercion in all forms. That’s the state pointing guns at people, disarming them, and directing how citizens live increasingly all aspects of their lives, telling them how much of their earnings they are allowed to keep while rewarding others with the takings. At the most fundamental (extreme) levels, the state murders those it sees as opposition to its agenda or to extend the terror to avert opposition. Socialism and Fascism are both variants of statism, both at odds with Liberty, both exemplified variously by policies of all popular Parties and both, morally, culturally and economically suicidal in nature leading to progressively more totalitarianism. Democracy is no defense but in the absence of a culture of liberty merely a tool to enable the reversion to serfdom. Liberty is born or refreshed by an enlightened culture and definitely not one found in an advanced welfare, nanny state which in terms of liberty is a measure of decline.
