The Sound Of Settled Science

“This completely changes everyone’s thinking about how the immune system works – and it solves this problem of telling the difference between invaders and self,” Goodnow told The Australian Financial Review.


“The idea that you could start with a bad antibody and make it good just hasn’t been in anyone’s lexicon.”

One Reply to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. It is always interesting when science realizes that its dogma is not correct, that there is more to learn. For example, the mechanism for muscle contraction is well understood, while there is virtually no information on how a muscle relaxes. Why, you ask? Because a contracted muscle is viewed as more desirable (photographed), while the other is not considered in such high regard even though it is just as necessary. You can’t have contraction without relaxation. If your muscles only contracted, your body would permanently deform (just ask a child who suffered through muscularis dystonia deformis like my sister and had to have heel cord surgery to be able to walk). And if you don’t believe me, look for internet articles on muscular relaxation and the biological mechanisms involved.
