“Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit”

The Organic-Natural Industrial Complex.

Adam Smith, the eighteenth century economist and philosopher, offered insights into human nature and economics that seem particularly relevant today. “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices,” he wrote in The Wealth of Nations.
We’re seeing evidence of that in the current effort to discredit and diminish genetically engineered foods and to attack their defenders in the scientific community. The chief perpetrators of this black marketing campaign are lobbyists for the organic agriculture and “natural products” industries and their enablers.

17 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. The organic agriculture and “natural products” industries and their enablers have become nothing but a religious cult on par with the snake oil AGW cabal. This also includes the anti-vaccine crowd.
    Btw, I have three local acquaintances about seventy years of age who had polio as children circa 1950. All three had various levels of limitations throughout their lives until now and are now having increased disabilities, especially the one lady who almost died a few weeks ago. Don’t anyone tell me that the Saulk vaccine didn’t help millions of this age groups peers.

  2. NPR is going against honeybees now, claiming they are a menace to “native” bees.
    I don’t know what’s native by NPR’s standards, and how that is a measure of worth in some abstract sense, but without honeybees we don’t eat.

  3. Anti Science has become the Religion of the 21st Century.
    I look at so called “organic” foods and often wonder if my regular bananas for example are non-organic..? Silicon based then maybe. yep thats got to be it…sure taste good though!
    One thing is for sure, ANYTHING labeled as such is 2-3 times the cost of regular produce. And then, how am I to know FOR SURE its grown in pig shit..? That my friends is a major dilema..!! sarc/off
    As always, follow the Money on organic foods. Its all about competition and one of the Prime rules of competition is to discredit your competitors.
    Of course its all BS, and always will be. To date no one has died with the cause of death 100% due to GMO. The same goes for Std. Vaccinations..as pointed out by Ken. Our Generation is perfect proof that vaccines work. Having also been in our Armed Forces, I received more vaccinations than I care to remember…zero issues.
    Goes to show, ya cant believe everything you see/read/hear on Social or Main Stream Media. Its called Thinking for yourself.

  4. “It has more flavor and costs less” says test lady to organic food guy who picks the non-organic as better tasting.
    “But it’s not as good for you” says loser organic food guy.
    Because we all know that the food sample that tastes better is actually the bad choice.

  5. Step 1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
    Step2. …… … …
    There is no step 2. No need to eat “organic” … you’ve done all you need to do for good health … just by eating plenty of vegetables. Done.

  6. I don’t care what people choose to do with their own money. If they want to spend it on overpriced food then that’s their business. I do, however, object to people forcing others to buy overpriced food. That’s the end goal of Greens—expensive energy and expensive food. Whether it’s anti-gmo, chemical phobia, diatribes against modern agricultural practices or sin taxes on meat. All of it is to do to food what they’ve done to energy. Take them from affordable, abundant and reliable to an expensive, restricted and unreliable mess.
    Norman Borlaug should be one of the best known scientists in the world. He’s saved more lives and increased humans standard of living more than all Green activists in the world combined. He sought to feed the world, Greens stopped blindness-preventing Golden Rice from reaching the market. Greens are not the good guys.

  7. Geeze … ya see … if you don’t fully EXPLAIN every detail … the cranks go off half cocked …
    Step 1. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (because there are important nutrients and enzymes that benefit humans when eaten in their natural form)
    Step 2. Eat meat. Enjoy the hell out of meat. Might I suggest Bacon … it’s delicious … and fatty)
    Be an omnivore … it’s what we are.
    Step 3. Cut OUT the PROCESSED carbs, and cut down on the natural carbs. It’s the most UNNATURAL thing we eat. Breakfast cereals ? Boxes of DEATH. Unless you’re eating Red River or similar whole, natural grain cereal.
    There … did I fix it ?

  8. Might I suggest Bacon … it’s delicious … and fatty)
    Swine store the poisons they ingest in their flesh. That’s their purpose, to be a vacuum cleaner on the earth. Swine have no sweat glands, therefore no way to remove toxins, which can be up to 30 times higher than in beef.
    Not to mention the worms, hence the admonition to be well cooked. Although there is no safe temperature that will kill the more than a dozen parasites in swine, including cysts and eggs and worms. Anyway, who wants to eat the, hopefully, dead worms, eggs and cysts?

  9. Hi Ken,I well remember the coming of Spring and the fear of polio.One year it hit my friend who lived right across the street from us, I believe it was the big epidemic of 1952.
    Everyone should know the Name of Jonas Salk,the man who developed the vaccine for this dreaded disease.
    This part in particular caught my eye:” His sole focus had been to develop a safe and effective vaccine as rapidly as possible, with no interest in personal profit. When asked who owned the patent to it, Salk said, “Well, the people I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?”
    They don’t make’em like that anymore.

  10. The dangers of the allopaths and slice and dice medicine…
    Around 1900, America started to have frequent polio epidemics. Starting in 1916, they happened every summer, which came to be called “polio season“. Over the years, they got worse. In 1951, thousands of children died, and tens of thousands were crippled. The level of fear can be seen from a booklet called Polio Pointers for 1951. Along with practical advice (“keep [your children] away from new people”), it tried to reassure: “Remember — at least half of polio patients get well without any crippling.”
    As both tonsillectomies and polio increased, a horrifying correlation emerged: Children who’d had a tonsillectomy were more likely to get a certain type of polio (infection of the bulbar region of the brain stem) than children who had not had a tonsillectomy. This became common knowledge. Polio Pointers said “don’t have mouth or throat operations during a polio outbreak.” In 1954, the American Journal of Public Health ran an editorial summarizing the link between tonsillectomy and polio.

  11. Simply put … I eat the French Paradox. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_paradox
    It’s the food of my people. Which is … simply put … to eat EVERYTHING. Prepared sumptuously. My genetic heritage predisposes me for this diet. There are literally -0- Foods that I do not eat. With the exception of Lima beans, liver and kidneys … oh, and sea urchin … and tripe. I am quite sensitive to texture and mouth feel. So when liver is done right … I do enjoy it.
    While other children were fussy and ate a tiny group of foods … I ate everything placed in front of me. And my family put EVERYTHING in front of me as a child. It’s what “my people” do. Yes … I quite LOVE escargot … even though they crawl slimy along the ground with the worms (as you remind me). Mmmmm garlic, butter, and the firm flesh of a snail … delicious. Bone marrow … mmm good. Beef Toungue makes wonderful sandwiches with Dijon mustard. And don’t get me started on Rocky Mountain Oysters … or Turkey Nuts … deep fried goodness.

  12. Because we all know that the food sample that tastes better is actually the bad choice.
    Remember how Mom used to make you eat something you really hated because it tasted terrible (e. g., spinach) and she said that it was “good for you”?

  13. Yes, that is interesting isn’t it? The side that is anti-science tries to promote itself as “believers in science” purely on the AGW scam.
    They do not believe in GMO even though we have had it for decades with no ill effect, and the dramatically increased productivity is one great factor in why we do not have world wide starvation.
    They do not believe in chemical fertilizers even though they provide the essential minerals without the risk of spreading diseases through feces.
    They do not believe in vaccination even though diseases like polio and measles have effectively been eradicated.
    They try to claim sexual deviance is prenatal, even though the instances of sexual chromosome disorder (XXX, XXY, or XYY instead of just XX or XY) are on the order of one in a thousand, not one in ten. And “homosexual genes” are guaranteed to be victims of natural selection.
    They think math and engineering are part of the patriarchy, and should be made touchy feely for the women.
    But they think they are pro science because they believe the computer models of “climate scientists” which have been wrong for half a century. The “scientists” can go from “children will never see snow” to “severe cold is exactly what global warming predicts” without pausing for breath. And that is the only “science” these oh so scientific progs believe in.

  14. as I have said in the past, all food is organic. if you want to say grown without the aid of pesticides or fertilizer say so.

  15. Oh,I forgot one more important anti-science Prog stance.
    They hate ultrasound, that marvelous non-intrusive scientific invention that allows one to look inside the woman’s body to literally see the baby. Many women considering abortion have changed their mind when they see the baby, alive and kicking. That is why Planned Parenthood does not have any ultrasound in their facilities, despite the fact that it would be a valuable tool even to aid abortion.
    What the ultrasound reveals is that yes, that is a human being in there. There is no “magic” at some time during the pregnancy that turns “lumps of flesh” into a baby. The magic occurred at conception. Ultrasound allows you to view the baby’s development almost from day one. That is science in action, physical science and technology coming to the aid of biological science, to demonstrate truths never before available. And, as I said, the abortionists and their allies hate it.
