17 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: We Coulda Been A Contender”

  1. Alberta’s government is at NotCee (Notley Communist) government, or, maybe a NotSi (Notley Socialist) government that rewards the companies that will carry their communist/socialist water.

  2. Went out an bought an extra four packages of bacon. This weekend will be the holiday of Nitrites at our house. I should apply for a cultural grant for this.
    I’m pretty sure I interpreted Shannon’s message correctly?!?
    O’more Bacon

  3. From UK, IIRC
    “They used to say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But now days with so many of them Mohammeden I find a bacon sandwich works just as well”

  4. That’s the best thing that could happen to Alberta as the American enviro-psychos targeting the Oil Sands can stay home and take on Trump and perhaps redirect their funding away from our enviro-psychos and Indian grievance useful idiots. Any actual new production is at least five years out. We might even have a new pipeline by then.

  5. Now I understand why the Leftists keep saying that Trump hasn’t accomplished anything in his first year … yep … not a Gawwd dammned thing THEY want.
    As for me … WINNING!!!
    Thank you Trump voters … thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you !!!!

  6. We stopped in at Prairie Meats in Saskatoon today and stocked up. Yes, their bacon was a priority.

  7. YOU talking to me?
    You talking to me?
    You talking to me?

  8. So why are they giving out free light bulbs? They did this in Ontario. I don’t think it accomplished anything. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I do not even think it is a good publicity stunt — just a waste of taxpayers money, really.

  9. Notley has fed the sheeple into the pen. Sure the carbon tax has raised all prices but hey the checks in the mail. She claims 60% of Albertan’s get a check from the government.
    And how about that minimum wage increase. I’ve said here for years Alberta is a very socialist place. It has come to pass. She won’t go quietly.

  10. Draft of my letter to the editor
    On Twitter, Shannon Phillips endorsed suggestions that residents eat less meat, take shorter showers and unplug their devices. Clearly these actions are not enough.
    Albertans should learn to accept showering with cold water. This would not only save fuel, but would assist with a plan that would limit Alberta couples to having just one child, tax free. If couples want more kids they will pay the Sibling Climate Action Tax or SCAT, akin to the carbon tax, just more personal.
    The government should restrict maximum wintertime house and office temperatures to no higher than 17°C during the day and no more than 12°C at night. To stay warm, we will wear PJs made from cannabis fiber because there will soon be an abundance. Air conditioning should be banned.
    And why stop at reducing meat consumption? Pet food is another wasteful “food” group and ownership of should pets should be reviewed because of their high carbon footprint. After pets are banned, there will be more land and energy available for production of human food.
    We must go beyond merely unplugging electronics: sales should be rationed. For example, people under 15 years could no longer own a smart phone and adults will get a non-transferable rationing coupon that would allow them to buy only one cell phone every 3 years. This would also teach the young generation about living a more frugal lifestyle which will help them get used to living in a “tiny house’ which is all the rage on HGTV. The smaller houses will be restricted to 500 square feet, with another 100 square feet allowed for each household resident. So a family of three (remember, just one child) would live in a 900 square-foot home or smaller. This is a highly effective way to reduce consumption of building materials; reduce energy demand and teach humility.
    Under the watchful eye of the government, there is no end to the many things we can do to reduce our carbon footprints, so please send your suggestions to Shannon Phillips. This is just the start of a gentler, simpler life and lower standard of living we all need to embrace. You know, like Venezuela and North Korea. End of spoof.
    Seriously, everything we do consumes energy and few people wantonly abuse our abundance. Vacuous suggestions like those supported by our Environment minister are unwelcome and insulting. This is a dangerous process with no end point.

  11. I have to admit, at a certain level, I admire Stanley’s ‘directness’
    in problem solving.
