How Bill’s Wife Lost Michigan

Yes, I’m a junkie so I like reading these post-mortems;

On the morning of Election Day, internal Clinton campaign numbers had her winning Michigan by 5 points. By 1 p.m., an aide on the ground called headquarters; the voter turnout tracking system they’d built themselves in defiance of orders — Brooklyn had told operatives in the state they didn’t care about those numbers, and specifically told them not to use any resources to get them — showed urban precincts down 25 percent. Maybe they should get worried, the Michigan operatives said.
Nope, they were told. She was going to win by 5. All Brooklyn’s data said so.


23 Replies to “How Bill’s Wife Lost Michigan”

  1. As Dennis Miller said 3-4 weeks ago on Bill O’Reilly, reading this stuff is like watching Bill Mazurosky hit his 7th game, 9th inning 1960 World Series home run 10 times a day. It seems to release a serenity hormone, or something.

  2. My experience with progressives is that they like to talk and ‘plan’ but really don’t know that it takes real work to get results.
    My split with the CPC came from experiencing that top down management that really had no idea on how to run a campaign. Didn’t know how and did not really seek out help from vets who could have taught them. I went to a riding AGM about 3 months from the campaign and they had no real plan.

  3. My experience with progressives is that they like to talk and ‘plan’ but really don’t know that it takes real work to get results.
    My split with the CPC came from experiencing that top down management that really had no idea on how to run a campaign. Didn’t know how and did not really seek out help from vets who could have taught them. I went to a riding AGM about 3 months from the campaign and they had no real plan.

  4. I hope Trump stomps on Google hard. Companies should focus on improving their core business, not on getting Washington to change rules & regulations that ultimately help their business. I understand that sometimes companies need to get involved on certain issues from time to time, but having a Washington based office dedicated to lobbying is just wrong.

  5. Much easier to simply blame the Russians for the loss, or the FBI, or anyone bur H R Clinton herself. On the disastrous leaked e-mails, Democrats don’t dispute the authenticity of what they posted, they just blame someone, The Russians? for hacking into them.

  6. yup pete, and publically traded companies and unions of closed shops should not be allowed to participate in any way shape or form in political elections. Then again the “church” ( the KKKatholik church) should not be telling their pedophiles to preach “climate change”

  7. Google, Facebook and Tesla should be banging on the door at the Clinton Foundation wanting their ‘guaranteed result’ money back. I love watching liberal chickens grovelling with their knee pads on.

  8. Martin…the DEMONcRATS will never blame themselves. Just like all fascists,marxists,socialists,and commies, they lack the internal fortitude to look at themselves. Mind you,if I was as effed up as they are, I might avoid mirrors also…:);)

  9. I’ve read that Clinton was so sure she was going to win Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, she didn’t campaign there after she was nominated at the July Democrat convention. We dodged a bullet on that one.

  10. How ironic … since the MSM incessantly crowed about the Clinton “ground game”. “SHE’s got the ground game … HE has none”. “HER ground game is far superior to anything the orange imposter could ever hope to have”. One part arrogance, another ignorance. Now go-away Clintongs … just go away. SEIU couldn’t even stuff the ballot box sufficiently to get HER the presidency

  11. My first thought on reading this was the same as CT’s; I have lived this experience before with a different party in our country. Same issues: the riding organization that we had on the takeover by Reform was ignored and let wither; all the new boys wanted was our bank account and lists sent to head office. They squandered the former and ignored the latter save for perpetual calls to send more money. The die-hards who were, despite this, still prepared to volunteer and work for the new party were taken for granted; the input on what issues were coming up at the door (i.e. pointless boutique tax cuts and reneging on fixing gun control) were ignored; and the national office only issued orders and talked about twitter and internet ads that we said were turning people off our party, not on to it. Combined with their dismissive attitude towards our opposition this empowered the underdog and emasculated our message. As with Mr Trump’s win, I wonder how many votes just stayed home on our side; and how many folks decided that they had had enough of having their noses rubbed in it and voted against us out of that spite. Enough to move the markers we know; and similarly we have not really addressed why that happened and moved to fix it. Leadership is an issue and not a process; we have wasted a year and it is not anywhere near resolved, but the real issue is organization and I see nothing at all being done on that front. Trump’s win is further evidence that big money and the high-powered “professional” political machine has lost it’s effect; the electorate sees through the BS. In our country, elections may be affected by a national campaign but are won one riding at a time, and that is where over-centralization failed us.

  12. Hillary lost because she was an unbelievably bad candidate. She was not likeable to start with, and her arrogance led to technical mistakes as detailed in the article referred to.
    How she expected to survive after insulting about half the electorate I will never understand.

  13. Doubling down on calling Trump supporters racist, sexist bigot homophobe and blaming russian hacking is a sure fire strategy to win the next time lol. These people were not only arrogant publicly but actually acted out on it by essentially treating local campaign offices like country bumpkins. I sure hope Obama runs the show in the same exact way.

  14. Clinton’s campaign was like the military when they find out things have not gone as planned. Very often they are incapable of making a correction because of intransigence. So certain are they of victory that when they realize that defeat is inevitable…they cannot make a correction.
    It really was quite a remarkable miscalculation.
    The progressives will be back. They have formed government in the US for the majority of the time going back to Teddy Roosevelt.
    Look for a wholesale change in the Dems hierarchy. All the hacks Debbie W Schultz, Pelosi, Huma – see ya later.
    I’m not convinced that Trump is a conservative or even a Republican for that matter. I always considered him a NY liberal. I’m willing to give him a chance. Can he be any worse than what has taken place since 1988?

  15. It was Ted Turner who understood the Fund raising Scams. He was expected to provide the seed money for Hanoi Jane’s big
    Socialist events… Yes! he dropped a big check to start the huge suck-in, but Jane was never allowed to cash his check.
    Hillary must have had to cash all those seed checks..Unhappy folks

  16. SHE uttered these incredibly offensive, and derisive words at a NYC Fundraiser (aka … in the echo chamber of so-called-elitist snob Democraps) …
    You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
    SHE forgot that HER words were being heard outside the enclave of leftist urbanites, who live, literally, hundreds of feet above the unwashed masses Their doormen keep away the deplorables. Their high rise tower abodes insulate them from the real world.
    They will never understand the “common” folk. Cause they’re way too smart for that

  17. I find it interesting that Bill isn’t in any news coverage these days. Is he finally getting off stage like a past president should? Not that I miss him but its always good to know what the players are up to.

  18. I find it strange that no one mentions the video of Hillary being thrown into her van after the 9/11 memorial. Amazing that she had her malaise at such a public event and that someone filmed it. I think people realized she was physically unfit to be president and that her condition had been covered up.

  19. A great “related”, Kate. I wonder if anyone at either Google or Reuters realises that old-guard Republicans are not the people to hire if you want to deal with Trump. He was elected in spite of, not because of, the Republican machine.
    I wonder what the tech companys’ reaction would be if Trumps first words to them were something along the line of “70% of the people in this country who can vote didn’t vote for Hillary because they didn’t want a crony capitalist in office who would sell the presidency off to the highest bidder. You can’t buy me, so don’t even try. I’m going to make a business environment that’s so good that once I’m out of office I’ll make an even bigger fortune than the one I’ve already got. You can play this straight and make a fortune, or keep on going being one sided shills for hire and go broke. I don’t care. No special deals. If you’re call yourself a public service then be prepared for class action suits when you act like a bunch of bigots and cut service to people because they look or think different than you. And remember, I pick the judges now.”
