Is Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” about to come online?

Pop Quiz: During the recent U.S. Presidential Election Campaign, which media outlets chose to regurgitate falsehoods rather than strive to adhere to some reasonable semblance of the truth? If you’re a regular reader of SDA then you very well know who would be at the top of that list.
This is beyond frightening if it comes to pass:

(Language Warning)
The list of “fake news websites” comes from one Melissa Zimdars, a devout Leftist SJW.

24 Replies to “Is Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” about to come online?”

  1. Twitter purge? The left needs to be shown what a purge truly entails. They are unfit for democracy and a threat to a free society. There will be no compromising or deals made that will quench the power thirst of these mentally ill misfits. They will not rest until we are legislated and beaten into submission. The only solution for any peace will be a final one. It’s them or us. Wake up.

  2. The left doesn’t need to be shown anything about purges, they are masters at it. As just one example see what Stalin did to his army in the 1930’s. Fear the left, they are no different now than they were then and if they ever get the chance they are coming for us.

  3. Agreed…purges. They had already started coming for us. We brought their Trojan horses past our gates and they are massing the barbarians on the other side. It won’t be long until we see them engage in their final solution and begin to silence and purge freedom loving people to pave way for their utopia. Like I said…them or us and it ain’t looking good for us.

  4. ‘If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all’
    Noam Manufacturing Consent Chomsky said that but it appears that he and his fellow travelers in the SJW set don’t actually adhere to their own philosophy.
    The leftist msm is all for freedom of expression as long as the point of view they despise is marginalized and kept at the edges of public discourse. The major league freak-out on campuses around the world we’ve witnessed these past few days is just the start and we’ll more or less see variations of the same thing from them over the next 4 years.

  5. After all these years of watching CBC,CTV and Global and reading the narrative styling of the Canadian Media Guild, I did not know there was anything but Fake News.
    As the Constantly Biased Corporation has found 99% of reality contradicts their chosen narrative, they have focussed on their 1%.
    Who needs the Onion?
    Even Russian TV, formerly Pravda reports more honestly than our Presstitutes.

  6. According to a lot of these SJWs, Drudge is a fake-news website.
    They have lost the ability to behave reasonably these days. They pushed the victim thing so hard and so far that now the only “victims” left are the ones they make up.
    NOBODY gives Mooselimbs a hard time in public, just ferinstance. People are more likely to give -me- a hard time than some Mooselimb lady with a kid. They’re not victims. They’re just random Canadians, the same as the rest of us. And that is as it should be.
    But because the SJWs have no leverage, no power and no point in existing without victims of the Straightwhitecismale Patriarchy!!!1! they have to have victims. So they delve ever farther into the realm of the demented and perverted outliers to find something so unacceptable that nobody will put up with it. Male perverts in women’s public bathrooms ended up being the hill they chose to die on.
    That means they can’t allow debate or counter argument. Their only path forward is outright intimidation and censorship. This is them getting that done.
    Lucky us, unlike television, a new Facebook can be started up and got running in a couple of years. Same with Google.
    If the Russians were -smart- (which sadly they are not,) they would start a secure, legit social media platform. They’d make money.

  7. Here’s a sampling of “fake news” mockery from /r/The_Donald
    If the news anchor starts crying during their election coverage, you’re probably watching FAKE NEWS!
    If your network’s pre-election polling had Trump at 1% chance of winning.. you were watching fake news.
    If CNN was telling you they didn’t collude with the Clinton Campaign, you were listening to fake news.
    If your news source interrupts a Congresswoman to report on Justin Bieber, you are watching Fake News.
    If you were told the Clinton Foundation pays out 90% of it’s income to charity, you were getting Fake News
    CNN split screen interview of two people pretending they are in different locations but are actually in the same parking lot #CNNFAKENEWS
    If you believe that the laughably small KKK is a bigger threat to Americans than Radical Islam, you might be listening to #FakeNews.
    Rachel Maddow did a full segment on why Pepe the Frog is a secret white nationalist hate symbol. #FAKENEWS
    If the News Anchor says it’s illegal to read Wikileaks… you’re watching FAKE news
    If you saw poll workers in Nevada illegally wearing “Defeat Trump” shirts while being told that the workers were not biased…. You were watching FAKE NEWS.
    If your news station says “undocumented” immigrants instead of ILLEGAL then you’re watching #FAKENEWS
    If your news reports the FIREBOMBING of a political party headquarters as VANDALISM, you’re reading fake news.
    If the news you were reading claimed Trump was going to lose in the biggest landslide ever. You were reading Fake News.
    If your news station ‘loses the feed’ with such regularity that a 10+ minute compilation video of the same can be assembled using footage from just the CURRENT YEAR, you might be watching #FakeNews
    If you were told THIS would be the election map on 8/8, you were listening to fake news
    If you got your news of current events and information on public policy and public affairs from a comedian, you were watching fake news
    If you see the “News anchor” cut off a guest’s camera feed simply because he disagrees with that guest then you are watching FAKE NEWS!
    If you’re under the impression that Donald’s transition team is working more slowly than previous presidents……you may be watching #fakenews.
    If your network’s “man on the street” interview with a protester is really their own cameraman, then you’re probably watching #Fake News.
    If your news covered PRESIDENT TRUMP in the entertainment section, you were probably reading fake news
    If your news is reporting from a canoe in an ankle deep puddle, you are watching FAKE NEWS
    If your news didn’t talk about Qatar’s $1M check to the Clinton’s during the election, you’re probably receiving #Fake News
    If you think Trump mocked a reporter for his disability, you’ve been watching #fakenews
    If you were watching women say Trump raped them 20+ years ago 10 days before the election, you were watching FAKE NEWS. #fakenews
    If your news outlet STILL hasn’t called Michigan, your viewing fake news.
    WARNING: If you get your news from the Apple newsfeed window, you’re probably getting your information from #FakeNews
    If your news source leaked multiple questions to a presidential candidate before the debate, you’re watching fake news.
    If you know Trump eats pizza with a fork but don’t know what Spirit Cooking is… Then you might be watching fake news

  8. What ever you think of the rant, it had to be said.
    This is very important.
    The fake news of the mass media is not a joke, it affects most of the population that has no other way to get information.
    It’s the way most of the LIV’s get the information if they do get any at all.
    If you look at the protesters, they don’t know what they are protesting about as long as they get paid their daily stipend.
    Yeah, the news manufacturers put out “news” that may or may not have anything to do with the truth. It all depends on the ideology, not on reporting the news.

  9. Sadly I am going to add Fox News to the msm fake news list. I quit watching fox shortly after Rupert’s son wasn’t charged with crimes in Britain. I detected a shift in their views and I thought they had cut a deal. The megan kelly thing. This is how I read it. Every reporter wants to be a Bernstein and bring down a giant. The only game the msm plays is I gottcha. They try to find the fatal flaw in all of the opposition candidates the flaw that will peel off support from the canidates base. So, who better than to sucker punch Trump than someone from the right of center media? That someone had already begun writing a “book”. That someone was being courted as a legitimate news person by the msm. Somehow or other Trump got on to this and didn’t play into her hands. When she got punched back she played the victim card. Now she is on her book tour fox is giving her lots of free air time promoting her book. They do that for all of their people. Isn’t it interesting that the subjection matter of all the books that fox people write is varied and only one person wrote about themselve? And she did that why? What has she accomplished? She wrote it in anticipation of being a giant slayer. Didn’t slay a giant so she had to add a chapter on victimhood to attain hero status.
    Check out Brietbart this morning. For laughs Powerline.
    We have work to do. We need to secure our borders, secure the internet and secure our voting process. We are under attack and it is not going to let up.

  10. I stopped watching any Canadian TV news about a year ago, but still monitor it occasionally to see how biased it really is.
    In the days leading up to the US election, I was struck by the outright untruths coming out of the mouths of Rosie, Mansbridge, Milewski and others. I’m not even sure if they know any better themselves. Milewski interviewing an American reporter on the Fri of the FBI bombshell assured him that no candidate had ever overcome a 5 point deficit to win the election. But, I had just finished reading via Drudge of the election eve 1980, how Reagan overcame a 10 point lead and how the commentators spent the night slapping foreheads asking What happened? These are very highly paid professional reporters, wouldn’t they know that, or spend a few seconds on Drudge to find out?
    Obviously not, still a glance there or here would have forewarned them that the polls were even within the margin, it was not impossible for Trump to win. Professional curiosity could have prevented the startled looks, loss of voice, loss of words that filled the CBC news room and showed a total lack of competence.
    Still a vast number of Canadians take there news from these sources. Who indeed is peddling fake news?

  11. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. Likewise with crap. We used to call fake news rumor mongering. It is done because it is effective. Look at reid with his romney didn’t pay any taxes. No appology for the lie, comeback was “We won didn’t we?”
    One of the rumors designed to hurt Trump was that he wasn’t running to win he was running so that he could start a new news channel and was using the platform of running to garner free publicity. We do need a new news channel.

  12. When your arguments cannot stand up to scrutiny and honest questions … you simply eliminate the questions and questioners. This is exactly what SHE employed as a campaign strategy. Hide from the uncensored Press. Hide from the “hostile” Press. Hide from the HONEST Press. Don’t answer questions, or toss out non-sequiturs like … “you mean, like, wipe it with a cloth?”.
    Censoring of honest public debate is what comes before genocide of political opponents. We aren’t too far away from that.

  13. “Don’t the Saudis own a big part of FOX?”
    The Murdoch Family Trust owns about 39% of the Class B voting stock of Twenty-First Century Fox Inc.
    The following is from the Guardian Feb 4, 2015.
    “The Saudi Arabian billionaire, Prince Al Waleed bin Talal, has sold a substantial stake in Rupert Murdoch’s publishing company, News Corp, reports Bloomberg.
    “His investment firm, Kingdom Holdings, announced to the Saudi stock exchange that it had cut its ownership in News Corp from 6.6% (13m shares) to about 1% (2m shares), netting some $190m (£125m) in the process.
    “Al Waleed, who had the second-largest holding of voting stock in News Corp after the Murdoch family …
    “Kingdom also holds 6.6% of Murdoch’s entertainment company, 21st Century Fox, which will evidently not be affected.”

  14. It’s exactly what I believe. The Media did not make any mistakes this past Presidential election cycle. They absolutely knew that Donald Trump had a chance to win. They knew the polls were slanted Liberal Progressive. They knew Hillary was a crook and shouldn’t have been allowed to run. But reporting reasonable discourse and accurate facts wasn’t the job description. Getting a progressive liberal to carry on Globalization was. The never-ending shady fact-less character assassinations of Trump and other aspiring Conservative candidates while unquestioningly shielding and insulating Liberal ones from their own putrid records of fraud and incompetence was mission one. A mission the Media accomplished stunningly well. The only problem was enough Truth circumvented their efforts to re-educate the public with their alternate socialist vision of tomorrow where the Declaration of Independence, Individual Rights and Freedoms and Equal Justice for All have been deemed permanently toxic.

  15. Martin B:
    Not sure if you can comment on CBC, but re my post above would you say commentators listed are not stupid, but deliberately attempting to mislead Canadians? I don’t know for sure, they may be that dense.

  16. You’re right… it’s manufactured consent – blatant propaganda.
    From the lib-progs point of view it’s acceptable to be intolerant and hateful, as long as the person or group being attacked is first labelled as “racist, misogynist, or bigoted”. With their twisted ‘moral-logic’ tolerance is only for people who think like them.

  17. Yes… CBC allows comments on a few articles, then censors any comments which do not parrot the lib-prog party-line. It’s a perfect example of Chomsky’s ‘manufactured consent’. It’s an effective brainwashing technique on stupid people and appears to be tailored to a So.Ont.GTA mindset.
    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” … “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
    — George Carlin

  18. TV news, as we used to know it, is circling the drain. The direct interchange of ideas via the Internet has rendered all of that one-way conversation obsolete. And not a moment too soon. The death throes of the network news outlets like CBC and the even more disgusting CTV seem to be similar to what I saw on the nature channel a little while back. A cockroach was being attacked and dragged away by a bunch of ants. Even while it was being killed, it hatched out a very large egg containing another cockroach, which the ants also eagerly attacked. Anyway, not to get too far afield here, but I think the noises that the television news network are making right now is just like a death rattle.

  19. You piqued my curiosity so I found the video you described:
    The ants,swarming with ferocity to destroy their prey are very similar to human SOWs who swarm digitally and in person to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. It’s truly sickening.
