34 Replies to “Yoko Ono, Trump’s Loudest Detractor”

  1. What amazing talent!
    That is the best thing I’ve heard since Eine Kleine Nachtmusik!
    There are rumors Amadeus Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton. I don’t believe it,even Hillary has better taste than that.

  2. I hear when those SJWs found out about Trump’s win, they were given copies of “Sing Along With Yoko Ono”. And to think that the Nobel Prize went to Bob Dylan…..

  3. She’s actually a pretty good spokesperson for the left. That’s obvious. I wonder if she ever partied with the Spawn’s Mother?

  4. And exactly what is in any shape or way meaningful about her tonal excretions…?
    This was almost as intelligible as Robert de Niro bloviating that the election of Trump was worse than 9/11.
    Robert De Niro on Trump’s Victory: ‘I Feel Like I Did After 9/11’
    Sorry Robert De Moron you can’t equate the election of a disagreeable politician, in your eyes; with that of 2,977 victims deaths. Your false equivalency is bloody demented.
    Instead of the star of “Raging Bull” we now have “Raging Bullsh*t”!
    They really do need a TRUMP-upPENCE to shake their snowflake little world!
    Do grow the hell up…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  5. Very difficult to believe, but I heard years ago that John Lennon was a registered Republican. no joke. Who really knows?

  6. Yoko Ono and Hillary Clinton share a common bond: they owe their success and wealth entirely to their husbands.
    Now those are certainly feminist, progressive virtues for young women to aspire to!

  7. Why dont she just go and soak her head these YO YO HO HO ONO narrow minded pinhead who broke up the Beatles were getting so tired of these fools

  8. Hey – I own an album (The Toronto one) with her on the side opposite John Lennon. She does raving lunatic caught in a bear trap well. She is worse than Sophie Trudeau imitating a rusty hinge.

  9. I’m one of those people who can separate my love for one’s music, art, acting, etc. from their political bent. I absolutely LOVE The Beatles. But as a conservative, I don’t and never did agree with their politics (even though they haven’t been a band in 46 years). It would be intellectually dishonest for anyone to suddenly hate someone’s music upon discovering that we don’t share their politics. But since Ono’s “music” is garbage, hating EVERYTHING about her is made easy.
