Featured Comment

From the comments;

CCs (Community Colleges) in Canada are the local haven for the left wing political types.
In the Reform epoch I followed federal politics very closely at the local level. The Community Colleges (CCs) were forever trying to get ‘their’ candidate elected. In Alberta, they knew they wouldn’t get the Liberal, NDP or PCs elected anymore so they tried to influence the Reform nominations. Now they influence the federal Con. nominations.
Go through the Board of Directors of your local CC and you will find a special class of ESI (enlightened self interested) Riders that find their way into the ruling parties in each province not for principle but for self interest. In Alberta they are the Red Tories who during the days of the ascendancy of the Reform party were shielded by a sort of witness protection program of the provincial Progressive Con. Party. Now these guys were/are entitled to their entitlements! They had the appointments in the CCs and so many other so called NGOs (non-governmental organisations) that depend solely on the taxpayer for their charitable existence. The failed Liberal and NDP candidates didn’t get the provincial government appointments; they were progressive enough to get the CC faculty and administrative jobs.
I appreciate Ezra digging up and exposing this waste. So many other examples will be found. Just look into the Itinerary of lefty luminaries such as Romeo Dallaire and Justin Trudeau. Follow the same slimy path and you will find CCs and similar NGOs funneling the cash which came from the taxpayer to their lefty Saints.
If Suzuki gave a speech was there a fee to attend? If so, who paid for the tickets of the CC types and the corporate tables? So many of those $4,000 worth of chairs were filled by fellow lefties from NGOs, Unions and municipal government all funded by the taxpayer.
The rot is so prevalent we don’t even recognize its smell as decay.

20 Replies to “Featured Comment”

  1. Most of these sleazy CC types and vacuuming-taxpayer-dollars NGOs are anti-Monarcy and, yet, they live like Royalty, who at least do countless hours of charity work and actually bring a lot of revenue into Great Britain’s coffers.
    Not these Limousine Leftards: These charlatans suck the public dry, all the while clucking about how concerned they are about us, our environment, our need to back UN initiatives, etc., etc.
    Liars and leeches, the whole lot of them.

  2. You know, we’ve been writing about the slimy, incestuous relationship between government and NGOs for years…no one (and that includes even the so-called rightwing media)would pick up the stories.
    Just Google ‘The Greenbelt Gravy Train’, you’ll see what I mean.
    Couldn’t get anyone from TV or the Press to run with this. So stories like this ended up dead-ending in obscure, limited audience, publications.

  3. “This evening, Ezra Levant compared David Suzuki to a televangelist- righteous in front of the crowds but lecherous behind closed doors.”
    I think that’s a very broad brush Ezra is wielding. NOT cool.

  4. I think the comparison is spot-on. David Suzuki is grateful that the CBC and the like paint him as an ethical scientist when in fact he is a huckster and quite skeevy.

  5. chutzpahticular
    If a Rapture happened tomorrow. Most so called Christian TV would not have heavy loses. Indeed from Preachers for profit to the so called Emerging church would not skip a beat.
    As a Christian I Say this sadly. But it been true from the beginning. As Joshua avers in the parable of the tares & wheat. With many verses in the NT that decry it by the Apostles. That it is mentioned many times just proves the testimony of the people at the time. Indeed in Thessalonians it says by the end of days the very church Will have become utterly corrupt.

  6. Name actual Canadian televangelists that fit Ezra’s description. Ezra is out to lunch.

  7. …should be ‘who fit’….
    Revnant Dream, in my view Ezra’s comparison is a smear. (He’s usually one of my favourites, but not at this very moment.)
    David Suzuki is a charlatan, into power and money. Leave televangelists out of it.

  8. Name actual Canadian televangelists that fit Ezra’s description.
    All of them. It’s not a smear. They’re all scum bags. The worst are the true believers. Scum bags I can at least sympathize with.
    But digression. I had no idea CCs were so…occutard. I thought Uni was worse. Well, they’ve certainly succeeded in taking over the Alberta Tories and neutralizing the Federal Tories.

  9. I think you’re missing the point. Ezra Levant wasn’t comparing him to an actual televangelist, Canadian or otherwise, but said that Suzuki was acting like a morally corrupt televangelist.
    What comparison/analogy/metaphor/description would be appropriate?

  10. Nicely played Ezra and thanks for truly speaking speaking truth to power. Made my day.
    It’s about time the Mother Earth pagan worshipers received some of the ridicule they dish out to people of the book. At least two of the pagan Mother Earth worshipers that seriously claim godhood for themselves (Oprah and Hubbard) openly claim that we all must either “evolve or die” in unison with their spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle(“evole or die” is a quote from Tolle’s book A New Earth-one of Oprah’s favorite books and authors). Hubbard has spoken openly about the coming selection process.
    These dangerously deluded “peace loving” wealthy leaders are no longer content with leaving the room when “someone” negative enters or cleansing themselves with sacred tobacco or re-arranging their chakras back to a place of purity and serenity-no, the time is drawing near (apparently December 21, 2012 was the day of the new earths birth spiritually) for the anticipated purging of negativity from Mother Earth. These flakes are dead serious-they think that by getting rid of so called negative people (those who don’t get with the program) they are doing Mother Earth and all future human beings (genetically selected of course) a favor. Hubbard went so far as to state “not too worry, the selection would be done by them (in other words, the little guy doesn’t need to worry about blood on their hands). Hubbard ran as a democrat some years ago and is filthy rich.

  11. Well then, your posting was misleading.
    At any rate, I had no idea that community college boards see their roles as political advocates. Makes distance (online) learning more attractive.

  12. Right on cue, up popped Al Gore on the tube, trying to justify the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera…

  13. Why is he even bothering? He got his cash. Current TV was a lost and costly cause. Now, he’s rolling in dough. He can stop with the pretense that his cause was noble or whatever.

  14. The description of community college personnel being involved in politics reminds of a period in Nova Scotia politics when, for a brief time, teachers outnumbered lawyers in the provincial legislature. Most of them, however, were no longer teachers, but principals and vice-principals, who had their own offices, secretarial help, and a hell of lot of free time on their hands.

  15. The same thing happens in local school districts. Saskatoon Public has the Literacy for Life conference including a banquet. Justin Trudeau was the invited speaker at the banquet which raised funds to support the conference so that students can attend programs with authors. Most of the seats are “purchased” by schools for teachers & staff and by School Community Councils for parents. All of the money comes from the school district budget. It’s just shuffling money between ledger categories.
