20 Replies to ““semi-literate, humourless and unwitting but objectively pro-Taliban windbags””

  1. Yet again, our Liberal MSM misinforms and manipulates the public. They took what Harper said, correctly, about the ‘war’ in Afghanistan and misconstrued and reworded it. To achieve their agenda – Bash Harper. Not to provide the public with information. But to Bash Harper.
    Harper said that no-one could win the ‘war’ in Afghanistan. He’s correct. As he said, it’s not a war in the traditional sense of two official militaries engaged in an official conflict that ends with yet another official act of signed surrender.
    It’s a situation where an unofficial militant rebel group, unaffiliated with any nation, fights against the civilians, the police, the military of a nation. It can’t be ‘won’ in the traditional sense where those same militants will ‘sign’ a surrender agreement.
    What can and should happen is that the militants will be weakened in their agenda with a result that they will be marginalized and become reduced to peripheral criminality. They and their fascist ideology will probably never disappear, just as communism as an ideology has never disappeared.
    But, they can be marginalized in their ability to affect the population. This is achieved both militarily – and – by strengthening the political, social and economic infrastructure. The Afghan nation will then be able to, on its own, control this set of the population. And, as in Iraq, the local people will feel strong enough to reject the militants.
    And that’s what Harper said; he went on to explain how the agenda was to weaken the militants and strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan both politically and economically so that it could, itself, constrain militancy.
    But instead, the Liberals and the MSM deliberately take his correct analysis out of context, ignore what he really said – and proceed to Bash Harper.

  2. One has to wonder with Headlines like “Afghan Insurgency Will Never Be Defeated: Harper”. What do the “progressives” hope for? That Harper is correct and the Taliban is destined to rule, or are they secretly hoping that Harper is wrong so they can point and say he’s an idiot?
    I’m with Glavin on this, the “progressives” stance makes no sense. How rabidly “anti-war/anti-west” do you have to have to be in order to cheer for the complete opression of innocents by a brutal theocracy?

  3. one could make a similar statement , and use Taliban Jack and Igmcmuffin as references.
    Quebec Separatists will never be defeated.
    (In fact we will form a coalition with them)

  4. Complete agreement ‘ET’. I thought that PMSH put the Canadian agenda on the line and wants Afghanistan to be able to form and hold the democracy when the NATO leaves.

  5. Of course Prime Minister Harper is correct with his statements. These thoughts are understood and agreed with by everyone with a modicum of common sense. The outcome in Afganistan can be turned towards victory only if all NATO countries wish it to be so. The fight is against criminal gangs and to defeat them the opium trade has to be disabled. The only way to do this, and win hearts and minds, is for NATO (with UN) to buy all the poppy harvest from the farmers. This would be cheaper and more effective than anything done to date. It would remove the drug money going to the Taliban/Al Quaida and would allow the local farmers an income. To destroy the crop without compensation only sends the people to the side of the criminals. To not do anything as far as purchasing all the poppy harvest ensures the lifeblood of these criminals to the detriment of all countries.The lesser evil has always to be considered in war.

  6. I have heard three liberal thinkers in the last three days say some things that make sense. Could we be seeing a shift in the mentality of “moderates”. I suspect with both elections behind us, people are beginning to think again. It is a shame that people get so entrenched in their political allegiances that they will squander their votes.
    Okay, I’ll take the rose colored glasses off now.

  7. Events are not events to the “progressive”. They are opportunities to attack the enemy. Us, in other words.
    Progressives don’t care about anything else. Not even their own lives and safety, apparently.

  8. Some left windbags even compared what Harper said to what Layton said a few months ago when we started calling him “taliban jack”.

  9. ET wrote:
    “I’m with Glavin on this, the “progressives” stance makes no sense. How rabidly “anti-war/anti-west” do you have to have to be in order to cheer for the complete opression of innocents by a brutal theocracy?”
    This is why LENIN labled these fools “useful idiots”.

  10. sasquatch – I think it was chris s. who wrote that, not me, ET.
    And, old white guy, we are at war – and you cannot, ever, defeat an ideology. Never. You can defeat a nation and its military; that defeat is acknowledged by the signatures of the nation’s leaders. But an ideology? Never.
    Has fascism disappeared? Communism? Of course not. What can be done, however, is to marginalize the power that these ideologies have over both the civilian population and the government.
    When an ideology is also militant, i.e., attempting to advance its agenda not merely by emotional and intellectual persuasion but also by brute force, then you can attack the brute force and reduce its power. And at the same time, you must educate and economically enable the population so that they are not vulnerable to the ideology. That’s what Harper was talking about. Those three actions: brute force, economic aid, educational aid.

  11. ET, you get three cheers from me. Some military training in the background, or do you just read the right authors?

  12. I would disagree with you old white guy. You can’t tame a wild man by going to war against him. If you wanted to kill every man woman and child you could take over the geographic area but you could never win a war other wise. That region of the world doesn’t do central government so there is no political system you can defeat and then control.

  13. Bull shit, I agree with you old white guy, if we actually fought a war and not a politically controlled, politically correct, collateral free media blessed event called war, we would win. Different ideologies have come and gone and had their day in the sun through out history.

  14. I called into Paul and Carol Motts on 1010 CFRB Toronto yesterday as they joined in and bashed Harper with their dogmatic wilfully ignorant pro-taliban take.
    Ironically their made in progressive Canaduh take, came two whole seconds after wondering out loud why Harper did the interview with a non-Canadian news source.
    I got cut off and characterized as rude and ignorant, amazingly enough.
    “If we can’t win why even send our servicemen to fight over there”
    “I didn’t think I said anything controversial” is how the breathless airhead Oprah fanciers explained themselves after cutting me off .
