Bowling For Farenheit

Spike Lee;

“Michael Moore would not need armed guards around him 24 hours a day if that film had no impact,” says Lee, who spoke to Moore a few days ago. “He’s not happy about it, with his life being threatened. I wouldn’t be happy either.” [emphasis mine – ed ]

Someone alert the NRA.
This has the makings of one fine promotional ad.
via Right Wing News

4 Replies to “Bowling For Farenheit”

  1. Foolish; idiotic; motherfucking ridiculous. What more can be said? Oh, by the way, I’m aiming these words at you, friend, not Michael Moore. He is no hypocrite. He is one of our finest – a man that could be (they’re doing the research now, hard to say yet) a direct relation of Thomas Paine.
    But back to this issue of Moore defending himself against Republican crazies who’d undoubtedly love to prematurely end his life: well, what can you say? There it is. He’s made a movie that openly derides the worst, most dangerous, most inept, certainly most plain-assed imbecilic president this country’s (any country, for that matter) ever had. Who wouldn’t fear for their lives? Hell, I’m afraid to think some thoughts any more, and I live in the land of the “free”! Thanks Mr. Ashcroft, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush – you all are, assuredly, defenders of freedom. And gosh, I like their idea of freedom! It’s addicting and just plain fun, you know?
    Michael Moore would be ill-advised to protect himself with the following, considering that most crazies in this world use guns: pitchforks; spoons; knives (butter or meat-cutting); insulting words; mean gestures. When you’re fighting a son of a bitch enemy that has zero scruples, it’s what you gotta do, you know? Life in hyperfree America.

  2. Here’s what you don’t know: HAWKINS IS MAD. As a hatter. And hatters are mad. Mad as otters. So fuck it, get macked and get proper. Get with it. And get jiggy.
    If you do it, do it right. Do it punk. But don’t cry. ‘Cause it’s shit that don’t bounce you oughta fear. And hear. And that’s what you don’t want to know as far as IT goes. And it goes far.

  3. My goodness… invoking the words “Michael Moore” now bring the moonbats out of the woodwork.
    Generally I’d delete posts with this much profanity, but I think I’ll preserve these for posterity, as evidence of the quality of argument when his supporters come to his defense.

  4. Panguin:
    Tom Paine was a liar, backstabber, and pamphleteer exciting haterd of his nation abroad?
    Micahel Moore is the only person I can think of who is personally profiting wildly from the death of our troops.
