GST Petition

Via Sean at Pol:Spy a worthwhile petition for Canadians to consider.

Mr. Martin,

In accordance with your statement of May 26,2004 as reported in the Ottawa Citizen:
�I�ve got a record of doing what I say I�m going to do and I�m telling you in this case, I�m going to do exactly what we�re saying we�re going to do.�
…we, your constituents, are formally calling upon you to honour a past commitment you made to Canadians and that was reported in the Montreal Gazette on April 4, 1990:
�I would abolish the GST.�
As you are now our Prime Minister, the authority needed to keep this promise — abolishing the Goods and Services Tax — is yours.
You said it, and we’re holding you to it.
The Undersigned.
