Cacha�a Recipe

As the Small Dead Animals contribution to the perpetual blog drink mixing meme, I offer this recipe.
I recieved a bottle of the sugar cane liquor that is the basis of Brazil’s national drink as a going away gift from my Brazilian hosts in April. A couple of weeks ago I had friends staying for a couple of days, and we ran out of rum. Too late to run out for more. The obvious solution – open the liquor. Without the required ingredients (tropical limes, sugar) to make Caipirinha (pronounced ky-pee-reen-ya), we came up with our own recipe for the cacha�a (pronounced oh-my-god-this-is-made-of-fermented-calf-scours ).
1 1/2 oz� cacha�a
pour over ice
Attempt (vainly) to put tinfoil cap back on bottle to control odor.
Debate the wisdom of what you are about to do. “Give it a chance”. ..”They wouldn’t go to the trouble of bottling this stuff if it tastes as bad as it smells” …. “maybe it’s better with the limes” … Hold breath… take slow sip.
Invent new expetives.
Add 3 gallons of running water, flushed through mouth.
Take 1 regular kitchen sink. Again, holding breath, pour remainder of cacha�a down drain. Add 3 cups vinegar, follow with 1 cup bleach, full strength. Remove empty bottle some distance from house. Open windows.
Re-evaluate everything you thought you knew about Brazilian compliments and generosity.

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