Category: Baiting The Left

Everyone say, “Ahhhh”

“Officials say the six workers, laid off Jan. 25, were ordered to leave their buildings immediately. Contrary to regulations, they were not given access to a union representative and the layoffs were not done according to seniority, claim officials.” – Star Phoenix
And after you stop giggling, ask what could they have possibly done to justify an immediate firing and escort out of the building?

The Muddled Thinking of the Left: Example #1

Feb 14, 2012 – One of the Left’s heroes, Keith Olbermann insists that no rapes occurred at the various Occupy protests, even though there is well documented evidence to the contrary.
Feb 16, 2012 – An Ottawa born writer named Dahlia Lithwick, constantly trying to develop more ‘cred’ with her Komrades in Amerika, insists that pregnancy related medical procedures in a doctor’s office, including non-invasive ultrasound, is equivalent to rape. Some dare to disagree.
Note: This is not the first time Ms. Lithwick has embarrassed herself.

Are Canadians Really a Free People?

In a fascinating new column, George Jonas ponders why Canada is exporting democracy but importing tyranny.

In the narcosis of “progress,” the liberal state clings to its dogmas, sacrileges, holy things and taboos. It guards them as jealously and enforces them as rigidly as the Taliban guards and enforces its version of Islam. Maybe it doesn’t enforce them as cruelly — maybe.
Exaggeration? You decide. In the year 1300, a period we call the Dark Ages, a pig was tried for blasphemy in France. In the year 2000, 200 years into the Age of Enlightenment, on the threshold of the 21st century, in the United States of America, the authorities charged a six-year-old boy with sexual harassment for kissing a six-year-old girl.

Bill C-51: An End to Privacy or a Necessary Tool?

The problem with Crying Wolf or, in a modern Canadian context, declaring everything the Harper government does as the End of the World, is that people stop listening to you altogether. This seems to be the case with the Left-of-Centre political & media class in Canada.
Now the Tories are bringing in Bill C-51 aka the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act. Its possible infringements into the privacy of Canadians does offer some legitimate pause for concern. Lorrie Goldstein offers a fairly balanced appraisal of the changes.
What say you?
h/t Several SDA commenters

UofR Student Union

So at their AGM on the 8th the dumbasses got hijacked by anti-semites and ended up passing another Anti-Israel motion. (I know, quelle surprise, leftist university radicals hijacking a non-entity about Israel.)
I wonder if the student body at UofR understands just what “Commit to identifying and divesting from companies that support or profit from Israel…” means when you put it in the context of this.
Canola: Israel – April 2011 – 8.900k tonnes 2010-2011 16.2k tonnes
Soyabean: Israel – 2009-2010 – 22.6k tonnes
Wheat Flour: Israel – 1q 2011 – 30k tonnes
I guess this means that the wingnuts won’t be going home to Dadda’s farm anytime soon.
h/t JGL.
