Category: Baiting The Left

Why we tossed them


Today, the 30th anniversary of the charter is going virtually unmarked by the federal government, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper suggesting the lack of enthusiasm is due to sensitivity over the lingering “divisions” caused by patriation.
“It will always be like that,” Chretien told The Canadian Press. “They have a culture of grievance over it, not looking at the facts.”

Liberals telling people to get over it. Now, what does that remind me of.

Wildrose Country

This past week will be remembered as an important turning point in Western Canadian history. “A job well done” and much thanks are well deserved by Danielle Smith and all of the Albertans working hard for the Wildrose Alliance and their province’s future! Ezra Levant sums things up beautifully:

Bonus videos: Rob Breakenridge & Ezra, plus Monte Solberg & David Menzies.
Update: Charles Adler has a few choice words for Redford and then chats with Lorne Gunter.

Alberta’s Tories Are as Red as the Grits

Alison Redford has been very open with promising billions of Alberta taxpayer dollars in order to buy the upcoming election. What Premier Mom hasn’t been very upfront about is where her true political stripes lie. Lorrie Goldstein’s new column casts a much needed spotlight on Redford’s facade:

It’s time for Progressive Conservatives across Canada to admit what they really are. Which is Liberals. The problem with Progressive Conservatives is they aren’t really Conservatives. In fact, they secretly (and often not so secretly) yearn for the approval of Liberals.
The problem with seeking the approval of Liberals, as conservative blogger Kate McMillan notes at the top of her popular blog,, is that “pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends.”
All it does is tell people that if you’re prepared to stand for everything, you’ll fall for anything.

h/t Syncrodox

“The government you elect is government you deserve”

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Cecil Roberts, president of United Mine Workers of America “This rule is an all-out, in my opinion, decision by the EPA that we’re never going to have another coal-fired facility in the United States that’s constructed…”
Cecil Roberts, president of United Mine Workers of America … the United Mine Workers of America likely won’t actively oppose President Obama’s reelection bid.

Two Sides to Every Story

Thomas Lukaszuk, an Alberta PC candidate, says he was assaulted in Edmonton yesterday. However, the 67 year old man he is accusing has a very different version of events:

[Homeowner] Al Michalchuk said he asked several times for Lukaszuk to get off his property, which sported a Wildrose campaign sign, but the politician wouldn’t leave.
Michalchuk said the doorbell rang around 4 p.m. He told Lukaszuk to get off the property four or five times but the candidate wouldn’t leave. That’s when the homeowner grabbed him by the shoulder, turned him around and gave him a little nudge.
Still, Lukaszuk would not leave.
“I said, ‘Look, I know exactly what I can do,'” Michalchuk said. “‘I can use as much force as necessary to get you off my property. Would you like some help in leaving my property?'”
Twenty minutes after they left, the cops showed up. In total, Michalchuk said he gave him four or five “nice little nudges.”
“I just gave him a nice little nudge and asked him again to get off our property.”
Despite the pushing, Michalchuk claims Lukaszuk kept asking him why he didn’t like the politician.
“I said, ‘I don’t have to give you a damn reason why I don’t want you on my property,'” he said.

Michalchuk was further quoted as saying, “I’m 67 years old; I’ve got severe asthma; I’m in the final stages of liver failure; I don’t know how much longer I’ve got to live. I couldn’t punch my way out of a wet paper bag.”
Video here
Update: Ezra Levant’s Twitter posts are well worth a read. (h/t ‘syncrodox’)     Ezra has initiated a new Twitter hashtag: #doorbellgate (h/t ‘fiddle’)

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Wildrose Country

Lorne Gunter hits the nail on the head:

Redford and the tut-tutting experts reveal one thing with their criticisms: They believe all money belongs to governments and you and I should be grateful for whatever crumbs we are permitted to keep. If you cannot demonstrate you have a higher purpose for the money you earn than the schemes proposed by politicians, bureaucrats and academics, then you have no right to complain if government taxes away giant gobs of your income to spend on the “public good.”

Bonus: In this video, Lorne Gunter explains to Brian Lilley that Alberta changes newcomers to move right, not the other way around like Redford & co. would so desperately like.

Hockey and the Modern Left

There’s been a lot of talk of late about banning fighting in the NHL. This narrative appears to be popping up throughout popular culture, which of course is controlled by our “intellectual & moral betters” on the Left. Looking a few years into the future, if we follow the “progressive” agenda to its logical end, what would hockey look like?
Here is a fair comparison of the Left’s vision vs. Common Sense, when it comes to professional hockey:

The Latest, Greatest Gift to Race Baiters

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager who was shot & killed on February 26th. It’s beyond unfortunate though to see race baiters like Karen Finney use this tragedy as a prop to build up “cred” on their CVs. As Ms. Finney adds fuel to the fire, one wonders if she’ll take any responsibility if others now get injured or killed as part of the retribution for Trayvon?
And, of course, there still is the whole issue of George Zimmerman being innocent until proven guilty. But why should race baiters let that tiny, little point get in the way of their careers?!
